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StorageTek Storage Archive Manager and StorageTek QFS Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 5.4
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4 Installing SAM-QFS Software

Starting with Release 5.4, SAM-QFS has adopted the Image Packaging System (IPS) that became standard with Oracle Solaris 11. IPS is a network-centric package management system that streamlines and coordinates installation, upgrade, and removal of software packages. It greatly simplifies patch management and eases deployment into production environments.

Using the Solaris Package Manager graphical desktop application or IPS terminal commands, administrators access an Oracle Solaris software repository and locate, download, and install the required software packages, while IPS automatically handles dependency checking and package validation. IPS makes changes to a snapshot of the system so that new software can be deployed non-disruptively, during a maintenance window, and rolled back if necessary. Installations and updates can thus be applied safely to running, production systems.

To install the SAM-QFS software, carry out the following tasks:

The chapter concludes with brief notes on Uninstalling SAM-QFS Software.

Obtaining Software

This section outlines the process for obtaining required installation software and software updates. See the following sections:

Check Installation Requirements

For the latest information on installation requirements, including the supported versions of the Oracle Solaris and Linux operating systems, Oracle Cluster software, and other required or supported software packages, consult the SAM-QFS release notes, My Oracle Support at, and the SAM-QFS wiki pages at

Download Software Installation Packages

Download the installation packages for Oracle software products from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. The basic procedure is similar for all Oracle products.

To download SAM-QFS Release 5.4 packages, proceed as follows:

  1. Open in a web browser window.

  2. Register, if you have not already used the site.

  3. Sign in using your registration credentials.

  4. Check the checkbox to acknowledge the applicable software license.

  5. Check the checkbox to agree to the export restrictions that apply to the software.

  6. On the Media Pack Search page, click the License List link.

  7. When the License List appears, search for the product that you have licensed.

    StorageTek Storage Archive Manager and StorageTek QFS Software are listed separately. But you do not need to select both.

  8. From the Platform list, select the operating system and platform architecture that will host the SAM-QFS software.

  9. Press the Go button.

  10. When the results list appears, click the radio button that corresponds to the StorageTek Storage Archive Manager and StorageTek QFS Software media pack and press Continue.

  11. When the StorageTek Storage Archive Manager and StorageTek QFS Software Media Pack for Oracle Solaris page appears, press the Readme button and read the download instructions.

  12. While still on the StorageTek Storage Archive Manager and StorageTek QFS Software Media Pack for Oracle Solaris page, press the View Digest button and save the digest values.

    Digests are checksums created by a cryptographic hash function. By comparing the published digest with the digest locally computed from a downloaded file, you can insure that the downloaded file is complete and intact. For instructions on calculating checksums from a file, see the Solaris dgst and md5 man pages.

  13. While still on the StorageTek Storage Archive Manager and StorageTek QFS Software Media Pack for Oracle Solaris page, press the Download button that corresponds to the product that you have licensed.

    There are separate buttons for StorageTek Storage Archive Manager and StorageTek QFS Software. The former includes both the archiving software and the file system. The latter contains only the file system.

  14. When prompted, save the ZIP archive to a local directory, as described on the Readme page.

    The chosen directory should be accessible from all SAM-QFS hosts via the local network. For the examples in this chapter, we download the file to the /samqfs directory on host sw_install.

  15. If you cannot download the required files after several tries, please contact Software Delivery Customer Service at for assistance.

  16. Once you have downloaded the ZIP file, unzip it in the local directory.

    In the example, we unzip the file in the /samqfs subdirectory and then list the contents:

    [sw_install]root@solaris:~# cd /samqfs
    [sw_install]root@solaris:~# unzip
    [sw_install]root@solaris:~# ls -1
  17. If you are preparing a high-availability file-system, got to "Installing Solaris Cluster Software (High-Availability Configurations Only)" below.

  18. If you are preparing a multi-host, shared file system, go to "Upgrading Shared SAM-QFS File Systems" below.

  19. Otherwise, go directly to "Installing, Upgrading, or Downgrading SAM-QFS Software on Hosts".

Installing Solaris Cluster Software (High-Availability Configurations Only)

On each host, install the Oracle Solaris Cluster and SUNW.HAStoragePlus data service software, as described in the installation and data-service administration documents in the online Information Library for the Solaris Cluster software.

