Oracle Solaris Studio 12.4 Man Pages

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Updated: January 2015



uncover - Code Coverage Tool


     [-?]  [-h] [-c] [-d dir] [-m {on | off}]
     [-o output_binary_file] [-v] [-V] target
     [-?] [-h] [-a] [-c] [-e {on|off}] [-H dir] [-n]
     [-t file] [-v] [-V] target.uc


uncover is a command line tool to measure code coverage of your applications. This tool can display information on areas of the application being exercised during testing. The coverage information reported by this tool could be at a function, statement, basic block, or instruction level.

Measurements are done by first instrumenting the binaries, then executing the binaries. After execution, you can query the coverage data based on the execution. You can execute the binaries multiple times, and the coverage data will be the accumulation of these multiple executions.

target is the binary file for which the code coverage data is to be generated. target.uc is the directory where the code coverage data is generated and stored.

uncover is not compatible with binaries compiled with versions of Studio older than Sun Studio 12 update 1. It works on a SPARC-based or x86-based system running the Solaris 10 10/08 operating system or a later Solaris 10 update, or Oracle Solaris 11.

uncover works with any binary built with Oracle Solaris Studio compilers, but works best with binaries built with no optimization option. (Previous releases of uncover required at least the -O1 optimization level.) If your binary is built with an optimization option, uncover results will be better with lower optimization levels (-O1 or -O2). uncover derives the source line level coverage by relating the instructions to line numbers using the debug information generated when the binary is built with the -g option. At optimization levels -O3 and higher, the compiler might delete some code that might never be executed or is redundant, which might result in no binary instructions for some source code lines. In such cases, no coverage information will be reported for those lines.

Binaries compiled with any of the following compiler options are incompatible with uncover: -p, -pg, -qp, -xpg, and -xlinkopt.

See the Discover and Uncover User's Guide for more information.


uncover accepts the following options:


Output the help message.


Write error data to binary_name.analyze/coverage directory for use by the Code Analyzer.


Turn on reporting of execution counts for instructions, blocks, and functions. By default only information on which code is covered or not covered is reported. Specify this option both when instrumenting your binary and when generating the coverage report.

-d dir

Create coverage data inside the specified directory dir. If not specified, the current working directory is used. The coverage data directory will be named target.uc underneath the directory dir.

-e {on|off}

Turn on or off the invocation of the Performance Analyzer. Default is on.

-H dir

Display the coverage data in HTML format inside dir. When specified, the default browser will be invoked to display the coverage data stored in dir.

-m {on|off}

When instrumenting your program, turns thread-safe profiling on and off. Default is on. Use this option in combination with the -c runtime option. If you instrument a binary that uses threads with -m off, the binary fails at runtime and a message is displayed asking you to reinstrument the binary with -m on.


Do not start the GUI viewer to display the coverage data. When both -n and -H options are absent, the Studio Performance Analyzer will be invoked to display the coverage data.

-o output_binary_file

Write the instrumented binary file to output_binary_file. The default is to overwrite the input binary file with the instrumented file.

-t file

Display the coverage data in ASCII text in the file file.


Turn on the verbose mode, showing detailed info on steps of the command.


Print the current version.


Example 1 Instrument, execute and display coverage data of a.out.

This example will instrument the binary a.out, next execute the binary, and finally display the coverage data of a.out stored in a.out.uc by invoking the Performance Analyzer.

% uncover a.out
% a.out
% uncover a.out.uc

Note: You only need to instrument the binary of interest once.

Example 2 Generate coverage data directory.

Similar to example #1, but the coverage data directory a.out.uc is generated underneath the directory abc.

% uncover -d abc a.out
% a.out
% uncover abc/a.out.uc
Example 3 Display coverage data in HTML format.

Similar to example #1, but the binary was executed three times. The coverage data to be displayed are in HTML format inside the directory a.out.html. The default browser will be invoked to display this data.

% uncover a.out
% a.out; a.out; a.out
% uncover -H a.out.html a.out.uc
Example 4 Example of ASCII coverage report generated by uncover.

The following is an example of an ASCII coverage report generated by uncover:

% uncover -t a.out.uc
Creating experiment database ...
% cat
UNCOVER Code Coverage
Total Functions: 6
Covered Functions: 3
Function Coverage: 50.0%
Total Executable Source Lines (Excludes redundant code removed by
compiler): 38
Source Line Coverage: 57.9%
Total Basic Blocks: 19
Covered Basic Blocks: 11
Basic Block Coverage: 57.9%
Total Basic Block Executions: 11
Average Executions per Basic Block: 0.58
Total Instructions: 149
Covered Instructions: 75
Instruction Coverage: 50.3%
Total Instruction Executions: 75
Average Executions per Instruction: 0.50
Number of times this program was executed: 1
Functions sorted by metric: Exclusive Uncoverage

Excl.       Excl.     Excl.  Excl.      Excl.       Name
Uncoverage  Function  Instr  Block      Instr
            Count     Exec   Covered %  Covered %
172         3         75     238        225         <Total>
 80         0          0       0          0         t3
 60         0          0       0          0         bar
 32         0          0       0          0         t2
  0         1         16      75         45         foo
  0         1         51      63         80         main
  0         1          8     100        100         t1

Instruction frequency data from experiment

Instruction frequencies of /export/home1/uncover.demo/a.out.uc/a.out
Instruction          Executed     ()
 TOTAL                     75 (100.0)
 float ops                  0 (  0.0)
 float ld st                0 (  0.0)
 load store                12 ( 16.0)
 load                       8 ( 10.7)
 store                      4 (  5.3)
Instruction          Executed     ()        Annulled   In Delay Slot
 TOTAL                     75 (100.0)
 call                      13 ( 17.3)              0               0
 add                        9 ( 12.0)              0               5
 sethi                      9 ( 12.0)              1               3
 nop                        7 (  9.3)              0               7
 br                         6 (  8.0)              0               0
 lduw                       6 (  8.0)              0               0
 or                         5 (  6.7)              0               2
 subcc                      5 (  6.7)              0               0
 stw                        3 (  4.0)              0               0
 save                       3 (  4.0)              0               0
 jmpl                       3 (  4.0)              0               0
 restore                    3 (  4.0)              0               3
 ldsb                       2 (  2.7)              0               1
 stb                        1 (  1.3)              0               0

See also

CC (1) , cc (1) , f95 (1) , gcc(1), g++(1)