OracleŽ Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process

Extensible Columns Guide

Extensibility Pack 3.6


October 2013













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Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process

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Preface.. 5

Audience. 5

Variability of Installations. 5

Documentation Accessibility. 5

Access to Oracle Support. 5

Software Availability. 5

Overview... 6

Availability.. 6

Extensible Column Plugins.. 8

Configuration. 8

Extensible Column Plugin Classes. 8

Class structure. 8

Extensible Formulation Column Plugins.. 10

Column Footers. 11

Context. 11

Extensible Formulation Column Configuration. 12

Calculation Methods & Added Data Storage. 14

Available Formulation Input & Output Data Storage. 14

Calculation Methods Class Structure. 16

Calculation Methods Configuration. 16

Example Implementation. 17

Performance Implications.. 20

Appendix A.. 21

Sample CustomFormulationExtensions.xml 21

Appendix B.. 22

Sample CustomPluginExtensions.xml 22





This guide is intended for client programmers involved with integrating Oracle Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process. Information about using Oracle Agile PLM for Process resides in application-specific user guides. Information about administering Oracle Agile PLM for Process resides in the Oracle Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Administrator User Guide.

Variability of Installations

Descriptions and illustrations of the Agile PLM for Process user interface included in this manual may not match your installation. The user interface of Agile PLM for Process applications and the features included can vary greatly depending on such variables as:

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Software Availability

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Extensible Columns are extension points that allow clients to create their own custom columns and add them to various user interface grids in the application. These columns can be used to display existing data elements or calculate new data values. 

For example, a customer might want to calculate the volume associated with each input item on a formulation spec, and display that volume in the UI.  This column would take the quantity value and use the density on the material to calculate and display the volume.

Extensible Columns are created through custom plugin classes and configuration changes. Column plugins for the Formulation spec grids are configured differently than the plugins on other grids, and include the ability to display a footer, perform custom calculation methods before or after the main calculations occur, and store the calculation results.

This document details the process of creating, configuring, and deploying Extensible Columns to extend the PLM for Process application.


Extensible Columns are available in the locations specified in the table below, each implemented by an ExtensibleColumnPlugin class, and enabled by a FeatureConfig entry. Formulation input and output extensible columns are configured differently, in the CustomFormulationExtensions.xml file.

Note that the main grids each support up to 5 extensible columns and plugins. However, only the first plugin will show in the print output.

Table 1 - Extensible Column Locations


Feature Configuration

Plugin Name

Cross References Grids
(in GSM, SCRM and PQM)





Material Spec - Sourcing Approvals grid





Menu Item Spec - Menu Item Build Items grid





Packaging Spec - Printed Packaging grid





Packaging Spec - Sub-component grid





Packaging Spec - Sourcing Approvals grid





Printed Packaging Spec - Parent Packaging grid





Printed Packaging Spec - Sourcing Approvals grid





Equipment Spec - Sourcing Approvals grid





Product Spec - Sourcing Approvals grid





Trade Spec - Alternates Packaging grid





Trade Spec - Lower Level Items grid

GSM.Trade.Child.XCol.Enabled GSM.Trade.Child.XCol[2-5].Enabled



Trade Spec - Material Spec grid





Trade Spec - Packaging grid





Trade Spec - Parent Trade Specs grid





Trade Spec - Sourcing Approvals grid





Facilities - Spec-Related Sourcing Approvals grid






Formulation Spec - Formulation Tab Inputs

* enabled in CustomFormulationExtensions.xml

* plugin declared in  CustomFormulationExtensions.xml

Formulation Spec - Formulation Tab Outputs

* enabled in CustomFormulationExtensions.xml

* plugin name declared in  CustomFormulationExtensions.xml

Formulation Spec - Process Tab Material Inputs

* enabled in CustomFormulationExtensions.xml

* plugin name declared in  CustomFormulationExtensions.xml

Formulation Spec - Process Tab Packaging Inputs

* enabled in CustomFormulationExtensions.xml

* plugin name declared in  CustomFormulationExtensions.xml

Formulation Spec - Process Tab Outputs

* enabled in CustomFormulationExtensions.xml

* plugin name declared in  CustomFormulationExtensions.xml


Extensible Column Plugins


Extensible Column plugins are configured in the CustomPluginExtensions.xml file located in the config/Extensions folder. 

