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Oracle Solaris Cluster 系统管理指南     Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1 (简体中文)
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1.  Oracle Solaris Cluster 管理介绍

Oracle Solaris Cluster 管理概述


Oracle Solaris OS 功能限制




记录 Oracle Solaris Cluster 的硬件配置







如何显示 Oracle Solaris Cluster 发行版本信息和版本信息







如何查看 Oracle Solaris Cluster 命令日志的内容

2.  Oracle Solaris Cluster 和 RBAC

3.  关闭和引导群集

4.  数据复制方法

5.  管理全局设备、磁盘路径监视和群集文件系统

6.  管理法定

7.  管理群集互连和公共网络

8.  添加和删除节点

9.  管理群集

10.  对 CPU 使用控制的配置

11.  更新您的软件

12.  备份和恢复群集

A.  示例



表 1-2 提供了管理群集的起点。

表 1-2 Oracle Solaris Cluster 管理工具

从命令行使用 Oracle Solaris pconsole 实用程序远程登录到群集。
使用 clzonecluster 命令或 clsetup 实用程序。
显示 Oracle Solaris Cluster 发行版本号和版本信息
组合使用 clnode 命令与 show-rev -v -node 子命令和选项。
  • clresource

  • clresourcegroup

  • clresourcetype

组合使用 cluster 命令与 status 子命令。
检查公共网络上 IP 网络多路径 (IPMP) 组的状态
对于全局群集,请组合使用 clnode status 命令与 -m 选项。

对于区域群集,请组合使用 clzonecluster 命令与 show 子命令。

对于区域群集,请组合使用 cluster 命令与 show 子命令。

对于区域群集,请组合使用 clzonecluster 命令与 show 子命令。

查看并显示配置的 NAS 设备
对于全局群集或区域群集,请组合使用 clzonecluster 命令与 show 子命令。
对于全局群集,请组合使用 cluster 命令与 check 子命令。

对于区域群集,请使用 clzonecluster verify 命令。

查看 Oracle Solaris Cluster 命令日志的内容
检查 /var/cluster/logs/ commandlog 文件。
查看 Oracle Solaris Cluster 系统消息
检查 /var/adm/messages 文件。
监视 Solaris Volume Manager 的状态
使用 metastat 命令。


可以从命令行使用 Parallel Console Access pconsole 实用程序远程登录到群集。pconsole 实用程序是 Oracle Solaris terminal/pconsole 软件包的一部分。可以通过执行 pkg install terminal/pconsole 来安装该软件包。pconsole 实用程序会为您在命令行上指定的每个远程主机创建一个主机终端窗口。该实用程序还会打开一个中央(或主)控制台窗口,该窗口将您在其中输入的内容传播到每个您打开的连接。

pconsole 实用程序可以从 X Windows 内运行,也可以在控制台模式下运行。在要用作群集的管理控制台的计算机上安装 pconsole。如果您的终端服务器允许连接到服务器 IP 地址上的特定端口号;除了指定主机名和 IP 地址外,您还可以指定端口号,如下所示:terminal-server:portnumber

有关更多信息,请参见 pconsole(1) 手册页。


如果您的终端集中器或系统控制器支持 ssh,则可使用 pconsole 实用程序连接到这些系统的控制台。pconsole 实用程序是 Oracle Solaris terminal/pconsole 软件包的一部分,是在安装该软件包时安装的。pconsole 实用程序会为您在命令行上指定的每个远程主机创建一个主机终端窗口。该实用程序还会打开一个中央(或主)控制台窗口,该窗口将您在其中输入的内容传播到每个您打开的连接。有关更多信息,请参见 pconsole(1) 手册页。


使用 clsetup 实用程序,可以交互式地创建区域群集,并可以为全局群集配置法定设备、资源组、群集传输、专用主机名、设备组以及新节点选项。clzonecluster 实用程序可对区域群集执行类似的配置任务。有关更多信息,请参见 clsetup(1CL)clzonecluster(1CL) 手册页。

phys-schost# 提示符表示全局群集提示符。此操作过程适用于全局群集。

此过程提供了 Oracle Solaris Cluster 命令的长格式。此外,大多数命令还有短形式。这些命令除了名称长短的不同以外,其功能都是相同的。

  1. 在全局群集的某个活动成员节点上承担 root 角色。


  2. 启动配置实用程序。
    phys-schost# clsetup
    • 对于全局群集,使用 clsetup 命令启动该实用程序。
      phys-schost# clsetup

      此时将显示 q。

    • 对于区域群集,使用 clzonecluster 命令启动该实用程序。本示例中的区域群集是 sczone
      phys-schost# clzonecluster configure sczone


      clzc:sczone> ? 

