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Student Record Return: Instance Entity

If you select the Include Student Entities check box on the Create Extract Data page, the Create Extract process creates Instance entities based on distinct student careers and the related HESA Instance.

The process includes a student career as an Instance entity if the following three conditions are met:

If the student is a continuing student, then one of the following conditions must be satisfied:

If the student is a new student, then one of the following conditions must be satisfied:

Note: The HIN Population Year value in the HESA Instance record may not exist for new students. Therefore, the process does not consider the HIN Population Only check box for selection of new students. It includes a new student based on either the class enrollment condition or the FTE condition, if the student is not in the HIN population.

The Create Extract process uses the following fields set up on the HESA Instance page for a student career:

The system does not automatically calculate the Year of Course and Year of Student values on the HESA Instance page. You must use the HESA Instance page to manually enter the Year of Course and Year of Student values.

The Create Extract process derives the fields relevant to further education (FE) students only if the Include FE check box is selected on the HESA Returns page. Although you can include or exclude individual FE fields using the derived value for FESTUMK, the Include FE check box enables you to skip derivation of FE fields completely.

While creating Instance entities, the process checks if the student's External System ID records has a HUSID. If no records are found, the process creates a HUSID External System ID for the student with an Effective Date of the reporting period start date.

If you have selected the Null Errors Only check box for the Include Student Entities on the Create Extract Data page, the Create Extract process selects distinct EMPLIDs from the existing active extract data, where at least one field in the Instance, EntryProfile, QualificationsOnEntry, QualificationsAwarded, RAEData, StudentOnModule or Student extract data has a derived value of NULL ERROR. The process then selects all the Instance entity records for these EMPLIDs (if an EMPLID has multiple instances and if at least one instance has a NULL ERROR, then all the instances are selected).

If you have selected the Validation Errors Only check box for the Include Student Entities, the Create Extract process first deletes any Validation Error staging records where all of the COURSEID, MODID and EMPLID fields are blank. Then, it selects distinct EMPLIDs from the Validation Error staging table where the EMPLID is not blank. The process selects Instance entity records for these EMPLIDs. Finally, the process deletes records from the Validation Error staging table where EMPLID is populated.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.ENDDATE value exists

  • Instance.PROGTYPE = 02, 03, 10, 19, 20 or 21

  • Instance.AIMTYPE = 1

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Instance.FUNDMODEL = 25, 35, 81 or 82

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule:  Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3 or 4

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  4. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  5. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  6. Use default.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if one of the following conditions is met:

  • Country = England, Northern Ireland, or Scotland AND Instance.REDUCEDI = 00.

  • Country = Wales, REDUCEDI = 00, AND COURSEAIM does not begin with P, Q, R, S or X.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  3. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  4. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  5. Use default.

  6. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Student Program


Campus select (Records and Enrollment, then select HESA Reporting, then select Codes and Mappings, then select Code Mappings, then select Campus)

HESA Campus

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Instance entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Use the mapping to derive the HESA Campus code for the Campus value entered in the Student Program page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England or Wales

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance

Start Date of Instance

Effective Date

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Instance entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive as the Start Date of Instance from the HESA Instance page.

  2. Use the following process to calculate the earliest class start date for enrolled classes related to the Instance being reported. This selection is similar to that done for StudentOnModule except that it is not restricted to classes overlapping the reporting period and considers enrollments for linked careers.

    1. Select all activated terms for the student career of the Instance.

    2. From each activated term, select classes that satisfy the following conditions:

      – Status = Enrolled

      – Units Taken value is greater than zero.

      – Grading basis value matches one of the values defined in the Grading Basis Inclusion region with the Extract check box selected on the HESA Configuration page.

      – Repeat Code value does not exist or does not match a value defined in the Repeat Code Exclusion region with the Extract check box selected on the HESA Configuration page.

      – If the student has multiple careers with the same Academic Career value as the career being processed (that is, the same career value with different career numbers), then apply a further filter to the class enrollments. In such a case, select the class only if the program value of the enrollment record is does not exist or matches one of the program values in the Student Program records for that career and career number.

    3. If the Instance has been linked to a prior student career using the Linked Career and Linked Career Number fields in the HESA Instance record, then also consider classes for the previous career.

    4. Derive the earliest Class Start Date from all the selected classes as COMDATE.

  3. The earliest Effective Date of the HESA Instance records.

For steps 2 and 3, the system stores the derived date as the Start Date of Instance value in the HESA Instance record.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used: None

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Instance entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. If the student's subplan is reported in the Course extract, derive from the student's subplan.

  2. Derive from the student's plan.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = Wales

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Course.COURSEAIM begins with P, Q, R, S or X.

