A Gateway.ini File Parameters

The gateway.ini file is the main configuration file for Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution and for application programming interface (API) interactions with other applications. The Oracle WebLogic server accesses the gateway.ini file and gets the configuration settings for managing these interactions from the /appserver/gateway folder in the Oracle WebLogic server.

Using Gateway.ini

Some gateway.ini parameters can be set during installation. Therefore, the gateway.ini file may contain some site-specific values as a result.

In most cases, using the default values is recommended. In some cases, parameter settings are directly tied to internal processing and should never be changed.

Changing Parameters

Valid reasons for changing optional parameters include:

  • Improving performance

  • Updating a database ID or a password when changes are made in the environment

There may be instances when Oracle Global Customer Support requests that you change a Gateway.ini parameter for research or debug purposes.

Restarting the Oracle WebLogic Server

When you change a setting in the gateway.ini file, that change does not take effect until the next time you start the Oracle WebLogic server. Therefore, whenever you change one or more of the gateway.ini parameters, you must shut down and restart the Oracle WebLogic server

When you suspend and resume a MetaSolv Solution server process, that process does not re-read the gateway.ini settings that affect its operation. Therefore, changes are ignored unless you shut down and restart the Oracle WebLogic server.

Understanding the Gateway.ini file Structure

Gateway.ini parameters are grouped together in the file to make it easier for you to find parameters you may need to change. The section order may be changed.

Following is a list of the parameter groups in the order they appear in the installed gateway.ini file:

  • Server parameters

  • ThreadProcs parameters

  • OrbProperties parameter

  • Session parameters

  • System parameters

  • Gateway parameters

  • SignalInternetServices

  • Events parameters

  • Event2 parameters

  • WorkManagement parameters

  • JNDI parameters

  • CA custom attributes parameters

  • Portal parameters

  • Custom Extension parameters

The following sections provide the following types of information about each section of the gateway.ini file:

  • Defaults and valid entries

  • Parameter descriptions

  • Instructions about prohibited changes, where appropriate

Sample installed Gateway.ini File

Some lines in the Gateway.ini file are very long. When viewing the file, some editors may wrap the text, making the file appear to contain extra text. Disable Word Wrap to view long lines as they are intended to be used.

;This section is modified by the install to contain a list of active servers.




StartupMode=server;StartUp Mode - gui, batch, server
Environment=prod;Environment - dev, test, prod

JobQueueServer=JOB SERVER NAME;Background Processor Logical Name
Timeout=601 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx







Servers Parameters

In the gateway.ini file, the term server parameter refers to a server process, which is another term for API. For instance, the PSRSERVER parameter name refers to the PSR API.

This section controls which MetaSolv Java API server processes are started automatically when the Oracle WebLogic server is started.


Do not alter the server names or startup classes.

Some servers may not be listed in the gateway.ini initially but are added as separate products are installed.

You can prevent a specific server from starting by placing a preceding semicolon (;) in front of its name.

Sample Servers Parameters

;This section is modified by the install to contain a list of active servers.

These parameters are modified by the install to contain a list of active servers.

Server Parameter Descriptions

Table A-1 describes the server parameters.

Table A-1 Servers Parameters

Parameter Description


This parameter starts the ASRnnSERVER for the ASR API and initializes it to the name service. To prevent this process from starting, comment out this line with a semicolon.


This parameter starts the CABSSERVER and initializes it to the name service. To prevent this process from starting, comment out this line with a semicolon.


This parameter starts the DLR server for the Inventory and Capacity Management API and initializes it to the name service. To prevent this process from starting, comment out this line with a semicolon.


This parameter starts the PSREUBServer for the PSR End User Billing API and initializes it to the name service. To prevent this process from starting, comment out this line with a semicolon.


This parameter starts the INFRASTRUCTURESERVER for the Infrastructure API and initializes it to the name service. To prevent this process from starting, comment out this line with a semicolon.


This parameter starts the Job Queue server and initializes it to the name service. To prevent this process from starting, comment out this line with a semicolon.


This parameter starts the LSR server for the LSR API and initializes it to the name service. To prevent this process from starting, comment out this line with a semicolon.


This parameter starts the NI server for the Number Inventory API and initializes it to the name service. To prevent this process from starting, comment out this line with a semicolon.


This parameter starts the PSRANCILLIARYSERVER for the PSR Ancillary API and initializes it to the name service. To prevent this process from starting, comment out this line with a semicolon.


This parameter starts the PSR server for the PSR API and initializes it to the name service. To prevent this process from starting, comment out this line with a semicolon.


