3 Minimum Technical Requirements

This chapter provides the minimum MetaSolv Solution hardware and software requirements. Due to the change from a two-tier to a multi-tier architecture, Oracle has recommendations for performance. See "Deployment Configuration Examples" for information on deploying to small, medium, and large environments for the application server and the database server.

Because each business differs in factors like size, use of the application, and performance desired, each installation of MetaSolv Solution has different hardware and software requirements. For each piece of hardware listed in the requirements, the estimated number of users the hardware can support is listed.

Before you make hardware decisions, contact Oracle Consulting or Oracle Product Management to ensure you have the right equipment and software to achieve the system performance required for your business needs.

For a complete list of certified software versions used with MetaSolv Solution, see "Software Required to Install MetaSolv Solution".

MetaSolv Solution Installation Components

Table 3-1 identifies the required and optional software components of the MetaSolv Solution environment.

Table 3-1 MetaSolv Solution Components

Component Required or Optional

Database Server


Application Server


MetaSolv Solution Rich Client


Background Processor




Location and Routing Gateway


NPA Split Utility


MetaSolv Solution Utilities


Data Selection Tool


Recommended Actions for Best Performance

Every MetaSolv Solution environment is different. The environment is affected by the product functionality being used, mix of transactions, API usage, hardware capacity, network speed and capacity, how the servers are tuned, and so on. For best results using each software component, Oracle recommends that you take the following actions:

  • Stay abreast of de-support notices on products referenced in this section to ensure your software environment is fully supported.

  • To upgrade outside the supported versions, contact Oracle Support to determine available options. Recommendations may include migrating to a newer version of MetaSolv Solution.

Database Server

The database server can be a Windows- or UNIX-based machine with the ability to support Oracle. The only MetaSolv Solution application code that runs on this server are stored procedures contained in the database.The following list provides more information on the MetaSolv Solution database server.

Storage: A high performance, fault tolerant disk subsystem should be used.

Fault tolerance: Fault tolerance is important when provisioning the database server. If this server fails, the MetaSolv Solution software cannot function. There are several commercial clustering solutions available for Oracle servers. Oracle recommends that you work with its hardware vendor to implement a clustering solution.

Scalability: Scalability is achieved through the use of a server with multiple and/or faster processors.

Software requirements:

  • Operating system: Refer to the Oracle Database documentation for information on supported OS versions.

  • Database: Oracle Enterprise Edition 11gR2.

Sizing for existing customers: See Appendix A, "Deployment Configuration Examples" for sizing information that includes examples for small, medium, and large deployments.

Additional information:

  • Because disk sizing is approximate, adjust sizing based on your data requirements.

  • MetaSolv Solution is certified to work with Oracle's Dictionary Managed Storage.

  • Required tablespaces are DATA and INDEXES, which can be either Dictionary or Locally Managed. These are required as default tablespaces for creating new objects.

  • This release of MetaSolv Solution is certified to work with the version of Oracle Enterprise Edition listed. Work with Oracle Global Customer Support to determine the recommended patch level for your intended platform/version combination.

    The following initialization parameters are required for databases running Oracle Database 11gR2:

    _b_tree_bitmap_plans = false
    _old_connect_by_enabled = true
    compatible =

    Oracle recommends you do the following:

    • Set the O7_DICITONARY_ACCESSIBILITY parameter to TRUE to ensure that the install script completes successfully.

    • Set the OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE parameter to 9.2.0 for Oracle Database 11gR2.

    • Set the compatible parameter to a minimum value of to ensure that all the materialized views are created successfully. Do not modify this parameter if it is already set to a higher value.

Application Server

Description: The MetaSolv application server supports the MetaSolv Solution application code running in the middle tier. Clients connect to the application server using HTTP or IIOP (both over TCP/IP), and the application server connects to the database server using JDBC connection pools. The MetaSolv Solution APIs also run on the application server. The application server is compliant with OMG CORBA 2.4 and JEE 1.6 specifications.

Fault Tolerance: Fault tolerance is provided by clustering multiple application servers together. Because the application server is a critical component, Oracle recommends multiple application servers be implemented in a clustered configuration in a production environment. Oracle WebLogic software provides clustering mechanisms, although other load balancing/high availability solutions may be used. Oracle recommends the application servers and database servers run on separate machines in a production environment.

Scalability: Scalability is achieved by running multiple application server processes or using more powerful servers. Performance levels in the application server tier is heavily dependent on tuning the environment and configuring to optimize communication between the database, application server, and client. The sizing numbers shown in this section provide a general guideline for determining hardware requirements. Customers should follow installation and configuration guidelines available from the application server vendor.

Software: Table 3-2 shows the component software required by each platform that MetaSolv Solution supports for 6.2.x.

