========================================================================== Oracle Endeca Information Discovery Studio 3.1.0 Rev. A DOCUMENTATION UPDATED (December 2013) The Studio 3.1 documentation has been refreshed. The affected guides are: Studio Installation Guide - Corrected the location of the JRE for the Provisioning Service. - Indicated that users do not need to copy the certificate files for a non-SSL installation. Studio Migration Guide - Corrected the Provisioning Service upgrade process. Users must delete and the re-install the Provisioning Service. - Corrected the location of the JRE for the Provisioning Service. - Made corrections to the Studio components list. Getting Started Guide - Indicated that the orchestration scripts must be run as an administrator. - Added a step to rename the ADF .zip file. - Corrected the instructions for downloading the sample application materials. - Corrected the process for starting Integrator. - Corrected the configuration for the Provisioning Service connection. - Corrected the configuration for the Endeca Server connection, for the Integrator-based sample application. Studio Administration and Customization Guide - Added notes that data domains must have data sets. KNOWN ISSUES (3.1.0) LSTUDIO-8770 When creating an application from a JSON file, the initial data preview does not include attributes without values. However, all of the attributes are displayed on the attribute configuration page. LSTUDIO-8986 When continuing an incomplete self-service application, users may be directed to a page that is one step earlier in the process than where they were when they saved the application. LSTUDIO-9190 In some charts, when animations are enabled, incorrect data may be shown. To work around this issue, disable chart animations. LCORE-676 If the source data file for a self-service application contains new line characters, tab characters, other whitespace characters, or multiple sequential space characters, attributes in the resulting Endeca Server can't be used for refinement. To work around this issue, please strip out unnecessary whitespace characters from the data before uploading the file into Studio. LSTUDIO-9508 In OEL 5 and 6 environments, when using the Provisioning Service with SSL, after configuring the connection in Studio, you may get a message "Unable to connect to the Endeca Server configured with the Provisioning Service." The problem is caused because there are not enough numbers in the kernel's random number entropy pool for WebLogic to use the SSL connection. If you wait for a few minutes, the issue should resolve itself. The other workaround (for development environments only), is to update the JAVA_OPTIONS configuration in the Provisioning Service setDomainEnv.sh file to add -Djava.security.egd. For example: JAVA_OPTIONS="-Djava.util.logging.config.file=${DOMAIN_HOME}/eidProvisioningConfig/logging.properties -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom" FIXED IN THIS RELEASE (3.1.0) LSTUDIO-243 Users can now easily and consistently drag and drop components between columns, into or out of component containers, and into or out of tabbed component containers. LSTUDIO-5493 When using Safari on an iPad, users can now complete a location search on the Map component. LSTUDIO-6530 On an aggregated Results Table, the summary rows are now included in the number of rows per page. LSTUDIO-6553 On the Results Table component, when end users show or hide columns, they are no longer returned to the first page in the table. LSTUDIO-6559 On the Results Table component, the summary value tooltips now include the attribute names. LSTUDIO-6621 The Pivot Table component now correctly sorts numbers, dates, and other non-string data types. LSTUDIO-6631 On the Available Refinements component (previously called Guided Navigation), users can now switch back from a customized attribute group name to the default attribute group name. LSTUDIO-6634 The Available Refinements component (previously called Guided Navigation) now displays special characters correctly. LSTUDIO-6745 When using Safari on an iPad, users can now uncheck checkboxes. LSTUDIO-6844 On the Chart component, users can configure a dimension cascade even when a dimension is not refinable. LSTUDIO-6926 Studio now correctly escapes script tags when displaying data on the Results Table and Results List components. LSTUDIO-6945 When creating a self-service application, it is now easier to provide replacement values for empty or invalid attribute values of all types, including dates. LSTUDIO-6955 The Pivot Table component now allows end users to refine by cells associated with date/time or time dimension values. LSTUDIO-6987 When using Safari on an iPad, it is now easier to work with combo boxes. LSTUDIO-7039 When users export a Results Table, Studio no longer splits attribute values into multiple cells if they contain commas. LSTUDIO-7040 On the Endeca Servers page (previously called Data Sources) of the Control Panel, users can now edit an Endeca Server connection (previously called data source) more than once. LSTUDIO-7067 The Bookmarks component now correctly sorts bookmarks based on their creation date. LSTUDIO-7119 On the Endeca Servers page (previously called Data Sources) of the Control Panel, users can now change the ID of an Endeca Server connection (previously called data source). LSTUDIO-7123 On the Attribute Groups page, users can no longer create an