To configure a plugin for use, there must be a Plugin tag with attributes name and FactoryURL, under the appropriate plugin type tag.  The value of the name attribute identifies the specific extension point which will call out to the plugin defined here. The value of the FactoryURL attribute is an ObjectLoaderURL for the factory to be called to create an instance of the plugin. When specifying the FactoryURL attribute, you must also add an extra attribute to turn the existing plugin inheritance off: ignoreInheritFromPluginName="true".

For example:

<ExtensibleColumnPlugins configChildKey="name">
       <Plugin name="FormulationInputVolumeColumnPlugin"
ignoreInheritFromPluginName="true" FactoryURL="Class:FormulationExtensionsSample.Inputs.InputVolumeExtensibleColumnPluginFactory,FormulationExtensionsSample"/>

Plugins can inherit their settings from other plugins, rather than specify the same FactoryURL data, by using the inheritFromPluginName attribute and specifying the name of the plugin they should inherit from.

For example:

<ExtensibleColumnPlugins configChildKey="name">
   <Plugin name="FormulationInputVolumeColumnPlugin" FactoryURL="Class:FormulationExtensionsSample.Inputs.InputVolumeExtensibleColumnPluginFactory,FormulationExtensionsSample"/>

   <Plugin name="FormulationOutputVolumeColumnPlugin" inheritFromPluginName="FormulationInputVolumeColumnPlugin"/>


Extensible Column Plugin Classes

Extensible Column Plugin classes consist of a Header property for displaying column header information and a list of Cell values for displaying individual cell entries in the grid.

Class structure

Namespace: Xeno.Prodika.PluginExtensions.Plugins 
Assembly: PluginExtensions.dll

An Extensible Column plugin factory class is required to create an Extensible Column plugin. This factory class is referenced in the configuration file. The factory must implement the IExtensibleColumnPluginFactory interface:

Each Extensible Column plugin must implement the IExtensibleColumnPlugin interface, which has the following properties and methods:

§  Header – returns the column header data for use in the grid, using an IExtensibleCell

§  GetCellValues – returns a list of IExtensibleCell values representing the individual cells within the column.

§  GetCellValue – returns a specific IExtensibleCell value representing a specific cell within the column; this method is used for Printing.


These methods and properties each return an IExtensibleCell which contains the following Properties:

§  DisplayValue for UI display

§  IsDisplayValueHTML indicator which should return true if the DisplayValue contains HTML formatting

§  RawValue the non-formatted value

§  Identifier the unique identifier (PKID) of the row item corresponding to this cell

The ExtensibleColumnPlugin’s GetCellValues and GetCellValue methods takes an IExtensibleColumnContext:

The context holds a reference to the list of ViewModels used to populate the data grids, via the Context property. Each grid in the user interface uses different view models.

Extensible Formulation Column Plugins

The formulation grids use the Extensible Column Plugins described above, but have an additional configuration layer, specified in the CustomFormulationExtensions.xml file.

Multiple columns can be defined for each of the following formulation grids, as well as for printing.

§  Formulation Tab Inputs

§  Formulation Tab Outputs

§  Process Tab Material Inputs

§  Process Tab Packaging Inputs

§  Process Tab Outputs


Each column can be configured to be visible for specific calculation paths, such as InputQuantity, InputPercentRange, etc.

Column visibility rules can also be closely controlled through a separate Validate Plugin, if needed.


Column Footers

The formulation grids in the user interface contain footers, where data from the column can be rolled up. To allow for footer data for column plugins, an additional interface is provided that extends the IExtensibleColumnPlugin interface. This interface provide a Footer property, which returns an IExtensibleCell, just like the Header property.