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program Offering/Year HESA

DESTOCM, DESTOCM2, DESTOCM3 (Program Year HESA Data group box)

Plan Offering/Year HESA

DESTOCM, DESTOCM2, DESTOCM3 (Plan Year HESA Data group box)

Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA

DESTOCM, DESTOCM2, DESTOCM3 (Sub-Plan Year Data group box)

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England, Wales, or Northern Ireland

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00

  • (Instance.EXCHANGE = 7, B, C, D, or E) or (Instance.LOCSDY = F, G or S)

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant to create a single DESTOCM field.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  4. Derive from the Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  5. Derive from the Program Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  6. Use default to create a single DESTOCM field.

  7. Derive a single DESTOCM field as NULL ERROR.

Note: The system can derive up to three values. Each of the values is included as a separate DESTOCM field in the XML file.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Related Course.MSFUND = 37 or 38

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  4. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  5. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  6. Use default.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

External System ID

External System ID

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Related Course.REGBODY = 06 or 07 or is in the range 40 to 55 inclusive

  • Related Course.COURSEAIM = M16, M26, M76, M86, H16, H62, H76, I16, I76, J26 or J76

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Select External System ID records for the person with the External ID Type defined for DHREGREF in the HESA Types page.

  2. Use default.

  3. Derive as NULL ERROR.

You can define a default of 99999999 for this field.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Impairment AUS select (Campus Community, then select Personal Information, then select Health Information, then select Impairment AUS)

Support Services Request

Disability (Records and Enrollment, HESA Reporting, Codes and Mappings, Code Mappings, Disability)

HESA Disability Allowance

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if one of the following conditions is met:

  • Country = England, Northern Ireland, or Scotland, Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 AND Student.DISABLE = 02 to 96 inclusive.

  • Country = Wales, Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, Student.DISABLE = 02 to 96 inclusive, AND Course.COURSEAIM does not begin with P, Q, R, S or X.

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If the student has a Support Services Request value defined on the Impairment AUS page, use the mapped HESA Disability Allowance code from the Disability page.

  4. Use default.

  5. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Note: The system derives Student.DISABLE before creating the Student entity in order to derive the Student.DISALL field.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule:  Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1 or 3

  • Instance.AIMTYPE = 2, 3 or 4

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  4. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  5. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  6. Use default.

  7. If Instance.FUNDMODEL = 21 or 22, derive as NULL ERROR.

  8. Do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Instance.FEEELIG = 1

  • Related Course.COURSEAIM begins E, M, H, I, J or C

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  2. Use default.

  3. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = Wales

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Student Program

Program Action

Action Reason

Effective Date

HESA Action Reasons

Reason for Ending Instance Mapping

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Instance entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive the effective date of the record formatted to YYYY-MM-DD if the most recent effective dated Student Program record has Program Action/Reason values mapped to a HESA Reason for Ending Instance code on the HESA Action Reasons page and, either Instance.INTERCALATE is not 01, or the mapped HESA RSNEND value is not 01.

  2. Do not derive a value, leave the field blank and set ReasonForNull = 9.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Program Offering/Year HESA

EXCHANGE (Program Year HESA Data group box)

Plan HESA Data


Plan Offering/Year HESA

EXCHANGE (Plan Year HESA Data group box)

Sub-Plan HESA


Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA

EXCHANGE (Sub-Plan Year HESA Data group box)

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if one of the following conditions is met:

  • Country = England, Northern Ireland, or Scotland AND Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, 03 or 09.

  • Country = Wales, Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, 03 or 09 AND Course.COURSEAIM does not begin with P, Q, R, S or X.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  4. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  5. Derive from the Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  6. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  7. Derive from the Program Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  8. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  9. Use default.

  10. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Residency Official 1 (Campus Community, Personal Information (Student), Identification (Student), Residency Data, Residency Official 1)


Program HESA Data


Program Offering/Year HESA

FEEELIG (Program Offering HESA Data group box)

Plan HESA Data


Plan Offering/Year HESA

FEEELIG (Plan Offering HESA Data group box)

Sub-Plan HESA


Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA

FEEELIG (Sub-Plan Offering HESA Data group box)

HESA Instance


Fee Eligibility (Records and Enrollment, HESA Reporting, Codes and Mappings, Code Mappings, Fee Eligibility)

HESA Fee Eligibility

Field Derivation Rule: If Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, 01 or 09 derive a value. Otherwise, do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Select the residency records for the EMPLID, institution, and academic career combination for the most recent effective term that starts on or before the end of the reporting period. Use the HESA Fee Eligibility code mapped to the selected residency value. If the mapping does not exist, log an error message and skip to the next step.

  3. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  4. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  5. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  6. Derive from the Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  7. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  8. Derive from the Program Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  9. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  10. Use default.

  11. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if one of the following sets of conditions is met. Otherwise, do not derive a value and leave the field blank.



