Documents have specific properties that provide additional information about the document. There are two types of properties: calculated properties that are automatically set and changed by the Developer and editable document properties that can be manually set and changed by an author. 

Calculated properties provide useful information about documents. For example, every document has a unique ID, document type, creation date, and link statistics showing the number of links to and from the document. These properties appear when you are working in the Details View from the Library or the Outline Editor.

Documents such as modules, sections, topics, web pages, packages, questions, and assessments also have editable properties that impact functional aspects of the document. For example, properties for a topic include glossary, language, screen resolution, template, application, play modes, Know It? options, documentation fields, and so on. The properties you set are saved with the history of the document and travel with it on operations such as export and import. These properties appear on the Properties toolpane.

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