The context passed into an Extensible Formulation Column plugin’s Context property is an IFlexColumnExtensionsContext, providing access to the current Formulation Spec business object, an IsCombineLikeItems indicator, and an indicator, IsForMaterialSpecs, to tell the plugin if the current GetCells method should be returning Material specs or Packaging/Printed Packaging specs.

Extensible Formulation Column Configuration

Configuration of Extensible Formulation column plugins is specified in the CustomFormulationExtensions.xml file, located in the config\Extensions directory, in the following sections:

§  FormulationInputFlexColumns

§  FormulationOutputFlexColumns

These sections define the columns being added to the Formulation Input and Formulation Output Items. To add a custom column, insert a FormulationColumnExtension xml element to the FormulationInputFlexColumns node for the Inputs grids and to the FormulationOutputFlexColumns node for the Outputs grids.

Each FormulationColumnExtension xml element contains the following possible attributes:

a.       ID – the unique configuration name assigned to the column

b.      CalculationPaths – the calculation path(s) where the new column can be added.  This should be a comma separated list for multiple paths.  Use “*” for all paths.

                                       i.      FixedInputPercentRange

                                     ii.      InputPercentRange

                                    iii.      InputPercent

                                   iv.      InputQuantityRange

                                     v.      InputQuantity

                                   vi.      FixedInputPercent

                                  vii.      InputYieldRange

                                viii.      InputYield

For added flexibility, clients wishing to configure different column plugins for different business lines can create duplicate Calculation Paths using different names, and then reference these Calculation Paths in the configuration and in the formulation Settings control.


For example, a Baked Goods business line could show a moisture column in the inputs grid and a % sweetener extended attribute column in the outputs, while a Beverages business line would show a volume column in inputs and a Brix extended attribute column in the outputs grid.  


The Calculation Paths are defined in the gsmStepCalcTypeLookupItems table. Simply create a duplicate entry of the desired calculation path, changing the PKID and the StepCalcPathUserKey values. Then add a related entry to the gsmStepCalcTypeLookupItemsML table, and restart IIS. Then use the StepCalcPathUserKey for the configuration entry.


c.       UseIn –the control where the new column can be displayed.  This should be a comma separated list for multiple Use In values.  Use “*” for all UseIn values.

                                       i.      FormulationTab

                                     ii.      FormulationTabOutputs

                                    iii.      ProcessTab

                                   iv.      ProcessTabOutputs

                                     v.      ProcessTabPackaging

                                   vi.      PrintMain

                                  vii.      PrintSteps

d.      HeaderTranslationId – the column header translation.

This translation will need to be added to the commonXLAExtensionCacheItem table.


To add new translations, add a new entry into the commonXLAExtensionCacheItem table, where the fkParent value is the pkid of the ‘FORMULATION_COLUMN_EXTENSIONS’ entry in the commonXLAExtensionCache table. For example:

insert into commonXLAExtensionCacheItem values ('1059'+UPPER(NEWID()),
'1058c29d416f-2d37-4f5c-b387-174f724d9cd8', 0, 'lblVolumeLiters', 'Volume (L)');


Leaving this attribute as a blank (HeaderTranslationId="") will allow the specified Extensible Column Plugin’s Header property (which returns an ExtensibleCellValue) to be used as the column header. This allows for some more flexibility, such as adding images for the column header.


e.      ColumnPosition – the position within the control where the column will appear.  This must be a number between 4 and 18 on the inputs control and 2 and 11 on the outputs control.

Note:  There are hidden columns that could cause the position to be different than expected. Also, if using the same column plugin in multiple grids, the column positions may differ.

You must experiment to find the right location.


f.        VisibilityHandler – the rules to be applied when deciding if the new column will be visible.

                                       i.      True

                                     ii.      False

                                    iii.      <name of Validate Plugin to call for more customized logic>

Note:  The Custom Class would be the plugin name of a Validate Plugin written and configured in the CustomPluginExtensions.xml file.


g.       ExtensibleColumnPluginName – the location of the business logic for the new column.  This should be the name of the plugin configured in the CustomPluginExtensions.xml.