Upgrading Shared SAM-QFS File Systems

If you are upgrading the software for a shared file-system that needs to remain available during the upgrade process, consider a rolling upgrade. When one or more potential metadata servers are configured, in addition to the active server, you can update an inactive server, activate the updated server, and then configure and re-activate the primary server before upgrading remaining potential metadata servers and clients. This rolling upgrade process keeps an active SAM-QFS metadata server available at all times, so that file-system data remain available.

To perform a rolling upgrade, carry out the following tasks:

Upgrade Any Significantly Older Releases of SAM-QFS

At any given time, the SAM-QFS software on the metadata server and clients of a shared file system must be, at most, one release apart. If your shared file-system configuration includes hosts that are running SAM-QFS software that is more than one release behind the targeted upgrade release, you cannot upgrade to the desired release until you carry out corrective action.

Proceed as follows:

  1. If any client hosts are not running the same release of the SAM-QFS software as the metadata server, upgrade them to the release used on the server before proceeding.

  2. If the SAM-QFS software on the active metadata server is more than one release behind the targeted upgrade release and if the file system needs to remain mounted during the upgrade, repeatedly Carry Out the Rolling Upgrade, one release level at a time, until all hosts are fully up to date.

  3. If the SAM-QFS software on the active metadata server is more than one release behind the targeted upgrade release and if the file system does not need to remain mounted during the upgrade, do not attempt a rolling upgrade. Stop the archiving and staging processes, unmount the file system, and upgrade each host individually, as described in "Installing, Upgrading, or Downgrading SAM-QFS Software on Hosts".

Carry Out the Rolling Upgrade

  1. Make sure that you Upgrade Any Significantly Older Releases of SAM-QFS before continuing!

    If any host is more than one release behind the targeted upgrade release when you attempt a rolling upgrade, the upgrade will fail, at best leaving the file systems in an inconsistent state.

  2. Log in to the currently active (first) metadata server as root. Then log in to the currently potential (second) metadata server, also as root.

    In the example, we log in to the active metadata server, first-mds. Then, in a second terminal window, we use secure shell (ssh) to log in to the inactive, potential metadata server, second-mds:

    [first-mds]root@solaris:~# ssh root@second-mds
  3. Upgrade the currently inactive, second metadata server. Install the updated SAM-QFS software using the procedures in "Installing, Upgrading, or Downgrading SAM-QFS Software on Hosts".

  4. Once the upgrade steps are complete, prepare to activate the second server. If the first, active metadata server mounts a SAM-QFS archiving file system, stop any new archiving and staging activity, idle media drives, and wait for current jobs to finish. Then stop the library-control daemon.

    For full description of how to stop archiving activity, see the StorageTek Storage Archive Manager and QFS Software Maintenance and Administration Guide.

    [first-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd aridle
    [first-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd stidle
    [first-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd 901 idle
    [first-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd a
    Waiting for :arrun
    [first-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd r
    ty   eq status      act  use  state     vsn
    li  801  ---------p    0   0%  off
    [first-mds]root@solaris:~# samd stop
  5. On the second metadata server, load the SAM-QFS configuration files and start SAM-QFS processes. Use the command samd config.

    [second-mds]root@solaris:~# samd config
  6. On the second metadata server, mount the SAM-QFS file system.

    [second-mds]root@solaris:~# mount sharefs1
  7. Activate the newly updated second metadata server. From the second metadata server, issue the command samsharefs -s server file-system, where server is the hostname of the newly updated metadata server and file-system is the name of the SAM-QFS shared file system.

    In the example, the potential metadata server is second-mds and the file system name is sharefs1:

    [second-mds]root@solaris:~# samsharefs -s second-mds sharefs1
  8. Upgrade the now-inactive first metadata server. Install the updated SAM-QFS software using the procedures in "Installing, Upgrading, or Downgrading SAM-QFS Software on Hosts".

  9. Once the upgrade steps are complete, prepare to re-activate the first metadata server. If the currently active second metadata server mounts a SAM-QFS archiving file system, stop any new archiving and staging activity, idle media drives, and wait for current jobs to finish. Then stop the library-control daemon.

    [second-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd aridle
    [second-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd stidle 
    [second-mds]root@solaris:~# samd stop
  10. On the first metadata server, load the SAM-QFS configuration files and start SAM-QFS processes. Use the command samd config.

