storage_domain add

Creates a Storage Domain.


storage_domain ‑add 
   ‑name storage‑domain‑name
   [{‑enableTierReallocation | ‑disableTierReallocation}]
   [{‑enableTierReallocationStatistics | ‑disableTierReallocationStatistics}]
   [{‑enableAutomaticQosRebalancing | ‑disableAutomaticQosRebalancing }]
   [‑priority {default | maximumSpeed | minimumImpact}]
   [‑performanceScanCycles scan‑delay‑in‑hours]
   [‑nHourScanCycles multiplier‑for‑scans‑to‑retain]
      {capDisk | perfDisk | perfSsd | capSsd}:capacity_percentage
         [, {capDisk | perfDisk | perfSsd | capSsd}:capacity_percentage]...

   [{‑sessionKey | ‑u admin‑user ‑oracleFS oracle‑fs‑system}]
   [{‑outputformat | ‑o} { text | xml }]
   [{‑timeout timeout‑in‑seconds | ‑verify | ‑usage | ‑example | ‑help}] 


When creating a Storage Domain, you can set various properties of the Storage Domain to accommodate the special needs of a collection of LUNs and of the applications that use those LUNs. The properties that can be specialized for a Storage Domain include the following:
  • The priority under which a background process runs

  • The frequency of the scans that the system performs to determine whether data progression for any auto-tiered LUNs needs to occur

  • For each Storage Class, the percentage of the drive capacity that can be used for the auto-tiered LUNs

Note: Administrators with primary administrator or admin1 roles are authorized to run the storage_domain ‑add command.


Identifies, for each Storage Class in the Storage Domain, the maximum percentage of capacity that can be used for the QoS Plus storage tiers. The argument for autoTierMaximumCapacities consists of one or more pairings of a Storage Class and the maximum percentage of its capacity that can be used for auto-tiered LUNs. For each pairing, the Storage Class and the corresponding percentage must be separated by a colon ( : ). Valid media types (sorted from the highest performance priority to the lowest performance priority):

Specifies that the data is stored on solid state drives (SSDs) that are optimized for the performance of balanced read and write operations.


Specifies that the data is stored on SSDs that are optimized for the performance of capacity and for read operations. The write performance for this Storage Class is sacrificed somewhat to achieve the optimizations for read performance and for capacity.


Specifies that the data is stored on high-speed hard disk drives (HDDs). This Storage Class sacrifices some capacity to reduce the access time and the latency of the read operations and of the write operations.


Specifies that the data is stored on high-capacity, rotating HDDs. This Storage Class optimizes capacity at some sacrifice of speed. For a storage system that does not include tape storage as an option, this Storage Class always provides the lowest cost for each GB of capacity.


Turns off dynamic data progression for the LUN. The Oracle FS System does not migrate the LUN data to other Storage Classes.

The disableTierReallocation option, when it is used on a Storage Domain, overrides the tier reallocation setting of individual LUNs.


Specifies that the usage patterns of all of the LUNs in the Storage Domain are not collected. Disabling the collection of statistics prevents any data progression to occur that is based on LUN usage patterns. Re-enabling statistics collection resumes the collection of usage pattern statistics to determine when data progression is needed.


Turns on dynamic data migration for the LUN. The Oracle FS System migrates the LUN data to the appropriate Storage Class based on the usage patterns of the data. By default, tier reallocation is enabled.

The enableTierReallocation option, when it is used on a Storage Domain, does not override the tier reallocation settings of individual LUNs that eventually reside in this Storage Domain.


Specifies that the usage patterns for all of the LUNs in the Storage Domain are analyzed and used to determine the optimum Storage Classes for placing the LUN data.


Specifies the name of the Oracle FS System Storage Domain that you are defining on the Oracle FS System. The name that you provide is used to create the fully qualified name (FQN) after the Oracle FS System creates the Storage Domain. Use double quotation marks around names containing spaces or dashes to ensure that the Oracle FS CLI software that is running on the Pilot includes the spaces or dashes in the name; otherwise, the software generates a parsing error.


Indicates the number of performance scan cycles that the Oracle FS System runs before the system runs a cost optimizing scan. A cost optimizing scan attempts to move the data that is less frequently accessed to the lower cost storage. For nHourScanCycles, enter an integer that has a value in the range of 2 to 31.


Specifies the delay in hours between the times that the Oracle FS System scans the auto-tiered storage structure to determine whether auto‑tiered LUNs need to have data moved to a higher performance Storage Class. Valid values: 1 to 168. Default value: 24.

This value is set for the specified Storage Domain only; the value does not change the scan delay for any other Storage Domains.

Specifies the priority of the background processes when compacting or integrity checking the tiered storage:

Balances the impact and the speed based on the data access activity.


Increases the priority of the background operations.


Allows the background processes to run when the processes do not significantly impact I/⁠O.



Create a Storage Domain on the Oracle FS System.

  • The name of the Storage Domain: domain_1

$ fscli storage_domain ‑add ‑name domain_1