Table 3-2 Component software for MetaSolv Solution 6.2.x by platform

Platform /

Component Software






Operating system

Windows 2008 Server R2

Oracle Solaris 10 update 5/08 or higher (on a SPARC machine)

Oracle Linux Server release 5.5 (Carthage)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5

AIX 6.1 or higher (on a POWER machine)

HP-UX 11.23 or higher (on an Itanium machine. 32-bit and 64-bit JAVA supported)

Application server

Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.1

Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.1

Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.1

Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.1

Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.1


JacORB 2.3.1

JacORB 2.3.1

JacORB 2.3.1

JacORB 2.3.1

JacORB 2.3.1







Sizing: Table 3-3 shows machine specifications for all platforms measured by the number of concurrent users. Based on a mixed scenario benchmark, throughput data was provided.

Table 3-3 Machine Size By Number of Users

Size and Usage Requirement Nonclustered Nonredundant Environment

Number of concurrent users


Number of orders per day


Circuit assignment


Number of trouble tickets





Application server (MetaSolv Solution only) 2 x 1 GHz2 GB

Application server (MetaSolv Solution with XML API option)4 x 1 GHz4 GB

Additional information:

  • With the MSS 6.2.x release, the application server supports 64-bit Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is possible that 64-bit JVM may support a large number of users per application instance as a sizeable amount of memory can be allocated to the java heap. An individual application server instance using the 64-bit JVM can support 80 or 120 users if 8 GB or 12 GB of memory is allocated to the java heap.

  • Sizing of the application server should be based on the expected maximum number of requests, or concurrent transactions, sent to the application server at the same time. This number is considerably less than the number of clients using the application server, typically 15-20 percent of the total number of users logged on to the system. For more specific sizing and configuration guidelines, see MetaSolv Solution Installation Guide.

  • More servers may be employed in a software- or hardware-based cluster. This approach provides more redundancy and reduced impact if a server in the cluster fails. However, the dispatcher functionality should be run on multiple servers to ensure redundancy.

  • Oracle does not support running the application server on Citrix.

  • If you plan to use an external load balancing mechanism, it must support sticky sessions, and it cannot modify WebLogic cookies. In addition, the network configuration needs to support requests from the application server to the load balancer.

  • The application server must be able to obtain graphics settings from the host to provide printing and graphics functionality in the application. Oracle does not endorse or certify functionality of the third-party packages. For UNIX host machines running in a headless configuration (without a console monitor), one of the following options must be implemented:

    • Enable xhost to allow remote connections to the console (execute "xhost" as root user).

    • Install a graphics card in the host machine.

    • Install and configure PJA library. For additional information, see:


    • Install and configure XVFB, 'X Virtual Frame Buffer.' For additional information, see:


MetaSolv Solution Rich Client

Description: This client has the client-side code loaded on the machine. Some portions of the rich client functionality are executed by the MetaSolv application server. This is referred to as thin client functionality, and it requires the Internet Explorer to be loaded on the client. Different components of the application make differing demands on the client. This should be taken into account when determining the hardware requirements for the MetaSolv Solution rich clients. The different types of rich clients include:

  • End user with PERT chart and PVC: These components use graphics to display PERT charts and permanent virtual circuits. A larger monitor with higher resolution and color depth is recommended.

  • End user: A basic end user not using any of the components listed. A less powerful machine is required for this usage.

Storage: Disk requirements are minimal. No persistent user data is stored.

Fault Tolerance: No special requirements are needed. Should any client fail, a user may resume work on any client machine.

Scalability: A faster processor in the client machine will improve performance. Increased memory often has a significant improvement on desktop performance, especially if multiple applications are used simultaneously. Additional clients may be added as needed, and the servers may need to be scaled to handle the additional load, as noted in each of the server descriptions. Specific sizing recommendations are shown below.


Operating System:

  • Windows XP Professional SP3

  • Windows Server 2008 R2

  • Windows 7


Database client: N/A

Browser: Internet Explorer 7.0 or 8.0

Reader: Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.4 or higher

Sizing (client machine):


  • 1.9 GHz (minimum)

  • 2.6 GHz (recommended for Inventory Management users)

Memory: 1 GB

Monitor: 17 inches

Colors: True color (24 bit)

Resolution: 1024 x 768

Disk: 0.5 GB

Additional information:

  • MetaSolv supports Windows XP Professional SP3, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 R2 operating systems on the client. Earlier versions of Windows are not supported due to insufficient system resources to run MetaSolv Solution.

  • CPU and memory requirements assume other applications will be running on the client machine. Client hardware configuration will impact general performance of MetaSolv Solution client applications. If the client hardware has only the minimum configuration, processes may take significantly longer to run than they would on a machine with the higher recommended configuration. For example:

    • A large search for connections can take 30 seconds longer.

