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Oracle® Communications WebRTC Session Controller Web Application Developer's Guide
Release 7.0

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10 Sample Audio Call Application

This chapter shows the sample audio call application developed using the Oracle Communications WebRTC Session Controller JavaScript application programming interface (API) library.


See WebRTC Session Controller JavaScript API Reference for more information on the individual WebRTC Session Controller JavaScript API classes.

About the Sample Audio Call Application

The sample audio call application supports audio calls only.

This application provides the logic necessary to enable two users who are in the same domain to place a call to each other. In this application, two users bob1 and bob2, access our application from the domain.

See "Setting Up Audio Calls in Your Applications" for more information on logic underlying this application logic.


This sample audio call application does not use extension headers. As a result, the extHeaders parameter is not used in this application code.

The Sample Audio Call Application Code

  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
  <title>Audio Demo</title>

    <!-- Load wsc.js. 
    It is assumed that this app is deployed on container which hosts wsc.
    Otherwise, the value of src might be -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/api/wsc.js"></script>
<body onload="onPageLoad()">
        <h2 id="heading">Welcome to SDP InfoDev Demo 1 -- Audio Call</h2>

        <!-- Button for login. This is a start point of this page.
        Method register is invoked when the button is clicked. -->
        <div id="controlsArea">

        <table hidden="true" id="media">
            <!-- HTML5 audio element. -->
                <td width="15%"><audio id="selfAudio" autoplay></audio></td>
                <td width="15%"><audio id="remoteAudio" autoplay></audio></td>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            /** This app checks media stream support in Chrome or Firefox 23+  */
            // In your application, please use appropriate API to verify media stream support.
            var attachMediaStream = null;
            if (navigator.mozGetUserMedia) {
                console.log("Attaching media stream");
                // Attach a media stream to an element.
                attachMediaStream = function(element, stream) {
                    console.log("Application using Mozilla browser");
                    element.mozSrcObject = stream;
            } else if (navigator.webkitGetUserMedia) {
                console.log("Application using Chrome browser");
                // Attach a media stream to an element.
                attachMediaStream = function(element, stream) {
                    element.src = webkitURL.createObjectURL(stream);
            } else {
                // The browser does not support media streams
            //*************security login****************
            var demoName = " Audio Call Demo ";
            var wscSession, callPackage, userName, caller, callee;
            // Save where the user came from.
            var savedUrl = window.location;
            // This application is deployed on WebRTC Session Controller.
            var wsUri = "ws://" + window.location.hostname  + ":" + window.location.port + "/ws/webrtc/sample";
            // login and logout URI to redirect the user.
            //var loginUri = "http://" + window.location.hostname + ":" + window.location.port + "/infodev/wscdemo.html";
            var logoutUri = "http://" + window.location.hostname + ":" + window.location.port + "/infodev/demos/wscdemo.html";

            // Configuring the audio and video settings in the CallConfig object.
            var audioMediaDirection = wsc.MEDIADIRECTION.SENDRECV;
            var videoMediaDirection = wsc.MEDIADIRECTION.NONE;
            var callConfig = new wsc.CallConfig(audioMediaDirection, videoMediaDirection);
            console.log("Created CallConfig with audio stream only.");
            console.log(" ");
            // The onPageLoad event handler.
            function onPageLoad() {
                console.log("Page has loaded. Setting up the Session.");

            // This function sets up and configures the WebSocket connection.
            function setSessionUp() {
                console.log("In setSessionUp().");
                // Create the session. Here, userName is null. 
                // wsc can determine userName using the cookie of the request.
                wscSession = new wsc.Session(null, wsUri, sessionSuccessHandler, sessionErrorHandler);
                // Register a wsc.AuthHandler with session.
                // It provides customized info of authentication, such as username/password.
                var authHandler = new wsc.AuthHandler(wscSession);
                authHandler.refresh = refreshAuth;
                // Configure the session.
                wscSession.setBusyPingInterval(2 *1000);
                wscSession.setIdlePingInterval(6 * 1000);
                wscSession.setReconnectTime(2 * 1000);
                wscSession.onSessionStateChange = sessionStateChangeHandler;
                console.log("Session configured with authhandler, intervals and sessionStateChange handler.");
                console.log(" ");

            // The function called when a session is instantiated. 
            // The next steps are processed here.
            function sessionSuccessHandler() {
                console.log(" In sessionSuccesshandler.");

                // Create a CallPackage.
                callPackage = new wsc.CallPackage(wscSession);
                // Bind the event handler of incoming call.
                    callPackage.onIncomingCall = onIncomingCall;
                console.log(" Created CallPackage..");
                console.log (" ");
                // Get user Id.
                userName = wscSession.getUserName();
                console.log (" Our user is " + userName);
                console.log (" ");
            // The function called when a session is not instantiated.
            function sessionErrorHandler(error) {
                console.log("onSessionError: error code=" + error.code + ", reason=" + error.reason);
                setControls("<h1>Session Failed, please logout and try again.</h1>");