This parameter starts the SOASERVER for the Service Order Activation API and initializes it to the name service. This server is no longer used. To prevent this process from starting, comment out this line with a semicolon.


This parameter starts the TMSSERVER for the Trouble Management API and initializes it to the name service. To prevent this process from starting, comment out this line with a semicolon.


This parameter starts the WM server for the Work Management API and initializes it to the name service. To prevent this process from starting, comment out this line with a semicolon.

ThreadProcs Parameters

This section includes MetaSolv server processes that function like the APIs. These processes are related to transactions generated by other MetaSolv Solution components, such as gateway events from the MetaSolv Solution client or jobs from the Background Processor. These server processes receive information from other Oracle products instead of third-party applications. These ThreadProcs start when the Oracle WebLogic server starts.


If the servers in the ThreadProcs section are missing or commented out, the Oracle WebLogic server does not start those servers. This can affect outbound gateway events, TNI Recall, system task processing, and other functions that use these servers. Do not disable a ThreadProcs server unless directed to do so by Oracle Global Customer Support.

Sample ThreadProcs Section


ThreadProcs Parameter Descriptions

These parameters are modified by the install to contain a list of active servers. See "Setting Up API Servers" for descriptions of active servers.

Table A-2 describes the TheadProcs Parameters.

Table A-2 ThreadProcs Parameters

Parameters Description


Default: com.mslv.integration.integrationServer.S3Startup

Valid values: com.mslv.integration.integrationServer.S3Startup

Do not alter or remove this parameter.


Default: MetaSolv.eventServer.S3Startup

Valid values: MetaSolv.eventServer.S3Startup

This parameter starts the Gateway Event server process. The only acceptable value is MetaSolv.eventServer.S3Startup. If this parameter is present, the Oracle WebLogic server starts the Gateway Event server process when the Oracle WebLogic server starts. If this parameter is missing or is commented out, the Oracle WebLogic server does not start the Gateway Event server process and no inbound or outbound gateway events can be processed by the MetaSolv Solution APIs.

Do not alter, remove, or comment out this parameter except as instructed by Oracle Global Customer Support.


Default: MetaSolv.event2Server.Event2ServerStartup

Valid values: MetaSolv.event2Server.Event2ServerStartup

This parameter starts the PSR End User Billing server process. MetaSolv.event2Server.Event2ServerStartup is the only acceptable value. If this parameter is present, the Oracle WebLogic server starts the PSR End User Billing server process when the Oracle WebLogic server starts. If this parameter is missing or is commented out, the Oracle WebLogic server does not start the PSR End User Billing server process and no inbound or outbound gateway events can be processed by the MetaSolv Solution APIs.

Do not alter, remove, or comment out this parameter except as instructed by Oracle Global Customer Support.


Default: com.mslv.core.ap.internal.WM.systemTaskServer.SystemTaskServer

Valid values: com.mslv.core.ap.internal.WM.systemTaskServer.SystemTaskServer

This parameter starts the System Task server process. The only acceptable entry is com.mslv.core.ap.in ternal.WM.sys temTaskServer.SystemTaskServer. If this parameter is present, the Oracle WebLogic server starts the System Task server process when the Oracle WebLogic server starts. If this parameter is missing or is commented out, the Oracle WebLogic server does not start the System Task server process and no system tasks can be automatically completed by the MetaSolv Solution.

Do not alter or remove this parameter.


Default: com.metasolv.system.StartServerINTERNET_SIGNAL_SER VER=MetaSolv.CORBA.WDIINTERNETSERVICES.WDIRoot,MetaSolv.SignalServer.WDIInternetSignalServerRootImpl

Valid values: com.metasolv.system.StartServer INTERNET_SIGNAL_SERVER=MetaSolv.CORBA.WDIINTERNETSERVICES.WDIRoot,MetaSolv.SignalServer.WDIInternetSignalServerRootImpl

This parameter starts the SIGNALSERVERPROC server and initializes it to the name service. To prevent this process from starting, comment this line with a semicolon. Also may be referred to as the INTERNET_SIGNAL_SERVER.

OrbProperties Parameter

The OrbProperties section designates the port published in the API servers' CORBA IOR files. If this parameter is not set, jacORB will assign a dynamic port number at startup time.

Sample OrbProperties Parameter


OrbProperties Parameter Description

Table A-3 describes the OrbProperties parameter.

Table A-3 OrbProperties Parameter

Parameter Description


Default: dynamically assigned

Valid values: A valid port

This parameter designates the port published in the API servers' CORBA IOR files. If the parameter is left blank, the port name will be dynamically assigned by jacORB.

