====================================================================== Oracle Endeca Platform Services FORGE (11.0.0) * FORGE-98: Using the "CONVERTTOTEXT" expression with excel files which contains number cells could result a very large word (due to concatenation of cell values). These large words could cause memory issues in Dgidx. This issue has been fixed. Number cells now convert as expected. GENERAL (11.0.0) - Release Date: December 2013 - The release notes may have been updated since the release date. Contact Oracle Endeca Customer Support for the most recent version of the release notes. EAC (11.0.0) * EAC-91: The "DEBUG" status messages that were being generated to the catalina.out log file have been removed. * EAC-51: Calls to Platform Services Web Services would create an empty "attachments" directory (on disk) which was never used. This has been fixed. * EAC-68: EAC Central Server hangs when a Component Host or EAC Agent is down. This has been fixed. * EAC-76: The endeca_config.sh script would not configure the reference directory correctly when you ran it as a standalone script. This has been fixed. FORGE (11.0.0) * PS-46: The "Popular Records" report in Report Generator would incorrectly report counts for consolidated lists of records. This has been fixed. The report should now work as expected, reporting the counts of individual records. ====================================================================== Oracle Endeca Platform Services GENERAL (6.1.4) - Release Date: June 2013 - The release notes may have been updated since the release date. Contact Oracle Endeca Customer Support for the most recent version of the release notes. * Java upgraded to version 1.6.0_31 FORGE (6.1.4) * FORGE-236: Term extraction can cause excessive memory usage, especially when compared to version 6.0. This has been fixed. * FORGE-237: Wide data can cause excessive memory usage and/or segmentation faults. This has been fixed. EAC (6.1.4) * EAC-97: Logging has been improved to make it easier to track requests between central and agent servers. ====================================================================== Oracle Endeca Platform Services GENERAL (6.1.3) - Release Date: June 2012 - The release notes may have been updated since the release date. Contact Oracle Endeca Customer Support for the most recent version of the release notes. FORGE (6.1.3) * The VOID ID_LANGUAGE expression is no longer supported. The VOID ID_LANGUAGE expression was typically used in a Record Manipulator to identify the language of a specified property and then add a language identifier property to a record. DOCUMENTATION (6.1.3) * The VOID ID_LANGUAGE expression has been removed from the Endeca Data Foundry Expression Reference and from examples in the Platform Services documentation. ====================================================================== Oracle Endeca Platform Services GENERAL (6.1.2) - Release Date: March 2012 - The release notes may have been updated since the release date. Contact Oracle Endeca Customer Support for the most recent version of the release notes. FORGE (6.1.2) * FORGE-231: Make sure the ICU(3.2) works correctly with some very long unicode string. ============================================================================== Endeca Platform Services GENERAL (6.1.1) - Release Date: November 2011 - The release notes may have been updated since the release date. Access the Product Downloads section of the Endeca Developer Network (EDeN) at https://eden.endeca.com for the most recent version of the release notes. MIGRATION (6.1.1) - The silent installer on UNIX no longer prompts for acceptance of the License Agreement. In the text file that you create for the silent installation, remove the line that contains "Y" to accept the agreement. - If you are upgrading to release 6.1.1 of Platform Services, you must also upgrade your Deployment Template to version 3.2.1. - The Deployment Template 3.2.1 relies on a version of the wget utility being installed in platform services. This executable is not provided with Platform Services 6.1.1. You must download and install it separately. For Windows installations, download and deploy a Windows implementation of GNU Wget 1.9.1 to %ENDECA_ROOT%\bin\wget.exe For Linux and Solaris installations, download and deploy GNU wget 1.9.1 to $ENDECA_ROOT/bin/wget You can obtain the utility freely from the GNU project, or a Windows implementation such as MSYS, a component of MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows). EAC (6.1.1) * CHG18725: Added requesting central server's IP address to delegate server log messages. * BUG14332: Prevent XFire from logging an error message when a RemoteException is caught. * BUG15822: Warn the user when trying to start an Agidx, Dgidx, Agraph, or Dgraph component with an invalid ENDECA_MDEX_ROOT. * CHG13324: Added a new detailed log entry for the file copy task. * CHG16854: Enhanced central server log messages with subsecond time stamps and the delegate server's physical IP address. Forge (6.1.1) * FORGE-108 Forge warn user when failed to delete temporory files