An anchor is a placeholder in your content that allows you to link to a specific point in your document. Anchors are useful when you have content with a lot of text. Typically, a link takes you to the top of the linked page but when the user clicks on the link to an anchor, they are taken to the specific point where the anchor is set.


You can link to an anchor by Anchor name in a web page or in the HTML file in a package. See Create an Anchor in the xxxxxx of the xxxxxx for information on creating an anchor or linking to an anchor by Anchor Name.

In an HTML file, you can also link to an anchor By Element Id. T his is an anchor you create by editing the element id (for example, ElementById("myHeader")) attribute in the documents source HTML. These anchors can be placed by selecting the Element Id in the By Element Id list on the Link Info tab.

ProcedureTo create an anchor by element Id:

  1. Open an HTML file in a package where you want to place the anchor.
  2. From the Web Page Editor - Package toolbar, click Show Source Show Source.
  3. Type the Element Id where you want to place the anchor in the document HTML.
  4. Click Save Save.

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