Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Debugging a Program With dbx

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Updated: January 2015

Using Memory Leak Checking

A memory leak is a dynamically allocated block of memory that has no pointers pointing to it anywhere in the data space of the program. Such blocks are orphaned memory. Because no pointers are pointing to the blocks, programs cannot reference them, much less free them. Runtime checking finds and reports such blocks.

Memory leaks result in increased virtual memory consumption and generally result in memory fragmentation. This might slow down the performance of your program and the whole system.

Typically, memory leaks occur because allocated memory is not freed and you lose a pointer to the allocated block. Here are some examples of memory leaks:

    char *s;
    s = (char *) malloc(32);

    strcpy(s, "hello world");

    return; /* no free of s. Once foo returns, there is no     */
            /* pointer pointing to the malloc’ed block,         */
            /* so that block is leaked.                         */

A leak can result from incorrect use of an API.


    printf("cwd = %s\n", getcwd(NULL, MAXPATHLEN));

    return; /* libc function getcwd() returns a pointer to     */
            /* malloc’ed area when the first argument is NULL, */
            /* program should remember to free this. In this   */
            /* case the block is not freed and results in leak.*/

You can avoid memory leaks by always freeing memory when it is no longer needed and paying close attention to library functions that return allocated memory. If you use such functions, remember to free up the memory appropriately.

Sometimes the term memory leak is used to refer to any block that has not been freed. This definition is much less useful, because it is a common programming practice not to free memory if the program will terminate shortly. Runtime checking does not report a block as a leak if the program still retains one or more pointers to it.