Oracle® Solaris Cluster 4.2 Release Notes

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Updated: September 2014, E39651-02


The cldevicegroup man page is updated with the following information for Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.2 SRU 1:


Creates a new device group.

You can use this subcommand only in the global zone.

This subcommand supports only the rawdisk device-group type. You cannot create an svm or sds device group by using Oracle Solaris Cluster commands. Instead, use Solaris Volume Manager commands to create Solaris Volume Manager disk sets. Disk sets are automatically registered with Oracle Solaris Cluster software as svm or sds device groups. For more information about device-group types, see the description of the –t option.

If you specify a configuration file with the –i option, you can supply a plus sign (+) as the operand. When you use this operand, the command creates all device groups that are specified in the configuration file that do not already exist.

For device groups of type rawdisk, use the –d option with the create subcommand to specify one or more devices to the device group. You cannot create a device group without any device. When you specify devices, use one –d option per command invocation. You cannot create multiple raw-disk device groups in one command invocation unless you use the –i option.

Users other than superuser require solaris.cluster.modify RBAC authorization to use this subcommand.

For information about how to delete device groups, see the description of the delete subcommand.


Removes member disk devices from a raw-disk device group.

You can use this subcommand only in the global zone.

The remove-device subcommand is only valid with device groups of type rawdisk. This subcommand is not valid with svm or sds device-group types.

You cannot use the remove-device subcommand to remove all the devices in a device group. A device group must contain at least one device. To remove all the devices in a device group, use the delete subcommand to remove the device group.

Users other than superuser require solaris.cluster.modify RBAC authorization to use this subcommand.

For information about how to add disk devices to a raw-disk device groups, see the description of the add-device subcommand.

The value of the num_xip_zoneclusters property cannot be less than the highest assigned clprivnet instance number.