    [first-mds]root@solaris:~# samd config
  11. On the first metadata server, mount the SAM-QFS file system.

    [first-mds]root@solaris:~# mount sharefs1
  12. Re-activate the first metadata server. From the first metadata server, issue the command samsharefs -s server file-system, where server is the hostname of the potential metadata server and file-system is the name of the SAM-QFS shared file system.

    In the example, the potential metadata server is first-mds and the file system name is sharefs1:

    [first-mds]root@solaris:~# samsharefs -s second-mds sharefs1
  13. Update the remaining clients. Install the updated SAM-QFS software using the procedures in "Installing, Upgrading, or Downgrading SAM-QFS Software on Hosts".

  14. Stop here. The upgrade is complete.

Installing, Upgrading, or Downgrading SAM-QFS Software on Hosts

To install, upgrade, or downgrade SAM-QFS software on an individual host, carry out the following tasks:

Install, Upgrade, or Downgrade SAM-QFS Software on Oracle Solaris Hosts

To install, upgrade, or downgrade SAM-QFS packages on a Solaris host, start by carrying out the following tasks:

Then carry out the installation task that best fits your situation:

Prepare the Host for Software Changes

  1. If SAM-QFS software is not currently installed on the host system, go to "Locate the Packages for Your Host Architecture".

  2. Otherwise, log in to the SAM-QFS server as root.

  3. If SAM-QFS software is currently installed on the host system, idle all archiving processes. Use the command samcmd aridle.

    This command will allow current archiving and staging to complete, but will not start any new jobs:

    [samqfs1host]root@solaris:~# samcmd aridle
  4. Idle all staging processes. Use the command samcmd stidle.

    This command will allow current archiving and staging to complete, but will not start any new jobs:

    [samqfs1host]root@solaris:~# samcmd stidle
  5. Wait for active archiving jobs to complete. Check on the status of the archiving processes using the command samcmd a.

    When archiving processes are Waiting for :arrun, the archiving process is idle:

    [samqfs1host]root@solaris:~# samcmd a
    Archiver status samcmd     5.4 10:20:34 May 20 2014
    samcmd on samqfs1host
    sam-archiverd:  Waiting for :arrun
    sam-arfind: ...
    Waiting for :arrun
  6. Wait for active staging jobs to complete. Check on the status of the staging processes using the command samcmd u.

    When staging processes are Waiting for :strun, the staging process is idle:

    [samqfs1host]root@solaris:~# samcmd u
    Staging queue samcmd      5.4  10:20:34 May 20 2014
    samcmd on solaris.demo.lan
    Staging queue by media type: all
    sam-stagerd:  Waiting for :strun
  7. Idle all removable media drives before proceeding further. For each drive, use the command samcmd equipment-number idle, where equipment-number is the equipment ordinal number assigned to the drive in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file.

    This command will allow current archiving and staging jobs to complete before turning drives off, but will not start any new work. In the example, we idle four drives, with ordinal numbers 801, 802, 803, and 804:

    [samqfs1host]root@solaris:~# samcmd 801 idle
    [samqfs1host]root@solaris:~# samcmd 802 idle
    [samqfs1host]root@solaris:~# samcmd 803 idle
    [samqfs1host]root@solaris:~# samcmd 804 idle
  8. Wait for running jobs to complete.

    We can check on the status of the drives using the command samcmd r. When all drives are notrdy and empty, we are ready to proceed.

    [samqfs1host]root@solaris:~# samcmd r
    Removable media samcmd     5.4 18:37:09 Feb 17 2014
    samcmd on samqfs1host
    ty   eq   status      act  use  state  vsn
    li  801   ---------p    0   0%  notrdy
    li  802    ---------p    0   0%  notrdy
    li  803   ---------p    0   0%  notrdy
    li  804   ---------p    0   0%  notrdy
  9. When the archiver and stager processes are idle and the tape drives are all notrdy, stop the library-control daemon. Use the command samd stop.

    [samqfs1host]root@solaris:~# samd stop
  10. If file systems are shared through NFS or SMB/CIFS, unshare the file systems. On the metadata server, use the command unshare mount-point, where mount-point is the mount point directory of the SAM-QFS file system.

