2 Manage Assets

Overview of actions included in managing assets in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Asset management is the process through which you discover your assets and organize them using groups and tags.


Introduction to Asset Management

Definition of asset management in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Asset management is the process through which Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center discovers your datacenter's assets and begins to manage and monitor them. Assets include server hardware, chassis, racks, network equipment, operating systems, virtualization software, and clustering software. Discovering assets is a prerequisite for almost every action in the software.

Roles for Asset Management

List of required roles for asset management tasks in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Table 2–1 lists the tasks and the role required to complete the task. Contact your administrator if you do not have the necessary role or privilege to complete a task. See Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Administration for information about the different roles and the permissions they grant.

Table 2-1 Asset Management Tasks and Roles

Task Role

View Assets


Add Assets

Asset Admin

Find Assets

Asset Admin

Create Discovery Profile

Asset Admin

Update Management Credentials

Security Admin

Edit Asset Attributes

Asset Admin

Edit Access Points

Security Admin

Delete Assets

Asset Admin

Edit Tags

Asset Management

Create Group

Asset Admin

SuperCluster Systems Admin

Edit Group

Asset Admin

SuperCluster Systems Admin

Move Group

Asset Admin

SuperCluster Systems Admin

Add or Remove Assets From a Group

Asset Admin

SuperCluster Systems Admin

Delete Group

Asset Admin

SuperCluster Systems Admin

Actions Available for Asset Management

List of available operations in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

You can perform a variety of asset management actions, depending on the needs of your environment:

  • Add Assets by Declaring Servers for OS Provisioning

  • Add Assets by Declaring Servers for Service Processor Configuration

  • Add Assets Using a Discovery Profile

  • Find Assets

  • Create a Discovery Profile

  • Edit a Discovery Profile

  • Copy a Discovery Profile

  • Delete a Discovery Profile

  • Install Agent Controllers From the Command Line

  • Update Management Credentials

  • Edit Asset Attributes

  • Delete Assets

  • Use Access Points

Location of Asset Information in the User Interface

Lists the location of information about assets in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Asset Management actions and information are located in several sections of the user interface.

Table 2-2 Location of Asset Management Information in the BUI

To Display: Select:

Asset Discovery and Management actions

Expand Assets in the Navigation pane.

Discovery Profiles

Expand Plan Management in the Navigation pane, then select Discovery in the Profiles and Policies section.

Number of assets’ access points

Select Administration, then the Enterprise Controller. Click the Asset Counter tab in the center pane.

About Discovering Assets

Overview of discovery of assets in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

To manage an asset, you must first discover it. The discovery process locates the asset, logs into it, identifies its attributes and status, and populates the All Assets section of the Navigation pane. To discover an asset, you direct Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center to search for assets that comply with one of the following: a discovery profile, service tags, or specific server information.

After assets have been discovered, they are managed assets, giving Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center access to monitor them and make them available as targets for jobs that update and provision them.

Before You Begin to Discover Assets

Describes requirements for discovering various types of assets in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center requires at least one Proxy Controller that is accessible on a network before discovering and managing an asset on that network.

To discover and manage hardware assets, you must provide a set of credentials: a user account and password.

To discover and manage operating systems, you have the option of using an agent or using SSH transactions to manage the asset:

  • The default discovery installs an Agent Controller, software that can only respond to queries and commands from the Proxy Controller. The OS becomes an agent-managed asset and Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center can manage the asset completely. It takes several minutes for the Agent Controller to register in the Enterprise Controller and Oracle SE Java Runtime Environment is required. Non-Oracle versions work initially but might exhibit performance and memory issues.

  • You can choose to manage the asset through an SSH connection. For this agentless-managed asset, the Proxy Controller uses SSH credentials to probe and to perform actions on the OS. This mode is suitable for sites where installing the Agent Controller on an asset is not permitted or where full management capabilities, such as updating the OS, are not needed.

  • You can change the mode after discovery, by either re-discovering the agent or using the Switch Management Access action. The current mode and the type of Agent Controller is displayed on the operating system's Dashboard. When you are changing the mode from agentless to agent-managed asset using the Switch Management Access action, you must provide the SNMPV3 credentials. See Switching Between Agent Controllers or Agent and Agentless for more details on selecting or adding the SNMPV3 credentials.

In addition to the Agent Controller, virtual assets use a Virtualization Controller to enable full monitoring and management capability.

  • Oracle VM Server for SPARC Virtualization Controller Agent: Manages the logical domains that run in the Control Domain. The agent monitors the configuration and reflects any changes on the configuration in its copy of the metadata.

  • Zones Virtualization Controller Agent: Manages the zones that run on the logical domains. The global zone is an asset and its non-global zones are assets.

If full management capabilities are not needed or not allowed, you have the option to manage these assets agentlessly. In the same way as the operating system’s Agent Controller, an agentless-managed virtual asset is monitored through an SSH connection between the logical domains and the Proxy Controller.

