
Class wsc.Message#control

The control header part of the message.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
This part contains the information related to the semantics or the protocol.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The package is the type of service or functionality, that the message handles.
sequence number is a serial number that starts with 1.
The session object's id that the message is associated.
It identifies a particular subsession.
Control type of the JSON message: This can be request, response, message, acknowledgement or error.
Indicate the protocol version client or server supports.
Class Detail
This part contains the information related to the semantics or the protocol. For example, control headers contain the information required for websocket reconnect, reliability, timeouts, error etc. It also contain the state of the message, type of the message etc.
Field Detail
{number} ack_sequence
Optional. It is used by client to confirm that client has received the message whose sequence equals to this header, and vice versa.

{number} correlation_id
Optional. this is used to identify a particular message within a jsonrtc session. Typically this is the sequence number of the message that either server or client sends to the server. This appear when the message want to associate itself to another message.

{String} message_state
Optional. This is used to specify if the message is Initial, Subsequent or Final.

{String} package_type
The package is the type of service or functionality, that the message handles.

{number} sequence
sequence number is a serial number that starts with 1. Each side of the websocket connection has their own serial number. Sequence number uniquely identifies a message within a jsonrtc session.

{number} session_id
The session object's id that the message is associated.

{number} subsession_id
It identifies a particular subsession.

{String} type
Control type of the JSON message: This can be request, response, message, acknowledgement or error.

{number} version
Indicate the protocol version client or server supports.

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