Installation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Migrating to Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Version 6.2 from Other Products > Roadmap for Migrating Oracle eStatement Manager Version 4.7 to Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Version 6.2 >

Customizing the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing User Interface to Render the Statement

You must create a JSP file to invoke the flat file API and render the retrieved billing statement.

For reference, see the test JSP file located in the following directory:

  • UNIX. EDX_HOME/J2EEApps/ebilling/weblogic/ebilling-web-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war/mediaretrieval/test
  • Windows. EDX_HOME\J2EEApps\ebilling\weblogic\ebilling-web-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war\mediaretrieval\test

In the path, EDX_HOME is the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing installation path.

This task is a step in Roadmap for Migrating Oracle eStatement Manager Version 4.7 to Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Version 6.2.

Examples of How to Get Account Summary Information

The following examples show the code to add to the JSP file to display various types of account summary information on a bill:

  • Get the ImediaRetrievalService class:


    LookupService lookup = LookupServiceFactory.getInstance();


    IMediaRetrievalService service = (IMediaRetrievalService) lookup.getBean("edx:platform://modules/statement?id=iMediaRetrievalService");

  • Get account summary list by invoking ImediaRetrievalService class


    List<IStatementSummary> list = null;

    int cols = 1;

    int rows = 0;

    Map<String,String> summaryMap = null;

    IStatementSummary statementSummary = null;

    try {

    list = service.getStatementSummary(user, account, accountType null);

    statementSummary = list.get(0);

    summaryMap = statementSummary.getAttribute();

    } catch (Exception e) {

    // TODO Auto-generated catch block




  • You can access the account summary data by retrieving the properties of the IstatementSummary class.

Examples of How to Get Statement Data

The following examples show the code to add to the JSP file to display various types of statement data on a bill:

  • Get ImediaRetrievalService class


    LookupService lookup = LookupServiceFactory.getInstance();

    IMediaRetrievalService service = (IMediaRetrievalService) lookup.getBean("edx:platform://modules/statement?id=iMediaRetrievalService");


  • Get a statement list by invoking ImediaRetrievalService class:


    IStatementInfo iStatementInfo = null;


    try {

    iStatementInfo = service.getStatement(user, account, accountType, statement_date, reportId,map);

    } catch (Exception e) {




  • Get the statement view by invoking the iStatementInfo class:




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