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Sending Enrollment, Registration, and Waitlist Notifications

This topic provides an overview of enrollment and registration notifications and lists the pages used to send these notifications.

Pages Used to Send Enrollment, Registration, and Waitlist Notifications

Page Name

Definition Name



Enrollment Notifications


select Enterprise Learning, then select Notifications, then select Enrollment Notifications, then select Enrollment Notifications

Send enrollment and registration notifications.

Run Waitlist Notifications


select Enterprise Learning, then select Waitlist Threshold

Run the LM_WLT_TRHLD process to notify administrators of class waitlist thresholds that have been met.

Understanding Enrollment, Registration, and Waitlist Notifications

Use the Enrollment Notifications Application Engine process (LM_NOTIFY) to send class and program notification emails for enrollment and registration status updates. When there is a change in a learner's enrollment or registration status for a class or program, the system automatically generates a class or program notification that alerts the appropriate users of the change. These notification emails get queued in the system. You must run the Enrollment Notifications process to send these notifications.

Important! You should schedule the Enrollment Notifications process to run at least once daily.

Use the Waitlist Threshold Application Engine process (LM_WLT_TRHLD) to send the Waitlist Threshold Met notification to administrators when the number of waitlisted learners for a given class meets the waitlist threshold defined for that class. The system sends the notification to the administrators of the primary learning environment that is associated with the class.