12 Installing Patches

This chapter describes how to install patches on Oracle Communications Contacts Server.

About Patching Contacts Server

Contacts Server patches are posted on the My Oracle Support web site:



Always read the patch ReadMe file in its entirety before installing a patch.

Some patches contain fixes and functionality that may not be of any interest to you or may apply to features that you have not installed or purchased. Read the patch ReadMe file to determine if you must install the patch.

Some patches are password protected. To request the password to download a protected patch, open a Service Request on the My Oracle Support web site.

Planning Your Patch Installation

Before installing a patch, verify your version of Contacts Server and ensure the patch is not already installed.Oracle recommends scheduling your patch installation during non-peak hours to minimize the disruption to your operations.Oracle recommends installing a patch on a test system with a copy of your production data before installing the patch on your production system. Test the patch by logging into Contacts Server and verifying the version number of installed components.

Installing a Patch

Oracle Solaris 11 introduced the Image Packaging System (IPS) for software installs and updates. IPS changes the way Unified Communications Suite delivers patches, because IPS does not support the patchadd command. On Solaris 11 systems, you must use Automated Release Update (ARU) patches. These patches differ from the older SRV4 Sun-style patches, which are not supported on Solaris 11.

You can use ARU patches on other Solaris and Linux releases as well. To install a Unified Communications Suite ARU patch, you use the commpkg upgrade command.

Installing an ARU Patch

To install an ARU patch on Contacts Server:

  1. Back up your Contacts Server back-end database.

    For example, you can use the davadmin db backup command.

  2. (Optional) To prevent users from connecting during the patch application, you might want to disable the application server from servicing incoming requests.

    If you use GlassFish Server, see "Disabling GlassFish Server Incoming Connections During Patch Application" for more information.

    If you use WebLogic Server, stop the Managed Server or target server on which the application is deployed.

  3. Apply the patch by running the following command.

    commpkg upgrade
  4. Run the Contacts Server init-config script to enter the current deployment configuration values.

  5. Run the Contacts Server merge-config script to merge in any other changes that were done to the configuration after the initial configuration, and that are not controlled by the init-config script.

    For example, you might have customized configuration parameters in the davserver.properties file.

  6. (Optional) Resolve any problems.

    1. If the patch installation detects a problem during the pre-patch phase, correct the problem and re-apply the patch.

    2. If the patch installation detects a problem during the post-patch phase with merging configuration files, reconcile the merged files.

  7. Restart the application server.

Disabling GlassFish Server Incoming Connections During Patch Application

This section describes how to disable GlassFish Server so that it does not respond to incoming requests for connections while patching Contacts Server.

Disabling GlassFish Server Incoming Connections Overview

GlassFish Server needs to be up and running when you apply a patch to Contacts Server. If desired, you can disable GlassFish Server from servicing incoming user connections while patching, so that no data loss occurs during the patch application. You do so by disabling the http listeners, http-listener-1 and http-listener-2, on the running GlassFish instance. In this situation, GlassFish Server is still running, so that the Contacts Server configurator functions, but at the same time it is disallowing incoming connections.

Disabling GlassFish Server Incoming Connections

To disable GlassFish Server from servicing incoming connections:

  1. List what the http listener is set to.

    GlassFish_home/bin/asadmin --host=hostname --port=portnumber --secure=true --user=admin get server-config.network-config.network-listeners.network-listener.http-listener-1.enabled
    Command get executed successfully.
  2. Disable the http listener.

    GlassFish_home/bin/asadmin --host=hostname --port=portnumber --secure=true --user=admin set server-config.network-config.network-listeners.network-listener.http-listener-1.enabled=false
    Command set executed successfully.

Re-enabling GlassFish Server http Listeners

After you have completed applying the Contacts Server patch, and have finished running additional configuration steps, re-enable the http listeners.

GlassFish_home/bin/asadmin --host=hostname --port=portnumber --secure=true --user=admin set server-config.network-config.network-listeners.network-listener.http-listener-1.enabled=true
Command set executed successfully.