Content is launched directly from the Contents link from the Siebel Help menu. Siebel Help can also be made available on the tabbed gateway as a separate tab or link.


Prerequisites for help integration in Siebel:

  1. Siebel content created in the Developer.
  2. A web server to deploy the published content. The content must be published to the Player format from the Developer.
  3. File level access on the Siebel server to configure the Help menu. The following MIME type must be added for the HTTP server on which the Siebel application is hosted, Some web servers have this MIME type configures by default.

Note: In Internet Explorer 9 and 10, the Siebel server URL must be run in compatibility mode to display the content in the Player.


Refer to the Technical Specifications for a list of supported versions of Siebel server.


To set up help integration on the Siebel web server:

  1. In the Developer, create an IAS Configuration document.
  2. In the Sources section, click Select outline and select the outline with the content you created for Siebel. In the Caption field, enter a title to show on the tab or link.
    Note: If you choose Web Server as the deployment type, you must specify the URL where you deploy the content. If you choose Knowledge Center as the deployment type, the Content Root URL must be set.
  3. In the Application Instances section, in the Type list choose Siebel CRM (On Premise) and select the Help Integration option.
  4. Select the source you defined in step 2 as the Default Player.
  5. Optional: If you are configuring help integration for more than one language, click the add new link under Segment Players for each language and specify the appropriate language code.
  6. Optional: If you want to make the original Siebel Help available through help integration, go to the procedure below and complete those steps before exporting the configuration.
  7. Save the IAS configuration document.
  8. Click Export Instance Configuration in the Application Instances section. The files that you need are in the exported folder.
    Note: Export the files to an empty folder to avoid mixing with older files. If there was a previous version of help integration configured for the Siebel server, those files should be removed from the server.
  9. Go to the Siebel application server and find the …/SWEApp/Public/ (installation) folder.
  10. Find an application language on the Siebel server for which the configuration must be done. Locate the folder with the content you recorded for that language. In the Help folder within the content, find and open the Siebhelp.css file and edit it as described in the next step.
  11. Add the behavior:url command to the body section as indicated below:
    body {
    margin-top: 4px;
    margin-bottom: 4px;
    font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 8pt;
  12. Save the Siebhelp.css file.
  13. Locate the /hemi folder in the location to which you exported the configuration.
  14. Copy the /hemi folder and paste it in the language folder on the Siebel server. As a result, you should have a local path similar to ../SWEApp/Public/<lang>/hemi/
    Note: The hemi folder from any previous version should be deleted from the Siebel server first.
  15. Repeat steps 9 through 13 for every language on the Siebel server for which you want help integration.

To make the original Siebel Help available through help integration:

  1. In the IAS Configuration document in the Developer, click the add new link in the Sources section.
  2. Click the Original application help link.
  3. From the Application Help Type list, choose Siebel Help.
  4. In the Caption field, enter a name for the source. This is used as the tab title or link text.
  5. In the Application Instances section, click the add new link under Help Integration Additional Tabs or Help Integration Additional Links.
  6. From the Tab 1 list, choose the original application help source for Siebel that you just created.
  7. Save the IAS Configuration document and return to step 8 in the previous procedure.

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