Session Parameters

Session parameters control the JDBC connection between the MetaSolv APIs and the Oracle database.

Sample Session Section


Session Parameter Descriptions

Table A-4 describes the session parameters.

Table A-4 Session Parameters

Parameter Description


Default: app_api

Valid values: app_api

This is the (database) userid used to make connections to the database for the APIs.


Default: none

Valid values: A valid password

This is the (database) password, for the APP_API user, that is used to make connections to the database for the API's.

System Parameters

The gateway.ini system parameters provide general configuration for the MetaSolv APIs.

Sample System Section

StartupMode=server;StartUp Mode - gui, batch, server
Environment=prod;Environment - dev, test, prod

System Parameter Descriptions

Table A-5 describes the system parameters.

Table A-5 System Parameters

Parameter Description


Default: 15000

Valid values: The port that provides the Naming Service object references using a URL.


Reserved for internal processing. Do not alter, remove, or comment out this parameter.


Default: Prod

Valid values: Prod, dev, test

Reserved for internal processing. Do not alter, remove, or comment out this parameter.









Do not enter values for these parameters or remove them from the file. MetaSolv Solution application-specific logging uses a third-party software product (log4j) that is configured by setting properties in the Loggingconfig.xml file. Oracle WebLogic server logging can be controlled through the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

See "Annotated Loggingconfig.xml" for more information on the Loggingconfig.xml file.


Default: /opt2/metasolv/mslv01/appserver/ior

Valid values: A valid directory name

The IORPath represents the physical location where the API server CORBA IOR files will be written when the Oracle WebLogic server is started.


Default: 1000

Valid values: 1 to a system-specified maximum

This specifies the maximum number of threads that the API server will use.

Gateway Parameters

This section specifies miscellaneous and internal configuration parameters.

Sample Gateway Parameters

JobQueueServer=JOB SERVER NAME;Background Processor Logical Name

Gateway Parameter Descriptions

Table A-6 describes the gateway parameters.

Table A-6 Gateway parameters

Parameter Description


Default: False

Valid values: True, False

True causes extra logging. To improve performance, reset this parameter to False.

This parameter causes the contents of CORBA container objects to be listed in Oracle Global Customer Support API logs, for debugging purposes. True specifies that the object state display be prior to client notification when exporting objects from the server to the client. False specifies no display of object state.


Used for internal processing. Do not alter, remove, or comment out these parameters.


Used for internal processing. Do not alter, remove, or comment out these parameters.


Used for internal processing. Do not alter, remove, or comment out these parameters.

Events Parameters

The Events parameters control operation of the Gateway Event server.

Sample Events Parameters

The following is how the Events section looks in the Gateway.ini file:


Events Parameter Descriptions

Table A-7 describes the Events parameters.

Table A-7 Events Parameters

Parameter Description


Default: 30 (seconds)

Valid values: number between 1second and 2 million seconds

This parameter determines the number of seconds the Gateway event server allows to elapse before it polls the database for events to process. Setting this interval larger than a few minutes may adversely affect overall performance of the application and the API operations that involve gateway events.


Default: /opt2/metasolv/mslv01/appserver/suspendEventServer

Valid values: a valid file name

Disable this parameter if not needed.

Identifies the path and name of a file you can use to signal the Gateway Event server to pause operation. Immediately prior to polling the database, the Gateway Event server checks for the existence of this file. If the file does not exist, the Gateway Event server polls the database, initiates needed work, then waits until the next scheduled poll. If the file exists, the Gateway Event server skips polling the database, then waits until the next scheduled poll. The server repeats this process at each scheduled polling interval as long as the file continues to exist.


While suspended, the Gateway Event server cannot process any incoming or outgoing gateway events. Suspending the Gateway Event server for more than a few minutes may adversely affect overall performance of MetaSolv Solution and MetaSolv Solution API operations that involve gateway events.

Event2 Parameters

The PSR End User Billing API uses the Event2 server process to send notifications to an external billing system.

Sample Event2 Parameters


Event2 Parameter Descriptions

Table A-8 describes the Event2 server parameters.

Table A-8 Event2 Parameters

Parameter Description


Default: 30 (seconds)

Valid values: a number between 1second and 2 million seconds

This parameter determines the number of seconds which the Event2 server should allow to elapse before it polls the database for events to process. The default is 30 seconds. Setting this interval larger than a few minutes may adversely affect overall performance of MetaSolv Solution and MetaSolv Solution API operations that involve gateway events.


