In following tutorial, you will build a master-detail Oracle ADF web application that queries data from the database through Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)–backed REST services. To limit the scope of the Oracle JDeveloper 12c application you will build, some parts of the hands-on application have been prebuilt for you.

To access the departments and employees data, you’ll use two classes—DepartmentService and EmployeeService—to implement the REST web services. For the purposes of this tutorial, the code within each class will be abbreviated. In a real-world implementation, you would typically support the full CRUD methods for each resource.

This tutorial requires to have JDeveloper 12.1.3. installed and to have access to an Oracle database 10g and onward with access to the HR schema.

Purpose Duration Application

In this tutorial, you use Oracle JDeveloper 12c Version to build a web application using RESTful services. You must download and unzip the starter application to complete the tutorial. Click here to download the starter application.
To see the complete application you will create, click the Download button to download a zip of the final application, and then unzip it in your JDeveloper mywork folder.

90 minutes Download application
Part 1: Building the RESTful Services
In this first section of the tutorial, you create two REST services from existing application POJOs.
Step 1: Get the Application Ready
Before you create any components, you must first open the starter application and projects.
  1. Start JDeveloper by selecting Start > All Programs > Oracle Fusion Middleware > JDeveloper Studio

  2. If prompted for a Role, select Studio Developer (All Features) and click OK.

    Select Role dialog at startup
  3. Close the Tip of the Day window.

    Once loaded, the JDeveloper IDE appears. The very first time you open JDeveloper, the Start Page displays. You can re-invoke the Start Page later by choosing Help > Start Page.

    JDeveloper Start Page

    Notice the various options available to help you learn about JDeveloper. After exploring these options, click the X on the Start Page tab to close it. (the X appears when you mouse over the tab).

  4. Click the Application tab to go back to the Applications window. Click the Open Application icon.

    The New Application link
  5. In the Open Application(s) window, navigate to the location where you unzipped the starter application and select the ...\EjbRestService\EjbRestService.jws file.
    Then click Open.

    The New Gallery dialog


  6. In the Application window, you should see two projects Model and RestServices.
    The Model project contains the data classes and session bean.
    The RestServices project contains the services classes and helper methods.

    Step 1 of the  Create Fusion Web Application Step 1 of the  Create Fusion Web Application

  7. Next, set the database connection to point to you HR schema. Select Window > Database > Databases, and expand the EjbRestService node to display the hrconn node.

    Default application Navigator created for a Fusion Web Application

    Default application Navigator created for a Fusion Web Application

  8. Right-click hrconn, and select Properties from the menu. Edit the database connection information to work with your database setup. Test the changes (click Test), and click OK.

    Default application Navigator created for a Fusion Web Application


  9. Next, start the Oracle WebLogic Server instance integrated with Oracle JDeveloper. To start the Oracle WebLogic Server, select Run > Start Server Instance. If this is the first time you’ve run the integrated Oracle WebLogic Server, a Create Default Domain dialog box will open. Create a password for the default Oracle WebLogic Server domain.

    Note: To ensure that the integrated Oracle WebLogic Server listens for localhost and the IP address of your computer, don’t select an address from Listen Address..

    Default application Navigator created for a Fusion Web Application

    Default application Navigator created for a Fusion Web Application

  10. Wait for the integrated Oracle WebLogic Server to start before proceeding to the steps in the next section. The first time you start the server, it builds the Oracle WebLogic Server domain, which may take several minutes.


Step 2: Create the Department REST Service
In this section of the tutorial, you'll use Oracle JDeveloper’s wizard for creating RESTful services to REST-enable the DepartmentService class and to expose the public getAll() method for GET access. The REST-specific annotations added to the Java file are from Jersey, the Java EE 6 JAX-RS REST Reference Implementation bundled with Oracle JDeveloper. Finally, you'll test the REST service, using Oracle JDeveloper’s integrated HTTP Analyzer.

The EjbRestService workspace contains two projects:

The Model project uses Oracle TopLink and an EJB session bean to query and update the Departments and Employees tables in the HR schema.
The RestService project references the EJB session bean in the Model project from two JavaBeans— and—to read and write data. The two JavaBeans represent the resources you will now expose as REST services.

To create the department service, do the following:

  1. In the Applications window, expand the RestService project node, Application Sources, rservice package.

    New option from context

  2. Right-click the file entry, and select Create RESTful Service.

    This is the New Gallery dialog.


  3. In the Create RESTful Service from Java Class dialog box, change the Root Path input field text to tut/department to define the base URI to access the department source. click Next.

