6 Managing Profile Information

The My Information page in Oracle Identity Self Service enables you to view and modify personal details.

To open the My Information page:

  1. Log in to Identity Self Service.

  2. In the left pane, under My Profile, click My Information.

    The My Information page is displayed with sections for modifying profile attributes, changing password, setting challenge questions, viewing direct reports and their attributes, and viewing and modifying proxy users.

The My Information page has the following sections:

6.1 Managing Profile Attributes

When you open the My Information page, your profile attributes are displayed in the Basic User Information section. If the section is not expanded by default, then click the arrow icon beside Basic User Information to expand the section.

Editable attributes are displayed in editable text boxes or appropriate UI widgets, such as lookup fields. You can provide new values and click the Apply button to submit a change.

When the profile update is submitted, a request is created for the profile update, and a message is displayed along with a tracking number for the request. Workflow rules determine the approval workflow to start and obtain approval before allowing the changes in attributes. The status of the request can be seen on the Tracking Requests page of Identity Self Service. For more information about requests and tracking, see Chapter 9, "Managing Requests."


The language preference of the user for the UI is not set according to the locale specified by the user in the Basic User Information section of the Self Service. The UI locale is determined as described in "Setting the Language for Users" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager.

After submitting the request for modifying profile attributes, you can click the down arrow icon beside Basic User Information to collapse the section.

6.2 Changing Password

The Change Password section allows you to reset your enterprise password. To specify a new password, enter and re-confirm the new passwords. The new password is evaluated for compliance against the applicable password policy. If the new password does not comply with the password policies, then the password change is rejected and you are informed of the failing condition(s). If the password evaluates successfully against all policies, then the password is changed.

To change the password:

  1. In the My Information page, expand the Change Password section.

  2. Specify values for the following fields:

    • Old Password: Enter the existing password.

    • New Password: Enter the new password that you want to set. Click the icon to the right of the New Password field. A list of conditions to set the password is displayed. These conditions are being specified in the password policy, and you must comply with the conditions to specify a password.

    • Confirm New Password: Re-enter the new password.

    For information about password policies, see the "Managing Password Policies" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager.

  3. Click Apply. If the old password is valid and the new password is in compliance with the password policy, then the password is changed. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.

6.3 Setting Challenge Questions and Response

The challenge-response service allows you to set up a series of challenge questions that are used to validate the user's identity to reset a forgotten password. Only the user should know the correct answers to the challenge questions.

Questions and answers are stored as part of the user's profile as a name-value pair list, where the name is the question, and the value is the answer to that question. For example, for user John Doe, the challenge-response set could be as follows:

Challenge Response
What is your favorite color? Blue
What is the name of your pet? Rex
What is the city of your birth? New York


Oracle recommends defining answers to challenge questions that cannot be guessed easily by collecting information about the user from the Internet or other public sources.

When a user's identity needs to be validated without relying on the authentication scheme, the challenge questions are asked, and the user must provide the necessary number of correct answers.

To set the challenge questions and responses:

  1. In the My Information page, expand the Challenge Questions section.

  2. Select questions from the Question 1, Question 2, and Question 3 fields.

  3. In the corresponding Answer 1, Answer 2, and Answer 3 fields, enter the answers.

  4. Click Apply.


Challenge questions and responses once set are not visible in this section. If you see the following message in the Challenge Questions section, then you have already set your challenge questions and responses:

Your secret questions and answers are already set.

You can modify the challenge questions and responses that you have already set by performing the procedure described earlier in this section.

6.4 Viewing Direct Reports

The Direct Reports section in the My Information page lists the direct reports of the user in the management hierarchy, in a tabular format. This section allows you to view the details of each direct report. For each user in the list, the following are displayed:

  • Display Name

  • User Login

  • Identity Status

  • Organization

If there are a large number of users as your direct reports, then you can query and find a direct report by using the Query By Example feature. See "Using Query By Example" for more information about the Query By Example feature.