    您还可以使用交互式的 clsetup 实用程序在群集范围中创建区域群集、添加文件系统或存储设备。所有其他区域群集配置任务可通过 clzonecluster configure 命令来执行。有关使用 clsetup 实用程序的说明,请参见《Oracle Solaris Cluster 软件安装指南》

  3. 从菜单中选择配置。

    按照屏幕上的说明完成任务。有关更多详细信息,请参见《Oracle Solaris Cluster 软件安装指南》中的"创建和配置区域群集"中的说明。


有关更多信息,请参见 clsetupclzonecluster 手册页。

如何显示 Oracle Solaris Cluster 发行版本信息和版本信息

执行此步骤不需要作为 root 角色登录。从全局群集的节点执行此过程中的所有步骤。

phys-schost# 提示符表示全局群集提示符。此操作过程适用于全局群集。

此过程提供了 Oracle Solaris Cluster 命令的长格式。此外,大多数命令还有短形式。这些命令除了名称长短的不同以外,其功能都是相同的。

示例 1-1 显示 Oracle Solaris Cluster 发行版本信息和版本信息

以下示例显示了群集的发行版本信息以及随 Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1 提供的软件包的版本信息。

phys-schost# clnode show-rev

phys-schost#% clnode show-rev -v

Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1 for Solaris 11 sparc
ha-cluster/data-service/apache                             :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/data-service/dhcp                               :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/data-service/dns                                :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/data-service/glassfish-message-queue            :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/data-service/ha-ldom                            :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/data-service/ha-zones                           :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/data-service/iplanet-web-server                 :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/data-service/nfs                                :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/data-service/oracle-database                    :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/data-service/oracle-external-proxy              :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/data-service/oracle-http-server                 :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/data-service/oracle-pmn-server                  :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/data-service/oracle-traffic-director            :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/data-service/peoplesoft                         :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/data-service/sapnetweaver                       :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/data-service/tomcat                             :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/data-service/weblogic                           :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/developer/agent-builder                         :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/developer/api                                   :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/geo/geo-framework                               :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/geo/manual                                      :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/geo/replication/availability-suite              :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/geo/replication/data-guard                      :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/geo/replication/sbp                             :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/geo/replication/srdf                            :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/geo/replication/zfs-sa                          :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/group-package/ha-cluster-data-services-full     :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/group-package/ha-cluster-framework-full         :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/group-package/ha-cluster-framework-l10n         :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/group-package/ha-cluster-framework-minimal      :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/group-package/ha-cluster-framework-scm          :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/group-package/ha-cluster-framework-slm          :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/group-package/ha-cluster-full                   :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/group-package/ha-cluster-geo-full               :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/group-package/ha-cluster-geo-incorporation      :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/group-package/ha-cluster-incorporation          :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/group-package/ha-cluster-minimal                :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/group-package/ha-cluster-quorum-server-full     :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/group-package/ha-cluster-quorum-server-l10n     :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/ha-service/derby                                :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/ha-service/gds                                  :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/ha-service/logical-hostname                     :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/ha-service/smf-proxy                            :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/ha-service/telemetry                            :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/library/cacao                                   :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/library/ucmm                                    :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/locale                                          :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/release/name                                    :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/service/management                              :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/service/management/slm                          :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/service/quorum-server                           :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/service/quorum-server/locale                    :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/service/quorum-server/manual/locale             :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/storage/svm-mediator                            :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/system/cfgchk                                   :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/system/core                                     :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/system/dsconfig-wizard                          :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/system/install                                  :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/system/manual                                   :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/system/manual/data-services                     :4.1-0.18
ha-cluster/system/manual/locale                            :4.1-0.18


phys-schost# 提示符表示全局群集提示符。此操作过程适用于全局群集。

此过程提供了 Oracle Solaris Cluster 命令的长格式。此外,大多数命令还有短形式。这些命令除了名称长短的不同以外,其功能都是相同的。


root 角色的用户需要具有 RBAC 授权才能使用该子命令。

示例 1-2 显示已配置的资源类型、资源组和资源

以下示例显示了为群集 schost 配置的资源类型 (RT Name)、资源组 (RG Name) 和资源 (RS Name)。

phys-schost# cluster show -t resource,resourcetype,resourcegroup

=== Registered Resource Types ===

Resource Type:                                SUNW.sctelemetry
    RT_description:                                sctelemetry service for Oracle Solaris Cluster
    RT_version:                                    1
    API_version:                                   7
    RT_basedir:                                    /usr/cluster/lib/rgm/rt/sctelemetry
    Single_instance:                               True
    Proxy:                                         False
    Init_nodes:                                    All potential masters
    Installed_nodes:                               <All>
    Failover:                                      False
    Pkglist:                                       <NULL>
    RT_system:                                     True
    Global_zone:                                   True

 === Resource Groups and Resources ===

Resource Group:                                 tel-rg
  RG_description:                                  <NULL>
  RG_mode:                                         Failover
  RG_state:                                        Managed
  Failback:                                        False
  Nodelist:                                        phys-schost-2 phys-schost-1

  --- Resources for Group tel-rg ---

  Resource:                                     tel-res
    Type:                                          SUNW.sctelemetry
    Type_version:                                  4.0
    Group:                                         tel-rg
    Resource_project_name:                         default
    Enabled{phys-schost-2}:                        True
    Enabled{phys-schost-1}:                        True
    Monitored{phys-schost-2}:                      True
    Monitored{phys-schost-1}:                      True


cluster status 命令显示区域群集的状态。

phys-schost# 提示符表示全局群集提示符。此操作过程适用于全局群集。

此过程提供了 Oracle Solaris Cluster 命令的长格式。此外,大多数命令还有短形式。这些命令除了名称长短的不同以外,其功能都是相同的。


root 角色的用户需要具有 RBAC 授权才能使用 status 子命令。

示例 1-3 检查群集组件的状态

以下示例提供了 cluster status 命令返回的群集组件状态信息的样例。

phys-schost# cluster status
=== Cluster Nodes ===

--- Node Status ---

Node Name                                       Status
---------                                       ------
phys-schost-1                                   Online
phys-schost-2                                   Online

