
Public classAggrERec
A class composed of multiple records, all sharing a similarity.
Public classAggrERecList
List of Endeca aggregated records (AggrERec objects) exposed as an IList.
Public classAnalyticsStatementResult
Contains the result of an Analytics statement.
Public classAssocDimLocations
Class encapsulating a list of dimension locations associated by their dimension.
Public classAssocDimLocationsList
List of associated dimension location groups exposed as an IList.
Public classAssocNavigationRefs
Class encapsulating a group of value intersection references that all share a similar set of dimensions. That is, every set of values in this group are from the same set of dimensions.
Public classAssocNavigationRefsList
List of value intersection groups exposed as an IList.
Public classAuthHttpENEConnection
An extention of HttpENEConnection that provides connections to Endeca MDEX Engines that require authentication. Use instances of this class to connect to an Endeca MDEX Engine via the Endeca Access Control System.
Public classDimension
Core component of a navigation state query encapsulating all information known about a dimension at the navigation state.
Public classDimensionList
List of dimensions (Dimension objects).
Public classDimensionSearchResult
Result class for a value search query. Class includes values queried for as well as other information about the query.
Public classDimensionSearchResultGroup
Class encapsulating a group of value intersection references that all share a similar set of dimensions. That is, every set of values in this group are from the same set of dimensions.
Public classDimensionSearchResultGroupList
List of value intersection groups exposed as an IList.
Public classDimGroup
Class encapsulating a group of dimensions.
Public classDimGroupList
List of dimension groups exposed as an IList.
Public classDimLocation
DimLocation represents a specific location in a dimension.
Public classDimLocationList
List containing DimLocation objects exposed as an IList.
Public classDimSearchRefinementConfig
Class representing a refinement config for dimension search. The only option available in this class is the ability to turn counts on or off.
Public classDimSearchRefinementConfigList
Class that encapsulates a collection of dimension search refinement config (DimSearchRefinementConfig) objects.
Public classDimSearchResult
Result class for a value search query. Class includes values queried for as well as other information about the query.
Public classDimVal
A dimension value is the lowest-level building block that compose dimensions, navigations, and classifications of records.
Public classDimValIdList
List of dimension value IDs.
Public classDimValList
A list of dimension values (DimVal objects).
Public classDisabledRefinementsConfig
This class represents the configuration of the Disabled Refinement results that will be returned with the query results. The methods of this class allow configuration of the base nav state to be used to compute the Disabled Refinements.
Public classEmptyENEQueryException
Exception signalling that the query method was called with an empty query object. Exception comes from the fact that a query object did not express any requests to the Endeca MDEX Engine.
Public classENEAuthenticationException
The exception thrown when authentication fails
Public classENEConnectionException
Exception represents an error dealing with the communication with an Endeca MDEX Engine from an IENEConnection.
Public classENEException
Exception represents an exception that comes from the Endeca MDEX Engine. Often this means that the IENEConnection was able to contact the MDEX Engine but the MDEX Engine responded with an error.
Public classENEQuery
An object used for expressing queries to an Endeca MDEX Engine.
Public classENEQueryException
Abstract exception representing a general error while attempting to query the Endeca MDEX engine.
Public classENEQueryInfo
An object that generates and stores logging-specific query information.
Public classENEQueryResults
Result object returned from a query to an Endeca MDEX Engine.
Public classENEQueryToolkit
ENEQueryToolkit provides static methods for managing the value of the primary URL query parameter in a navigation query. This parameter specifies the list of refinement dimensions that were used to generate the current query results. Managing the parameter's value allows you to maintain application state.
Public classERec
ERec class is composed of properties and dimension values it is tagged by.
Public classERecCompoundSearchKey
Key with which a record set can be or is text group searched by.
Public classERecCompoundSearchKeyList
Collection of record compound search keys exposed as an IList.
Public classERecEnumerator
List containing ERec or AggrERec objects exposed as an IList.
Public classERecIdList
List of record specifications. Primarily used to generate URLs and MDEX Engine queries.
Public classERecList
List of Endeca records exposed as an IList.
Public classERecRank
Class representing a relevance ranking on a navigation record set.
Public classERecRollupKey
Key with which a record set can or is rolled up by.
Public classERecRollupKeyList
Collection of record rollup keys exposed as an IList.
Public classERecSearch
Class representing a search on a navigation record set.
Public classERecSearchKey
Key with which a record set can be or is text searched by.
Public classERecSearchKeyList
Collection of record search keys exposed as an IList.
Public classERecSearchList