    In the first example, we stop NFS sharing of the SAM-QFS standalone file system samqfs1.

    [samqfs1host]root@solaris:~# unshare /samqfs1

    In the second example, we stop NFS sharing of the SAM-QFS shared file system samqfs2:

    [samqfs2server]root@solaris:~# unshare /samqfs2
  11. Unmount all SAM-QFS file systems.

    In the first example, we unmount the unshared, standalone file system samqfs1:

    [samqfs1host]root@solaris:~# umount samqfs1

    In the second example, we unmount the shared file system samqfs1, first from the clients and then from the server, allowing 60 seconds for clients to unmount.

    [samqfs2server]root@solaris:~# ssh root@samqfs2client1
    [samqfs2client1]root@solaris:~# umount /samqfs2
    [samqfs2client1]root@solaris:~# exit
    [samqfs2server]root@solaris:~# ssh root@samqfs2client1
    [samqfs2client2]root@solaris:~# umount /samqfs2
    [samqfs2client2]root@solaris:~# exit
    [samqfs2server]root@solaris:~# umount -o await_clients=60 /sharefs2
  12. If you currently have SAM-QFS 5.3 or earlier installed, uninstall all packages. Use the command pkgrm SUNWsamfsu SUNWsamfsr (pkgrm SUNWqfsu SUNWqfsr if only QFS is installed).

    Remove the packages in the order specified, starting with SUNWsamfsu and ending with SUNWsamfsr. In the example, we pipe the reply yes into the command so that all questions are automatically answered:

    [host1]root@solaris:~# yes | pkgrm SUNWsamfsu SUNWsamfsr
  13. Next, Locate the Packages for Your Host Architecture.

Locate the Packages for Your Host Architecture

  1. Log in to the SAM-QFS host as root.

  2. Change to the subdirectory of the directory where the SAM-QFS download file was unpacked, either STK_SAM-QFS_ release-number or STK_SAM-QFS_ release-number-patch-number.

    The initially released packages are stored in the subdirectory STK_SAM-QFS_release-number, where release-number is a major and a minor release number, joined by a dot: STK_SAM-QFS_5.4/. Patch releases (if any) are located in the subdirectory STK_SAM-QFS_ release-number-patch-number, where patch-number is a two-digit patch sequence number: STK_SAM-QFS_5.4-01/.

    In the example we change to the download directory for the initial release of the software, STK_SAM-QFS_5.4/ and list the contents:

    root@solaris:~# cd /net/sw-install/samqfs/STK_SAM-QFS_5.4/
    root@solaris:~# ls -1
  3. Change to the subdirectory that corresponds to your host architecture, either solaris_sparc/ or solaris_x64/, and list the contents.

    In the example, we change to the solaris_sparc/ subdirectory:

    root@solaris:~# cd solaris_sparc/
    root@solaris:~# ls -1
  4. When Solaris 11 or later is installed on the host, you can install the software using the Image Packaging System. To use IPS, change to the subdirectory S11_ips/ and Install the Software Using the Image Packaging System (IPS) or Upgrade or Downgrade the Software Using the Image Packaging System (IPS).

    root@solaris:~# cd S11_ips/
  5. Alternatively, when Solaris 11 or later is installed on the host, you can also install the software using the pkgadd method. In this case, change to the subdirectory S11/ and either Upgrade or Downgrade the Software Using SVR4 pkgrm and pkgadd Commands.

    root@solaris:~# cd S11_ips/
  6. When Solaris 10 is installed on the host, change to the subdirectory S10/ and Upgrade or Downgrade the Software Using SVR4 pkgrm and pkgadd Commands.

    root@solaris:~# cd S10/

Install the Software Using the Image Packaging System (IPS)

Use Image Packaging System (IPS) commands to install, upgrade, or downgrade SAM-QFS software on hosts running Solaris 11 or later. For each host, including metadata servers and shared file-system clients (if any), proceed as follows:

  1. If you have not already done so, Locate the Packages for Your Host Architecture.

  2. Change to the repository directory for the Solaris 11 IPS packages, repo.samqfs/.

    In the example, we change to repository directory for the first release of SAM-QFS 5.4, STK_SAM-QFS_5.4/solaris_sparc/S11_ips/repo.samqfs:

    root@solaris:~# cd repo.samqfs/
  3. To install both the StorageTek Storage Archive Manager and StorageTek QFS Software packages, use the command pkg install -g . --accept SUNWsamfs SUNWsamqassy, where . is the current directory (the repository) and SUNWsamfs and SUNWsamqassy are the SAM-QFS Image Packaging System package names.

