19 Testing and Debugging ADF Mobile Applications

This chapter provides information on testing and debugging ADF Mobile applications developed for both iOS and Android platforms.

This chapter includes the following sections:

19.1 Introduction to Testing and Debugging ADF Mobile Applications

Before you start any testing and debugging of your ADF Mobile application, you have to deploy it to one of the following:

  • iOS-powered device

  • iOS-powered device simulator

  • Android-powered device

  • Android-powered device emulator

You cannot run the ADF Mobile application until it is deployed. For more information, see Chapter 17, "Deploying ADF Mobile Applications."

To test and debug an ADF Mobile application, you generally take the following steps:

  1. Test the application's infrastructure, such as a splash screen, application feature navigation, authentication, and preferences, ensuring that all declared application features are available.

  2. If the application includes ADF Mobile AMX content, test this application feature's logic, page flows, data controls, and UI components.

  3. Make changes to the application as necessary.

  4. Reconnect the mobile device or restart the simulator, and then deploy and run the application for further testing and debugging.

For more information, see the following:

19.2 Testing ADF Mobile Applications

There are two approaches to testing an ADF Mobile application:

  1. Testing on a mobile device: this method always provides the most accurate behavior, and is also necessary to gauge the performance of your application. However, you may not have access to all the devices on which you wish to test, making device testing inconclusive.

  2. Testing on a mobile device emulator or simulator: this method usually offers better performance and faster deployment, as well as convenience. However, even though a device emulator or simulator closely approximates the corresponding physical device, there might be differences in behavior and limitations on the capabilities that can be emulated.

Typically, a combination of both approaches yields the best results.

19.2.1 How to Perform Accessibility Testing on iOS-Powered Devices

You should use a combination of the following methods to test the accessibility of your ADF Mobile application developed for iOS-powered devices:

  • Testing with the Accessibility Inspector on an iOS-powered device simulator.

    For detailed information, see the "Testing the Accessibility of Your iPhone Application" section in the Accessibility Programming Guide for iOS available through the iOS Developer Library.

  • Testing with the VoiceOver on an iOS-powered device.

    For more information, see the "Using VoiceOver to Test Your Application" section in the Accessibility Programming Guide for iOS available through the iOS Developer Library.

19.3 Debugging ADF Mobile Applications

JDeveloper is equipped with debugging mechanisms that allow you to execute a Java program in debug mode and use standard breakpoints to monitor and control execution of an Oracle ADF application. For more information, see the section on debugging applications in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle JDeveloper.

Since an ADF Mobile application cannot be run inside JDeveloper, the debugging approach is different: you can use the JDeveloper debugger to connect to a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) 1.4 instance on a mobile device or simulator and control the Java portions of your deployed ADF Mobile application.

The following are the steps you need to take to use JDeveloper to debug the Java code in your ADF Mobile application:

  1. Configure the project properties for remote debugging. This step involves creating an ADF Model debugging configuration as follows:

    1. From the JDeveloper's main menu, click Application > Project Properties to open the Project Properties dialog.

    2. In the Project Properties dialog, select the Run/Debug/Profile node.

    3. Using the Run Configurations pane of the Run/Debug/Profile dialog, create a new configuration, or click Edit to modify an existing one.

    4. In the Edit Run Configuration > Launch Settings dialog, select Remote Debugging.

    5. Expand the Tools Settings node of the Edit Run Configuration dialog, then expand Debugger, and then select Remote.

    6. In the Edit Run Configuration > Remote dialog that Figure 19-1 shows, perform the following configurations:

      - Set the protocol to Attach to JPDA.

      - Set the host to one of the following: 1) For simulator or emulator debugging, set to localhost; 2) For the device debugging, ensure that your development computer can access that device over the network (you may use the ping command to test network access), and then enter the device's IP address.

      - Set the port to the appropriate port number.

      - Set the timeout to 2.

      Figure 19-1 Configuring Remote Debugging

      Select Attach to JPDA.
  2. Deploy the application to a mobile device or simulator (see Section 19.3.1, "How to Debug on iOS Platform" or Section 19.3.2, "How to Debug on Android Platform").

  3. Specify the following debugging parameters in the cvm.properties file:


    The port number must match the one you set in JDeveloper.

    For more information, see Section 19.3.4, "How to Enable Debugging of Java Code and JavaScript."