Class that encapsulates a collection of ERecSearch objects, each of which represents a record search.
Public classERecSortKey
Key with which a record set can or is sorted by.
Public classERecSortKeyList
Collection of record sort keys exposed as an IList.
Public classESearchAutoSuggestion
ESearchAutoSuggestion represents a single alternate spelling suggestion made by the Endeca MDEX Engine when a record search is performed.
Public classESearchDYMSuggestion
ESearchDYMSuggestion represents a single alternate spelling suggestion made by the Endeca MDEX Engine when a text search is performed.
Public classESearchReport
ESearchReport objects contain detailed information about record searches.
Public classESearchReport..::..Mode
Enumeration of Endeca search modes.
Public classETInstrumentor
Class that instruments HTML pages for use with the Web-based tools package.
Public classFieldList
An IList of Endeca property or dimension names that will be used to specify which values will be returned for each record in the result set of a navigation query. The Selection setter property is used to set the FieldList for the query.
Public classGlobalDimSearchRefinementConfig
Class representing a global refinement config for dimension search. The options currently available in this class are the ability to turn counts on or off, the ability to specify the number of results to return, and the ability to specify whether the synonyms should be returned.
Public classHttpENEConnection
Provides a connection to an Endeca MDEX Engine over HTTP. Also provides a mechanism for issuing queries to the MDEX Engine.
Public classInternalException
Exception signalling that an internal error has occured in the system. Internal errors often signal an unexpected error in the execution of the system.
Public classKeyProperties
Class providing access to a collection of properties associated with a given Endeca Dimension or Property key.
Public classNavigation
Top-level object returned from an Endeca MDEX Engine. The Navigation object serves as a container for several components (such as navigation descriptors, record set, etc.) that together compose a navigation.
Public classNavigationRefsList
List of navigation refinement values exposed as an IList. Each element of the list is a DimValList referencing a navigation state.
Public classOptionalBoolean
Class representing an
or an unset value. Unlike an
, an
may be empty.
Public classOptionalInt
Class representing an
or an unset value. Unlike an
, an
may be empty.
Public classPartialENEQueryException
Exception that is triggered if there is a query that does not completely express a query with all necessary parameter.
Public classProperty
Class representing an Endeca name/value property pair.
Public classPropertyMap
Class providing access to a collection of properties.
Public classRangeFilter
Class representing a range filter on a navigation record set.
Public classRangeFilterList
Class that encapsulates a collection of range filters (RangeFilter objects).
Public classRefinementConfig
Class representing a dynamic refinement config for a dimension value. This will determine how refinements are computed under this dimension value. Use of a dynamic refinement config will suppress generation of a "More..." child dimension value. You can determine whether there are more refinements than the ones shown by looking at the "DGraph.More" property on the refinements' parent dimension value. Any of the settings in this class can be set explicitly or defaulted to use the corresponding dimension's settings in developer studio.
Public classRefinementConfigBase
Public classRefinementConfigList
Class that encapsulates a collection of dynamic refinement config (RefinementConfig) objects.
Public classStratifiedDimVal
Class representing the assignment of a dimension value to a specific stratum for sorting. Dimension values are sorted by their assigned strata and then by whatever the refinement sorting method for the dimension is (via static ranking, dynamic ranking, dynamic refinement configs, etc). Dimension values not explicitly assigned a strata are assigned the strata 0.
Public classStratifiedDimValList
Class that encapsulates a collection of stratified dimension values (StratifiedDimVal) objects.
Public classSupplement
Class representing supplemental information and data for a navigation query.
Public classSupplementList
List of supplements (Supplement objects) exposed as an IList.
Public classUrlENEQuery
An object used for formulating queries to an Endeca MDEX Engine through the use of an input URL.
Public classUrlENEQueryParseException
Exception representing an error while parsing a URL for a UrlENEQuery.
Public classUrlGen
A generic toolkit for manipulating and generating URL query strings.
Public classVersionMismatchException
Exception signalling the mismatch of two incompatible modules in the system while processing the query. Most often this exception is used to signal a mismatch between the IENEConnection and the Endeca MDEX Engine itself.


Public interfaceIENEConnection
A connection with an Endeca MDEX Engine. With a connection, queries can be issued to the MDEX Engine and ENEQueryResults are returned.

The only current type of connection offered is the HttpENEConnection.

Public interfaceIPropertyContainer
Interface for an object that has properties and has those properties exposed as a PropertyMap. The purpose for this interface is to allow common code to be used in the extraction of any object that supports this interface, for example building tag libraries around property containers.