    root@solaris:~# pkg install -g . --accept SUNWsamfs SUNWsamqassy
    Creating plan
    * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or
     * derivative of this code cannot be changed.  i.e. this code cannot simply be
     * copied and put under another distribution licence
     * [including the GNU Public Licence.]
               Packages to install:   2
           Create boot environment:  No
    Create backup boot environment: Yes
    DOWNLOAD                                PKGS         FILES    XFER (MB)   SPEED
    Completed                                2/2       520/520    21.4/21.4    0B/s
    PHASE                                          ITEMS
    Installing new actions                       693/693
    Updating package state database                 Done 
    Updating image state                            Done 
    Creating fast lookup database                   Done
  4. To install only the QFS Software packages, use the command pkg install -g . --accept SUNWqfs SUNWsamqassy, where . is the current directory (the repository) and SUNWqfs and SUNWsamqassy are the SAM-QFS Image Packaging System package names.

    root@solaris:~# pkg install -g . --accept SUNWqfs SUNWsamqassy
    Creating plan
    * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or
     * derivative of this code cannot be changed.  i.e. this code cannot simply be
     * copied and put under another distribution licence
     * [including the GNU Public Licence.]
               Packages to install:   2
           Create boot environment:  No
    Create backup boot environment: Yes
    DOWNLOAD                                PKGS         FILES    XFER (MB)   SPEED
    Completed                                2/2       520/520    21.4/21.4    0B/s
    PHASE                                          ITEMS
    Installing new actions                       693/693
    Updating package state database                 Done 
    Updating image state                            Done 
    Creating fast lookup database                   Done
  5. When the packages finish installing, run the post-installation script, SAM-QFS-post-install. It is located in the util/ subdirectory of the SAM-QFS installation directory (either /opt/SUNWsamfs/ or /opt/SUNWqfs/).

    In the example, we run /opt/SUNWsamfs/util/SAM-QFS-post-install:

    root@solaris:~# /opt/SUNWsamfs/util/SAM-QFS-post-install
    - The administrator commands will be executable by root only (group bin).
    If this is the desired value, enter "y".  If you want to change
    the specified value enter "c".
  6. Add the SAM-QFS directories /opt/SUNWsamfs/bin and /opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin (or /opt/SUNWqfs/bin and /opt/SUNWqfs/sbin) to the system PATH variable, if it is not already in path.

  7. Add the SAM-QFS directory /opt/SUNWsamfs/man (or /opt/SUNWqfs/man) to the system MANPATH variable, if it is not already in the man path.

  8. If the planned SAM-QFS configuration includes additional Solaris hosts, repeat this procedure from the beginning until the software is installed on all hosts.

  9. If the planned SAM-QFS configuration includes Linux hosts as shared file-system clients, go to Install or Update SAM-QFS Client Software on Linux Hosts.

  10. Otherwise, go to "Using the samsetup Configuration Wizard" or "Configuring the Basic File System".

Upgrade or Downgrade the Software Using the Image Packaging System (IPS)

Use Image Packaging System (IPS) commands to upgrade or downgrade SAM-QFS software that was originally installed using IPS.

For each host, including metadata servers and shared file-system clients (if any), proceed as follows:

  1. If you have not yet done so, Locate the Packages for Your Host Architecture.

  2. To upgrade the StorageTek Storage Archive Manager and StorageTek QFS Software packages to the latest versions in the repository, use the command pkg update -g . --accept SUNWsamfs SUNWsamqassy, where . is the current directory (the repository) and SUNWsamfs and SUNWsamqassy are the SAM-QFS Image Packaging System package names.

    root@solaris:~# pkg update -g . --accept SUNWsamfs SUNWsamqassy
  3. To upgrade only the QFS Software packages to the latest versions in the repository, use the command pkg update -g . --accept SUNWqfs SUNWsamqassy, where . is the current directory (the repository) and SUNWqfs and SUNWsamqassy are the SAM-QFS Image Packaging System package names.