    Step 1 of the Create Entities from Tables
  4. In the Configure HTTP Methods table (note that you may need to resize the dialog box to see the full label string), select the getAll entry.

    The getAll() public method in accesses the EJB business service to query a list of departments from the Departments table in the HR schema and returns the result as an XML response.

    Step 1 of the Create Entities from Tables

  5. Because read requests in REST are Get requests, select GET from the Type column for the getAll entry.

    No input arguments are required, so leave the Consumes field empty.

    Step 3 of the Create Entities from Tables
  6. In the Produces field, click the button and select application/xml, and then click OK.

    Step 4 of the Create Entities from Tables to define a database connection
  7. Double-click in the Path field, and add a forward slash (/) as a value.
    This way a list of departments is queried and returned whenever a Get request is issued to the REST root URI (tut/department).

    Then click Next

    Step 4 of the Create Entities from Tables to define a database connection

  8. Click OK in the Return Type Warning dialog box. The hands-on sample uses JAXB annotations added to the EJB entities to parse Java objects to XML and vice versa, so you can ignore this dialog box.

    Create Database Connection dialog

    Click Finish to create the service.

  9. Click Finish to create the service.

    Oracle JDeveloper opens the class in the Java code editor. The class shows the getAll method annotated with

    The DepartmentService class itself is annotated with @Path to identify the root URI for this REST resource:

    Step 4 of the Create Entities from Tables
  10. Right-click the file, and select Test Web Service to test the REST service in the HTTP Analyzer.

    Step 5  of the Create Entities from Tables


  11. Click Send Request in the opened HTTP Analyzer window to issue a Get request for the REST web service base URI and obtain a list of departments

    Step 6 of the Create Entities from Tables
  12. The log window shows a REST service base URL that looks similar to restservice-context-root/resources/tut/department.
    Make a note of the actual REST URL—you will need it later.

Step 3: Create the Employee REST Service

Next, configure the EmployeeService class as a REST service, which requires more configuration, because it includes support for update and delete operations.

  1. In the Application window, in RestService > Application Sources > rservice, right-click the class and select Create RESTful Service.

    The New option from context
  2. In the Create RESTful Service from Java Class dialog box, change the Root Path input field to tut/employee.

    The New Gallery
  3. In the Configure HTTP Methods table, edit the methods as follows:

    Name Type Consumes Produces Path
    getByDepartmentId GET   application/xml /{departmentId}
    update POST application/xml   /
    removeById DELETE     /{employeeId}

    The New Gallery

  4. Next, select the GetByDepartmentId method and edit the Configure Parameters table as follows:

    Name = departmentId
    Data Type = int
    Annotation = PathParam
    Parameter = departmentId
    Default = default<null>
    Encoding = default<unselected>

     The Create EJB Diagram dialog
  5. Next, select the removeById method and edit the Configure Parameters table as follows:

    Name = employeeId
    Data Type = int
    Annotation = PathParam
    Parameter = employeeId
    Default = default<null>
    Encoding = default<unselected>

    Associate Diagram With Persistence Unit dialog

  6. Click Finish and OK to confirm the Return Type Warning..

    New empty diagram

  7. To test the service, right-click the EmployeeService class and select Test Web Service.

    Drag and Drop EJBs onto the diagram surface
  8. However, rather than using the HTTP Analyzer to test the service, we'll check it from a browser. Open a browser window and copy/paste the URL (http://localhost:7101/hr-restservice-context-root/resources/tut/employee/) into it. Add a "60" to the end of the URL to find all the employees in department 60.

    If you scroll down, you should see 5 employees: AHUNOLD, BERNST, DAUSTIN, VPATABAL and DLORENTZ.

    EJB diagram  with entities
  9. Make a note of the URL, you'll use it later - http://localhost:7101/hr-restservice-context-root/resources/tut/employee.

    You successfully configured the two JavaBeans in the RestService project as services. Each service represents a resource: a department or an employee. In this section, you performed a more complex configuration that included input arguments defined for methods.

    The getByDepartmentId and removeById methods both required a single input argument. Adding /{name} to the REST URI path adds an annotation that enables the request to reference a resource, such as a department, by a unique locator.

    So the annotated method would know where to get the required input argument, you added the PathParam annotation with the name of the variable in the request. The name of the variable is the same as the variable name added to the REST path, such as departmentId in /{departmentId}.

    In the next section, you'll open a new application, create data controls from the REST services and develop a page that consumes the REST data controls.

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