Oracle Fusion Middleware Data Visualization Tools Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
11g Release 1 (



annotation annotation

Use the annotation tag to define an annotation on a graph. An annotation is associated with a specific data point on a graph. The annotationSet tag wraps an unlimited number of annotations for a graph. Usually, however, only a few of the points in a graph have annotations associated with them. It is possible for multiple annotations to be associated with a single data point.

Relationship with other tags

The annotation tag is a child of the annotationSet tag.

The annotation tag has the following child tag: graphFont tag.


The following example shows the XML for six annotations in a single graph.

         <dvt:annotation series="0" group="0" text="annotation #1"/> 
         <dvt:annotation series="0" group="0" text="Second annotation for the same series and group"/> 
         <dvt:annotation series="1" group="3" text="This is a long long long annotation text for series 1 and group 3">
            <dvt:graphFont name="SansSerif" size="10" color="#0000FF" bold="false" italic="true" underline="false"/> 
         <dvt:annotation series="1" group="7" text="fourth annotation"/> 
         <dvt:annotation series="0" group="7" fillColor="#55FFFF00" borderColor="#55FF0000" text="fifth annotation"/> 
         <dvt:annotation series="0" group="7" fillColor="#55FFFF00" borderColor="#55FF0000" text="sixth of the same set"/> 


Name Type Supports EL? Description
id java.lang.String no Specifies the identifier for the component
series int no Specifies the zero-based index of a series in a graph. In most graphs, each series appears as a set of markers that are the same color. For example, in a multiple pie graph, each yellow slice might represent sales of shoes, while each green slice represents the sales of boots. In a bar graph, all of the yellow bars might represent the sales of shoes, and the green bars might represent the sales of boots.
group int no Specifies the zero-based index of a group in a graph. Groups appear differently in different graph types. In a clustered bar graph, each cluster of bars is a group. In a stacked bar graph, each stack is a group. In a multiple pie graph, each pie is a group.
borderColor java.lang.String no Specifies the color of the border for the annotation in RGB hexadecimal. The example color="#000000" specifies black color. This color property takes 6 or 8 digit hex as input. When 8 digit hex is used, the first 2 digits represent transparency, otherwise the color is opaque.
fillColor java.lang.String no Specifies the fill color for the annotation in RGB hexadecimal. The example color="#000000" specifies black color. This color property takes 6 or 8 digit hex as input. When 8 digit hex is used, the first 2 digits represent transparency, otherwise the color is opaque.
text java.lang.String no Specifies the text that appears in the annotation. This text can be multi-line with line breaks.
rendered boolean no Indicates whether this annotation is visible in the graph. Valid values are "true" (Default) and "false".
xValue double no Specifies the x value at which to position this annotation. This setting only applies when the annotation position is absolute or percentage.
yValue double no Specifies the y value at which to position this annotation. This setting only applies when the annotation position is absolute or percentage.
horizontalAlignment java.lang.String no Specifies the horizontal positioning of the annotation. This setting only applies when the annotation position is absolute or percentage. Valid values are:
  • LEFT (Default)
verticalAlignment java.lang.String no Specifies the vertical positioning of the annotation. This setting only applies when the annotation position is absolute or percentage. Valid values are:
  • CENTER (Default)
  • TOP
position java.lang.String no Specifies the type of positioning used for the annotation. Valid values are:
  • dataValue - (Default) Use the series and group to position the annotation.
  • absolute - Use the x and y values to position the annotation.
  • percentage - Position the annotation by a percentage of the plot area. This setting treats the x and y values as percentages, where the possible values are from 0 to 100.
When the position is set to absolute or percentage, the annotation is positioned at exactly the xy location specified, without taking into account overlap or clipping.