    [host1]root@solaris:~# pkg update -g . --accept SUNWqfs SUNWsamqassy
  4. To downgrade the SAM-QFS packages or to upgrade them to a specified version, first obtain the fault managed resource identifier (FMRI) for the desired packages. Use the command pkg info -r -g . package-name, where . specifies the current directory and package-name is the name of the SAM-QFS package.

    In the example, SAM-QFS version 5.4.9, the first patch release, is installed on the host:

    root@solaris:~# samcmd l  
    Usage information samcmd      5.4.9 14:06:14 Dec  9 2014 ...

    We need to downgrade to version 5.4.6, the first version of the software. So we run the pkg info commands for SUNWsamfs and SUNWsamqassy in the IPS repository for the first release, STK_SAM-QFS_5.4/solaris_sparc/S11_ips/repo.samqfs:

    root@solaris:~# pwd
    root@solaris:~# pkg info -r -g . SUNWsamfs
              Name: SUNWsamfs
           Summary: StorageTek SAM and StorageTek SAM-QFS software
       Description: StorageTek Storage and Archive Manager File System
          Category: System/File System
             State: Not installed
         Publisher: samqfs
           Version: 5.4
     Build Release: 5.11
            Branch: None
    Packaging Date: Tue Jul 08 22:56:56 2014
              Size: 88.64 MB
              FMRI: pkg://samqfs/SUNWsamfs@5.4,5.11:20140708T225656Z
    root@solaris:~# pkg info -r -g . SUNWsamqassy
              Name: SUNWsamqassy
           Summary: StorageTek QFS and Storage Archive Manager SAM-QFS IPS assembly services
       Description: SAM-QFS IPS Assembly Services
          Category: System/File System
             State: Installed
         Publisher: samqfs
           Version: 5.4
     Build Release: 5.11
            Branch: None
    Packaging Date: Fri Sep 26 17:21:35 2014
              Size: 15.15 kB
              FMRI: pkg://samqfs/SUNWsamqassy@5.4,5.11:20140926T172135Z
  5. Then, to downgrade the SAM-QFS packages or to upgrade them to a specified version, run the command pkg update -g . fmri, where . specifies the current directory and fmri specifies the fault managed resource identifier of the desired software version.

    In the example, we specify the FMRIs of the 5.4.6 versions of the SUNWsamfs and SUNWsamqassy packages:

    root@solaris:~# pkg update -g . SUNWsamfs@5.4,5.11:20140708T225656Z 
               Packages to update:   1
           Create boot environment:  No
    Create backup boot environment: Yes
    DOWNLOAD                                PKGS         FILES    XFER (MB)  
     SPEEDCompleted                               1/1        160/160    19.2/19.2  3.4M/s
    PHASE                                          ITEMS
    Updating modified actions                    172/172
    Updating package state database                 Done
    Updating package cache                           1/1
    Updating image state                            Done
    Creating fast lookup database                   Done
    Updating package cache                           3/3
    root@solaris:~# pkg update -g . SUNWsamqassy@5.4,5.11:20140926T172135Z 
  6. If the planned SAM-QFS configuration includes additional Solaris hosts, repeat this procedure from the beginning until the software has been updated on all hosts.

  7. If the planned SAM-QFS configuration includes Linux hosts as shared file-system clients, go to Install or Update SAM-QFS Client Software on Linux Hosts.

Install the Software Using SVR4 pkgrm and pkgadd Commands

Use SVR4 package commands when you are installing SAM-QFS software on hosts that run Solaris 10 and when you are upgrading software that was originally installed using SVR4 commands.

For each SAM-QFS Solaris host, including metadata servers and shared file-system clients (if any), proceed as follows:

  1. If you have not already done so, Locate the Packages for Your Host Architecture.

  2. To install both the StorageTek Storage Archive Manager and StorageTek QFS Software packages, use the command pkgadd -d . SUNWsamfsr SUNWsamfsu and accept all defaults.

    Note that you must install the SUNWsamfsr package before installing the SUNWsamfsu package. In the example, we make sure that we are in the directory for our operating system, STK_SAM-QFS_5.4/solaris_sparc/S10. Then we pipe the reply yes into the command so that all questions are automatically answered:

    root@solaris:~# pwd 
    root@solaris:~# yes | pkgadd -d . SUNWsamfsr SUNWsamfsu
  3. To install only the QFS Software packages, use the command pkgadd -d . SUNWqfsr SUNWqfsu and accept all defaults.