=== Cluster Transport Paths ===

Endpoint1              Endpoint2              Status
---------              ---------              ------
phys-schost-1:nge1     phys-schost-4:nge1     Path online
phys-schost-1:e1000g1  phys-schost-4:e1000g1  Path online

=== Cluster Quorum ===

--- Quorum Votes Summary ---

            Needed   Present   Possible
            ------   -------   --------
            3        3         4

--- Quorum Votes by Node ---

Node Name       Present       Possible       Status
---------       -------       --------       ------
phys-schost-1   1             1              Online
phys-schost-2   1             1              Online

--- Quorum Votes by Device ---

Device Name           Present      Possible      Status
-----------           -------      --------      ------
/dev/did/rdsk/d2s2    1            1             Online
/dev/did/rdsk/d8s2    0            1             Offline

=== Cluster Device Groups ===

--- Device Group Status ---

Device Group Name     Primary          Secondary    Status
-----------------     -------          ---------    ------
schost-2              phys-schost-2     -           Degraded

--- Spare, Inactive, and In Transition Nodes ---

Device Group Name   Spare Nodes   Inactive Nodes   In Transistion Nodes
-----------------   -----------   --------------   --------------------
schost-2            -             -                -

=== Cluster Resource Groups ===

Group Name        Node Name           Suspended      Status
----------        ---------           ---------      ------
test-rg           phys-schost-1       No             Offline
                  phys-schost-2       No             Online

test-rg           phys-schost-1       No             Offline
                  phys-schost-2       No             Error--stop failed

test-rg           phys-schost-1       No             Online
                  phys-schost-2       No             Online

=== Cluster Resources ===

Resource Name     Node Name          Status          Message
-------------     ---------          ------          -------
test_1            phys-schost-1      Offline         Offline
                  phys-schost-2      Online          Online

test_1            phys-schost-1      Offline         Offline
                  phys-schost-2      Stop failed     Faulted

test_1            phys-schost-1      Online          Online
                  phys-schost-2      Online          Online

Device Instance             Node                     Status
---------------             ----                     ------
/dev/did/rdsk/d2            phys-schost-1            Ok

/dev/did/rdsk/d3            phys-schost-1            Ok
                            phys-schost-2            Ok

/dev/did/rdsk/d4            phys-schost-1            Ok
                            phys-schost-2            Ok

/dev/did/rdsk/d6            phys-schost-2            Ok

=== Zone Clusters ===

--- Zone Cluster Status ---

Name      Node Name   Zone HostName   Status    Zone Status
----      ---------   -------------   ------    -----------
sczone    schost-1    sczone-1        Online    Running
          schost-2    sczone-2        Online    Running


phys-schost# 提示符表示全局群集提示符。此操作过程适用于全局群集。

此过程提供了 Oracle Solaris Cluster 命令的长格式。此外,大多数命令还有短形式。这些命令除了名称长短的不同以外,其功能都是相同的。

要检查 IP 网络多路径组的状态,请将该命令与 clnode status 命令一起使用。


root 角色的用户需要具有 RBAC 授权才能使用该子命令。

示例 1-4 检查公共网络状态

以下示例提供了 clnode status 命令返回的群集组件状态信息的样例。

% clnode status -m
--- Node IPMP Group Status ---

Node Name         Group Name    Status    Adapter    Status
---------         ----------    ------    -------    ------
phys-schost-1     test-rg       Online    nge2       Online
phys-schost-2     test-rg       Online    nge3       Online 


phys-schost# 提示符表示全局群集提示符。此操作过程适用于全局群集。

此过程提供了 Oracle Solaris Cluster 命令的长格式。此外,大多数命令还有短形式。这些命令除了名称长短的不同以外,其功能都是相同的。


root 角色的用户需要具有 RBAC 授权才能使用 status 子命令。

示例 1-5 查看全局群集配置


phys-schost# cluster show
=== Cluster ===                                

Cluster Name:                                   cluster-1
  clusterid:                                       0x4DA2C888
  installmode:                                     disabled
  heartbeat_timeout:                               10000
  heartbeat_quantum:                               1000
  max_nodes:                                       64
  max_privatenets:                                 10
  num_zoneclusters:                                12
  udp_session_timeout:                             480
  concentrate_load:                                False
  global_fencing:                                  prefer3
  Node List:                                       phys-schost-1
  Node Zones:                                      phys_schost-2:za

  === Host Access Control ===                  

  Cluster name:                                 clustser-1
    Allowed hosts:                                 phys-schost-1, phys-schost-2:za
    Authentication Protocol:                       sys

  === Cluster Nodes ===                        

  Node Name:                                    phys-schost-1
    Node ID:                                       1
    Enabled:                                       yes
    privatehostname:                               clusternode1-priv
    reboot_on_path_failure:                        disabled
    globalzoneshares:                              3
    defaultpsetmin:                                1
    quorum_vote:                                   1
    quorum_defaultvote:                            1
    quorum_resv_key:                               0x43CB1E1800000001
    Transport Adapter List:                        net1, net3

