Use the following procedure to convert the Knowledge Center server from a secure to a non-secure server.


ProcedureTo convert the Knowledge Center server from SSL to non-SSL:

  1. Install and run the Knowledge Center server on an SSL web site.
  2. Log in to Knowledge Center as an administrative user under the HTTPS binding.
  3. Click the Manager link.
  4. In Manager, point to the More option and choose Server.
  5. Change the value in the Server URL field to the URL of the web site from which you want to remove the certificate.
  6. Click Save to save your changes.
  7. Log out of Knowledge Center.
  8. Navigate to the installation location and open the \Web Server\KData\web.config file in the editor of your choice.
  9. Locate the XML value for the node configuration/appSettings/add where the "key" attribute is "K_SSL".
  10. Change the value to false.
  11. Locate the XML value for the node configuration/system.serviceModel/bindings/basicHttpBinding/binding. There should be only one "name" attribute.
  12. Locate the “security” key located within the key and change the "mode" attribute from "Transport" to "TransportCredentialOnly".
  13. Save the changes and close the file.
  14. Remove the certificate and HTTPS bindings from the web site to be affected, if desired.
  15. Ensure the HTTP binding is allowed on the web site on which you want to remove the certificate.
  16. Log in to Knowledge Center and verify it still works.

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