Oracle® Health Sciences Adverse Event Integration Pack for Oracle Health Sciences InForm and Oracle Argus Safety 1.0.1 Patch Set

Part Number - E41511-01

Readme, Rev. 1.0, 6-June-2013

Use this patch set to install Oracle® Health Sciences Adverse Event Integration Pack for Oracle Health Sciences InForm and Oracle Argus Safety (Adverse Event: InForm and Argus Safety integration) Release 1.0.1.

Apply to Adverse Event: InForm and Argus Safety Integration 1.0

Bug Identifier: 16523094 - Build Patch Set for InForm and Argus Integration

Contents: Overview | Problems Addressed | List of Files Delivered in the Patch | Downloading the Patch | Installing the Patch | Uninstalling the Patch


This patch set contains fixes to the Adverse Event: InForm and Argus Safety Integration. It contains changes to support Oracle Health Sciences InForm 6.0 and Oracle Argus Safety 7.0.2.


Problems Addressed

This section describes the bugs fixed in this patch. The descriptions include two subsections: Before and After.

Problems Addressed in this Patch

The Adverse Event: InForm and Argus Safety integration 1.0.1 patch set includes the following bug fixes:

Bug 14475059


An additional product tab was created during E2B imports. The second product tab contained the information about the product such as, dosing. Follow-up would go into the first tab that had information entered in the Argus Product setup.


An additional product tab is not created during E2B imports.

Bug 14503751


E2B follow-up import did not work for the CASE_PROD_DEVICES.UD_TEXT_7 extension field. When data for this field is populated and you send information from InForm to Argus for this user-defined field, you will not be able to accept the follow-up into the case.


E2B follow-up can now be accepted when it contains information for the CASE_PROD_DEVICES.UD_TEXT_7 extension.

Bug 16073643


When InForm user reports multiple primary causes of death and autopsy-determined causes of death for a given subject, the integration was interspersing each type of cause in the E2B. This resulted in a message that does not conform to the underlying message schema definition.

Note: There is no impact on the functionality of the integration.


When InForm user reports multiple primary causes of death and autopsy-determined causes of death for a given subject, the integration writes all primary causes of death followed by all autopsy-determined causes of death. These message conforms to the underlying message schema definition.

Bug 16090038


Integration writes an empty extension element < regsubmitindicator_extension/ > in the E2B file to Argus Safety. This extension element was not used by InForm to Argus Safety integration and hence there is no impact on functionality.


Integration does not write empty extension element < regsubmitindicator_extension/ > in the E2B file.

Bug 16222876


When dosage unit values were not specified in InForm (for example, grams or milligrams), Argus Safety E2B import process did not display an import warning. It imported dosage values without units to Argus Case Form.


When dosage unit values are not specified in InForm, Argus Safety E2B import process displays an import warning for missing unit values. Dosage values without units are not imported into Case Form fields > Products > < Product Name > > Dosage Regimens > Dose and Daily Dosage.

Bug 16357612


Argus 7.0.2 was not supported by the integration.


Argus 7.0.2 is now supported in addition to Argus 7.0.1.

Bug 16423600


During InForm trial design, study designer mapped Subject_AdverseEvent/RelatedtoStudyDrug indicator to a form field to indicate whether an adverse event was caused by the study drug.

During the trial run time, when InForm user selected a value that sets Subject_AdverseEvent/RelatedToStudyDrug indicator to True, the integration interpreted the study drug to be interacting and it incorrectly assigned study drug\x92s characterization code as 3.

Interacting does not mean that the study drug was related to the adverse event. An interacting drug is a non-study drug that interacted with the study drug and is believed to have caused the adverse event.


During InForm trial design, study designer maps Subject_SuspectDrug/SuspectDrug_Interacting indicator to a form field to indicate whether a given non-study drug caused the adverse event by interacting with the study drug.

During the trial run time, when InForm user enters a value that sets Subject_SuspectDrug/SuspectDrug_Interacting indicator to True, the integration assigns non-study drug\x92s characterization code as 3.

Bug 16473356


InForm 6.0 was not supported by the integration.


InForm 6.0 is now supported in addition to InForm 4.6 and InForm 5.5.


List of Files Delivered in the Patch

Downloading the Patch

This patch is distributed as a zip file. To locate and download this patch:

  1. Sign in to My Oracle Support at

  2. Click the Patches & Updates tab.

    The Patches and Updates page opens and displays the Patch Search region.

  3. In the Patch Name or Number field, enter the primary bug number (16523094) fixed by this patch.

  4. Click Search to execute your query.

    The Patch Search Results page opens.