    --- Transport Adapters for phys-schost-1 ---    

    Transport Adapter:                          net1
      Adapter State:                               Enabled
      Adapter Transport Type:                      dlpi
      Adapter Property(device_name):               net
      Adapter Property(device_instance):           1
      Adapter Property(lazy_free):                 1
      Adapter Property(dlpi_heartbeat_timeout):    10000
      Adapter Property(dlpi_heartbeat_quantum):    1000
      Adapter Property(nw_bandwidth):              80
      Adapter Property(bandwidth):                 10
      Adapter Property(ip_address):      
      Adapter Property(netmask):         
      Adapter Port Names:                          0
      Adapter Port State(0):                       Enabled

    Transport Adapter:                          net3
      Adapter State:                               Enabled
      Adapter Transport Type:                      dlpi
      Adapter Property(device_name):               net
      Adapter Property(device_instance):           3
      Adapter Property(lazy_free):                 0
      Adapter Property(dlpi_heartbeat_timeout):    10000
      Adapter Property(dlpi_heartbeat_quantum):    1000
      Adapter Property(nw_bandwidth):              80
      Adapter Property(bandwidth):                 10
      Adapter Property(ip_address):      
      Adapter Property(netmask):         
      Adapter Port Names:                          0
      Adapter Port State(0):                       Enabled

    --- SNMP MIB Configuration on phys-schost-1 --- 

    SNMP MIB Name:                              Event
      State:                                       Disabled
      Protocol:                                    SNMPv2

    --- SNMP Host Configuration on phys-schost-1 ---

    --- SNMP User Configuration on phys-schost-1 ---

    SNMP User Name:                             foo
      Authentication Protocol:                     MD5
      Default User:                                No

  Node Name:                                    phys-schost-2:za
    Node ID:                                       2
    Type:                                          cluster
    Enabled:                                       yes
    privatehostname:                               clusternode2-priv
    reboot_on_path_failure:                        disabled
    globalzoneshares:                              1
    defaultpsetmin:                                2
    quorum_vote:                                   1
    quorum_defaultvote:                            1
    quorum_resv_key:                               0x43CB1E1800000002
    Transport Adapter List:                        e1000g1, nge1

    --- Transport Adapters for phys-schost-2 ---    

    Transport Adapter:                          e1000g1
      Adapter State:                               Enabled
      Adapter Transport Type:                      dlpi
      Adapter Property(device_name):               e1000g
      Adapter Property(device_instance):           2
      Adapter Property(lazy_free):                 0
      Adapter Property(dlpi_heartbeat_timeout):    10000
      Adapter Property(dlpi_heartbeat_quantum):    1000
      Adapter Property(nw_bandwidth):              80
      Adapter Property(bandwidth):                 10
      Adapter Property(ip_address):      
      Adapter Property(netmask):         
      Adapter Port Names:                          0
      Adapter Port State(0):                       Enabled

    Transport Adapter:                          nge1
      Adapter State:                               Enabled
      Adapter Transport Type:                      dlpi
      Adapter Property(device_name):               nge
      Adapter Property(device_instance):           3
      Adapter Property(lazy_free):                 1
      Adapter Property(dlpi_heartbeat_timeout):    10000
      Adapter Property(dlpi_heartbeat_quantum):    1000
      Adapter Property(nw_bandwidth):              80
      Adapter Property(bandwidth):                 10
      Adapter Property(ip_address):      
      Adapter Property(netmask):         
      Adapter Port Names:                          0
      Adapter Port State(0):                       Enabled

    --- SNMP MIB Configuration on phys-schost-2 --- 

    SNMP MIB Name:                              Event
      State:                                       Disabled
      Protocol:                                    SNMPv2

    --- SNMP Host Configuration on phys-schost-2 ---

    --- SNMP User Configuration on phys-schost-2 ---

  === Transport Cables ===                     

  Transport Cable:                              phys-schost-1:e1000g1,switch2@1
    Cable Endpoint1:                               phys-schost-1:e1000g1
    Cable Endpoint2:                               switch2@1
    Cable State:                                   Enabled

  Transport Cable:                              phys-schost-1:nge1,switch1@1
    Cable Endpoint1:                               phys-schost-1:nge1
    Cable Endpoint2:                               switch1@1
    Cable State:                                   Enabled

  Transport Cable:                              phys-schost-2:nge1,switch1@2
    Cable Endpoint1:                               phys-schost-2:nge1
    Cable Endpoint2:                               switch1@2
    Cable State:                                   Enabled

  Transport Cable:                              phys-schost-2:e1000g1,switch2@2
    Cable Endpoint1:                               phys-schost-2:e1000g1
    Cable Endpoint2:                               switch2@2
    Cable State:                                   Enabled

  === Transport Switches ===                   

  Transport Switch:                             switch2
    Switch State:                                  Enabled
    Switch Type:                                   switch
    Switch Port Names:                             1 2
    Switch Port State(1):                          Enabled
    Switch Port State(2):                          Enabled

  Transport Switch:                             switch1
    Switch State:                                  Enabled
    Switch Type:                                   switch
    Switch Port Names:                             1 2
    Switch Port State(1):                          Enabled
    Switch Port State(2):                          Enabled