            // This is a sample function. It requests the number to call.
            // 'onclick'='functionName()' for each button triggers the next step for the code.

            function displayInitialControls() {
                console.log ("In displayControls().");
                var controls = "Enter Your Callee: <input type='text' name='callee' id='callee'/><br><hr>"
                + "<input type='button' name='callButton' id='btnCall'  value='Call' onclick='onCallSomeOne()'/>"
                + "<input type='button' name='cancelButton' id='btnCancel'  value='Cancel' onclick='' disabled ='true'/><br><br><hr>"
                + "<input type='button' name='logoutButton' id='Logout'  value='Logout' onclick='logout()'/>"
                + "<br><br><hr>";
                var calleeInput = document.getElementById("callee");
                if (calleeInput) {
                    console.log (" Waiting for Callee Input.");
                    console.log (" ");
                    if( userName != calleeInput) {

            // This example does not use either TURN or SERVICE authentication. 
            // This function is provided as a reference for your use.
            function refreshAuth(authType, authHeaders) {
                var authInfo = null;

                //Return JSON object according to the content of the "authHeaders".
                // For the digest authentication implementation, refer to RFC2617.
                    authInfo = getSipAuth(authHeaders);
                } else if(authType==wsc.AUTHTYPE.TURN){
                    //Return JSON object in this format:
                    // {"iceServers" : [ {"url":"turn:test@<aHost>:<itsPort>", "credential":"nnnn"} ]}.
                    authInfo = getTurnAuth();
                return authInfo;
            // This function manages the session states.
            function sessionStateChangeHandler(sessionState) {
                console.log("sessionState : " + sessionState);
                switch (sessionState) {
                    case wsc.SESSIONSTATE.RECONNECTING:
                    setControls("<h1>Network is unstable, please wait...</h1>");
                    case wsc.SESSIONSTATE.CONNECTED:
                    if (wscSession.getAllSubSessions().length == 0) {
                    case wsc.SESSIONSTATE.FAILED:
                    setControls("<h1>Session Failed, please logout and try again.</h1>");
            // This function is the incoming call callback
            // wsc triggers this function when it receives the invite from the remote caller. 
            function onIncomingCall(callObj, callConfig) {
                // We need the user's response. In this example code, we do the following:
                // We draw two buttons for users to accept or decline the incoming call.
                // Attach onclick event handlers to these two buttons.
                console.log ("In onIncomingCall(). Drawing up Control buttons to accept or decline the call.");
                var controls = "<input type='button' name='acceptButton' id='btnAccept' value='Accept "
                + callObj.getCaller()
                + " Incoming Audio Call' onclick=''/><input type='button' name='declineButton' id='btnDecline'  value='Decline Incoming Audio Call' onclick=''/>"
                + "<br><br><hr>";

                document.getElementById("btnAccept").onclick = function() {
                    // User accepted the call.                                  

                    //  Store the caller and callee names.
                    callee = userName;
                    caller = callObj.getCaller;
                    console.log (callee + " accepted the call from caller " + caller);
                    console.log (" ");

                    // Send the message back.
                document.getElementById("btnDecline").onclick = function() {
                    // User declined the call. Send a message back. 

                    // Get the caller name.
                    callee = userName;
                    caller = callObj.getCaller;
                    console.log (callee + " declined the call from caller, " + caller);
                    console.log (" ");

                    // Send the message back.

                // User accepted the call. Bind the event handlers for the call and media stream.
                console.log ("Calling setEventHandlers from onIncomingCall() with remote call object ");

            // This function binds the call and media state event handlers to the call object.
            // It is called by when user is the caller or the callee.
            function setEventHandlers(callobj) {
                console.log ("In setEventHandlers");
                console.log (" ");
                callobj.onCallStateChange = function(newState){
                    callStateChangeHandler(callobj, newState);
                callobj.onMediaStreamEvent= mediaStreamEventHandler;
            // This function is an event handler for changes of call state.
            function callStateChangeHandler(callObj, callState) {
                console.log (" In callStateChangeHandler().");
                console.log("callstate : " + JSON.stringify(callState));
                if (callState.state == wsc.CALLSTATE.ESTABLISHED) {
                    console.log (" Call is established. Calling callMonitor. ");
                    console.log (" ");
                } else if (callState.state == wsc.CALLSTATE.ENDED) {
                    console.log (" Call ended. Displaying controls again.");
                    console.log (" ");
                } else if (callState.state == wsc.CALLSTATE.FAILED) {
                    console.log (" Call failed. Displaying controls again.");
                    console.log (" ");
            // This event handler is invoked when "Call" button is clicked.
            function onCallSomeOne() {
                console.log ("In onCallSomeOne()");
                // Need the caller callee name. Also storing caller.
                callee = document.getElementById("callee").value;
                caller = userName;
                console.log ("Name entered is " + callee);
                // Did the user enter a blank ?
                if (callee === "") {
                    setControls("<h1>Invalid entry. Please enter the number you wish to call.</h1>");
                    setTimeout(function(){ displayInitialControls();}, 2000)