  5. Click the patch ID number.

    The system displays details about the patch. In addition, you can view the Readme file before downloading the patch.

  6. Click Download.

    A dialog box opens.

  7. Choose to save the file, browse to a temporary directory where the file is to be downloaded, and click Save.

  8. Transfer the patch zip file to the necessary servers.


Installing the Patch

This section contains the following topics:


Patch Preinstallation Steps

  1. Ensure that you have write permissions to all the files under AIA_HOME/service and AIA_HOME/data directory. To enable write permission, perform the following:

    On Unix, execute the following commands:

    On Windows, navigate to the following directories. Right-click on the directory name, select Properties, and deselect Read-only attribute in the context menu.

Patch Installation Steps

  1. Copy and unzip the patch to any location on your server. This location is referred to as PATCH_HOME.

    For example,

    On Linux: /slot/oracle/16523094

    On Windows: D:\oracle\16523094

  2. Navigate to < AIA_Instance >/bin and run the following command to set the AIA environment variables:

    On Linux: source

    On Windows: aiaenv.bat

  3. Set the following environment variables by executing the following commands:

    For Unix:

    For Windows:

  4. Apply the patch using the following the OPatch apply command based on the platform:

    Note: jre_location is: < Middleware_Home > /jdk/jre or $JAVA_HOME.

  5. Review the install log in $AIA_HOME/cfgtoollogs/opatch for any potential errors. The log files are named as opatch< YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MI-SS >< AM/PM >.log. The current patch log file can be found during patch installation.

    For any questions or problems, contact Oracle Support for AIA.

Patch Deployment Steps

To deploy the changes, perform the following:

  1. Run the patch deployment plan (DP) to deploy the modified services.

    The patch deployment plan is available at $PATCH_HOME/custom/scripts/Patch_16523094DP.xml

    To run this, navigate to the $PATCH_HOME location and execute the following commands:

    On Linux: $ ant -f $AIA_HOME/Infrastructure/Install/AID/AIAInstallDriver.xml -DDeploymentPlan=$PATCH_HOME/custom/scripts/Patch_16523094DP.xml -DPropertiesFile=$AIA_INSTANCE/config/AIAInstallProperties.xml -l $PATCH_HOME/16523094.log

    On Windows: % ant -f %AIA_HOME%\Infrastructure\Install\AID\AIAInstallDriver.xml -DDeploymentPlan=%PATCH_HOME%\custom\scripts\Patch_16523094DP.xml -DPropertiesFile=%AIA_INSTANCE%\config\AIAInstallProperties.xml -l %PATCH_HOME%\16523094.log

  2. Review the log file for errors.

    For any questions or problems, contact Oracle Support for AIA.

Patch Post-Installation Steps

This patch provides new profile scripts for Argus. Follow the steps in Setting Up Argus E2B Profile section in the Oracle\xAE Health Sciences Adverse Event Integration Pack for Oracle Health Sciences InForm and Oracle Argus Safety Installation Guide Release 1.0.1.

Uninstalling the Patch

There are two parts to rollback the patch:

  1. Restoring original files before patch application.

    To restore prepatch files:

    1. Complete steps 1, 2, and 3 in Patch Installation Steps.
    2. Go to the OPatch folder and execute the following commands:

      On Linux: % opatch rollback -id < patchnumber > -invPtrLoc $AIA_HOME/oraInst.loc -oh $AIA_HOME -jre < jre location >

      On Windows: % opatch rollback -id < patchnumber > -invPtrLoc %AIA_HOME%\oraInst.loc -oh %AIA_HOME% -jre < jre location >

      For any questions or problems, contact Oracle Support for AIA.

  2. Redeploying original services to undo the patch deployments.

    To redeploy prepatch content, run the following command:

    On Linux: $ ant -f $AIA_HOME/Infrastructure/Install/AID/AIAInstallDriver.xml -DDeploymentPlan=$PATCH_HOME/custom/scripts/Patch_16523094DP.xml -DPropertiesFile=$AIA_INSTANCE/config/AIAInstallProperties.xml -l $PATCH_HOME/16523094.log

    On Windows: % ant -f %AIA_HOME%\Infrastructure\Install\AID\AIAInstallDriver.xml -DDeploymentPlan=%PATCH_HOME%\custom\scripts\Patch_16523094DP.xml -DPropertiesFile=%AIA_INSTANCE%\config\AIAInstallProperties.xml -l %PATCH_HOME%\16523094.log


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