Below is an example for inputs and outputs from the CustomFormulationExtensions.xml file. 

<FormulationInputFlexColumns configChildKey="ID">

  <FormulationColumnExtension ID="volume" IsCore="false"
    ExtensibleColumnPluginName="FormulationInputVolumeColumnPlugin" />           


<FormulationOutputFlexColumns configChildKey="ID">

  <FormulationColumnExtension ID="outputvolume" IsCore="false"
    ExtensibleColumnPluginName="FormulationOutputVolumeColumnPlugin" />



Calculation Methods & Added Data Storage

Clients wishing to add custom calculation methods to support the extensible formulation columns can implement the Calculation Methods extension. This extension allows clients to write added formulation calculations that are triggered before or after the main formulation calculations. The Calculation Methods can then leverage new data storage elements on the Formulation Inputs and Outputs to store the calculation results; the Extensible Formulation column plugins could then pull data from these storage elements and display them. This allows the data to be used for reporting.

For example, to display the Volume of formulation inputs, a Calculation Method would be created which calculated the Volume of the input based on the density, and then saves that resulting volume into the storage element for each formulation input. An extensible formulation column plugin would then retrieve the data stored and display it in the UI.

Available Formulation Input & Output Data Storage

A new object property, InputCustomerExtendedData which implements IFormulationInputCustomerData, is available on an IFormulationInput. This object, stored in the FormulationInputCustomerData table, provides the 5 Date fields, 15 double fields, 5 integer fields, and 25 string fields. Clients can store anything they wish here.

namespace Xeno.Data.GSM
    public interface IFormulationInputCustomerData : IXUniqueObject, ISaveableDataObject
        DateTime Date1 { getset; }
        DateTime Date2 { getset; }
        DateTime Date3 { getset; }
        DateTime Date4 { getset; }
        DateTime Date5 { getset; }
        double Float1 { getset; }
        double Float2 { getset; }
        double Float3 { getset; }
        double Float4 { getset; }
        double Float5 { getset; }
        double Float6 { getset; }
        double Float7 { getset; }
        double Float8 { getset; }
        double Float9 { getset; }
        double Float10 { getset; }
        double Float11 { getset; }
        double Float12 { getset; }
        double Float13 { getset; }
        double Float14 { getset; }
        double Float15 { getset; }
        int Number1 { getset; }
        int Number2 { getset; }
        int Number3 { getset; }
        int Number4 { getset; }
        int Number5 { getset; }
        string String1 { getset; }
        string String2 { getset; }
        string String3 { getset; }
        string String4 { getset; }
        string String5 { getset; }
        string String6 { getset; }
        string String7 { getset; }
        string String8 { getset; }
        string String9 { getset; }
        string String10 { getset; }
        string String11 { getset; }
        string String12 { getset; }
        string String13 { getset; }
        string String14 { getset; }
        string String15 { getset; }
        string String16 { getset; }
        string String17 { getset; }
        string String18 { getset; }
        string String19 { getset; }
        string String20 { getset; }
        string String21 { getset; }
        string String22 { getset; }
        string String23 { getset; }
        string String24 { getset; }
        string String25 { getset; }


To store the calculated volume, for example, one could store the numeric volume in the Float1 field, and the Unit of Measure PKID value in the String1 field.

A similar object OutputCustomerExtendedData, which implements IFormulationOutputCustomerData, is available on an IFormulationOutput. This object, stored in the FormulationOutputCustomerData table, has the same properties as those listed above for the InputCustomerExtendedData.

A reference implementation, InputFloatWithOptionalUOMColumnPlugin (along with the InputNumericWithOptionalUOMColumnPluginFactory which would be declared in the CustomPluginExtensions config), uses this concept to display numeric values stored in the InputCustomerExtendedData property. This allows the Calculation Methods to do the business logic and persistence work, while the column plugin just displays the calculated stored data.

