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Oracle® Application Integration Architecture Installation and Upgrade Guide for Pre-Built Integrations
Release 11.5

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20 Configuring and Deploying Product MDM: Design Studio

This chapter discusses how to configure and deploy the Oracle Product Master Data Management Integration Option for Oracle Communications for Design Studio (Product MDM: Design Studio).

This chapter includes the following sections:

20.1 Performing Pre-deployment Configurations

You must make sure to install the Oracle Product Master Data Management Integration Base Pack prior to installing the Product MDM Integration Option for Design Studio Pre-built Integration pack. Also, the Product MDM: Design Studio integration option needs the Communications Order to Cash PIP for the requester that gets invoked from Design Studio. For more information , see Chapter 8, "Configuring and Deploying the Comms Order to Cash: SBL CRM and OSM Pre-Built Integration".

The Product MDM Base Pack can also be installed along with the Product MDM Integration Option for Design Studio Pre-built Integration pack.

20.2 Configure Product MDM: Design Studio

To configure Product MDM: Design Studio:

  1. Navigate to <AIA_Instance>/bin and run the command source for Linux based systems and aiaenv.bat for Microsoft Windows to configure installation environment.

  2. Navigate to <AIA_HOME>/bin and run the command ./ for Linux based systems and aiaconfig.bat for Microsoft Windows.

    This launches the AIA Deployment Configuration Wizard (DCW).

  3. Click Next.

  4. Select Oracle Product Master Data Management Integration Base Pack under Product Master Data Management Pre-Built Integration.


    The Product MDM Base Pack must be installed prior to installing the Product MDM: Design Studio pre-built integration pack or installed along with this installation.

  5. Select Oracle Product Master Data Management Integration Option for Design Studio under Product Master Data Management Pre-Built Integration.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Enter information related to your integration server in the Integration Server Details screen.

  8. Click Next.


    If you have selected the MDM Product Base Pack install option along with this installation, then see Chapter 9, "Configuring and Deploying Customer MDM Base Pack"

  9. Click Configure to accept this configuration and begin the installation.

    1. The system displays progress of configuration in the Configuration Progress screen.

    2. The system displays any warnings or errors as necessary. You can review the configuration log for additional details. The configuration log location is displayed in Configuration Progress screen.

  10. When the configuration process finishes without errors, click Next.

  11. When the AIA DCW displays the Configuration Complete screen, click Finish to close the DCW.

20.2.1 Configuring using the Response File

To configure using the response file:

  1. Open the response file.

    When you create a response file through OUI, passwords get stored as <SECURE>.

  2. Replace the password fields with actual passwords in the response file.

  3. Navigate to <AIA_Instance>/bin and run the command source for Linux based systems and aiaenv.bat for Microsoft Windows to configure the environment.

  4. Navigate to <AIA_HOME>/bin and run the command./ <Response File Location and Name> for Linux based systems and aiaconfig.bat <Response File Location and Name> for Microsoft Windows.

20.3 Deploying Product MDM: Design Studio

To deploy the integration to Fusion Middleware server:

  1. Navigate to <AIA_Instance>/bin and run the command source for Linux based systems and aiaenv.bat for Microsoft Windows to configure the environment.

  2. Run the command for your platform.


    In Windows 2008, 2008 R2 and Vista, run the command prompt as an administrator (elevated mode). If the command prompt is invoked in normal mode, the integrations are not displayed.

    Table 20-1 Deployment Commands for Product MDM: Siebel CRM

    Platform Deployment Command

    Linux x86

    Solaris SPARC (64-bit)

    IBM AIX Based Systems (64-bit).

    HP-UX 11i (64 bit)

    sh $AIA_HOME/pips/MDMProductDS/DeploymentPlans/

    Microsoft Windows (32-bit)


  3. Review the log file in the location specified in the command to verify successful deployment.

Oracle AIA ships artifacts in AIA Lifecycle Workbench which can be used in your integrations. These artifacts are created using FMW technologies such as BPEL and Mediator and are natively supported by AIA Foundation Pack tools such as Project Lifecycle Workbench, Harvester, Deployment Generator, AIA Deployment Driver (ADD). These are called native artifacts and they include SOA artifact types such as composites, DataSources, DVM, xRef, and so on. These artifacts can be modified or new natively supported artifacts can be added using the AIA Lifecyle Workbench and a BOM.xml file can be generated.

AIA integration development teams, most often, also require deployment of artifact types that are beyond what is supported by the Project Lifecycle Workbench and AIA Harvester. For instance, integration may require artifacts such as, Java applications, Shell Scripts, ANT based build scripts which constitute part of integration landscape in addition to the artifacts that are delivered by AIA. AIA also supports deployment of these supplementary artifacts. However, you must modify and add new non native artifacts outside AIA Lifecycle Workbench.

For more information on deploying artifacts, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Generating Deployment Plans and Deploying Artifacts".

20.4 Performing Post-deployment Configurations

To retrieve product data from the Product Master, users can either select Siebel or Product Hub as their edge application. By default, this integration provides an out-of-the-box (OOTB) integration to Siebel.

The process to query ICCs (or product classes in Siebel CRM) depends on the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file settings set by the users. For example, to retrieve ICCs from Product Hub, users must modify the settings in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file to set the Routing.EdgeApplications property of composite, QueryProductClassAndAttributesSCECommsReqABCSImpl to System ID of OPH (in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file, change <Property name="Routing.EdgeApplications">SEBL_01</Property> to <Property name="Routing.EdgeApplications">PIM_01</Property>) and update it to the MDS repository.

You have to setup and configure e-mail notifications in OPH. For more information about how to setup e-mail notifications, see knowledge base article, MOS Doc ID 1491286.1, "Design Studio integration with Product Hub" in My Oracle Support.

In an OOTB configuration, the Product MDM: Design Studio deployment assumes that the OPH web services are installed in the same machine as the AIA application server. However, if you have not selected this configuration, then post deployment, the AIA configuration properties must be updated with the URL for the OPH web services. The Oracle Metadata Services (MDS) database must be updated.

20.5 Verifying Deployment

To verify Product MDM: Design Studio deployment:

Confirm that the Product MDM: Design Studio services were installed:

20.6 Un-deploying Product MDM: Design Studio

To undeploy the integration from Fusion Middleware Server:

  1. Navigate to <AIA_Instance>/bin and run the command source for Linux based systems and aiaenv.bat for Microsoft Windows to configure the environment.

  2. Run the command for your platform.

    Table 20-2 Undeployment Command for Product MDM: Siebel CRM

    Platform Undeployment Command

    Linux x86

    Solaris SPARC (64-bit)

    IBM AIX Based Systems (64-bit).

    HP-UX 11i (64 bit)

    sh $AIA_HOME/pips/MDMProductDS/DeploymentPlans/

    Microsoft Windows (32-bit)


  3. Restart the SOA server.

  4. Uninstall the integration following the instructions in Chapter 37, "Uninstalling Oracle AIA".

20.7 Verifying Un-installation

To verify Product MDM: Design Studio un-installation:

Confirm that the Product MDM: Design Studio services were un-installed: