
Tracking Job Status

The WSDevClient class, in the sample code, includes an example method to handle tracking Job status, so that your application can wait until job completion before continuing to submit requests that may be dependent on a job completing.

The method expects to be passed a Job object, which it uses to continually query the API to detect whether a Job is done or not. We check the summaryDone property of the job to determine whether the job is complete, as this provides a more complete view of the status of any spawned child jobs as opposed to the done property. See Section 5.1.4, “Working with Jobs” for more information on this. Usually, when performing a write type request against the API, a Job object is returned in the response from the API. This allows you to obtain the Job ID to perform these repeated queries.

    public <T> Id<T> waitForJobComplete(final OvmWsClient api, Job job, 
             final Class<T> type) throws WsException
        while (job.isSummaryDone() == false)
            catch (final Exception e)

            job = api.jobGetById(job.getId());

            if (job.getJobRunState().equals(JobRunState.FAILURE))
                final JobError error = job.getError();
                if (error != null)
                    System.out.println(" error type: " + error.getType());
                    System.out.println(" error message: " + error.getMessage());
                System.out.println(" transcript: " + api.jobGetDebugTranscript(job.getId()));

        final Id resultId = job.getResultId();
        if (type == null)
            return resultId;
            final Id<T> typedResultId = resultId;
            return typedResultId;

Note that to track job status, the method makes a call to the jobGetById method exposed in the OvmWsSoapClient class, which contains the following code:

public Job jobGetById(final Id<Job> jobId) throws WsException
        return api.jobGetById(jobId);
    catch (final WsException_Exception ex)
        throw convertException(ex);

Once again, this is essentially a wrapper around the equivalent method exposed by the API, as defined in the Web Services Client library.