attribute group that has only a space as the attribute group name. LSTUDIO-7139 When creating a self-service application, sample values for percentages are now displayed correctly. LSTUDIO-7289 On the Available Refinements component (previously called Guided Navigation), the range range filter histogram for a date range filter now displays correctly for all date selection levels. LSTUDIO-7292 When configuring sorting for a component, the option for setting the sort direction is now displayed correctly for all of the attributes. LSTUDIO-7294 When using Safari on an iPad, users can now use the touch screen to view the Pivot Table component. LSTUDIO-7295 When users display Record Details from an aggregated Results Table, it now uses attribute display names instead of attribute key names. LSTUDIO-7296 On the Results Table component, when end users selct the sort option from the View Options menu, the sorting dialog is now displayed correctly. LSTUDIO-7297 When using Safari on an iPad, Search Box searches now work correctly. LSTUDIO-7320 The log files for Studio now provide more detailed information when the Studio home directory (previously called Liferay home) cannot be found. LSTUDIO-7321 The Results Table component now adjusts its height when the number of results is less than the maximum height for the component. LSTUDIO-7330 The Pivot Table component can now be used to display numeric predefined metrics from the data view. LSTUDIO-7366 When users provide localized attribute descriptions on the Views page, those descriptions are now used correctly on Studio components. LSTUDIO-7370 When users select a file to upload, Studio now only displays the selected file name, without any path information. LSTUDIO-7410 When the application server is started in a non-English locale, all strings now default to the web server's locale. If the application server's locale is unsupported, Studio uses the default supported locale (en_US). LSTUDIO-7432 When users select a refinement from a component other than the Available Refinements component (previously called Guided Navigation), the range filter refinement on the Selected Refinements component (previously called Breadcrumbs) is now correctly replaced by the single value refinement. LSTUDIO-7437 On the Results Table component, when the browser zoom level is greater than 100%, users can now select attributes to add to the table configuration. LSTUDIO-7525 On the Available Refinements component (previously called Guided Navigation), attribute groups now expand by default correctly, even when they contain an attribute that belongs to more than one group. LSTUDIO-7556 On the Chart component, for a stacked percentage bar, the end user tooltip for each portion of the bar now includes the actual percentage value. LSTUDIO-7571 On the Views page, on the metric definition dialog, the link to the Studio documentation now works correctly. LSTUDIO-7581 In self-service applications, all string attributes now support text search by default. Strings with values shorter than 75 characters support value search. LSTUDIO-7593 On the Results Table component, users can now provide a description for a hyperlink column action to display to end users, intead of just displaying the hyperlink URL. LSTUDIO-7844 When an unsupported locale is provided in the doAsUserLanguageIdStudio parameter, Studio now uses the supported default locale. LSTUDIO-7847 On the Search Box component, the matching attribute values for each attribute are now ordered based on relevance. LSTUDIO-7880 On the Chart component, when users refine by a chart dimension, the available sort options for the chart are now updated correctly. LSTUDIO-7943 On the Results Table component, when users have completed a text search, "Search Relevance" is added to the sorting options. LSTUDIO-8262 The Available Refinements component (previously called Guided Navigation) no longer displays an error when users change the displayed values on a range filter histogram. LSTUDIO-8288 On the edit view of the Guided Navigation component, if an attribute group only contains one page of attributes, the pagination toolbar is not displayed. LSTUDIO-8364 When using Internet Explorer 8, the horizontal scrolling on the Pivot Table component now works correctly. LSTUDIO-8444 When using Safari on an iPad, users can now complete a range search on the Map component. PROVSVR-14 While installing the Provisioning Service, users can now modify the context path. Any change to the default context path must be reflected on the Provisioning Service page of the Studio Control Panel using the new contextPath parameter. PROVSVR-19 The Provisioning Service now rounds negative geocode values correctly to a precision of 5 decimal places. PROVSVR-29 The Provisioning Service can now be installed in console mode on Linux. PROVSVR-33 When creating a self-service application, users can now change the data type of an attribute to a more specific type. PROVSVR-47 For self-service application data, the automatically generated record identifier is no longer displayed on the Available Refinements component (previously called Guided Navigation) or on the Results Table. PROVSVR-59 For a self-service application, the default search interface now has CROSS_FIELD_BOUNDARY set to ALWAYS. With this configuration, Endeca Server always tries to match search queries across attribute boundaries, but within the attributes that belong to the search interface.