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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Web User Interface Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework
11g Release 1 (

Part Number B31973-18
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What's New in This Guide for Release

Part I Getting Started with ADF Faces

1 Introduction to ADF Faces Rich Client

2 Getting Started with ADF Faces

Part II Understanding ADF Faces Architecture

3 Using ADF Faces Architecture

4 Using the JSF Lifecycle with ADF Faces

5 Handling Events

6 Validating and Converting Input

7 Rerendering Partial Page Content

Part III Using ADF Faces Components

8 Organizing Content on Web Pages

9 Using Input Components and Defining Forms

10 Using Tables, Trees, and Other Collection-Based Components

11 Using List-of-Values Components

12 Using Query Components

13 Using Popup Dialogs, Menus, and Windows

14 Using Menus, Toolbars, and Toolboxes

15    Creating a Calendar Application

16 Using Output Components

17 Displaying Tips, Messages, and Help

18 Working with Navigation Components

19 Creating and Reusing Fragments, Page Templates, and Components

20 Customizing the Appearance Using Styles and Skins

21 Internationalizing and Localizing Pages

22 Developing Accessible ADF Faces Pages

Part IV Using ADF Data Visualization Components

23 Introduction to ADF Data Visualization Components

24 Using ADF Graph Components

25 Using ADF Gauge Components

26 Using ADF Map Components

27 Using ADF Pivot Table Components

28 Using ADF Timeline Components

29 Using ADF Gantt Chart Components

30 Using ADF Treemap and Sunburst Components

31 Using ADF Hierarchy Viewer Components

Part V Advanced Topics

32 Creating Custom ADF Faces Components

33 Allowing User Customization on JSF Pages

34 Adding Drag and Drop Functionality

35 Using Different Output Modes

36 Using the Active Data Service with an Asynchronous Backend

Part VI Appendixes

A ADF Faces Configuration

B Message Keys for Converter and Validator Messages

C Keyboard Shortcuts

D Creating Web Applications for Touch Devices Using ADF Faces

E Quick Start Layout Themes

F Troubleshooting ADF Faces