                // Same domain case. The caller may not have given the entire name.     
                if (callee.indexOf("@") < 0) {
                    console.log (" ");
                    callee = callee + "";
                    console.log("Complete caller ID is " + callee);
                // Did the user enter his own number?
                if (callee == userName) {
                    setControls("<h1>You cannot call yourself. Please enter the number you wish to call.</h1>");

                console.log(" Caller, " + caller + ", wants to call " + callee + ", the Callee.");
                console.log (" ");

                console.log("Creating call object to call  " + callee);
                // To call someone, create a Call object first.
                var call = callPackage.createCall(callee, callConfig, doCallError);
                console.log ("Created the call.");
                console.log (" ");

                if (call != null) {
                    console.log ("Calling setEventHandlers from onCallSomeOne() with call data.");
                    console.log (" ");
                    // Then start the call.
                    console.log ("In onCallSomeOne(). Starting Call. ");
                    // Allow the user to cancel call before it is set up. End the call.
                    // Disable "Call" button and enable "Cancel" button.
                    var btnCall = document.getElementById("btnCall");
                    btnCall.disabled = true;
                    var btnCancel = document.getElementById("btnCancel");
                    btnCancel.disabled = false;
                    console.log ("Enabled " + caller + " to cancel call.");
                    btnCancel.onclick = function() {
                        console.log ("In onCallSomeOne().");
                        console.log (caller + " clicked the Cancel button. Ending call. ");
                        console.log (" ");
                        console.log (" If user logs out, the user will be sent back to " + logoutUri);
            // This function monitors the call when call is established.
            function callMonitor(callObj) {
                console.log ("In callMonitor");
                console.log ("Monitoring the call. Setting up controls to Hang Up.");
                console.log (" ");

                // We need the user's response.
                //In this example code, we draw 2 buttons.
                // "Hang Up" button ends the call, but user stays on the application page.
                // "Logout" button ends the session, and user leaves the application.
                // Attach onclick event handler to each button.
                var controls = "<input type='button' name='hangup' id='btnHangup' value='Hang Up' onclick=' '/><br><br>"
                               + "<input type='button' name='logoutButton' id='Logout'  value='Logout' onclick='logout()'/>"
                               + "<br><br><hr>";
                document.getElementById("btnHangup").onclick = function() {
                    console.log (" In callMonitor.");
                    // Who ended the call?
                    if (userName == caller) {
                        console.log ("Caller, " + caller + ", clicked the Hang Up button. Calling call.end now.");
                        console.log (" ");
                      } else {
                        console.log ("Callee, " + callee + ", clicked the Hang Up button. Calling call.end now.");
                        console.log (" ");

           // This event handler is invoked when a  media stream event is fired.
           // Attach media stream to HTML5 audio element.
           function mediaStreamEventHandler(mediaState, stream) {
               console.log (" In mediaStreamEventHandler.");
               console.log("mediastate : " + mediaState);
               console.log (" ");
               if (mediaState == wsc.MEDIASTREAMEVENT.LOCAL_STREAM_ADDED) {
                   attachMediaStream(document.getElementById("selfAudio"), stream);
               } else if (mediaState == wsc.MEDIASTREAMEVENT.REMOTE_STREAM_ADDED) {
                   attachMediaStream(document.getElementById("remoteAudio"), stream);
           // This function displays the controls set by the application.
           function setControls(controls) {
               var controlsArea = document.getElementById("controlsArea");
               controlsArea.innerHTML = controls;
           // This function is called when the call is not created.
           function doCallError(error) {
               alert('Call error reason:' + error.reason);

           // The browser does not support media streams
           // Use this function to exit gracefully.
           function reptBrowserIssue() {
               console.log("In reptBrowserIssue");
               console.log("Browser does not appear to be WebRTC-capable");

           // This function logs the user out. 
           // For 3rd party authentication use login uri to send user back to where he came from.
           function logout() {
               console.log("In logout(). Closing session.");
               console.log (" ");
               if (wscSession) {
               // Send the user back to where he came from.
               console.log (" In logout(). Sending user back to " + logoutUri);
               window.location.href = logoutUri;