    Note that you must install the SUNWqfsr package before installing the SUNWqfsu package. In the example, we pipe the reply yes into the command so that all questions are automatically answered:

    root@solaris:~# yes | pkgadd -d . SUNWqfsr SUNWqfsu
  4. If the planned SAM-QFS configuration includes Linux hosts as shared file-system clients, go to Install or Update SAM-QFS Client Software on Linux Hosts.

  5. Otherwise, go to Chapter 5, "Using the samsetup Configuration Wizard" or Chapter 6, "Configuring the Basic File System".

Upgrade or Downgrade the Software Using SVR4 pkgrm and pkgadd Commands

Use SVR4 package commands when you are installing SAM-QFS software on hosts that run Solaris 10 and when you are upgrading software that was originally installed using SVR4 commands.

For each SAM-QFS Solaris host, including metadata servers and shared file-system clients (if any), proceed as follows:

  1. If you are downgrading the SAM-QFS 5.4 software to version 5.3, start by restoring configuration files to the locations specified by the older software. Use the command /opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin/backto 5.3.

    The backto command restores files to their previous locations and formats. See the backto man page for more information.

    In the example, we convert SAM-QFS 5.4 configuration files for use with SAM-QFS 5.3:

    root@solaris:~# /opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin/backto 5.3 ...
  2. Uninstall all SAM-QFS packages that are currently installed. Use the command pkgrm SUNWsamfsu SUNWsamfsr (pkgrm SUNWqfsu SUNWqfsr if only QFS is installed).

    Remove the packages in the order specified, starting with SUNWsamfsu and ending with SUNWsamfsr. In the example, we pipe the reply yes into the command so that all questions are automatically answered:

    root@solaris:~# yes | pkgrm SUNWsamfsu SUNWsamfsr
  3. If you have not already done so, Locate the Packages for Your Host Architecture.

  4. To install both the StorageTek Storage Archive Manager and StorageTek QFS Software packages, use the command pkgadd -d . SUNWsamfsr SUNWsamfsu and accept all defaults.

    Note that you must install the SUNWsamfsr package before installing the SUNWsamfsu package. In the example, we make sure that we are in the correct directory for our operating system, STK_SAM-QFS_5.4/solaris_sparc/S10. Then we pipe the reply yes into the command so that all questions are automatically answered:

    root@solaris:~# pwd 
    root@solaris:~# yes | pkgadd -d . SUNWsamfsr SUNWsamfsu
  5. To install only the QFS Software packages, use the command pkgadd -d . SUNWqfsr SUNWqfsu and accept all defaults.

    Note that you must install the SUNWqfsr package before installing the SUNWqfsu package. In the example, we pipe the reply yes into the command so that all questions are automatically answered:

    root@solaris:~# pwd 
    root@solaris:~# yes | pkgadd -d . SUNWqfsr SUNWqfsu
  6. If the planned SAM-QFS configuration includes Linux hosts as shared file-system clients, go to Install or Update SAM-QFS Client Software on Linux Hosts.

  7. Otherwise, go to Chapter 5, "Using the samsetup Configuration Wizard" or Chapter 6, "Configuring the Basic File System".

Install or Update SAM-QFS Client Software on Linux Hosts

For each Linux client of a SAM-QFS shared file system, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the Linux client as root.

    [root@linux ~]# 
  2. Unmount all mounted SAM-QFS file systems.

  3. Uninstall old SAM-QFS packages.

    In the example, we use the command rpm --erase SUNWsamfsu SUNWsamfsr:

    [root@linux ~]# rpm --erase SUNWsamfsu SUNWsamfsr
  4. Locate the Linux client ISO image. The ISO image is in the directory where you downloaded the SAM-QFS installation software (see "Obtaining Software").

    In the example, the installation software is located on the host sw-install (IP address in the directory /samqfs:

    [sw_install]root@solaris:~# ls -1
  5. Mount the ISO image on the Linux host.