The InputNumericWithOptionalUOMColumnPluginFactory takes parameters in the config which drive which column/property (e.g., Float1 for value, String1 for UOM) to pull from.

Calculation Methods Class Structure

Namespace: Xeno.Prodika.GSMLib.Formulation.Extension 
Assembly: GSMLib.dll

A Calculation Method factory class is required to create a CalculationMethod. This factory class is referenced in the configuration file. The factory must implement the IFormulationCalculationMethodFactory interface:

Each CalculationMethod class must implement the IFormulationCalculationMethod interface, which has a Calculate method. The Calculate method gets passed an ICalculationMethodExtensionContext, which contains a reference to the current formulation spec, the current formulation step, and an error list:


Calculation Methods Configuration

Configuration of Calculation Methods is specified in the CustomFormulationExtensions.xml file, located in the config\Extensions directory, in the following sections:

§  PreCalculationMethods – called before the core calculation. Use caution when using the precalculationmethods since the core values haven’t been calculated.

§  PostCalculationMethods – called after the core calculation

To add a custom Calculation Method, insert a CalculationMethodExtension XML element to the PreCalculationMethods or PostCalculationMethods node.


Each CalculationMethodExtension XML element contains the following possible attributes:

a.       ID – the unique configuration name assigned to the calculation method

b.      Order – the order in which the calculations will be executed.

c.       CalculationPaths – the calculation path(s) where the new column can be added.  This should be a comma separated list for multiple paths.  Use “*” for all paths.

                                 i.            FixedInputPercentRange

                               ii.            InputPercentRange

                              iii.            InputPercent

                             iv.            InputQuantityRange

                               v.            InputQuantity

                             vi.            FixedInputPercent

                            vii.            InputYieldRange

                          viii.            InputYield

d.      EnableHandler – Determines if the calculation method should be called.

                                 i.            True

                               ii.            False

                              iii.            <name of Validate Plugin to call for more customized logic>

Note:  The custom class would be the plugin name of a Validate Plugin written and configured in the CustomPluginExtensions.xml file.

e.      FactoryURL – the object URL for the calculation method factory class.

Below is an example for post calculation methods from the CustomFormulationExtensions.xml file. 

<PostCalculationMethods configChildKey="ID">

<CalculationMethodExtension ID="InputAsVolume" Order="1" IsCore="false" CalculationPaths="*" EnableHandler="true" FactoryURL="Class:FormulationExtensionsSample.Calculations.InputAsVolumeCalculationMethodFactory,FormulationExtensionsSample" />



Example Implementation

The following example implementation will use a CalculationMethod to calculate a formulation input’s Volume, and store that calculation result in the InputCustomerExtendedData property, which will get saved when the formulation spec is saved. A Formulation Column Extension plugin is then used to retrieve the data from that property and display it.

First, a Calculation Method Factory is needed to construct a Calculation Method. The following one simply creates a new calculation method class.

    public class InputAsVolumeCalculationMethodFactory : IFormulationCalculationMethodFactory
        public IFormulationCalculationMethod Create()
            return new InputAsVolumeCalculationMethod();


The InputAsVolumeCalculationMethod will calculate the volume (in Liters) for the given Step’s inputs (for inputs that are Material specs or formulation outputs from another step) and the Step’s outputs.

-       The volume is calculated using the Density of the Input and the Output, and then is stored in the Float1 field.

-       The Liters UOM pkid is stored in the String1 field.

-       The String2 field is used as an indicator for displaying that the input or output spec has an invalid Density field.

-       This will be used by the ExtensibleColumn plugin to display a warning icon if there is a value in the String2 field.

