.NET API Reference for Oracle Identity Connector Framework 11.1.2


Public classBigDecimal
Placeholder since C# doesn't have a BigInteger
Public classBigInteger
Placeholder since C# doesn't have a BigInteger
Public classConnectorAttribute
Represents a named collection of values within a resource object, although the simplest case is a name-value pair (e.g., email, employeeID). Values can be empty, null, or set with various types. Empty and null are supported because it makes a difference on some resources (in particular database resources). The developer of a Connector will use an builder to construct an instance of ConnectorAttribute.
Public classConnectorAttributeBuilder
Public classConnectorAttributeInfo
Public classConnectorAttributeInfoBuilder
Simplifies the process of building 'AttributeInfo' objects.
Public classConnectorAttributeInfoUtil
Public classConnectorAttributesAccessor
Attributes Accessor convenience methods for accessing attributes.
Public classConnectorAttributeUtil
Public classConnectorObject
Public classConnectorObjectBuilder
Public classEmbeddedObject
 Copy imageCopy
represents an object (e.g., an Account's Address) on the target resource that is embedded in another object. Each
 Copy imageCopy
represents a resource object as a bag of attributes. Unlike ConnectorObject,
 Copy imageCopy
s do not have an identity, and therefore are not required to (and most often do not) have a Uid nor a Name.
Public classEmbeddedObjectBuilder
Builder class to create a EmbeddedObject.
Public classFileName
Placeholder for java.io.File since C#'s FileInfo class throws exceptions if the file doesn't exist.
Public className
Public classObjectClass
Public classObjectClassInfo
Public classObjectClassInfoBuilder
Used to help facilitate the building of ObjectClassInfo objects.
Public classObjectClassUtil
Public classOperationalAttributeInfos
ConnectorAttributeInfo for each operational attribute.
Public classOperationalAttributes
Operational attributes have special meaning and cannot be represented by pure operations.
Public classOperationOptionInfo
Public classOperationOptionInfoBuilder
Public classOperationOptions
Arbitrary options to be passed into various operations.
Public classOperationOptionsBuilder
Builder for OperationOptions.
Public classPredefinedAttributeInfos
Public classPredefinedAttributes
List of well known or pre-defined attributes.
Public classQualifiedUid
A fully-qualified uid.
Public classSchema
Determines the objects supported by a Connector.
Public classSchemaBuilder
Simple builder class to help facilitate creating a Schema object.
Public classScript
Represents a script in a scripting language.
Public classScriptBuilder
Builder for Script.
Public classScriptContext
Encapsulates a script and all of its parameters.
Public classScriptContextBuilder
Builds an ScriptContext.
Public classSyncDelta
Represents a change to an object in a resource.
Public classSyncDeltaBuilder
Builder for SyncDelta.
Public classSyncToken
Abstract "place-holder" for synchronization.
Public classUid


Public interfaceConnectorMessages
Message catalog for a given connector.


Public delegateResultsHandler
Encapsulate the handling of each object returned by the search.
Public delegateSyncResultsHandler
Called to handle a delta in the stream.


Public enumerationConnectorAttributeInfo..::..Flags
Enum of modifier flags to use for attributes.
Public enumerationSyncDeltaType
The type of change.