  === Quorum Devices ===                       

  Quorum Device Name:                           d3
    Enabled:                                       yes
    Votes:                                         1
    Global Name:                                   /dev/did/rdsk/d3s2
    Type:                                          shared_disk
    Access Mode:                                   scsi3
    Hosts (enabled):                               phys-schost-1, phys-schost-2

  Quorum Device Name:                           qs1
    Enabled:                                       yes
    Votes:                                         1
    Global Name:                                   qs1
    Type:                                          quorum_server
    Hosts (enabled):                               phys-schost-1, phys-schost-2
    Quorum Server Host:                  
    Port:                                          9000

  === Device Groups ===                        

  Device Group Name:                            testdg3
    Type:                                          SVM
    failback:                                      no
    Node List:                                     phys-schost-1, phys-schost-2
    preferenced:                                   yes
    numsecondaries:                                1
    diskset name:                                  testdg3

  === Registered Resource Types ===            

  Resource Type:                                SUNW.LogicalHostname:2
    RT_description:                                Logical Hostname Resource Type
    RT_version:                                    4
    API_version:                                   2
    RT_basedir:                                    /usr/cluster/lib/rgm/rt/hafoip
    Single_instance:                               False
    Proxy:                                         False
    Init_nodes:                                    All potential masters
    Installed_nodes:                               <All>
    Failover:                                      True
    Pkglist:                                       <NULL>
    RT_system:                                     True
    Global_zone:                                   True

  Resource Type:                                SUNW.SharedAddress:2
    RT_description:                                HA Shared Address Resource Type
    RT_version:                                    2
    API_version:                                   2
    RT_basedir:                                    /usr/cluster/lib/rgm/rt/hascip
    Single_instance:                               False
    Proxy:                                         False
    Init_nodes:                                    <Unknown>
    Installed_nodes:                               <All>
    Failover:                                      True
    Pkglist:                                       <NULL>
    RT_system:                                     True
    Global_zone:                                   True
  Resource Type:                                SUNW.HAStoragePlus:4
    RT_description:                                HA Storage Plus
    RT_version:                                    4
    API_version:                                   2
    RT_basedir:                                    /usr/cluster/lib/rgm/rt/hastorageplus
    Single_instance:                               False
    Proxy:                                         False
    Init_nodes:                                    All potential masters
    Installed_nodes:                               <All>
    Failover:                                      False
    Pkglist:                                       <NULL>
    RT_system:                                     True
    Global_zone:                                   True
  Resource Type:                                SUNW.haderby
    RT_description:                                haderby server for Oracle Solaris Cluster
    RT_version:                                    1
    API_version:                                   7
    RT_basedir:                                    /usr/cluster/lib/rgm/rt/haderby
    Single_instance:                               False
    Proxy:                                         False
    Init_nodes:                                    All potential masters
    Installed_nodes:                               <All>
    Failover:                                      False
    Pkglist:                                       <NULL>
    RT_system:                                     True
    Global_zone:                                   True
  Resource Type:                                SUNW.sctelemetry
    RT_description:                                sctelemetry service for Oracle Solaris Cluster
    RT_version:                                    1
    API_version:                                   7
    RT_basedir:                                    /usr/cluster/lib/rgm/rt/sctelemetry
    Single_instance:                               True
    Proxy:                                         False
    Init_nodes:                                    All potential masters
    Installed_nodes:                               <All>
    Failover:                                      False
    Pkglist:                                       <NULL>
    RT_system:                                     True
    Global_zone:                                   True
  === Resource Groups and Resources ===        

  Resource Group:                               HA_RG
    RG_description:                                <Null>
    RG_mode:                                       Failover
    RG_state:                                      Managed
    Failback:                                      False
    Nodelist:                                      phys-schost-1 phys-schost-2

    --- Resources for Group HA_RG ---          

    Resource:                                   HA_R
      Type:                                        SUNW.HAStoragePlus:4
      Type_version:                                4
      Group:                                       HA_RG
      Resource_project_name:                       SCSLM_HA_RG
      Enabled{phys-schost-1}:                      True
      Enabled{phys-schost-2}:                      True
      Monitored{phys-schost-1}:                    True
      Monitored{phys-schost-2}:                    True

  Resource Group:                               cl-db-rg
    RG_description:                                <Null>
    RG_mode:                                       Failover
    RG_state:                                      Managed
    Failback:                                      False
    Nodelist:                                      phys-schost-1 phys-schost-2

    --- Resources for Group cl-db-rg ---       

    Resource:                                   cl-db-rs
      Type:                                        SUNW.haderby
      Type_version:                                1
      Group:                                       cl-db-rg
      Resource_project_name:                       default
      Enabled{phys-schost-1}:                      True
      Enabled{phys-schost-2}:                      True
      Monitored{phys-schost-1}:                    True
      Monitored{phys-schost-2}:                    True

  Resource Group:                               cl-tlmtry-rg
    RG_description:                                <Null>
    RG_mode:                                       Scalable
    RG_state:                                      Managed
    Failback:                                      False
    Nodelist:                                      phys-schost-1 phys-schost-2

