This view displays information about the user accounts that have been created on the server in Manager. Custom user fields are included in the view, with the exception of a custom user field with an Unordered List data type. The columns in the view are created automatically when custom user fields are added, removed, and/or updated in Manager. 

Note: If you write a custom Oracle or SQL script to create a report, note that this view is owned by the KPATH role. Therefore, in the script, you must refer to this view as KPATH.KPVIEW_USER.


USER_ID (Oracle = number (10, 0)), (SQL = int)
Unique identifier for the user. 
This field is a primary key 

WORKGROUP_ID (Oracle = number (10, 0)), (SQL = int)
Unique identifier for the workgroup.

WORKGROUP_NAME (Oracle = nvarchar2), (SQL = nvarchar)
Name of the workgroup.

USERNAME (Oracle = nvarchar2), (SQL = nvarchar)
The name that the user enters to log in to the server.

FIRST_NAME (Oracle = nvarchar2), (SQL = nvarchar)
User's first name.

LAST_NAME (Oracle = nvarchar2), (SQL = nvarchar)
User's last name.

MIDDLE_INITIAL (Oracle = nvarchar2), (SQL = nvarchar)
User's middle initial.

EMAIL (Oracle = nvarchar2), (SQL = nvarchar)
User's email address.

ACTIVE (Oracle = number (1, 0)), (SQL = bit)
Indicates whether the user account is currently active.
0 = inactive
1 = active 

START_DATE (Oracle = timestamp (6)), (SQL = datetime)
The first day the user account becomes active.

END_DATE (Oracle = timestamp (6)), (SQL = datetime)
The last day the user account is active.

LAST_LOGIN_DATE (Oracle = timestamp (6)), (SQL = datetime)
The most recent date and time that the user account was used for logging in.

CUF_<custom user field name> (varies)
The custom field name is the column name.

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