See “Functionality With and Without Agent Controllers” in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Operation Reference for a comparison of agent-managed assets and agentless-managed assets.

When using the SSH protocol to discover and manage assets, you have the option to enable the escalation of privileges on the target asset when the asset is discovered or managed. You must prepare the asset to allow escalation and then create credentials that use escalation. The privileges for the login account are escalated when SSH credentials are used with the sudo command or an Ops Center role is associated with the account.

You request this escalation when you create the credentials. To prepare the SSH credentials to use sudo, see “Preparing to Use sudo”. For instructions in creating credentials with escalated privileges, see “Creating Management Credentials.”

Some systems have unique discovery procedures. See “Special Discovery and Management Procedures.”

Actions for Proxy Controllers

Lists the actions available for managing a Proxy Controller in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Before you can discover an asset, create at least one Proxy Controller and associate it with at least one network. Proxy Controllers in maintenance mode and unreachable Proxy Controllers do not participate in discovery operations.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Administration includes information to view and manage proxy controllers:

Preparing to Use sudo

Procedure to enable escalation of SSH credentials on discovered assets in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

  1. Log into the asset as root.
  2. Enter the visudo command to edit the asset’s sudoers file safely.
  3. Edit the sudoers file to conform with the example. Add the command aliases for discovery and provisioning in the following way according to the operating system of the asset and whether it :
    • For agentless Oracle Solaris assets, add the SOLARIS_DISCOVERY section of the file.
    • For agent-managed Oracle Solaris assets, add the SOLARIS_DISCOVERY and SOLARIS_PROVISIONING
    • For agentless Oracle Linux assets, add the LINUX_DISCOVERY section of the file.
    • For agent-managed Oracle Linux assets, add the LINUX_DISCOVERY and LINUX_PROVISIONING
  4. In the ## User privilege specification section, add the name of the new SSH credential that you created or will create using the procedure in “Creating Management Credentials.” Because a password is mandatory, do not add the NOPASSWD parameter.
  5. Save and close the file.
  6. Repeat this procedure on each asset.

Example 2-1 Format of sudoers File for Ops Center

## sudoers file.
## This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.
## Failure to use 'visudo' may result in syntax or file permission errors
## that prevent sudo from running.
## See the sudoers man page for the details on how to write a sudoers file.

## Host alias specification
## Groups of machines. These may include host names (optionally with wildcards),
## IP addresses, network numbers or netgroups.
# Host_Alias    WEBSERVERS = www1, www2, www3

## User alias specification
## Groups of users.  These may consist of user names, uids, Unix groups,
## or netgroups.
 User_Alias    OPSCENTER = <username>
## Cmnd alias specification
## Groups of commands.  Often used to group related commands together.
        Cmnd_Alias SOLARIS_DISCOVERY = /sbin/ifconfig -a, \
                /usr/sbin/virtinfo -ap, \
                /usr/sbin/dladm, \
        Cmnd_Alias SOLARIS_PROVISIONING = /usr/bin/sc-console, \
                /var/scn/install/uninstall, \
                /usr/sbin/zlogin, \
                /bin/cat */opt/SUNWxvm/xvm_zone_id, \
                /var/tmp/OpsCenterAgent/install, \
                /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/agentadm, \
                /usr/lib/cacao/bin/cacaoadm, \
                /usr/bin/unzip -q -o -d /var/tmp/ /var/tmp/OpsCenterAgent*
        Cmnd_Alias LINUX_DISCOVERY = /sbin/ifconfig -a, \
                /usr/sbin/virtinfo -ap
        Cmnd_Alias LINUX_PROVISIONING = /usr/bin/sc-console, \
                /var/scn/install/uninstall, \
                /tmp/OpsCenterAgent/install, \
                /opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/agentadm, \
                /opt/sun/cacao2/bin/cacaoadm, \
                /usr/bin/unzip -q -o -d /tmp/ /tmp/OpsCenterAgent*
## Defaults specification
## You may wish to keep some of the following environment variables
## when running commands via sudo.
## Locale settings
# Defaults env_keep += "LANG LANGUAGE LINGUAS LC_* _XKB_CHARSET"
## Run X applications through sudo; HOME is used to find the
## .Xauthority file.  Note that other programs use HOME to find
## configuration files and this may lead to privilege escalation!
# Defaults env_keep += "HOME"
## X11 resource path settings
## Desktop path settings
# Defaults env_keep += "QTDIR KDEDIR"
## Allow sudo-run commands to inherit the callers' ConsoleKit session
# Defaults env_keep += "XDG_SESSION_COOKIE"
## Uncomment to enable special input methods.  Care should be taken as
## this may allow users to subvert the command being run via sudo.
## Uncomment to enable logging of a command's output, except for
## sudoreplay and reboot.  Use sudoreplay to play back logged sessions.
# Defaults log_output
# Defaults!/usr/bin/sudoreplay !log_output
# Defaults!/usr/local/bin/sudoreplay !log_output
# Defaults!/sbin/reboot !log_output
 Defaults logfile=/var/log/sudo.log