    --- Resources for Group cl-tlmtry-rg ---   

    Resource:                                   cl-tlmtry-rs
      Type:                                        SUNW.sctelemetry
      Type_version:                                1
      Group:                                       cl-tlmtry-rg
      Resource_project_name:                       default
      Enabled{phys-schost-1}:                      True
      Enabled{phys-schost-2}:                      True
      Monitored{phys-schost-1}:                    True
      Monitored{phys-schost-2}:                    True

  === DID Device Instances ===                 

  DID Device Name:                              /dev/did/rdsk/d1
    Full Device Path:                              phys-schost-1:/dev/rdsk/c0t2d0
    Replication:                                   none
    default_fencing:                               global

  DID Device Name:                              /dev/did/rdsk/d2
    Full Device Path:                              phys-schost-1:/dev/rdsk/c1t0d0
    Replication:                                   none
    default_fencing:                               global

  DID Device Name:                              /dev/did/rdsk/d3
    Full Device Path:                              phys-schost-2:/dev/rdsk/c2t1d0
    Full Device Path:                              phys-schost-1:/dev/rdsk/c2t1d0
    Replication:                                   none
    default_fencing:                               global

  DID Device Name:                              /dev/did/rdsk/d4
    Full Device Path:                              phys-schost-2:/dev/rdsk/c2t2d0
    Full Device Path:                              phys-schost-1:/dev/rdsk/c2t2d0
    Replication:                                   none
    default_fencing:                               global

  DID Device Name:                              /dev/did/rdsk/d5
    Full Device Path:                              phys-schost-2:/dev/rdsk/c0t2d0
    Replication:                                   none
    default_fencing:                               global

  DID Device Name:                              /dev/did/rdsk/d6
    Full Device Path:                              phys-schost-2:/dev/rdsk/c1t0d0
    Replication:                                   none
    default_fencing:                               global

  === NAS Devices ===                          

  Nas Device:                                   nas_filer1
    Type:                                          sun_uss
    User ID:                                       root

示例 1-6 查看区域群集配置

以下示例列出了包含 RAC 的区域群集配置的属性。

% clzonecluster show
=== Zone Clusters ===

Zone Cluster Name:                              sczone
  zonename:                                        sczone
  zonepath:                                        /zones/sczone
  autoboot:                                        TRUE
  ip-type:                                         shared
  enable_priv_net:                                 TRUE

  --- Solaris Resources for sczone ---

  Resource Name:                                net
    physical:                                      auto

  Resource Name:                                net
    physical:                                      auto

 Resource Name:                                 fs
   dir:                                            /local/ufs-1
   special:                                        /dev/md/ds1/dsk/d0
   raw:                                            /dev/md/ds1/rdsk/d0
   type:                                           ufs
   options:                                        [logging]

   --- Zone Cluster Nodes for sczone ---

  Node Name:                                    sczone-1
    physical-host:                                 sczone-1
    hostname:                                      lzzone-1

  Node Name:                                    sczone-2
    physical-host:                                 sczone-2
    hostname:                                      lzzone-2

您还可以使用 clnasdevice show 子命令查看为全局群集或区域群集配置的 NAS 设备。有关更多信息,请参见 clnasdevice(1CL) 手册页。


cluster 命令使用 check 子命令验证全局群集正常工作所需的基本配置。如果所有检查均未失败,cluster check 将返回到 shell 提示符。如果某项检查失败,cluster check 将在指定的输出目录或默认输出目录中生成报告。如果对多个节点运行 cluster check,则 cluster check 将为每个节点生成一个报告并为多节点检查生成一个报告。也可使用 cluster list-checks 命令显示所有可用群集检查的列表。

除不需要用户交互即可运行的基本检查之外,该命令还可以运行交互式检查和功能检查。未指定 -k keyword 选项时将运行基本检查。

可在详细模式下运行带有 -v 标志的 cluster check 命令,以显示进度信息。

注 - 在执行可能导致设备、卷管理组件或 Oracle Solaris Cluster 的配置发生更改的管理过程之后,应运行 cluster check

在全局群集节点上运行 clzonecluster(1CL) 命令时,会运行一组检查,以验证区域群集正常工作所需的配置。如果所有检查都通过,clzonecluster verify 将返回到 shell 提示符,您可以放心地安装该区域群集。如果某项检查失败,则 clzonecluster verify 将报告检验失败的全局群集节点。如果对多个节点运行 clzonecluster verify,将针对每个节点和多个节点的检查分别生成一个报告。不允许在区域群集内部运行 verify 子命令。

  1. 在全局群集的某个活动成员节点上承担 root 角色。
    phys-schost# su


  2. 确保您具有最新的检查。
    1. 转到 My Oracle Support 的 "Patches & Updates"(修补程序和更新)选项卡。
    2. 在 "Advanced Search"(高级搜索)中,选择 Solaris Cluster 作为 "Product"(产品),并在 "Description"(描述)字段中键入 check

      该搜索将找到包含 check 的 Oracle Solaris Cluster 软件更新。

    3. 应用任何尚未安装在群集上的软件更新。
  3. 运行基本验证检查。
    phys-schost# cluster check -v -o outputdir


    -o outputdir

    将输出重定向到 outputdir 子目录。


  4. 运行交互式验证检查。
    phys-schost# cluster check -v -k interactive -o outputdir
    -k interactive



