Knowledge Center provides a method for adding a message to the home page. This functionality allows you to specify the path and name of a file that contains a fragment of HTML. This creates a third pane on the right side of the home page in Knowledge Center. 

To accomplish this task, you must first create a customization (.cus) file for the language that you want to customize, if you have not already done so. See Create a Customization File for more details. Next, create a file that contains a fragment of HTML. You can use any HTML editor to do this. For example:

<p><a class="MainHead">Need Help?</a></p>
<p class="InstructText">For assistance call extension <b>5555</b></p>

Once you have created this fragment, save it as a file with the name string650.htm. Place this file in the <install directory>\Web Server\KPath\bin on the server. The above example uses Knowledge Center style tags to ensure that the message is consistent with other Knowledge Center text blocks. See the following sections for more information about Knowledge Center styles.

The next step is to add an entry to the customization file (eu<langid>.cus) that contains the path to this file. You must specify this customization under stringid 650. This text block must be added to the <resources> section. The following is an example:

<item stringid="650">

When the Knowledge Center is run, this HTML fragment is inserted on the home page. It is also possible to use Knowledge Center styles to format this HTML so that it is consistent with the other text on the home page.

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