Rescan Physical Disks

You can view and manage the physical disks on an Oracle VM Server, as well as those available to it from a SAN server. You can also refresh the physical disks on an Oracle VM Server when SAN server disks have been added or removed.

To refresh the physical disks on Oracle VM Servers:

  1. Click the Servers and VMs tab, and select the server pool in which the Oracle VM Servers reside in the navigation tree. Select Servers in the Perspective drop-down list in the management pane. Select the Oracle VM Servers in the management pane table.

    Alternatively, on the Servers and VMs tab, expand the Server Pools or Unassigned Servers folder, to select a particular server in the navigation tree. Select the Physical Disks option in the Perspective drop-down list.

  2. Click Rescan Physical Disks Rescan Physical Disks icon in the perspective toolbar.

  3. A confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click OK.