6.4.1 Viewing and Modifying Direct Reports

To view and modify direct reports:

  1. In the My Information page, expand the Direct Reports section.

  2. Select a user or direct report by clicking the record of the direct report.

  3. From the Actions menu, select Open. Alternatively, click the Open icon on the toolbar. The details of the user is displayed in a new tab. This tab displays the details of the user in various subtabs, such as Attributes, Roles, Entitlements, Accounts, and so on. You can click each tab to review the details of the user.

    When you open the user details of a direct report, you can perform certain tasks such as enable, disable, modify, and delete the user. You can also view the details of the direct reports of the open user, and perform certain tasks for the user, who is your indirect report. For more details, see "Modifying Users".

6.5 Managing Proxies

The Proxies section in the My Information page allows you to view and manage the proxy information. It displays the proxies currently set up within Oracle Identity Manager for you, and also allows you to view previously set up proxies. The past proxies view, which displays all proxies that were added in the past, is read-only, and no modifications are allowed.

The existing proxy view allows you to cancel an upcoming proxy whose start date is in the future. You can also edit only the end date of an in-progress proxy whose start date is in the past and end date is in future.

In the section for current proxies, you can also add new proxies. When adding new proxies, you must specify a start date, an end date, and the proxy user.

This section contains the following topics:

6.5.1 Adding a Proxy

To add a proxy:

  1. In the My Information page, expand the Proxies section.

    The Current section displays a list of users currently set up as your proxy. The Past section displays a list of past proxies.

  2. In the Current section, from the Actions menu, select Add. Alternatively, you can click Add on the toolbar.

    The Add Proxy dialog box is displayed.

  3. For Proxy Name, select any one of the following:

    • My Manager: To specify your manager as proxy.

    • Other User: To specify any other user as proxy. To do so, click the lookup icon to search for the user you want to specify as proxy. Search for and select the user, and then click Select in the Search and select dialog box.

  4. In the Start Date field, specify a start date. To do so, click the Select Date icon to the right of the Start Date field, and select a date from the calendar.

  5. In the End Date field, specify an end date.

  6. Click Apply. The proxy is added to the list of proxies in the Proxies section.


Oracle Identity Manager does not allow adding another proxy whose start and end dates overlap with the existing proxy.

An email notification is sent on adding a proxy. The add proxy notification has the following characteristics:

  • The date value in the notification is always in GMT timezone.

  • The start date and end date value during proxy user creation are based on Oracle Identity Manager server timezone. For example, if the start date is specified as "6/28/2013 00:00:00 PDT", then this value is converted to GMT timezone as "06/28/2013 07:00:00 AM GMT".

  • The date format in the notification is always in LONG Date/Time format and cannot be modified in its notification template.

6.5.2 Editing a Proxy

To edit a proxy:

  1. In the Current section, select a proxy that you want to edit.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Edit. Alternatively, you can click Edit on the toolbar.

    The Edit Details dialog box is displayed.

  3. In the Proxy Name field, select My Manager to specify your manager as proxy. Otherwise, select Other User to specify any other user as proxy. You can search for the user name.


    • To change the proxy user, you can search only those users for which you have search permission.

    • You cannot modify the Proxy Name field for proxy that is in the "In Progress" state.

  4. In the Start Date and End Date fields, if required, specify revised dates.


    You cannot modify the Start Date field for a proxy that is in the "In Progress" state.
  5. Click Apply. The edited proxy information is saved.

6.5.3 Removing a Proxy

To remove a proxy:

  1. In the Current section, select a proxy that you want to remove.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Remove. Alternatively, you can click Remove on the toolbar.

    When a current proxy is deleted, its end date is set as the date when it is deleted and when a future proxy is deleted, it is removed from the system.

    To remove all proxies, click Remove All on the toolbar, or select Remove All from the Actions menu.

    A message is displayed asking for confirmation.

  3. Click Yes. The selected proxy is removed from the Current section.