    • Creating connections can take 5 to 10 seconds longer.

    • The AutoBuild SONET function can take twice as long.

    Customers need to determine optimal requirements based on how MetaSolv Solution is used in their business.

  • Only the Small Fonts setting for Font Size in the Display Properties is supported.

  • The Text Size setting in the browser must be set to Medium.

  • Select the following check boxes for the HTTP 1.1 settings on the Advanced tab of the Internet Options window:

    • Use HTTP 1.1

    • Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connections

Background Processor

Description: The Background Processor performs tasks in the background while MetaSolv Solution is working. It accepts requests to perform tasks that users do not want to wait on. Users place tasks in a queue, which is held in a database table. The Background Processor monitors this table and pulls requests from it. Results are available to users through another table. There is no direct communication between the users and the Background Processor. The Background Processor runs the same code as the end user clients, but it does not have an interactive user interface.

Storage: Disk requirements are minimal. No persistent user data is stored.

Fault Tolerance: Fault tolerance is achieved through the use of multiple machines. Each machine can process the same work queue, and in the case of a failure, the surviving machine continues processing the work queue.

Scalability: Scalability is achieved through the use of multiple machines (horizontal scaling) or the use of more powerful servers.


Operating system:

  • Windows XP Professional SP3

  • Windows 7

  • Windows Server 2008 R2

Database: N/A


Sizing: Table 3-4 describes the background processor sizing requirements:

Table 3-4 Background Processor sizing requirements

Number of concurrent background jobs CPU Memory Disk


1.9 GHz (minimum)

2.6 GHz (recommended for Inventory Management users)

2 GB

0.5 GB

Additional information:

  • Hardware sizing is not directly affected by the number of users. User behavior affects the load placed upon these servers and subsequent hardware requirements.


Description: Citrix executes the MetaSolv Solution client software for the end user, transmits screen updates to a thin client, and receives mouse and keyboard data from the thin client. Use of Citrix is recommended for any customer with end users running across a WAN. Citrix minimizes the response time delays caused by network latency. Other benefits include ease of software distribution, reduction of WAN bandwidth requirements, and reduced client specifications.

Storage: Disk requirements are minimal. No persistent user data is stored.

Fault Tolerance: Fault tolerance is achieved through the use of multiple machines in a farm. Citrix provides the capability to direct client requests to one of many servers in a farm.

Scalability: Scalability is achieved through the use of multiple machines (horizontal scaling), or the use of more powerful servers. Generally, better results are obtained by limiting the server size to two CPUs.


OS: Any OS version that supports the MSS client. For example, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows XP SP3, and Windows 7.

Database: N/A

Network: CA/RDP over TCP/IP

Colors: The color setting depends on the operating system you use.

Sizing: For information on sizing a Citrix configuration, see the Citrix documentation or contact Citrix Systems, Inc.

Additional information:

  • This software runs on Windows platforms only. Other platforms are not supported.

  • Citrix is optional.

Location and Routing Gateway Client

Description: This is one of three optional peripheral applications that require client machines to execute special activities.


Operating system:

  • Windows XP Professional SP3

  • Windows Server 2008 R2

  • Windows 7

Network: Oracle client

Browser: Internet Explorer 7.0 or 8.0

Sizing (client machine):


  • 1.9 GHz (minimum)

  • 2.6 GHz (recommended for Inventory Management users)

Memory: 1 GB

Monitor: 17 to 21 inches

Colors: 256

Resolution: 1024 x 768

Disk: 0.5 GB

NPA Split Utility Client

Description: This is one of three optional peripheral applications that require client machines to execute special activities.


Operating system:

  • Windows XP Professional SP3

  • Windows Server 2008 R2

  • Windows 7

Network: Oracle client

Browser: Internet Explorer 7.0 or 8.0

Sizing (client machine):


  • 1.9 GHz (minimum)

  • 2.6 GHz (recommended for Inventory Management users)

Memory: 1 GB

Monitor: 17 to 21 inches

Colors: 256

Resolution: 1024 x 768

Disk: 0.5 GB

MetaSolv Solution Utilities Client

Description: This is one of three optional peripheral applications that require client PCs to execute special activities.The MetaSolv Solution Utilities client allows you to do various maintenance and setup activities for MetaSolv Solution.


Operating system:

  • Windows XP Professional SP3

  • Windows Server 2008 R2

  • Windows 7

Network: Oracle client

Browser: Internet Explorer 7.0 or 8.0

Sizing (client machine):


  • 1.9 GHz (minimum)

  • 2.6 GHz (recommended for Inventory Management users)

Memory: 1 GB

Monitor: 17 to 21 inches

Colors: 256

Resolution: 1024 x 768

Disk: 0.5 GB