    In the first example, we mount the image using NFS. We first NFS mount the remote directory that holds the ISO image using as the IP address for the installation server sw_install. Then we NFS mount the ISO image itself on the mount-point directory /mnt/samqfs_iso:

    [root@linux ~]# mount -t nfs /mnt/samqfs
    [root@linux ~]# mount -o ro,loop -t iso9660 \
    /mnt/samqfs/STK_SAM-QFS_5.4_linux.iso /mnt/samqfs_iso
    [[root@linux ~]# 

    In the second example, we mount a local image that we have copied into the temporary directory /home/samqfs_temp:

    [root@linux ~]# cd /home/samqfs_temp
    [root@linux ~]# mount -o ro,loop -t iso9660 STK_SAM-QFS_5.4_linux.iso /mnt
  6. Change to the Linux1/ subdirectory of the mounted ISO image, and run the installer. Use the command ./Install.

    [root@linux ~]# cd /mnt/linux1
    [root@linux ~]# ./Install
  7. If the installation program does not recognize the installed version of the Linux kernel, it will prompt you to create a custom kernel. Enter yes.

    [root@linux ~]# ./Install
    A direct match for your kernel wasn't found. Attempt creating a custom rpm for your kernel (yes/no)? yes

    Many variations of the Linux kernel exist. The SAM-QFS installation program compiles custom kernel modules so that it can support the largest possible number of variations.

  8. Follow the on-screen instructions.

  9. If you are installing a SuSE Linux client, configure the system to recognize the man pages. Open the /etc/manpath.config file in a text editor, and add 1m to the value of the SECTION parameter.

    In the example, we use the vi editor:

    [root@linux ~]# vi /etc/manpath.config
    # Section names. Manual sections will be searched in the order listed here;
    # the default is 1, n, l, 8, 3, 2, 5, 4, 9, 6, 7. Multiple SECTION
    # directives may be given for clarity, and will be concatenated together in
    # the expected way.
    # If a particular extension is not in this list (say, 1mh), it will be
    # displayed with the rest of the section it belongs to. The effect of this
    # is that you only need to explicitly list extensions if you want to force a
    # particular order. Sections with extensions should usually be adjacent to
    # their main section (e.g. "1 1mh 8 ...").
    SECTION 1 1m n l 8 3 2 3posix 3pm 3perl 5 4 9 6 7
  10. If the planned SAM-QFS configuration includes additional Linux client hosts, repeat this procedure from the beginning until the client software is installed on all hosts.

  11. Otherwise, go to "Using the samsetup Configuration Wizard" or "Configuring the Basic File System".

Uninstalling SAM-QFS Software

This section outlines following procedures:

Uninstall SAM-QFS on a Solaris Host

To completely uninstall software and remove the configuration files, proceed as follows.

  1. Log in to the host as root.

  2. If the software was installed on Solaris 11 or later using the Solaris Image Packaging System, uninstall the software using the command pkg uninstall SUNWsamfs SUNWsamqassy (or pkg uninstall SUNWqfs SUNWsamqassy if only the QFS software is installed).

    root@solaris:~#  pkg uninstall SUNWsamfs SUNWsamqassy 
  3. If the software was installed on Solaris 10 or on Solaris 11 using the SVR4 pkginstall method, uninstall the software using the command pkgrm SUNWsamfsu SUNWsamfsr (pkgrm SUNWqfsu SUNWqfsr if only the QFS software is installed).

    Remove the packages in the order specified, starting with SUNWsamfsu and ending with SUNWsamfsr. In the example, we pipe the reply yes into the command so that all questions are automatically answered:

    root@solaris:~# yes | pkgrm SUNWsamfsu SUNWsamfsr
  4. If the software was installed on Solaris 10 or on Solaris 11 using the SVR4 pkginstall method, delete configuration and log files that are no longer required.

    root@solaris:~# rm -R /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/
    root@solaris:~# rm -R /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/
    root@solaris:~# rm -R /var/adm/sam-log/
  5. Reboot the host.

    root@solaris:~#  reboot 
  6. Stop here.

Uninstall the SAM-QFS Client on a Linux Host

To uninstall and completely remove the Linux client software, proceed as follows.

  1. Log in to the Linux client host as root.

    [root@linux ~]# 
  2. Run the SAM-QFS script /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/Uninstall (/var/opt/SUNWqfs/Uninstall if only QFS is installed).

    Other methods, such as rpm -e, can cause unexpected results and problems with uninstalling or reinstalling the software. So always use the script:

    [root@linux ~]#  /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/Uninstall