England Postgraduate

  • Country = England, and

  • Related Course.COURSEAIM begins with E or M excluding M22, M26 or M28, and

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01, and

  • Instance.FEEELIG = 1 or 3, and

  • Instance.EXCHANGE is not 4 or G, and

  • (Instance.MODE = 01, 02, 23, 24, 25, 31, 73, or 74) or (Instance.MODE = 43 or 44 and Instance.MCDATE is in the reporting period)

England Undergraduate

  • Country = England, and

  • Related Course.COURSEAIM begins with H, I, J, C or is M22, M26 or M28, and

  • Related Course.TTCID is not F, and

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01, and

  • Instance.FEEELIG = 1 or 3, and

  • Instance.EXCHANGE is not 4 or G, and

  • Instance.MODE = 01, 02, 23, 24, 25, 31, 43, 44, 73, or 74

Northern Ireland Postgraduate

  • Country = Northern Ireland, and

  • Related Course.COURSEAIM is M71 or M88

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01, and

  • Instance.FEEELIG = 1 or 3, and

  • Instance.EXCHANGE is not 4 or G, and

  • Instance.SSN value does not exist, and

  • (Instance.MODE = 01, 02, 23, 24, or 25) or (Instance.MODE = 43 and Instance.MCDATE is in the reporting period)

Northern Ireland Undergraduate

  • Country = Northern Ireland, and  

  • Related Course.COURSEAIM begins with H, I, J, C or is M22, M26 or M28

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01, and

  • Instance.FEEELIG = 1 or 3, and

  • Instance.EXCHANGE is not 4 or G, and

  • Instance.SSN value does not exist, and

  • Instance.MODE = 01, 02, 23, 24, 25, or 43


  • Country = Scotland, and

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01, and

  • Instance.FEEELIG = 1 or 3, and

  • Instance.EXCHANGE is not 4, G, Y or Z, and

  • Instance.SSN value does not exist, and

  • Instance.MODE = 01, 02, 23, 24, or 25, and

  • Related Course.COURSEAIM is C20, C30, H00, H11, H16, H18, H22, H23, H50, I00, I11, I16, J20, J26, J30, M22, M26, M28, M71 or M88


  • Country = Wales, and

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, and

  • Instance.FEEELIG = 1 or 3, and

  • Instance.EXCHANGE is not 4 or G, and

  • Instance.SSN value does not exist, and

  • Instance.MODE = 01, 02, 23, 24, 25, or 43, and

  • Related Course.COURSEAIM begins H, I, J, C or is M22, M26, M28, M71 or M88

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  2. If Instance.COMDATE is before 01-SEP-2012, derive as 10.

  3. If Instance.COMDATE is on or after 01-SEP-2012 and Country = Scotland and either DOMICILE is Scotland (XH) or DOMICILE is European Union (excluding England, Northern Ireland and Wales), derive as 10.

    The DOMICILE value is derived in the same way as EntryProfile.DOMICILE and is derived even if an EntryProfile is not being included in the extract (that is, for new and continuing students).

    The check on European Union includes countries where the EU Member State check box is selected in the Country Table plus also the generic EU code (European Union not otherwise specified) and specifically excludes the individual country codes for England (XF), Northern Ireland (XG), Wales (XI) and UK not specified (XK).

  4. If COMDATE is on or after 01-SEP-2012 and Country = Northern Ireland and either DOMICILE is Northern Ireland (XG) or DOMICILE is European Union (excluding England, Scotland and Wales), derive as 10.

  5. If Instance.COMDATE is on or after 01-SEP-2012, derive as 20.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


HESA Instance


HESA Returns

Include FE

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England or Wales

  • Instance.REDUCEDI is 00, 01, 03 or 04

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive as 2 if Include FE check box is not selected on the HESA Returns page.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  4. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  5. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  6. Use default.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Instance.FUNDMODEL = 35 or 81

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Either Instance.FUNDMODEL = 35 or 81 OR Instance.FUNDMODEL = 99 and LearningDeliveryFAM.LEARNDELFAMTYPE = ADL

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = Wales

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  4. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  5. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  6. Use default.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  4. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  5. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  6. Use default.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Program Offering/Year HESA

FTEMETHOD (Program Offering HESA Data group box)

Plan HESA Data


Plan Offering/Year HESA

FTEMETHOD (Plan Offering HESA Data group box)

Sub-Plan HESA


Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA

FTEMETHOD (Sub-Plan Offering HESA Data group box)

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = Scotland

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, 01, or 03

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  4. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  5. Derive from the Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  6. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  7. Derive from the Program Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  8. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  9. Use default.

  10. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if one of the following conditions is met:

  • Country is Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales, and Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Country is England, and Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01, and Instance.FESTUMK is not 1 or 4

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the condition is not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  4. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  5. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  6. Use default.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England, Wales, or Northern Ireland

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Program Offering/Year HESA

FUNDLEV (Program Year HESA Data group box)

Plan HESA Data


Plan Offering/Year HESA

FUNDLEV (Plan Year HESA Data group box)

Sub-Plan HESA


Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA

FUNDLEV (Sub-Plan Year HESA Data group box)

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England or Northern Ireland

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  4. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  5. Derive from the Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  6. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  7. Derive from the Program Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  8. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  9. Use default.

  10. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  4. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  5. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  6. Use default.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3 or 4

  • Instance.PROGTYPE is not blank

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Program Offering/Year HESA

GLHRS (Program Offering HESA Data group box)

Plan HESA Data


Plan Offering/Year HESA

GLHRS (Plan Offering HESA Data group box)

Sub-Plan HESA


Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA

GLHRS (Sub-Plan Offering HESA Data group box)

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England or Wales

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  4. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  5. Derive from the Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  6. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  7. Derive from the Program Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  8. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  9. Use default.

  10. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  4. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  5. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  6. Use default.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

HESA Returns

Account Type


Fees After Calculation (Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Review Fees After Calculation)


Program HESA Data


Program Offering/Year HESA

GROSSFEE (Program Offering HESA Data group box)

Plan HESA Data


Plan Offering/Year HESA

GROSSFEE (Plan Offering HESA Data group box)

Sub-Plan HESA


Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA

GROSSFEE (Sub-Plan Offering HESA Data group box)

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: if Instance.FEEREGIME = 20 derive a value. Otherwise, do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Note: FEEREGIME is derived depending on FEEELIG, EXCHANGE, MODE and COURSEAIM values and for Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales only, if SSN value does not exist.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  2. Derive as total of all the tuition fee charges for the student career for terms that start within the reporting period. Fee records where the Item Type Code is Charge and the Account Type is one of those defined with the Tuition check box selected on the HESA Returns page. The derived value is rounded to the nearest pound.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  4. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  5. Derive from the Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  6. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  7. Derive from the Program Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  8. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  9. Use default.

  10. Do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Program Offering/Year HESA

IMPRATE (Program Offering HESA Data group box)

Plan HESA Data


Plan Offering/Year HESA

IMPRATE (Plan Offering HESA Data group box)

Sub-Plan HESA


Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA

IMPRATE (Sub-Plan Offering HESA Data group box)

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00

  • Related Course.MSFUND = 86, 87, 88, AA, AB, AC, or AD

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  4. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  5. Derive from the Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  6. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  7. Derive from the Program Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  8. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  9. Use default.

  10. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Student Program


Campus (Records and Enrollment, HESA Reporting, Codes and Mappings, Code Mappings, Campus)

HESA Campus

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Instance entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Use the mapping to derive the HESA Campus code for the Campus value entered in the Student Program page.

  3. Use default.

  4. If Country = Wales and Course.COURSEAIM = X41, X42, X43, X44, X45 or X46 then derive as NULL ERROR.

  5. Do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if Country = England or Wales.

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the condition is not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  2. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  3. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  4. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  5. Do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Program Offering/Year HESA

INTERCALATE (Program Year HESA Data group box)

Plan HESA Data


Plan Offering/Year HESA

INTERCALATE (Plan Year HESA Data group box)

Sub-Plan HESA


Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA

INTERCALATE (Sub-Plan Year HESA Data group box)

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: If Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, 01 or 03 derive a value. Otherwise, do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  2. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  4. Derive from the Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  5. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  6. Derive from the Program Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  7. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  8. Use default.

  9. Do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England or Wales

  • Related Course.TTCID = 1, 2, 8, F, G, H, L, M, N or P

  • Related Course.REDUCEDC = 00, 01, 04 or 07

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  4. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  5. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  6. Use default.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, 01, or 04

  • Related Course.TTCID = 1, 2, 8, G, H, L, M, N or P

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  4. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  5. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  6. Use default.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page (in YYYY-MM-DD format).

  3. End Date of the Expected Graduation Term defined for the Student Program, converted to YYYY-MM-DD format

  4. Use default.

  5. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used: None

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England or Northern Ireland

  • Instance.INSTAPP = 1

  • Instance.TYPEYR = 2, 3, 4, or 5

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Course.COURSEAIM does not begin D, L, P, Q, R, S or X

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Step:

Note: For this release, this field is derived as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used: None

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England or Northern Ireland

  • Instance.INSTAPP = 1

  • Instance.TYPEYR = 2, 3, 4, or 5

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Course.COURSEAIM does not begin D, L, P, Q, R, S or X

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Step:

Note: For this release, this field is derived as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Program Offering/Year HESA

LOCSDY (Program Year HESA Data group box)

Plan HESA Data


Plan Offering/Year HESA

LOCSDY (Plan Year HESA Data group box)

Sub-Plan HESA


Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA

LOCSDY (Sub-Plan Year HESA Data group box)

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: If Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, 01 or 09 derive a value. Otherwise, do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  4. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  5. Derive from the Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  6. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  7. Derive from the Program Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  8. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  9. Use default.

  10. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Student Program

Program Action

Action Reason

HESA Instance


HESA Action Reasons

HESA Mode Direction (Change of Mode Mapping group box)

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England or Northern Ireland

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 04

  • Related Course.COURSEAIM begins with D, E, L, or M (excluding M22, M26 or M28)

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. If MODE derivation step = 1 (that is derived from HESA Instance page), then derive MCDATE from HESA Instance page.

  2. If MODE derivation step = 2 and the most recent record was selected to derive MODE, select any other earlier change of mode from the Student Program records where effective end date is within the reporting period.

    For each record, determine from the Mode Direction mapping whether the MODE changed from Active to Inactive or vice versa.

    If any one of the following three conditions is met, derive MCDATE as the effective date of the record that was used to derive MODE, formatted to YYYY-MM-DD:

    • The earliest Mode Direction From = Active and the latest Mode Direction To = Inactive.

    • The earliest Mode Direction From = Inactive and the latest Mode Direction To = Active.

    • The earliest Mode Direction From = Inactive, the latest Mode Direction To = Inactive, and a minimum of one of the selected records for the reporting period has a Mode Direction To = Active (that is, student was active at some point).

  3. Do not derive a value, leave the field blank and set ReasonForNull = 9.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program Offering/Year HESA

MODE (Program Year HESA Data group box)

Plan Offering/Year HESA

MODE (Plan Year HESA Data group box)

Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA

MODE (Sub-Plan Year Data group box)

Student Program

Program Action

Action Reason

Student Program

Acad Load

HESA Instance


Mode of Study select (Records and Enrollment, then select HESA Reporting, then select Codes and Mappings, then select Code Mappings, then select Mode of Study)

HESA Mode of Study

HESA Action Reasons

Change of Mode Mapping

Term/Session Table (Set up SACR, Foundation Table, Term Setup, Term/Session Table)


Enrollment Limit (Records and Enrollment, Student Term Information, Term Activate a Student, Enrollment Limit)

Approved Academic Load

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Instance entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  2. Select the Student Program record that has Program Action/Reason values mapped to a HESA Mode in the HESA Action Reasons page. Derive the mapped HESA mode value. If the derived value is 73 or 74 and the effective date of the record is prior to the reporting period start date, convert 73 to 63 and 74 to 64.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, and the MODE value from the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of Academic Load and YEARPRG of the student instance equals 23, 24, or 25 (sandwich placement year), then derive the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA MODE value.

  4. If the MODE value from the Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of Academic Load and YEARPRG of the student instance equals 23, 24, or 25, then derive the Plan Offering/Year HESA MODE value.

  5. If the MODE Value from the Program Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of Academic Load and YEARPRG of the student instance equals 23, 24, or 25, then derive the Program Offering/Year HESA MODE value.

  6. Select the most recent activated student term record that overlaps the reporting period. That is, the process selects the record with the latest term begin date from terms where the term begin date or the term end date falls within the reporting period. Select the approved academic load from the most recent term record and use the mapping on the Mode of Study page to retrieve the corresponding HESA mode for the selected academic load.

  7. Select the academic load from the Student Program record. Derive the mapped HESA code for the selected academic load from the Mode of Study page.

  8. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Program Offering/Year HESA

MSTUFEE (Program Offering HESA Data group box)

Plan HESA Data


Plan Offering/Year HESA

MSTUFEE (Plan Offering HESA Data group box)

Sub-Plan HESA


Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA

MSTUFEE (Sub-Plan Offering HESA Data group box)

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: If Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01 derive a value. Otherwise, do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  4. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  5. Derive from the Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  6. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  7. Derive from the Program Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  8. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  9. Use default.

  10. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

HESA Returns

Account Type


Fees After Calculation (Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Review Fees After Calculation)


Program HESA Data


Program Offering/Year HESA

NETFEE (Program Offering HESA Data group box)

Plan HESA Data


Plan Offering/Year HESA

NETFEE (Plan Offering HESA Data group box)

Sub-Plan HESA


Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA

NETFEE (Sub-Plan Offering HESA Data group box)

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: If Instance.FEEREGIME = 20 derive a value. Otherwise, do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  2. If Instance.GROSSFEE is derived from Step 2, NETFEE is derived as the rounded GROSSFEE minus the total of all waivers for the Student Career for terms that start within the reporting period. Fee records where the Item Type Code is Waiver and the Account Type is one of those defined with the Waiver check box selected in HESA Returns page. The derived value is then rounded to the nearest pound.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  4. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  5. Derive from the Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  6. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  7. Derive from the Program Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  8. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  9. Use default.

  10. Do not derive a value and leave the field blank,

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Related Course.COURSEAIM = M76, H76, I76, or J76

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  4. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  5. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  6. Use default.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00

  • Course.MSFUND does not equal 91

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Student Program

Program Action

Action Reason

HESA Instance


HESA Action Reasons

Suspension of Active Studies Mapping

Field Derivation Rule: If Instance.RSNEND and Instance.ENDDATE values do not exist, derive a value. Otherwise, do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  2. If the most recent effective dated Student Program record has Program Action/Reason values mapped to the a HESA Suspension of Studies code on the HESA Action Reasons page, then derive the mapped HESA code value.

  3. Do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Note: For correct derivation, ensure that if you have mapped a Program Action/Reason to a MODE of 73 or 74, map the same Program Action/Reason to a NOTACT value of 1 on the HESA Action Reasons page.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = Wales

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  4. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  5. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  6. Use default.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance

Instance Identifier

Linked Career

Linked Career Number

Academic Career

Student Career Nbr

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Instance entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from HESA Instance page as Instance Identifier.

  2. Derive from HESA Instance page as Linked Career and Linked Career Number.

  3. Derive from HESA Instance page as Academic Career and Student Career Nbr, for example, UGRD1.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = Wales

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  2. Use default.

  3. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Instance entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  2. Use default.

  3. Do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01 and, either Instance.FUNDMODEL is not 25 or 82, or Instance.AIMTYPE is not 1

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  2. Use default.

  3. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Student Program

Program Action

Action Reason

HESA Instance


HESA Action Reasons

Phd Submission Action Reason Mapping

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 04

  • Related Course.COURSEAIM = D00 or D01

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  2. If there is a Research Candidate record for the instance, select the earliest effective dated thesis record where Actual Submission Date has a value and the effective date is on or before the reporting period end date. Derive as the Actual Submission Date formatted to YYYY-MM-DD.

    Note: The process matches the Research Candidate record (SSR_RS_CAND_HDR) to the instance on EMPLID, Institution, Career and Career Number to find the Research Candidate Number (SSR_RS_CANDIT_NBR). The process associates the thesis records (SSR_RS_THESIS) with the Research Candidate record by EMPLID, Institution and Research Candidate Number. It selects the earliest Research Candidate record (by EFFDT, EFFSEQ) that has an Actual Submission Date (SSR_RS_ACT_SUB_DT).

  3. Select the earliest Student Program record (exclude records with an effective date greater than the end date of the reporting period) that has Program Action/Reason values mapped in the Phd Submission Action Reason Mapping group box. Derive as the effective date of the record formatted to YYYY-MM-DD.

  4. Do not derive a value, leave the field blank and set ReasonForNull = 9.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Instance.FUNDMODEL = 25 or 82

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  2. Use default.

  3. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England AND Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4 AND Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Instance.FUNDMODEL = 25 or 82 OR Instance.FUNDMODEL = 35 and Related LearningDeliveryFAM.LEARNDELFAMTYPE is not WPL

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  2. Use default.

  3. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = Wales

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  4. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  5. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  6. Use default.

  7. If Instance.FUNDMODEL = 35, derive as NULL ERROR.

  8. Do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1 or 3

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Instance.AIMTYPE = 2, 3 or 4

  • Instance.FUNDMODEL = 21, 22 or 45

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  4. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  5. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  6. Use default.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3 or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Instance.PROGTYPE = 02, 03, 10, 20, 21, 22 or 23

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  4. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  5. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  6. Use default.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England or Northern Ireland

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, 01, or 04

  • Related Course.TTCID = 5

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  4. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  5. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  6. Use default.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

External System ID

External System ID

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 04

  • Instance. RCSTDNT is not 99

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Select External System ID records for the person with the External ID Type defined for RCSTDID in the HESA Types page.

  2. Do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 04

  • Related Course.COURSEAIM begins D, E, L, or M (except M22, M26 or M28)

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  4. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  5. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  6. Use default.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3, or 4

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Instance entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Country = England, Scotland, or Northern Ireland and Instance.STULOAD is 10.0 or less, derive as 01.

  4. If Instance.EXCHANGE is 2, 4, 8, 9, A or G, derive as 03.

  5. If Instance.MODE = 63 or 64, derive as 04.

  6. Derive as 00.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Student Program

Program Action

Action Reason

HESA Action Reasons

Reason for Ending Instance Mapping

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, 01, 04, 07, 08 or 09

  • Instance.ENDDATE is completed.

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. If the most recent effective dated Student Program record has Program Action/Reason values mapped to a HESA Reason for Ending Instance code on the HESA Action Reasons page, then derive the mapped HESA code value.

  2. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Course.REDUCEDC = 06 (SAS) or Course.TTCID = E (SAS)

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Course.REDUCEDC = 06 (SAS) or Course.TTCID = E (SAS)

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Course.REDUCEDC = 07 (SKE) or Course.TTCID = F (SKE)

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program Offering/Year HESA

SPECFEE (Program Year HESA Data group box)

Plan Offering/Year HESA

SPECFEE (Plan Year HESA Data group box)

Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA

SPECFEE (Sub-Plan Year HESA Data group box)

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive if one of the following conditions is met:

  • Country = Northern Ireland or Scotland AND Instance.REDUCEDI = 00

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 AND Country = England or Wales AND Course.COURSEAIM does not begin with P, Q, R, S or X

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  4. Derive from the Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  5. Derive from the Program Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  6. Use default.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Program Offering/Year HESA

SPLENGTH (Program Offering HESA Data group box)

Plan HESA Data


Plan Offering/Year HESA

SPLENGTH (Plan Offering HESA Data group box)

Sub-Plan HESA


Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA

SPLENGTH (Sub-Plan Offering HESA Data group box)

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: If Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, 01 or 09 derive a value. Otherwise, do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  4. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  5. Derive from the Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  6. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  7. Derive from the Program Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  8. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  9. Use default.

  10. Do not derive a value, leave the field blank and set ReasonForNull = 9 .

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

SSAR (Financial Aid, Student Loans Company, View SLC Student Data, SSAR)

Student Support Nbr

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Related Course.COURSEAIM begins with H, I, J, C, P, Q, R, S or X, or is M22, M26, M71 or M88

  • Related Course.COURSEAIM does not end with 90 or 99

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  2. Derive the SSN from the most recent Attendance Confirmation Report (ACR) record (that is, highest sequence number) for the EMPLID and Institution where the Aid Year (AID_YEAR) starts in the reporting period and where at least one row exists for the ACR with Attendance Indicator set to any value other than S or X.

    This derivation also looks for an SSN from the ACR record when there is no SSAR record. This is because only students who apply for Maintenance Loans and Grants get SSAR records; and only students who apply for Tuition Loan and Grants get ACR records – so students will have one and not the other.

  3. Derive the SSN from the most recent SSAR record (that is, highest sequence number) for the EMPLID and institution where the Financial Aid Year starts in the reporting period and then validate if all of the following are true:

    • A related first attendance confirmation record exists.

    • If the UCAS Course Code is defined in the SSAR, then the UCAS Course Code should be linked via a UCAS Course Mapping to the same career and program as the Instance. If the UCAS Course code is not defined in the SSAR, or if there are no UCAS Course Mapping records for the UCAS Course Code, then the SSAR record is assumed to be relevant to the Instance. You perform UCAS Course Mapping on the UCAS Courses page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, UCAS, Mappings, UCAS Course).

  4. Do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Note: The SSN derivation does not currently consider whether Instance.MSTUFEE is reported as SLC full or partly funded (02, 03, 04, 52, 53 or 54).

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = Wales

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1 or 3

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance

Calculated FTE

Report Zero

Override FTE

Field Derivation Rule: If Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, 01, 03 or 09, derive a value. Otherwise, do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive as zero, if the Report Zero check box is selected on the HESA Instance page for the reporting period.

  2. Derive as the Override FTE value on the HESA Instance page for the reporting period.

  3. Derive as the Calculated FTE value on the HESA Instance page for the reporting period.

  4. Use default.

  5. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

External System ID

External System ID

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England, Scotland, or Wales

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 04

  • Related Course.TTCID = 1, 8, G, H, L, M, N or P

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Select External System ID records for the person with the External ID Type defined for TREFNO in the HESA Types page.

  2. Use default.

  3. Do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Program Offering/Year HESA

TYPEYR (Program Year HESA Data group box)

Plan HESA Data


Plan Offering/Year HESA

TYPEYR (Plan Year HESA Data group box)

Sub-Plan HESA


Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA

TYPEYR (Sub-Plan Year Data group box)

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: If Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, 01 or 09 derive a value. Otherwise, do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Derive as 1 if Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, and a TYPEYR value of 1 is defined on the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  4. Derive as 2 if Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, a TYPEYR value of 2, 3, 4, or 5 is defined on the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance, and COMDATE is within the reporting period.

  5. Derive as 3 if Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, a TYPEYR value of 2, 3, 4, or 5 is defined on the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance, COMDATE is prior to the reporting period, and ENDDATE value does not exist or is not within the reporting period.

  6. Derive as 4 if Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, a TYPEYR value of 2, 3, 4, or 5 is defined on the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance, COMDATE is prior to the reporting period, and ENDDATE is within the reporting period.

  7. Derive as 1 if Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan and a TYPEYR value of 1 is defined on the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  8. Derive as 2 if Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, a TYPEYR value of 2, 3, 4, or 5 is defined on the Sub-Plan HESA page, and COMDATE is within the reporting period.

  9. Derive as 3 if Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, a TYPEYR value of 2, 3, 4, or 5 is defined on the Sub-Plan HESA page, COMDATE is prior to the reporting period, and ENDDATE value does not exist or is not within the reporting period.

  10. Derive as 4 if Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, a TYPEYR value of 2, 3, 4, or 5 is defined on the Sub-Plan HESA page, COMDATE is prior to the reporting period, and ENDDATE is within the reporting period.

  11. Derive as 1 if a TYPEYR value of 1 is defined on the Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of academic load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  12. Derive as 2 if a TYPEYR value of 2, 3, 4, or 5 is defined on the Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of Academic Load and YEARPRG of the student instance, and COMDATE is within the reporting period.

  13. Derive as 3 if a TYPEYR value of 2, 3, 4, or 5 is defined on the Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of Academic Load and YEARPRG of the student instance, COMDATE is prior to the reporting period, and ENDDATE value does not exist or is not within the reporting period.

  14. Derive as 4 if a TYPEYR value of 2, 3, 4, or 5 is defined on the Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of Academic Load and YEARPRG of the student instance, COMDATE is prior to the reporting period, and ENDDATE is within the reporting period.

  15. Derive as 1 if a TYPEYR value of 1 is defined on the Plan HESA Data page.

  16. Derive as 2 if a TYPEYR value of 2, 3, 4, or 5 is defined on the Plan HESA Data page, and COMDATE is within the reporting period.

  17. Derive as 3 if a TYPEYR value of 2, 3, 4, or 5 is defined on the Plan HESA Data page, COMDATE is prior to the reporting period, and ENDDATE value does not exist or is not within the reporting period.

  18. Derive as 4 if a TYPEYR value of 2, 3, 4, or 5 is defined on the Plan HESA Data page, COMDATE is prior to the reporting period, and ENDDATE is within the reporting period.

  19. Derive as 1 if a TYPEYR value of 1 is defined on the Program Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of Academic Load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  20. Derive as 2 if a TYPEYR value of 2, 3, 4, or 5 is defined on the Program Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of Academic Load and YEARPRG of the student instance, and COMDATE is within the reporting period.

  21. Derive as 3 if a TYPEYR value of 2, 3, 4, or 5 is defined on the Program Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of Academic Load and YEARPRG of the student instance, COMDATE is prior to the reporting period, and ENDDATE value does not exist or is not within the reporting period.

  22. Derive as 4 if a TYPEYR value of 2, 3, 4, or 5 is defined on the Program Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of Academic Load and YEARPRG of the student instance, COMDATE is prior to the reporting period, and ENDDATE is within the reporting period.

  23. Derive as 1 if a TYPEYR value of 1 is defined on the Program HESA Data page.

  24. Derive as 2 if a TYPEYR value of 2, 3, 4, or 5 is defined on the Program HESA Data page and COMDATE is within the reporting period.

  25. Derive as 3 if a TYPEYR value of 2, 3, 4, or 5 is defined on the Program HESA Data page, COMDATE is prior to the reporting period, and ENDDATE value does not exist or is not within the reporting period.

  26. Derive as 4 if a TYPEYR value of 2, 3, 4, or 5 is defined on the Program HESA Data page, COMDATE is prior to the reporting period, and ENDDATE is within the reporting period.

  27. Use default.

  28. Derive as NULL ERROR.

The derivation logic can use the TYPEYR values of 3, 4, or 5 set up for year, program, plan, or subplan. However, it is expected that only values 1 (Course academic year contained within the HESA reporting year 1 August - 31 July) or 2 (Course academic year not contained within the HESA reporting year 1 August - 31 July) are relevant because the remaining values of 3, 4, and 5 apply to the student instance rather than the year as a whole.

The system repeats Steps 3 to 6, depending on the level at which the TYPEYR value is defined in the academic structure.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Program Offering/Year HESA

UNITLGTH (Program Offering HESA Data group box)

Plan HESA Data


Plan Offering/Year HESA

UNITLGTH (Plan Offering HESA Data group box)

Sub-Plan HESA


Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA

UNITLGTH (Sub-Plan Offering HESA Data group box)

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: If Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, 01 or 09, derive a value. Otherwise, do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  4. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  5. Derive from the Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  6. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  7. Derive from the Program Offering/Year HESA page for the academic load of the student instance.

  8. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  9. Use default.

  10. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive only if the Include FE check box is selected.

Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3 or 4

  • Instance.CSTAT = 3 (withdrawn)

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Program Offering/Year HESA

YEARLGTH (Program Year HESA Data group box)

Plan HESA Data


Plan Offering/Year HESA

YEARLGTH (Plan Year HESA Data group box)

Sub-Plan HESA


Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA

YEARLGTH (Sub-Plan Year Data group box)

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if one of the the following conditions is met:

  • Country = Scotland AND Instance.REDUCEDI = 00.

  • Country = Wales, Instance. REDUCEDI= 00 AND Course.COURSEAIM does not begin with P, Q, R, S or X

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  3. If Instance.LOCSDY = D, F or T, do not derive a value, leave the field blank and set ReasonForNull = 9.

  4. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of Academic Load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  5. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  6. Derive from the Plan Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of Academic Load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  7. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  8. Derive from the Program Offering/Year HESA page for the combination of Academic Load and YEARPRG of the student instance.

  9. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  10. Use default.

  11. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance

Year of Program

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if one of the following conditions is met:

  • Country = England, Northern Ireland, or Scotland AND Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, 01 or 09

  • Country = Wales, Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, 01 or 09 AND Course.COURSEAIM does not begin with P, Q, R, S or X

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  2. Use default.

  3. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance

Year of Student

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if one of the following conditions is met:

  • Country = England, Northern Ireland, or Scotland AND Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

  • Country = Wales, Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01 AND Course.COURSEAIM does not begin with P, Q, R, S or X

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  2. Use default.

  3. Derive as NULL ERROR.