  4. Redeploy the application to the mobile device or simulator.

  5. Launch the application in a mobile device or simulator by clicking the application icon.

  6. Start the debugger from JDeveloper as follows:

    1. Use the debug icon on JDeveloper's main menu to select the run configuration (the one that you defined for your project in step 3).

    2. Confirm the debugger Attach to JPDA Debugger dialog.


To avoid timeout (20 seconds), start the debugger immediately after launching the application on the mobile device or simulator.

If you use the mobile device for debugging, you have to connect through WiFi.

For additional information, see the following:

19.3.1 How to Debug on iOS Platform

To debug an ADF Mobile application on the iOS platform using JDeveloper, follow the generic debugging procedure described in Section 19.3, "Debugging ADF Mobile Applications."

For information on how to configure an iOS-powered device or simulator and how to deploy an ADF Mobile application for debugging, see the following:

19.3.2 How to Debug on Android Platform

To debug an ADF Mobile application on the Android platform using JDeveloper, follow the generic debugging procedure described in Section 19.3, "Debugging ADF Mobile Applications."

For information on how to configure an Android-powered device or emulator and how to deploy an ADF Mobile application for debugging, see Section 17.3.1, "How to Deploy an Android Application to an Android Emulator."

When you debug Java code, either on an Android-powered device connected through USB or on an Android-powered device emulator, you need to forward the TCP port by executing the following command on a terminal:

  • For the device debugging:

    adb -d forward tcp:<host port> tcp:<target port>

  • For the emulator debugging:

    adb -e forward tcp:<host port> tcp:<target port>

For example, executing adb -d forward tcp:4510 tcp:4510 forwards the device TCP port 4510 to the host TCP port 4510. Upon execution, the debugging settings in the cvm.properties file (see Section 19.3.4, "How to Enable Debugging of Java Code and JavaScript") should be defined as follows:




If the connection is made through Wi-Fi, ensure that this connection is correct. It is recommended to place both the debugger and target on the same network without the use of the virtual private network (VPN).

19.3.3 How to Debug the ADF Mobile AMX Content

If your ADF Mobile application includes the ADF Mobile AMX content, after you configure the device or emulator, you can set breakpoints, view the contents of variables, and inspect the method call stack just as you would when debugging a web-based ADF Faces application. For more information, see the "Testing and Debugging ADF Components" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.


You can only debug your Java code and JavaScript (see Section 19.3.4, "How to Enable Debugging of Java Code and JavaScript"). Debugging of EL expressions or other declarative elements is not supported.

19.3.4 How to Enable Debugging of Java Code and JavaScript

A cvm.properties file allows you to specify startup parameters for the JVM and web views of ADF Mobile to enable debugging of the Java code and JavaScript. The cvm.properties file is automatically created and placed in the Descriptors/META-INF directory under the Application Resources (see Section 19.4, "Using and Configuring Logging"), which corresponds to the <application_name>/src/META-INF location in your application file system.

You can use the following debugging properties in the cvm.properties file:

  • java.debug.enabled: Enables or disables Java debugging for ADF Mobile. Valid values are true and false.


    When java.debug.enabled is set to true, the JVM waits for a debugger to establish a connection to it. Failure of the debugger to connect will result in the failure of the ADF Mobile AMX application feature to load.

  • java.debug.port: Specifies the port to be used during debugging. The valid value is an integer.

  • javascript.debug.enabled: Enables or disables JavaScript debugging when the application is running in the device simulator. Valid values are true and false.

  • javascript.debug.feature: Specifies the application feature that is to trigger the activation of JavaScript debugging in ADF Mobile. The format of the value is featureId:port . The port must be specified (it is initially set to a placeholder value).

The contents of the cvm.properties file may be similar to the following:


After the cvm.properties file has been configured to debug JavaScript, you can navigate to the following URL to see a listing of all the loaded pages that can be debugged in ADF Mobile:



Problems may arise if you debug JavaScript on a computer shared by multiple instances of an iOS-powered device simulator: if multiple instances of an iOS-powered device simulator are running, you might not be able to connect to your specific instance, which will prevent the debugging page from displaying.

For information on how to use JDeveloper to debug the Java code, see Section 19.3, "Debugging ADF Mobile Applications." What You May Need to Know About Debugging of JavaScript Using an iOS-Powered Device Simulator on iOS 6 Platform

If you are working with the iOS 6 platform, you can use the Safari 6 browser to debug JavaScript. To do so, open the Safari preferences, select Advanced, and then enable the Develop menu in the browser by selecting Show Develop menu in menu bar, as shown in Figure 19-2.

