You can edit the content of any file in a package by opening it directly from the Package Editor. 

The file opens in its native application so you can make your changes.


Note: HTML files automatically open the Developer HTML Editor (by default) regardless of the application that was used to originally create the file.  You can change the default HTML Editor with the Package HTML Editor option.

You can use any one of the following methods to open a file from the Package Editor:

Before you save or close the package, be sure to save and close any open documents. Depending on the native application you are using to edit the file, different messages appear if you try to close the Package Editor while the file is still open. For example, with applications such as Microsoft Word or Excel, you cannot save or close the package until the files you are editing are closed. If you are using other applications such as Notepad, messages appear warning that the file may be open and need to be closed, but you can force the Package Editor to save or close anyway.

The messages could also vary depending on the method you used to open the file from the Package Editor. If you used either of the first two, the scenarios as described in the previous paragraph apply. If you used either of the last two methods, the Package Editor cannot determine reliably if the file is open, so you receive a warning that the files may be open.

If the file you want to edit is also being maintained outside the Library, you can move or copy it from the Package Editor to your computer or a local server.

You can move or copy an item from a package to your desktop using standard Windows controls as follows:

Warning! Dragging a package item from the Package Editor to your desktop or a local network removes the file from the package. Press CTRL while dragging to copy the file and leave the original in place in the package.

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