There are times during the life of a document when it is necessary to make duplicate copies of the document. For example, copies are often made during the translation process. If something changes in the original document, it is useful to know which documents were copied from the original incase those documents need to be updated with the changes.


Note: The Related Documents, Derived Documents, and Broken Links toolpanes are empty if you select multiple documents from either the Library or Outline Editor. Select only ONE document to display the appropriate results.

The top section of the toolpane displays the name of the selected document and a list of documents that were copied from it. The bottom section of the toolpane displays the document from which the selected document was copied.

Note: You can resize either section of the toolpane by dragging the horizontal split bar up or down.


You can view derived document information for all documents in a folder by adding the derived property columns to the Library view. The Derived From column lists the name of the original document from which a document is copied and the Derived From Document ID column lists the original document's ID. You can create a custom view to display this information for the entire Library or multiple specified folders. See Create a Custom View in the Manage the Library chapter for more information about custom views. Derived columns can also be added to the Details View in the Player, but this view does not include concepts linked to the outline.


Multi-user Considerations Multi-user Considerations

ProcedureTo view derived documents:

  1. Display the Derived Documents toolpane.
  2. Select ONE document from the Library or Outline Editor that you want to see its derived documents.
  3. Review the derived documents, if any exist.
  4. Double-click the name of any document in either section of the toolpane to open the document.
    Select the name of any document in either section of the toolpane and click Open in Editor Open in Editor to open a related document.
  5. Continue selecting other documents to review.

ProcedureTo locate derived documents in the Library:

  1. Display the Derived Documents toolpane.
  2. Select ONE document from the Library or Outline Editor that you want to see its derived documents.
  3. Review the list of derived documents, if any exist.
  4. Select the name of any document in either section of the toolpane and click Find in Library Find in Library to find the location of the document in the Library.
  5. Continue selecting other documents to locate in the Library.

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