Installation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Migrating to Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Version 6.2 > Process of Migrating Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Version 6.0.3 to Version 6.0.4 >

Migrating the OLTP Database from Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Version 6.0.3 to a New Character Set (Optional)

The OLTP character set changed from WE8ISO8859P1 in Oracle Self-Service E-Billing version 6.0.2 to AL32UTL8 in Oracle Self-Service E-Billing version 6.0.3. Character set AL32UTL8 can store languages that are not available in character set WE8ISO8859P1.

If you have not already migrated your OLTP database to the new character set, and you want to support a language that is available only in the new character set, then you must migrate your Oracle Self-Service E-Billing version 6.0.3 OLTP database to the new character set. For more information about which languages can be stored in most common character sets, see 62421.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.

To use the new character set, you must perform a full export and import of the OLTP database.

This task is a step in Process of Migrating Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Version 6.0.3 to Version 6.0.4.

To migrate the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing version 6.0.3 OLTP database to the new character set

  1. It is strongly recommended to create a full backup of your OLTP database and check your source OLTP database with Csscan to avoid data loss.
  2. It is recommended to review the following articles:
    • For information on installing and configuring CSSCAN in Oracle Database 11g, see 745809.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.
    • For information on changing the NLS_CHARACTERSET to AL32UTF8 or UTF8 (Unicode), see 260192.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.
  3. Verify the NLS_CHARACTERSET on the source database. Log on to the OLTP instance as SYSDBA, and run the following command:

    SQL>select * from nls_database_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET';

  4. Export the NLS_LANG set to the new character set:
    • UNIX. Run the following commands:


    exp system/manager@oltp_tnsname file=oltp_export.dmp FULL=Y log=oltp_export.log

    • Windows. Run the following commands:


    exp system/manager@oltp_tnsname file=oltp_export.dmp FULL=Y log=oltp_export.log

  5. Create a new OLTP database with the new character set:
    1. Configure the property file and install the Oracle OLTP database. Follow Step 1 through Step 8 in Creating the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Database Using Ant (Single Node).
    2. Select Option 1, Create Database Instances, and then select Option 2, Create an Oracle OLTP Oracle Instance.

      This step can take anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours to complete, depending on the speed of your platform.

    3. Restart the database, and then select Option 4, Return to Main Menu.
    4. Select Option 2, Standalone Install, select Option 2, Create eBilling Schemas, and then select Option 2, Create Database Users. When Ant returns to the current menu, check all log files for errors.
  6. Create the database link, TAM_LINK, in the OLTP schema. Log on to the OLTP instance as SYSDBA, and run the following command. In this command, OLTP_Schema is the name of the OLTP schema.


  7. Go to the following directory:
    • UNIX. EDX_HOME/db/ebilling/oracle
    • Windows. EDX_HOME\db\ebilling\oracle
  8. Log on to the OLTP schema, using SQL*Plus, not as SYSDBA, and run the following SQL script:


    SQL>@ crt_db_link.sql OLAP_User OLAP_Password OLAP_TNS_Name



    • OLAP_User is the name of the OLAP schema user.
    • OLAP_Password is the OLAP schema user's password.
    • OLAP_TNS_Name is the name of the OLAP instance.
  9. Import the exported data into the new AL32UTF8 character set. Note that the NLS_LANG setting uses the source character set.
    • UNIX. Run the following commands:


    imp system/manager@oltp_sid fromuser=oltp touser=oltp file=oltp_export.dmp log=oltp_import.log

    • Windows. Run the following commands:


    imp system/manager@oltp_sid fromuser=oltp touser=oltp file=oltp_export.dmp log=oltp_import.log

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