Figure 19-2 Enabling Safari Browser Options

Enabling Safari Browser Options

When the Develop menu is enabled, select either iPhone Simulator or iPad Simulator, as Figure 19-3 and Figure 19-4 show, and then select a UIWebView that you are planning to debug. Whether the Develop menu displays an iPhone Simulator or iPad Simulator option depends on which device simulator is launched.

Figure 19-3 Using Develop Menu on Safari Browser for Debugging on iPhone Simulator

Using Develop Menu on Safari Brower

Figure 19-4 Using Develop Menu on Safari Browser for Debugging on iPad Simulator

Using Develop Menu on Safari Brower

19.3.5 How to Configure the Debug Mode

You use the application's deployment profile to specify either the release or debug execution mode for your ADF Mobile application. The debug mode allows for inclusion of special debugging libraries and symbols at compile time.

Figure 19-5 shows how to set the debug mode option on Android.

Figure 19-5 Setting Debug Mode for Android

Setting Debug Mode for Android

Figure 19-6 shows how to set the debug mode option on iOS.

Figure 19-6 Setting Debug Mode for iOS

Setting Debug Mode for iOS

When you deploy your application in debug mode, just before the end of the deployment process the following log message is printed out in JDeveloper:

This ADF Mobile app was deployed in Debug mode and should not be used for performance evaluation purposes. Set the deployment profile Build Mode option to Release for performance testing.

Figure 19-7 Deployment Log Message

Deployment Log Message

For more information, see the following:

19.4 Using and Configuring Logging

For your ADF Mobile application, you can enable logging on all supported platforms through JavaScript (see Section 19.4.2, "How to Use JavaScript Logging") and embedded code (see Section 19.4.3, "How to Use Embedded Logging") using a single configuration with the log output directed to a single file. This log output includes the output produced by System.out.println and System.err.println statements.

The default ADF Mobile's logging process is as follows:

  • The logging begins at application startup.

  • The existing log file from the previous application run is deleted, so only the contents of the current run are available.

  • When you are running your application on an iOS-powered device simulator, all logging output is typically sent to the console which you can access through the Application/Utilities directory on your development computer. However, if your development computer is running on Mac OS 10.8.n, you can only access the Java logging output through a file of whose name and location you are notified as soon as the output redirection occurs and the file is generated. One of the possible locations for this file is /Users/<userid>/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.0/Applications/<AppID>/Documents/logs/application.log

    When you are running your application on an iOS-powered device, the console output is redirected to an application.log file that is placed in the Documents/logs directory of your application.

    On Android, the output is forwarded to a text file with the same name as the application. The output file location is /sdcard. If this location is not present or is configured as read-only, the log output is rerouted to the application's writable data directory.

  • The logging.properties file is automatically created and placed in the Descriptors/META-INF directory under the Application Resources (see Section 19.4, "Using and Configuring Logging"), which corresponds to the <application_name>/src/META-INF location in your application file system. In this file, it is defined that all loggers use the com.sun.util.logging.ConsoleHandler and SimpleFormatter, and the log level is set to SEVERE. You can edit this file to specify different logging behavior (see Section 19.4.1, "How to Configure Logging Using the Properties File").


    In your ADF Mobile application, you cannot use loggers from the java.util.logging package.

ADF Mobile loggers are declared in the oracle.adfmf.util.Utility class as follows:

public static final String APP_LOGNAME = "oracle.adfmf.application";
public static final Logger ApplicationLogger = Logger.getLogger(APP_LOGNAME);

public static final String FRAMEWORK_LOGNAME = "oracle.adfmf.framework";
public static final Logger FrameworkLogger = Logger.getLogger(FRAMEWORK_LOGNAME);

The logger that you are to use in your ADF Mobile application is the ApplicationLogger.

You can also use methods of the oracle.adfmf.util.logging.Trace class.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

19.4.1 How to Configure Logging Using the Properties File

Example 19-1 shows the logging.properties file that you use to configure logging.

Example 19-1 logging.properties File

# default - all loggers to use the ConsoleHandler
# default - all loggers to use the SimpleFormatter


#configure the framework logger to only use the adfmf ConsoleHandler

#configure the application logger to only use the adfmf ConsoleHandler

The oracle.adfmf.util.logging.ConsoleHandler plays the role of the receiver of the custom formatter.

