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Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.0 Administration Guide     Oracle VM Server for SPARC
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Part I Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.0 Software

1.  Overview of the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Software

2.  Installing and Enabling Software

3.  Oracle VM Server for SPARC Security

4.  Setting Up Services and the Control Domain

5.  Setting Up Guest Domains

6.  Setting Up I/O Domains

7.  Using Virtual Disks

8.  Using Virtual Networks

9.  Migrating Domains

10.  Managing Resources

11.  Managing Domain Configurations

12.  Performing Other Administration Tasks

Part II Optional Oracle VM Server for SPARC Software

13.  Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool

14.  Oracle VM Server for SPARC Configuration Assistant (Oracle Solaris 10)

15.  Using Power Management

16.  Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software

17.  Logical Domains Manager Discovery

18.  Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager

XML Transport

XMPP Server

Local Connections

XML Protocol

Request and Response Messages

Request Messages

Response Messages

Event Messages

Registration and Unregistration

The <LDM_event> Messages

Event Types

Domain Events

Hardware Events

Progress Events

Resource Events

All Events

Logical Domains Manager Actions

Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties

Domain Information (ldom_info) Resource

CPU (cpu) Resource

MAU (mau) Resource

Memory (memory) Resource

Virtual Disk Server (vds) Resource

Virtual Disk Server Volume (vds_volume) Resource

Disk (disk) Resource

Virtual Switch (vsw) Resource

Network (network) Resource

Virtual Console Concentrator (vcc) Resource

Variable (var) Resource

Physical I/O Device (physio_device) Resource

SP Configuration (spconfig) Resource

DRM Policy Configuration (policy) Resource

Virtual Data Plane Channel Service (vdpcs) Resource

Virtual Data Plane Channel Client (vdpcc) Resource

Console (console) Resource

Domain Migration

XML Schemas



Event Messages

In lieu of polling, you can subscribe to receive event notifications of certain state changes that occur. There are three types of events to which you can subscribe, individually or collectively. See Event Types for complete details.

Registration and Unregistration

Use an <LDM_interface> message to register for events. See The <LDM_interface> Tag. The action tag details the type of event for which to register or unregister and the <data> section is left empty.

Example 18-3 Example Event Registration Request Message

<LDM_interface version="1.3">
    <data version="3.0"/>

The Logical Domains Manager responds with an <LDM_interface> response message stating whether the registration or unregistration was successful.

Example 18-4 Example Event Registration Response Message

<LDM_interface version="1.3">
    <data version="3.0"/>

The action string for each type of event is listed in the events subsection.

The <LDM_event> Messages

Event messages have the same format as an incoming <LDM_interface> message with the exception that the start tag for the message is <LDM_event>. The action tag of the message is the action that was performed to trigger the event. The data section of the message describes the object associated with the event; the details depend on the type of event that occurred.

Example 18-5 Example <LDM_event> Notification

<LDM_event version='1.1'>
    <action>Event command here</action>
    <data version='3.0'>
        <Content xsi:type='ovf:VirtualSystem_Type' ovf:id='ldg1'/>
          <Section xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_type"> 
              <rasd:OtherResourceType>LDom Resource Type</rasd:OtherResourceType>
              key="Property name">Property Value</gprop:GenericProperty>

Event Types

Following are the event types to which you can subscribe:

All the events correspond to ldm subcommands.

Domain Events

Domain events describe what actions can be performed directly to a domain. The following lists the domain events that can be specified in the <action> tag in the <LDM_event> message:

These events always contain only a <Content> tag in the OVF data section that describes to which domain the event happened. To register for the domain events, send an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to reg-domain-events. Unregistering for these events requires an <LDM_interface> message with the action tag set to unreg-domain-events.

Hardware Events

Hardware events pertain to changing the physical system hardware. In the case of Oracle VM Server for SPARC software, the only hardware changes that can be made are those to the service processor (SP) when a user adds, removes, or sets an SP configuration. Currently, the only three events of this type are:

The hardware events always contain only a <Section> tag in the OVF data section which describes which SP configuration to which the event is happening. To register for these events, send an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to reg-hardware-events. Unregistering for these events requires an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to unreg-hardware-events.

Progress Events

Progress events are issued for long-running commands, such as a domain migration. These events report the amount of progress that has been made during the life of the command. At this time, only the migration-process event is reported.

Progress events always contain only a <Section> tag in the OVF data section that describes the SP configuration affected by the event. To register for these events, send an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to reg-hardware-events. Unregistering for these events requires an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to unreg-hardware-events.

The <data> section of a progress event consists of a <content> section that describes the affected domain. This <content> section uses an ldom_info <Section> tag to update progress. The following generic properties are shown in the ldom_info section:

Resource Events

Resource events occur when resources are added, removed, or changed in any domain. The data section for some of these events contains the <Content> tag with a <Section> tag giving a service name in the OVF data section.

The following lists the events that can be specified in the <action> tag in the <LDM_event> message:

The following resource events always contain only the <Content> tag in the OVF data section that describes to which domain the event happened:

To register for the resource events, send an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to reg-resource-events. Unregistering for these events requires an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to unreg-resource-events.

All Events

You can also register to listen for all three type of events without having to register for each one individually. To register for all three types of events simultaneously, send an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to reg-all-events. Unregistering for these events require an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to unreg-all-events.