  5. 运行功能验证检查。
    1. 以非详细模式列出所有可用的功能检查。
      phys-schost# cluster list-checks -k functional
    2. 确定哪些功能检查执行的操作会干扰生产环境中的群集可用性或服务。


      phys-schost# cluster list-checks -v -C check-ID
      -C check-ID


    3. 如果要执行的功能检查可能会中断群集的正常工作,请确保群集不在生产环境中。
    4. 启动功能检查。
      phys-schost# cluster check -v -k functional -C check-ID -o outputdir
      -k functional



    5. 对于要运行的其余每个功能检查,重复执行步骤 c步骤 d

      注 - 为了进行记录,请为所运行的每个检查指定唯一 outputdir 子目录名称。如果重用 outputdir 名称,则新检查的输出将覆盖重用的 outputdir 子目录的现有内容。

  6. 检验区域群集的配置以了解是否可以安装区域群集。
    phys-schost# clzonecluster verify zoneclustername
  7. 记录群集配置以供将来诊断使用。

    请参见《Oracle Solaris Cluster 软件安装指南》中的"如何记录群集配置的诊断数据"

示例 1-7 检查全局群集配置并且所有基本检查均通过

以下示例显示了针对节点 phys-schost-1phys-schost-2 在详细模式下运行的 cluster check,其中节点通过了所有检查。

phys-schost# cluster check -v -h phys-schost-1, phys-schost-2

cluster check: Requesting explorer data and node report from phys-schost-1.
cluster check: Requesting explorer data and node report from phys-schost-2.
cluster check: phys-schost-1: Explorer finished.
cluster check: phys-schost-1: Starting single-node checks.
cluster check: phys-schost-1: Single-node checks finished.
cluster check: phys-schost-2: Explorer finished.
cluster check: phys-schost-2: Starting single-node checks.
cluster check: phys-schost-2: Single-node checks finished.
cluster check: Starting multi-node checks.
cluster check: Multi-node checks finished

示例 1-8 列出交互式验证检查


# cluster list-checks -k interactive
 Some checks might take a few moments to run (use -v to see progress)...
 I6994574  :   (Moderate)   Fix for GLDv3 interfaces on cluster transport vulnerability applied?

示例 1-9 运行功能验证检查

以下示例首先显示了功能检查的详细列表。随后列出了检查 F6968101 的详细描述,指出该检查会中断群集服务。群集将脱离生产环境。然后将运行功能检查,且详细输出会记录到 funct.test.F6968101.12Jan2011 子目录中。示例输出显示了可能的检查样例;实际的可用检查因各配置而异。

# cluster list-checks -k functional
 F6968101  :   (Critical)   Perform resource group switchover
 F6984120  :   (Critical)   Induce cluster transport network failure - single adapter.
 F6984121  :   (Critical)   Perform cluster shutdown
 F6984140  :   (Critical)   Induce node panic

# cluster list-checks -v -C F6968101
 F6968101: (Critical) Perform resource group switchover
Keywords: SolarisCluster3.x, functional
Applicability: Applicable if multi-node cluster running live.
Check Logic: Select a resource group and destination node. Perform 
'/usr/cluster/bin/clresourcegroup switch' on specified resource group 
either to specified node or to all nodes in succession.
Version: 1.2
Revision Date: 12/10/10 

Take the cluster out of production

# cluster check -k functional -C F6968101 -o funct.test.F6968101.12Jan2011
  initializing xml output...
  loading auxiliary data...
  starting check run...
     pschost1, pschost2, pschost3, pschost4:     F6968101.... starting:  
Perform resource group switchover           


   >>> Functional Check <<<

    'Functional' checks exercise cluster behavior. It is recommended that you
    do not run this check on a cluster in production mode.' It is recommended
    that you have access to the system console for each cluster node and
    observe any output on the consoles while the check is executed.

    If the node running this check is brought down during execution the check
    must be rerun from this same node after it is rebooted into the cluster in
    order for the check to be completed.

    Select 'continue' for more details on this check.

          1) continue
          2) exit

          choice: 1


   >>> Check Description <<<
Follow onscreen directions

示例 1-10 检查全局群集配置并且某项检查未通过

以下示例显示,群集 suncluster 中的节点 phys-schost-2 缺少挂载点 /global/phys-schost-1。将在输出目录 /var/cluster/logs/cluster_check/<timestamp> 中创建报告。

phys-schost# cluster check -v -h phys-schost-1, 
phys-schost-2 -o  /var/cluster/logs/cluster_check/Dec5/

cluster check: Requesting explorer data and node report from phys-schost-1.
cluster check: Requesting explorer data and node report from phys-schost-2.
cluster check: phys-schost-1: Explorer finished.
cluster check: phys-schost-1: Starting single-node checks.
cluster check: phys-schost-1: Single-node checks finished.
cluster check: phys-schost-2: Explorer finished.
cluster check: phys-schost-2: Starting single-node checks.
cluster check: phys-schost-2: Single-node checks finished.
cluster check: Starting multi-node checks.
cluster check: Multi-node checks finished.
cluster check: One or more checks failed.
cluster check: The greatest severity of all check failures was 3 (HIGH).
cluster check: Reports are in /var/cluster/logs/cluster_check/<Dec5>.
# cat /var/cluster/logs/cluster_check/Dec5/cluster_check-results.suncluster.txt
CHECK ID : 3065
FAILURE  : Global filesystem /etc/vfstab entries are not consistent across 
all Oracle Solaris  Cluster 4.x nodes.
ANALYSIS : The global filesystem /etc/vfstab entries are not consistent across 
all nodes in this cluster.
Analysis indicates:
FileSystem '/global/phys-schost-1' is on 'phys-schost-1' but missing from 'phys-schost-2'.
RECOMMEND: Ensure each node has the correct /etc/vfstab entry for the 
filesystem(s) in question.