Default: /opt2/metasolv/mslv01/appserver/suspendEvent2Server

Valid values: a valid file name

Disable this parameter if not needed. This parameter identifies the path and filename of a file that you can use to signal the Event2 server that it should pause operation. Immediately prior to polling the database, the Event2 server checks for the existence of this file. The default filename is C:\MetaSolv\APPSERVER\suspendEvent2Server. If the file does not exist, the Event2 server polls the database, initiates any work that needs to be done, then waits until the next scheduled poll. If the file does exist, the Event2 server skips polling the database, then waits until the next scheduled poll. The server repeats this process at each scheduled polling interval as long as the file continues to exist.


While suspended, the PSR End User Billing server cannot process any gateway events.

WorkManagement Parameters

These parameters control operation of the Work Management system task server.

Sample Work Management Section


Work Management Parameter Descriptions

Table A-9 describes the Work Management system task server parameters.

Table A-9 Work Management Parameters

Parameter Description


Default: 120 (seconds)

Valid value: number between 1second and 2 million seconds

This parameter determines the number of seconds which the System Task server process should allow to elapse before it polls the database for new system tasks that should be processed.


Default: 5

Valid value: 1 to system-specified maximum

This parameter specifies the maximum size of the Thread Pool. When a new thread is requested, the Thread Pool checks its size to see if it is less than the MaxThreads parameter. If it is not less than the MaxThreads parameter, the thread pool will wait for a currently executing thread to finish before it creates a new thread.


Default: /opt2/metasolv/mslv01/appserver/suspendSystemTaskServer

Valid value: A valid file name.

This parameter identifies the path and filename of a file that you can use to signal the System Task server to pause operation. Immediately prior to polling the database, the System Task server checks for the existence of this file. If the file does not exist, the System Task server polls the database, initiates any work that needs to be done, then waits until the next scheduled poll.

If the file does exist, the System Task server skips polling the database, then waits until the next scheduled poll. The server repeats this process at each scheduled polling interval as long as the file continues to exist.

JNDI Parameters

This section specifies the parameters used by the MetaSolv Web applications to connect to the EJB server which uses the Java Naming and Directory InterfaceTM (JNDI) to locate the remote MetaSolv EJB. In most cases, nothing should be changed in this section.

JNDI is a mechanism that provides Java applications with a unified interface to multiple naming and directory services.


If you change the password for the administration user or if you change the HTTP port for the server process, on the Oracle WebLogic server management console, you must also make the same changes in the JNDI section.

Sample JNDI Parameters


JNDI Parameter Descriptions

Table A-10 describes the JNDI parameters.

Table A-10 JNDI Parameters

Parameter Description


Default: Oracle WebLogic server admin user ID (user input from installer)

Valid values:

Oracle WebLogic server admin user ID (user input from installer)

This is the administrator user that is created when running the WebLogic domain wizard to create the domain or single server. Change this parameter only if Oracle Global Customer Support recommends that you split your Web and EJB containers.


Default: Oracle WebLogic server admin password (user input from installer)

Valid values:

Oracle WebLogic server admin password (user input from installer)

This is the administrator password that is created when running the WebLogic domain wizard to create the domain or single server. The password can be changed from the WebLogic Administration Console.

The administration server must be restarted after changing the password to enable the managed servers to connect with the new password.


Default: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory

Valid values: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory

The WebLogic factory class used to create the initial context object for accessing the WebLogic naming service.

Change this parameter if you had in-house Java developers who subclassed WLInitialContextFactory to customize it. If you are running on an unsupported Oracle WebLogic server, use their context factory. Both of these are very unlikely scenarios and most users should use the default value.


Default: t3://localhost:8001

Valid values: A valid URL

The URL is used to locate the remote EJB container. Change this parameter if you are running the Oracle WebLogic server T3 service on a port other than 8001 or on a remote machine. A port other than 8001 is a common configuration setting. A machine other than localhost should only be used if MetaSolv recommends that you split your Web and EJB containers.

Custom Attribute (CA) Parameters

The CA cache is used by the MetaSolv Solution application to retrieve, render, validate and update CAs. The CA cache consists of CA definitions and rules set up in the MetaSolv Solution Utilities application. Controlling caching provides better performance than directly accessing the database each time a set of CAs are rendered. CA changes made in MetaSolv Solution Utilities are not reflected in MetaSolv Solution until the CA cache has refreshed.

User-defined custom attributes are read and cached on the Oracle WebLogic server during server startup. This process may take several minutes to complete, depending on the amount of CA data.

The frequency of refreshing and caching is controlled by options in the gateway.ini file CA parameters. Depending on the amount of custom attribute data, the frequency of the caching refresh process can put an extra load on the database server and Oracle WebLogic server. You should determine how often the cache needs to be refreshed and set the options accordingly.