-       If an error occurs converting the quantity to a Volume, a user facing message is added to the ErrorList of the calculationMethodContext, which will show up in the UI.


    public class InputAsVolumeCalculationMethod : IFormulationCalculationMethod
        #region Implementation of IFormulationCalculationMethod
        public bool Calculate(ICalculationMethodExtensionContext calculationMethodContext)
            var volumeUOM = UOMService.LitersUOM;
            foreach (IFormulationInput formulationInput in calculationMethodContext.FormulationStep.Inputs.Where(x => x.MaterialType == EnumUniversalDataObjectType.IngredientSpecification.Value || x.MaterialType == EnumUniversalDataObjectType.FormulationOutputDO.Value))
                CalculateInput(calculationMethodContext, volumeUOM, formulationInput);
            foreach (IFormulationOutput formulationOutput in calculationMethodContext.FormulationStep.Outputs)
                CalculateOutput(calculationMethodContext, volumeUOM, formulationOutput);
            return calculationMethodContext.ErrorList.Count == 0;
        private static void CalculateOutput(ICalculationMethodExtensionContext calculationMethodContext, UOM volumeUOM,
                                            IFormulationOutput formulationOutput)
            var density = formulationOutput.ApproximateYield.GetMergedFinalDensity();                
            if (density.IsThisValid)
                    double volume = density.Convert(formulationOutput.ApproximateYield.ApproximateYield.Quantity,
                    formulationOutput.OutputCustomerData.Float1 = volume;
                    formulationOutput.OutputCustomerData.String1 = volumeUOM.PKID;
                    formulationOutput.OutputCustomerData.String2 = null;
                catch (Exception)
                        "Error in InputAsVolumeCalculationMethod -  calculating volume for output " +
                formulationOutput.OutputCustomerData.String2 = "Invalid density for Output " +
        private static void CalculateInput(ICalculationMethodExtensionContext calculationMethodContext, UOM volumeUOM,
                                           IFormulationInput formulationInput)
            if (formulationInput.IsMaterialReferenceAvailable() 
                && formulationInput.MaterialType != EnumUniversalDataObjectType.PackagingSpecification.Value 
                && formulationInput.MaterialType != EnumUniversalDataObjectType.FinishedPackagingSpecification.Value)
                var density = formulationInput.MergedAttributes.Density;
                if (density.IsThisValid)
                        double volume = density.Convert(formulationInput.InputQuantity.Quantity,
                        formulationInput.InputCustomerData.Float1 = volume;
                        formulationInput.InputCustomerData.String1 = volumeUOM.PKID;
                        formulationInput.InputCustomerData.String2 = null;
                    catch (Exception)
                            "Error in InputAsVolumeCalculationMethod -  calculating volume for Input " +
                    formulationInput.InputCustomerData.String2 = "Invalid density for input " +
        private IUOMService UOMService
            get { return AppPlatformHelper.ServiceManager.GetServiceByType<IUOMService>(); }


To include this CalculationMethod (for all calculation paths), the following configuration is used:

<PostCalculationMethods configChildKey="ID">
   <CalculationMethodExtension ID="InputAsVolume"
       Order="1" IsCore="false"
       EnableHandler="true"        FactoryURL="Class:FormulationExtensionsSample.Calculations.InputAsVolumeCalculationMethodFactory,FormulationExtensionsSample" />



An Extensible Column plugin can then retrieve the values stored in the InputCustomerData object and display the values. To display the sum of the cells in the footer, a running total must be calculated in the plugin when iterating over the cells and assigned to the Footer cell.

When using the Combine Like Items feature, implementing the column plugins for formulation inputs can get complex, as the items to combine must be aggregated into one cell.

The reference implementation class InputFloatWithOptionalUOMColumnPlugin  (and especially its base class InputFloatWithOptionalUOMColumnPluginBase) demonstrate the required logic to handle the CombineLikeItems logic, retrieving data from the InputCustomerData (although in a reusable way that makes the code slightly more complex), using a warning icon in the UI, and more.

Other reference implementations demonstrate how a plugin can be written without using the Data Storage that a calculation method would use. The OutputVolumeNoStorageExtensibleColumnPlugin and the OutputVolumeExtensibleColumnPlugin show this difference.

