system_alert list

Displays information about the currently active system alerts.


system_alert ‑list 
   [{   ‑alert system‑alert‑id‑or‑fqn [,system‑alert‑id‑or‑fqn]...
    | ‑thresholds

   [{‑sessionKey | ‑u admin‑user ‑oracleFS oracle‑fs‑system}]
   [{‑outputformat | ‑o} { text | xml }]
   [{‑timeout timeout‑in‑seconds | ‑verify | ‑usage | ‑example | ‑help}] 


Run the system_alert ‑list command without additional options to display the following information about each alert:
  • The name and ID of the alert.

  • The date that the entry for the alert was created.

To obtain parameter names and value for each alert, run the system_alert ‑list ‑details command.

To display alert thresholds only, run the system_alert ‑list ‑threshold command.

Note: Only administrators with primary administrator, admin1, admin2, monitor, or support roles are authorized to run the system_alert list command.



Specifies the fully qualified names or IDs of one or more system alerts. Use a comma separated list to specify multiple alerts.

In addition to the default output, returns a description of the problem and the following details:
  • The type of alert.

  • The threshold values for the alert (if set).


Returns the threshold parameters that are currently set for one or more alerts. The ‑threshold option cannot be used if the ‑alert option is specified.



List the outstanding system alerts.

  • None

$ fscli system_alert -list