Oracle recommends daily updates, using the CacheRefreshHourOfDay parameter.

Caching can be completely disabled by setting CacheDisable=true. If disabled, caching will not occur during Oracle WebLogic server startup and will not be refreshed even if CacheDisable is afterwards changed to false.

If CacheRefreshActive is set to true, the CacheRefreshMode parameter determines the frequency, either an hourly interval, once a day at a specific time, or once a week at a specific time.

Sample CA Parameters


Using the default values mentioned above, the Oracle WebLogic server refreshes customer attributes daily at the 23rd hour of the day.

CA Parameter Descriptions

Table A-11 describes the CA parameters.

Table A-11 Custom Attribute Parameters

Parameter Description


Default: false

Valid values: true, false

Determines whether or not the CA cache is built when the Oracle WebLogic server is started. If set to true, the CA cache is not built when the Oracle Robotic server is started.

Cache Manager Class

Default: com.mslv.core.api.internal.ca.cache.broker.CacheManager

Valid values: com.mslv.core.api.internal.ca.cache.broker.CacheManager

Do not change this parameter unless requested to do so by Oracle Global Customer Support. This is a java class name.

Cache Refresh Active

Default: true

Valid values: true, false

Determines whether or not the CA cache is refreshed on the Oracle Robotic server on a regular interval. If CacheDisable is false and CacheRefreshActive is true, the Oracle WebLogic server will rebuild the CA cache on an interval defined by the CacheRefreshMode parameter.


Default: hourly

Valid values: hourly, daily, weekly

Determines whether the CA cache is refreshed hourly, daily or weekly. If hourly, the cache is refreshed every x hours, where x is defined by the HourlyInterval parameter (Defaults to every hour). If daily, cache is refreshed every day on the x hour, where x is defined by the HourOfDay parameter. (Defaults to 2:00 p.m.). If weekly, cache is refreshed once a week on the day defined by the DayOfWeek parameter and on the hour defined by the HourOfDay parameter. (Defaults to Friday at 2:00 p.m.)


Default: 6

Valid values: 1 - 7

The day of the week CA cache is refreshed when the CacheRefreshMode is set to weekly. Day 1 is Sunday, Day 2 is Monday... Day 7 is Saturday.



Valid values: 0 - 23

The hour of day CA cache is refreshed when the CacheRefreshMode is set to daily or weekly. Hour 0 is 12:00 a.m.


Default: 1

Valid values: 1 - 23

The hourly interval CA cache is refreshed when the CacheRefreshMode is set to hourly.

Note: For testing purposes only, if you wish to have the cache refresh more frequently than hourly, you can set the HourlyInterval to a value between 300 and 1800. If set to a value of 300 - 1800, the cache handles the value as seconds. In other words, the cache will refresh anywhere between every 5 minutes to every 30 minutes. Do not set this value to 300 - 1800 in a production environment as it will impact performance.

Portal Parameters

Users can customize the MetaSolv Solution desktop to display links to portlets. Portlets provide a convenient way to insert connections to other applications into the interface. A portlet uses pre-configured URL and parameters to retrieve the content from an application, then passes the content to the portlet. The default portal shipped with MetaSolv Solution contains several portlets, with the default portlet being the MetaSolv Welcome Page. When the users first logon or if the Customize User Level Portal preference is disabled, users see the default portlet on their desktops. The System Administrator can change the default portlet.

The initial default MetaSolv Solution ID is asap. When the MetaSolv Solution is first installed, only the superuser has access to the product, to Security, and to the Default Portal using the superuser ID and password.

If you have changed the DefaultPortalId and you want to upgrade, you must manually change the DefaultPortalId back to asap after the upgrade.

Sample Portal Parameter


Portal Parameter Description

Table A-12 describes the portal parameter.

Table A-12 Portal Parameter

Parameter Description


Default: ASAP

Valid value: an existing User ID

This ID is used to retrieve a customized portal to be displayed on the My Desktop page when a user logs on to MetaSolv Solution.

Custom Parameters

A custom extension enables you to extend Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution functionality with additional business logic specific to your organization. In other words, extensions provide the ability to make calls to external systems and to send e-mail and JMS messages at predefined execution points, over and above the functionality supported by the MetaSolv Solution application and APIs.

Sample Custom Parameter


Custom Parameter Description

Table A-13 describes the custom parameter.

Table A-13 Custom Parameter

Parameter Description


Default: /opt2/metasolv/mslv01/appserver/samples/customExtension

Valid value: A valid file name.

This parameter identifies the path for the custom extensions directory.