
Manages the system halt points.


haltpoint { [ add | delete | list | resume] | [ usage | help ] }


System halt points are used for recovery purposes only. Your Oracle Customer Support representative uses them to gather diagnostic information or to clear problematic conditions that cannot be obtained or resolved another way. Halt points should never be set or cleared without assistance from your Oracle Customer Support representative.
When troubleshooting the Oracle FS System, your Oracle Customer Support representative might instruct you to set one or more halt points. Setting a halt point on a particular software component causes the system to pause the startup sequence at a step associated with that component. The system will generate an event and an alert indicating it has reached a halt point.
Your Oracle Customer Support representative might require that you log in to the /⁠administrator account as the Primary Administrator and perform one of the following operations:
  • Set one or more active halt points for one or more components.

  • Remove one or more halt points.

  • Display all or only the active halt points.

  • Display the halt point where the system startup process is currently paused.

  • Resume starting up the system from the current halt point.

Run the haltpoint command using the options and arguments as instructed by your Oracle Customer Support representative.


Adds one or more active halt points for the specified components. Before adding halt points, contact Oracle Customer Support for instructions.
Removes one or more halt points. Before removing halt points, contact Oracle Customer Support for instructions. In order to allow the Oracle FS System to boot properly, all halt points must be removed after system diagnosis or recovery is completed.
Displays all halt points or only the active halt points that are currently set, as well as the halt point at which the system is currently paused. To interpret the list of halt points, contact Oracle Customer Support for instructions.
Resumes the system startup process from the current halt point. Before resuming from an halt point, contact Oracle Customer Support for instructions.



Using the instructions from your Oracle Customer Support representative, set a halt point for the step in the start up process where the SAN software is started.

  • The component name: PDS_COMP_SAN

  • The halt point step: STOP_BEFORE_CONFIGURE_STARTED

$ fscli haltpoint ‑add ‑haltpoint PDS_COMP_SAN:STOP_BEFORE_CONFIGURE_STARTED