The oracle.adfmf.util.logging.PatternFormatter allows the following advanced formatting tokens that enable log messages to be printed:

  • %LEVEL%—the logging level.

  • %LOGGER%—the name of the logger to which the output is being written.

  • %CLASS%—the class that is being logged.

  • %METHOD%—the method that is being logged.

  • %TIME%—the time the logging message was sent.

  • %MESSAGE%—the actual message.

The following logging levels are available:

  • SEVERE: this is a message level indicating a serious failure.

  • WARNING: this is a message level indicating a potential problem.

  • INFO: this is a message level for informational messages.

  • FINE: this is a message level providing tracing information.

  • FINER: this level indicates a fairly detailed tracing message.

  • FINEST: this level indicates a highly detailed tracing message.


When selecting the amount of verbosity for a logging level, keep in mind that by increasing the verbosity of the output at the SEVERE, WARNING, and INFO level negatively affects performance of your application.

The logger defined in the logging.properties file matches the logger obtained from the oracle.adfmf.util.Utility class (see Section 19.4, "Using and Configuring Logging"). The logging levels also match. If you decide to use the logging level that is more fine-grained than INFO, you have to change the ConsoleHandler's logging level to the same level, as Example 19-2 shows.

Example 19-2 Setting Very Fine-Grained Logging Level


19.4.2 How to Use JavaScript Logging

JavaScript writes the output to the console.log or.error/.warn/.info. This output is redirected into the file through the System.out utility.

You customize the log output by supplying a message. The following JavaScript code produces "Message from JavaScript" output:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
   function test_function() { console.log("Message from JavaScript"); }

To make use of the properties defined in the logging file, you need to use the adf.mf.log package and the Application logger that it provides.

The following logging levels are available:

  • adf.mf.log.level.SEVERE

  • adf.mf.log.level.WARNING

  • adf.mf.log.level.INFO

  • adf.mf.log.level.CONFIG

  • adf.mf.log.level.FINE

  • adf.mf.log.level.FINER

  • adf.mf.log.level.FINEST

To trigger logging, use the adf.mf.log.Application logger's logp method and specify the following through the method's parameters:

  • the logging level

  • the current class name as a String

  • the current method as a String

  • the message string as a String

Example 19-3 shows how to use the logp method in an ADF Mobile application.

Example 19-3 Using Logging Method

                            "My Message");

Upon execution of the logp method, the following output is produced:

[WARNING - oracle.adfmf.application - myClass - myMethod] My Message

19.4.3 How to Use Embedded Logging

Embedded logging uses the com.sun.util.logging.Logger, as illustrated in Example 19-4. Note that the EmbeddedClass represents a Java class defined in the project.

Example 19-4 Using Embedded Logging

import com.sun.util.logging.Level;
import com.sun.util.logging.Logger;
import oracle.adfmf.util.logging.*;
                                  "embedded warning message 1");
                                              "embedded warning message 2");
                                                "embedded warning message 3");

The preceding code produces the following output:

[WARNING - oracle.adfmf.application - EmbeddedClass - onTestMessage] embedded warning message 1
[WARNING - oracle.adfmf.application - EmbeddedClass - onTestMessage] embedded warning message 2
[WARNING - oracle.adfmf.application - EmbeddedClass - onTestMessage] embedded warning message 3

19.4.4 How to Use Xcode for Debugging and Logging on iOS Platform

Even though it is not recommended to manipulate your ADF Mobile projects with Xcode because you can lose some or all of your changes during the next deployment with JDeveloper, you may choose to do so in exceptional circumstances.

Before you begin:

Deploy the application to the iOS simulator from JDeveloper.

To open the generated project directly in Xcode:

  1. Navigate to the workspace_directory\deploy\deployment profile name\temporary_xcode_project\.

  2. Open the Xcode project called Oracle_ADFmc_Container_Template.xcodeproj.

If your development computer is running on Mac OS 10.8.n and you are debugging your ADF Mobile application using Xcode, you cannot see the Java output in the IDE (on either JDeveloper console or Xcode console). Instead, the output is redirected to a file (see Section 19.4, "Using and Configuring Logging"). By adding the following argument to your application's schema, you can disable this behavior and enable access to the Java, JavaScript, and Objective-C log output in Xcode in real time when debugging on either an iOS-powered device or its simulator:
