Web Services Reference for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Discovering RESTful Web Service Resources >

Discovering Oracle Self-Service E-Billing RESTful Services Using the RESTful Services Client

You can use the rsclient test-harness application to discover API input and output when using Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) operations in development. Using the rsclient test-harness application, you can view PUT, POST, and some GET operations, and any other operations with a payload. Payload refers to the content of the XML.

To discover API input and output

  1. Start the RESTful Service server domain.
  2. Start the RESTful Service client domain.
  3. Start the rsclient test-harness application by using the following URL:


  4. Obtain an authentication token by using one of the following methods:
    • From the RS Name list, select the authenticate Web service.
    • Log in to the REST services server with a URL in the following format:


      The token has an expiration period of 20 minutes, which is preconfigured. When the token expires, you must invoke the authenticate service again to get a new token.

  5. Select a Web service from the RS Name list.

    The rsclient test-harness application displays the resource and the method for discovery associated with the selected REST services name.

  6. Enter the following information as required:
    • Any fields that are specific to the selected service. For example, if you select the showUser resource, then the Resource field shows the URI as /users/{userId}, and the additional userId field enables you to enter the valid user ID for the URI.
    • Enter any additional parameters in the Parameters field, using the format name=value pair. This format is the same as the URL.

      For example, for the showReport Web service, you must enter the report ID in the report_id field with the valid parameters in the Parameters field. If more than one parameter is needed, then you can concatenate the name=value pairs using a comma (,), semicolon (;), or ampersand (&).Enter a valid token value in the token field.

    • If the input XML text area is displayed, then enter the XML payload data for POST and PUT operations.

      For information on how to format the XML payload data, see Examples of Web Services.

      The Generate URI button lets you see the URI generated for the selected service.

  7. Click Submit to send the request to the Web server and to display the response in the Response text area.
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