Note: The technique used for replacing graphic images has changed since previous versions of Knowledge Center.


All graphic images are stored in a single xml file, images.xml, which is used to inject image data directly into Knowledge Center pages, reducing the number of HTTP requests made back to the server. This file can be found in the <install directory>\Web Server\KCenter\images directory. A utility program has been included with Knowledge Center that creates this xml file from a directory containing standard image files.


In order to customize the Knowledge Center user interface, you replace images supplied with the product with your own custom images and then rebuild the xml file containing all the image data.


The first step in customizing the user interface is to make a backup copy of the <install directory>\Web Sever\KCenter\images directory. This allows you to restore the original user interface if you need to do so later.


You then need to determine which image files you need to replace. You can do this either by looking at the original image file's name, which in many cases indicates what the image is used for, or by viewing the original images directory as Tiles with thumbnails enabled in Folder Options. You can then either copy the images you want to change to a working directory outside of the installation location if you wish to modify the existing images, or create new image files from scratch. In either case, your custom images must be named the same as the images they are replacing, and with the exception of the logo image, must be the same size as the original.


Note: You are not able to identify an image file by right-clicking on the image from within Knowledge Center as individual image files are no longer referenced in the web pages.


Although your custom images must be the same size and have the same filename as the ones you are replacing, they do not need to be in the same format. For example, you could create your custom logo as small_logo.png. However, you then need to remove small_logo.gif from the original images directory. In other words, only one image with a given name may exist, regardless of the file extension.


Your custom graphics should be maintained in a directory outside of the installation location, as the <install directory>\Web Sever\KCenter\images directory is overwritten during Knowledge Center updates.


When you have finished creating your custom graphics, copy them into the <install directory>\Web Sever\KCenter\images directory, replacing the originals. If you have created any graphics with a different format than the original (for example, small_logo.png to replace small_logo.gif), you will need to manually remove the original from the images directory so that only a single graphic with that filename exists in the directory.


Run the imagegen utility to rebuild the images.xml file. This utility can be found in the <install directory>\Web Server\KData\bin directory.

Note: The imagegen utility may also be run without the GUI interface if the path to the images directory is specified on the command line. This allows you to create a batch file to customize your graphics, since the images directory is overwritten by Knowledge Center updates.

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