Implementation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Customizing Payment > About Payment Plug-Ins >

Creating a Recurring Payment Plug-In

The recurring payment plug-in is called when the pmtRecurPayment job runs. You can use this plug-in to prevent a recurring payment from being scheduled based on business rules. Or, you can extract some indexed fields from the index table, and put them into the payment being scheduled.

The default plug-in implementation, RecurringPaymentPlugIn, does nothing. The file provides an example implementation.

To create a recurring payment plug-in

  1. Derive your implementation class from RecurringPaymentPlugIn.
  2. Overwrite the method that you want to change the behavior of.
  3. When compiling the class, include the Payment_common.jar and Payment_client.jar files in your Java class path.
  4. Package this class into the Payment_custom.jar file of each EAR file.
  5. Update the pmtRecurPayment job configuration in the Command Center to use the new class.

    For more information about changing job settings in the Command Center, see Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.

Related Topics

Recurring Payment Job with Plug-In Workflow

About Populating Index Fields in Payment Flexible Fields

The plug-in com.edocs.paymenttasks.recur_payment.SampleRecurringPlugIn demonstrates how to use a plug-in to populate the flexible fields of the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing database (ICheck or ICreditCard) with the indexed information from the indexer table.

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