cluster 命令会执行多项检查,以确定 /etc/vfstab 文件中是否存在与群集文件系统及其全局挂载点有关的配置错误。有关更多信息,请参见 cluster(1CL) 手册页。

注 - 在进行了影响到设备或卷管理组件的群集配置更改后,请运行 cluster check

  1. 在全局群集的某个活动成员节点上承担 root 角色。


    % su
  2. 检验全局群集配置。
    phys-schost# cluster check

示例 1-11 检查全局挂载点

以下示例显示,群集 suncluster 中的节点 phys-schost-2 缺少挂载点 /global/schost-1。报告将发送到输出目录 /var/cluster/logs/cluster_check/<timestamp>/

phys-schost# cluster check -v1 -h phys-schost-1,phys-schost-2 -o

cluster check: Requesting explorer data and node report from phys-schost-1.
cluster check: Requesting explorer data and node report from phys-schost-2.
cluster check: phys-schost-1: Explorer finished.
cluster check: phys-schost-1: Starting single-node checks.
cluster check: phys-schost-1: Single-node checks finished.
cluster check: phys-schost-2: Explorer finished.
cluster check: phys-schost-2: Starting single-node checks.
cluster check: phys-schost-2: Single-node checks finished.
cluster check: Starting multi-node checks.
cluster check: Multi-node checks finished.
cluster check: One or more checks failed.
cluster check: The greatest severity of all check failures was 3 (HIGH).
cluster check: Reports are in /var/cluster/logs/cluster_check/Dec5.
# cat /var/cluster/logs/cluster_check/Dec5/cluster_check-results.suncluster.txt

CHECK ID : 3065
FAILURE  : Global filesystem /etc/vfstab entries are not consistent across 
all Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.x nodes.
ANALYSIS : The global filesystem /etc/vfstab entries are not consistent across 
all nodes in this cluster.
Analysis indicates:
FileSystem '/global/phys-schost-1' is on 'phys-schost-1' but missing from 'phys-schost-2'.
RECOMMEND: Ensure each node has the correct /etc/vfstab entry for the 
filesystem(s) in question.
# cat /var/cluster/logs/cluster_check/Dec5/cluster_check-results.phys-schost-1.txt

CHECK ID : 1398
FAILURE  : An unsupported server is being used as an Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.x node.
ANALYSIS : This server may not been qualified to be used as an Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.x node.  
Only servers that have been qualified with Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.0 are supported as 
Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.x nodes.
RECOMMEND: Because the list of supported servers is always being updated, check with 
your Oracle representative to get the latest information on what servers 
are currently supported and only use a server that is supported with Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.x.

如何查看 Oracle Solaris Cluster 命令日志的内容

/var/cluster/logs/commandlog ASCII 文本文件包含在群集中执行的选定 Oracle Solaris Cluster 命令的记录。一旦设置群集,系统会自动启动对命令的日志记录,并在您关闭群集时结束。在所有已启动并以群集模式引导的节点上,系统都会记录命令。



commandlog 文件中的记录可包含下列元素:

默认情况下,系统每周定期对 commandlog 文件进行一次归档。要更改 commandlog 文件的归档策略,请在群集的每个节点上运行 crontab 命令。有关更多信息,请参见 crontab(1) 手册页。

在任意给定时刻,Oracle Solaris Cluster 软件最多可在每个群集节点上维护八个先前归档的 commandlog 文件。当周的 commandlog 文件名为 commandlog。时间最近的完整的周归档文件名为 commandlog.0。时间最早的完整的周归档文件名为 commandlog.7

示例 1-12 查看 Oracle Solaris Cluster 命令日志的内容

以下示例显示了通过执行 more 命令显示的 commandlog 文件内容。

more -lines10 /var/cluster/logs/commandlog
11/11/2006 09:42:51 phys-schost-1 5222 root START - clsetup
11/11/2006 09:43:36 phys-schost-1 5758 root START - clrg add "app-sa-1"
11/11/2006 09:43:36 phys-schost-1 5758 root END 0
11/11/2006 09:43:36 phys-schost-1 5760 root START - clrg set -y
"RG_description=Department Shared Address RG" "app-sa-1"
11/11/2006 09:43:37 phys-schost-1 5760 root END 0
11/11/2006 09:44:15 phys-schost-1 5810 root START - clrg online "app-sa-1"
11/11/2006 09:44:15 phys-schost-1 5810 root END 0
11/11/2006 09:44:19 phys-schost-1 5222 root END -20988320
12/02/2006 14:37:21 phys-schost-1 5542 jbloggs START - clrg -c -g "app-sa-1"
-y "RG_description=Joe Bloggs Shared Address RG"
12/02/2006 14:37:22 phys-schost-1 5542 jbloggs END 0