instead of exit abnormally. * BUG19541: Forge do a quick check to determine whether there are delete actions when doing a partial update. * BUG14312: For partial updates, Forge will delete values of a property/dimension which have a replace action, even there's no new assignment for the facet. * BUG19291: Forge will no longer print out an error message when the user is running partial updates in parallel. * BUG17980: Warn the user when there is a failure during writing of the external autogen dimension file, resulting in an empty output file. * BUG12019: Forge is more flexible on autogen state-file compression settings and read-write behavior is consistent. * BUG19092: Decreased memory usage when processing wide records. * BUG18171: Fixed an issue where in some cases after a successful forge run, cleanup code could raise a bad pipe exception, causing forge to terminate with an error code when there was no problem with the results and no errors in the log. * BUG18749: Document conversion has been improved to now support reading data from within an XML CDATA tag. As a result of this upgrade, a number of other minor improvements have occurred in document conversion, and also minor renaming of some of the properties produced by the Document Conversion Module. KNOWN ISSUES (6.1.1) Documentation: * The documentation for this release has not been updated. Updated documentation may be provided in a future release if necessary. Please see the EDeN knowledge base for the most recent documentation. ====================================================================== Endeca Platform Services GENERAL (6.1.0) - Release Date: March 2010 - This release is not compatible with data indexed using previous releases. - The release notes may have been updated since the release date. Access the Product Downloads section of the Endeca Developer Network (EDeN) at https://eden.endeca.com for the most recent version of the release notes. INSTALLATION (6.1.0) - Refer to the Endeca Platform Services Installation Guide for Platform Services installation information. MIGRATION (6.1.0) - Refer to the Endeca Platform Services Migration Guide for information specific to Platform Services migration. KNOWN ISSUES (6.1.0) * BUG16964 (Forge): "die" in a Perl Manipulator causes Forge to crash on Windows instead of exiting cleanly. If you call "die" on Linux, Forge will catch the error and exit in a clean way (i.e. " ERROR 02/22/10 16:10:44.615 UTC (1266855044615) FORGE {baseline}: Forge failed with 1 error and 2 warnings."). However, calling "die" on Windows results in Forge immediately halting without the above message. * BUG17337 (Forge): "crash" behavior differs on Windows 2008 servers. Normally, if Forge crashes, a core file is produced and a non-zero return code is returned by the process. On Windows 2008, neither of these results occurs (i.e., no core file is produced and 0 is returned by the process). The 0 return code causes the EAC to assume that Forge has completed successfully when in fact it has not. * BUG14269 (Installer): Platform Services install intermittently fails to install all components. After running the Platform Services installer the following may not appear in the installation: the workspace directory, workspace/setup directory, or the emgr_update script. As a workaround, uninstall and then re-install Platform Services. * BUG17405 (Silent Installer): On Windows 2008, there are 2 issues with the silent installer: 1. With UAC (User Account Control) enabled, upon doing a silent install, there is an UAC popup displaying: "Do you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer?" The user needs to click on "Yes" in order for the install to proceed. A workaround for this issue is to turn off UAC before running the silent installer. 2. At the end of the install process, a popup shows up displaying the message: "Setup was unable to modify the Endeca service parameters". The installer does not finish until the user clicks "OK" on the popup message. * BUG17414: Even though Platform Services is installed on Windows 2008 (that has User Account Control (UAC) enabled) by a user with administrator privileges, that user cannot edit the configuration files. Attempts to edit the configuration files will fail with a message about insufficient permissions. The workarounds for this issue include: giving the individual user the necessary file permissions to edit the files, running the file editing programs as an administrator, or disabling the UAC. Document Conversion Module (6.1.0) * BUG15843: The Document Conversion Module cannot convert certain XLS files and just returns an error: "viewer bailed out". The fix changes the Document Conversion results as follows: -Dash to full hyphens in Microsoft Office documents -Some XML properties will have been reordered -Endeca.Document.Type that used to be "Unknown (ASCII-8)" is now "ASCII (Text)" -There are more metadata properties (e.g., Endeca.Metadata.DTTM Created, Endeca.Metadata.DTTM Revised) -Endeca.Metadata.app version will change to Endeca.Metadata.app_version, value to 12.0000 -Less distinction between .ZIP File and