The print template contains placeholders that control the size of images in web pages, images in packages linked to concepts, and the screenshots that appear in the steps of the procedure. The placeholders determine the maximum size of the image; if the image is larger, it is sized down to fit. If the image is smaller than the placeholder, it is simply inserted in the document; it is not sized up to fit. If you want to allow the images to be larger or make them smaller than the default size of the placeholder, resize the placeholder. Note that Microsoft Word does not allow either the horizontal or vertical dimension of a graphic to be larger than the margins of the page.


There are placeholders in the steps of the procedure for the images which contain the action area, or hotspot, for the step. If the action area is larger than the placeholder, the image is not included in the document; there is no resizing. If you want to allow for larger action areas, you can resize the placeholder.


There are also placeholders in the steps of the procedure for images which contain the print area for the step, if one exists. This placeholder allows for a larger area than the action area. In addition, if the image for the print area is larger than the placeholder, it is scaled down to fit.

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