When creating custom column plugins, be sure to deploy the custom dll(s) into web\gsm\bin and RemotingContainer\bin

Performance Implications

Be aware that adding complex and inefficient column plugins, or a large number of column plugins, may impact performance of the application.






Appendix A

Sample CustomFormulationExtensions.xml


                <FormulationInputFlexColumns configChildKey="ID">

<FormulationColumnExtension ID="volume" IsCore="false" CalculationPaths="InputQuantity" UseIn="*" HeaderTranslationId="lblVolumeLiters" ColumnPosition="4" VisibilityHandler="true" ExtensibleColumnPluginName="FormulationInputVolumeColumnPlugin" />                          


                <FormulationOutputFlexColumns configChildKey="ID">

<FormulationColumnExtension ID="outputvolume" IsCore="false" CalculationPaths="InputQuantity" UseIn="FormulationTab,PrintMain"  HeaderTranslationId="lblVolumeLiters" ColumnPosition="4" VisibilityHandler="DefaultTruePlugin" ExtensibleColumnPluginName="FormulationOutputVolumeColumnPlugin" />

<FormulationColumnExtension ID="outputEA_TestNumeric" IsCore="false" CalculationPaths="*" UseIn="*" HeaderTranslationId="lblTestNumeric" ColumnPosition="5" VisibilityHandler="true" ExtensibleColumnPluginName="FormulationOutputVolumeColumnPlugin_TestNumeric" />             

<FormulationColumnExtension ID="FormulationOutputTotalFat" IsCore="false" CalculationPaths="*" UseIn="*" HeaderTranslationId="lblTestFat" ColumnPosition="6" VisibilityHandler="true"
ExtensibleColumnPluginName="FormulationOutputTotalFat" />


                <PreCalculationMethods configChildKey="ID">


                <PostCalculationMethods configChildKey="ID">

<CalculationMethodExtension ID="InputAsVolume" Order="1" IsCore="false" CalculationPaths="*" EnableHandler="true" FactoryURL="Class:FormulationExtensionsSample.Calculations.InputAsVolumeCalculationMethodFactory,FormulationExtensionsSample" />




Appendix B

Sample CustomPluginExtensions.xml

<ExtensibleColumnPlugins configChildKey="name">

<Plugin name="FormulationInputVolumeColumnPlugin" FactoryURL="Class:FormulationExtensionsSample.Inputs.InputNumericWithOptionalUOMColumnPluginFactory,FormulationExtensionsSample$NameValuePair:ValueFloat_FieldName=Float1&amp;UomPKIDString_FieldName=String1&amp;BaseUOMIsoCode=LT&amp;ErrorIndicatorString_FieldName=String2"

FilterResolverFactoryUrl="Class:Xeno.Prodika.PluginExtensions.Plugins.DefaultPlugins.DefaultEmptyXColFilterResolver, PluginExtensions">



<Plugin name="FormulationOutputVolumeColumnPlugin2"


FilterResolverFactoryUrl="Class:Xeno.Prodika.PluginExtensions.Plugins.DefaultPlugins.DefaultEmptyXColFilterResolver, PluginExtensions">                                                             


                <Plugin name="FormulationOutputVolumeColumnPlugin"


FilterResolverFactoryUrl="Class:Xeno.Prodika.PluginExtensions.Plugins.DefaultPlugins.DefaultEmptyXColFilterResolver, PluginExtensions">                                                             


                <Plugin name="FormulationOutputVolumeColumnPlugin_TestNumeric"


FilterResolverFactoryUrl="Class:Xeno.Prodika.PluginExtensions.Plugins.DefaultPlugins.DefaultEmptyXColFilterResolver, PluginExtensions">                                                             


                <Plugin name="FormulationOutputTotalFat"


FilterResolverFactoryUrl="Class:Xeno.Prodika.PluginExtensions.Plugins.DefaultPlugins.DefaultEmptyXColFilterResolver, PluginExtensions">                                                             