Jar file. Endeca.Document.Encoding properties that used to be identified as just ".ZIP" are now ".ZIP/JAR File" -Endeca.Document.Tag for outlook .msg files -Empty xml properties in SearchML Content property are removed Note that the Document Conversion Module no longer uses the Windows registry. * BUG17094: Titles were not being properly extracted from PDFs in cases where there are multiple XMP metadata definitions in the PDF. This issue has been fixed. Forge (6.1.0) * BUG13769: A record adapter reads ODBC input in CP1252 encoding, independent of the encoding of the SQL database, resulting in incorrect encoding of special characters. This issue has been resolved for the SQL query that the adapter executes, as well as the data in each column, but not the DSN or column names. * BUG16925: Resolved a performance degradation issue for Record Manipulators with Perl expressions. This degradation manifested itself when large hash tables were used within Perl manipulators. * CHG15739: The default logging level of CXF in the Forge adapter JVM has been increased from INFO to WARNING in the logging.properties file in the ENDECA_ROOT/j2sdk/jre/lib directory. This change makes the log more readable by preventing the logging of SOAP messages by the Record Store Forge adapter. EAC (6.1.0) * BUG17423: On UNIX, the EAC starts a child process that hangs. This issue has been fixed. Installers (6.1.0) * CHG09362: Platform Services installer on Windows did not have an Endeca icon for its Uninstall shortcut and Add/Remove Programs dialog entry. This is now fixed. * BUG11503,13616: Platform Services installer on Windows used to assert that port values must be 9999 or less. It now accepts port values up to 65535, and provides a correct warning when the port is not valid. * BUG14328: Platform Services installer on Windows used to have the wrong tab order on the EAC configuration screen. This has been fixed. * BUG14366: Platform Services installer on Windows used to omit Jars needed for using the --filter option of emgr_update when installing the "EAC Agent" feature without the "Endeca Logging and Reporting" feature. This is now fixed. * BUG14394: When installing Platform Services on Windows silently, it used to be necessary to manually remove Reference and Workspace directories left over from previous installs. This is now fixed. * BUG14396: When installing Platform Services on Windows with only the "EAC Agent" and/or "EAC Server" features selected, the service would be configured as "Local System" instead of the specified user account. This required the service to be edited and the user account updated manually. This is now fixed. * BUG14417: When installing Platform Services on UNIX silently, it used to loop indefinitely if given an invalid value. This has been fixed. * BUG14222: When installing Platform Services on Linux/Solaris silently, it would sometimes prompt the user for a response. This issue does not arise if the output of the command used to do the silent install is redirected to a text file. Java API (6.1.0) * BUG12389: Fixed a bug when using the Workbench preview application in Rule Manager to set a trigger on a search term. When a user entered a search term including a single quotation mark into the preview application and used "Set from Preview App" to create a new rule trigger, the single quote in the trigger was saved as an invalid character. This would cause errors displaying the rule list after saving the rule with this trigger. Single quote characters are now handled properly. * BUG12602: Refinement parameter produced an exception for DimVal IDs over 2147483647. Now the full range of DimVal values is permitted. * BUG16565: In the definition of ESearchReport in the API doc, the phrase "for each search term that was submitted" was changed to "for each search key that was submitted". .NET API (6.1.0) * BUG12389: Fixed a bug when using the Workbench preview application in Rule Manager to set a trigger on a search term. When a user entered a search term including a single quotation mark into the preview application and used "Set from Preview App" to create a new rule trigger, the single quote in the trigger was saved as an invalid character. This would cause errors displaying the rule list after saving the rule with this trigger. Single quote characters are now handled properly. * BUG12602: Refinement parameter produced an exception for DimVal IDs over 2147483647. Now the full range of DimVal values is permitted. * BUG16565: In the definition of ESearchReport in the API doc, the phrase "for each search term that was submitted" was changed to "for each search key that was submitted". * CHG11307: The .NET Presentation API will now send queries whose bodies are longer than the .NET 2.0 URL length limit as POST requests, thus allowing these types of queries to execute. Note that only version 6.1.3 of the Dgraph can handle these types of queries. Queries sent as POST requests are still logged as if they were sent as GET requests. Documentation (6.1.0) * BUG17310: Documentation on the Phrases.xml file and its elements has been added to the XML Reference.