
Command to initiate the Groups mode and to use its subcommands.


attach -g|--group  groupname -n|--gear assetname [-U|--uuid assetuuid]
create -g|--group groupname [-d|--description text]  [-p|--parent parentgroup] 
delete -g|--group groupname [-c|--child]
detach  -g|--group groupname -n|--gear assetname [-U|--uuid assetuuid]
list [-l|--detail] [-b|--brief]
list_members -g|--group groupname
list_membership -n|--gear assetname [-U|--uuid assetuuid]
move -n|--gear assetname [-U|--UUID assetuuid] -f|--from_group groupname_source -g|--group groupname_destination
poweroff -g|--group groupname [-f|--force]
poweron -g|--group groupname [-n|--netboot]
reset -g|--group groupname [-f|--force] [-n|--netboot]
update -g|--group groupname [-n|--name new_groupname] [-d|--description text] [-p|--parent parentgroup]


The Groups mode is one of a set of modes provided by the Enterprise Manager Ops Center. Use Groups subcommands to create sets and subsets of assets. You can power on and power off all the assets in a group.

Type the groups command at the command line prompt to enter Groups mode. Type the end to stop the mode and to return to the command line prompt.


attach -g|--group groupname -n|--gear assetname [-U|--uuid assetuuid]

Adds a managed asset to an existing group.

create -g|--group groupname [-d|--description text] [-p|--parent parentgroup]

Defines a new user-defined group by its name, purpose, and relationship to another group. The parent group does not have to exist; it can be created at a later time. The relationship between a parent group and its child group is arbitrary and for the convenience of administration

delete -g|--group groupname [-c|--child]

Removes a group. The assets that are members of the group remain in operation but are no longer defined as members of the group. The -c option includes any subgroups of the specified group.

detach -g|--group groupname -n|--gear assetname [-U|--uuid assetuuid]

Removes a managed asset from a group.

list [-l|--detail] [-b|--brief]

Displays a list of all existing groups of assets in Enterprise Manager Ops Center. Use this command to obtain the name for a specific group to use with the other Group subcommands. Add the -l option to the command to include detailed information about the group.

list_members -g|--group groupname

Displays a list of assets that are in the specified group.

list_membership -n|--gear assetname [-U|--uuid assetuuid]

Displays a list of groups of which the named asset is a member. If more than one asset has the same name, specify the asset further by adding the asset's UUID.

move -n|--gear assetname [-U|--UUID assetuuid] -f|--from_group groupname_source -g|--group groupname_destination

Changes the membership of an asset from one group to another group. This command gives the same result as using the detach command and then the attach command.

poweroff -g|--group groupname [-f|--force]

Deactivates any running asset in the group. The -f option, indicating a forced action, deactivates the asset immediately. Use the poweron command to activate the members of the group.

poweron -g|--group groupname [-n|--netboot]

Activates any deactivated asset in the group by booting from disk. The -n option indicates that the asset is started by using netboot.

reset -g|--group groupname [-f|--force] [-n|--netboot]

Resets the specified servers in the group by booting from disk. The [-f] option, indicating a forced action, resets the server immediately. The [-n] option indicates that the reset is accomplished by using netboot.

update -g|--group groupname [-n|--name new_groupname] [-d|--description text] [-p|--parent parentgroup]

Changes the name, description, or parent group of the group.


The following options are supported by some of the subcommands:


Limits the output to only group names.


Deletes the child groups of the specified group in addition to deleting the group.


Defines a string to identify the contents or purpose of the group.

  • For the reset and poweroff subcommands, this option directs the subcommand to complete immediately. The option can also be invoked as --force.

  • For the move subcommand, this option specifies the name of the group that is being moved. The option can also be invoked as --from_group.


A string to identify a specific group.


Specifies that the output of the list includes the details about the group.

  • For the move and detach subcommands, this option specifies the name of the asset.

  • For the poweron and reset subcommands, this option specifies that each server performs a netboot operation and does not boot from disk. The option can also be invoked as --netboot.

  • For the update subcommand, this option specifies the new name of the group.The option can also be invoked as --name.


Specifies the name of the parent group associated with the new group.


Specifies an asset by its Universal Unique Identifier.


Specifies a list of asset attributes instead of the asset name.


The following operands are supported:


Identifies a specific server, chassis, or operating system.


Universal Unique Identifier, to distinguish a specific asset from one with the same asset name.


Attributes of an asset, to distinguish a specific asset from one with the same asset name. The attributes that can be used are the type, UUID, UFN, and IP.


Identifies a specific group.


Identifies a source group.


Identifies a destination group.


Identifies a specific group which shares members with a subgroup.


Text string that describes the group.


Example 1   Display a detailed list of groups
EnterpriseController/groups > list -l
Example 2   Create a subgroup of the group nyc_all that contains various types of assets that must remain activated.
EnterpriseController/groups > create -g brooklyn -d alltime -t heterogenous -p nyc_all 
Example 3   Add the ddgr42 system to the new group.
EnterpriseController/groups > attach -n ddgr42 -g brooklyn
Example 4   Replace the ddgr42 system with the reese1 system
EnterpriseController/groups > detach -n ddgr42 -g brooklyn attach -n reese1 -g brooklyn
Example 5   Deactivate the entire parent group
EnterpriseController/groups > poweroff -g nyc_all
Example 6   Activate the subgroup.
poweron -g brooklyn
Example 7   Remove a group
EnterpriseController/groups > delete -g leo_d
Example 8   Move ddgr42 to another group
EnterpriseController/groups > move -n ddgr42 -f brooklyn -g nyc_all
Example 9   Update the name and description of the group.
EnterpriseController/groups > update -g brooklyn -n laca -d start1955