## Runas alias specification

## User privilege specification
 root ALL=(ALL) ALL

## The password of OPSCENTER must be mandatory.

## Uncomment to allow members of group wheel to execute any command
# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL 

## Same thing without a password

## Uncomment to allow members of group sudo to execute any command
# %sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL

## Uncomment to allow any user to run sudo if they know the password
## of the user they are running the command as (root by default).
# Defaults targetpw  # Ask for the password of the target user
# ALL ALL=(ALL) ALL  # WARNING: only use this together with 'Defaults targetpw' 

## Read drop-in files from /etc/sudoers.d
## (the '#' here does not indicate a comment)
#includedir /etc/sudoers.d


The ALL Configuration is not supported in etc/sudoers.

About SNMPv3

SNMP is the Simple Network Management Protocol and is part of Transmission Control Protocol⁄Internet Protocol (TCP⁄IP) protocol.

The protocol has existed for many years and has three versions: Version 1, 2 with subversions, and 3. Starting with 12.3.2, Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center uses SNMPv3 to discover assets and for new or updated credentials. Existing assets continue to use SNMPv1. For releases prior to 12.3.2, only SNMPv1 is supported.


If your site updated from a previous release of Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center to Release 12.3.2, your site had the option to upgrade all assets that use SNMPv1 to SNMPv3.

The difference between Version 3 and previous versions is Version 3 uses credentials instead of a public community string in its communication exchanges. The credentials includes username, a password for an authorization protocol, and a password for a privacy protocol.

The authorization protocol uses your password to create a one-way hash to verify that the transferred information is intact, acting as a digital signature. The available algorithms are MD5 and SHA. MD5 is a legacy algorithm that is not as strong as SHA (Standard Hash Algorithm), which is a 128-bit algorithm used as the US Federal Information Processing Standard.

The privacy protocol uses your password as the private key to encrypt the transferred information. The available protocols are DES and AES. DES (Data Encryption Standard) is not as strong as AES (Advanced Encryption Standard).

If you prefer to stop using SNMPv1 for existing assets and change to SNMPv3, you can migrate to SNMPv3 by using the Update Management Credentials action or use the Create Credentials profile and plan. Other actions, such Edit Credentials, also offer the ability to create SNMPv3 credentials.

Discovery Profiles

Overview of discovery profiles in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

About Discovery Profiles

Describes the role of discovery profiles.

One of the ways of discovering assets is to select a discovery profile and then direct how the profile is used.

A discovery profile contains the attributes of assets. Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center uses the discovery profile to identify matching targets. You can make discovery profiles as specific or as generic as your site needs. Later, when you use the discovery profile, you can modify attributes in the profile.

All of the discovery profiles are available in the Plan Management section of the Assets pane, in the Profiles and Policies section. Expand Discovery to see the list of profiles.

Discovering Assets Using a Discovery Profile

Procedure for using a profile to discover assets in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

The procedure uses a previously-created profile and directs Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center to apply it in a specified way.

  1. In the Navigation pane, select All Assets.
  2. In the Actions pane, click Add Assets.


    Another way to launch the Add Assets wizard is using the AddAssetsUsingProfile icon. Expand the Plan Management section of the Navigation pane and, in the Profiles and Polices section, click Discovery. The center pane lists all profiles and a set of icons, including the AddAssetsUsingProfile icon.

  3. Select Add and Manage Various Types of Assets via Discovery Probes, then select a discovery profile.
  4. Select a discovery profile.
  5. If the profile does not include IP addresses and host names or to increase the scope of the search, enter one or more IP addresses or hostnames, as shown in Figure 2-1.

    Figure 2-1 Specifying Networks in Discovery by Profile

    Description of Figure 2-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-1 Specifying Networks in Discovery by Profile"


    Host names must be resolvable from the Enterprise Controller.

  6. By default, the discovery operation searches for targets on all networks associated with all of the available Proxy Controllers. This is the Use the selected network option with the Automatic attribute. This type of discovery is thorough and results in a complete inventory of matching targets. To narrow the scope of the search, use one of the following options:
    • The smallest scope is to search on one network. Select the alternative option in the drop-down list, Manual. This action opens the Select Network window, which lists all of the networks associated with all of the available Proxy Controllers. Select the network you want the discovery operation to use and click Close.

    • Limit the search to a specific Proxy Controller's associated networks. Choose the Use the selected proxy option and then either accept the default Automatic attribute to search the Proxy Controller or select Manual from the drop-down list to open the Proxy Controllers wizard, which lists all Proxy Controllers that are not in maintenance mode. Select the Proxy Controller.


      To prevent the selection of an unreachable Proxy Controller, place any unreachable Proxy Controllers in maintenance mode.

    When you click Close, you return to the Add Assets wizard.

  7. Scroll down to show the Credential section. If the discovery profile includes credentials for logging into the target, click Select to use in this discovery operation. You can also click Clear and then New to replace them. If the discovery profile does not include credentials, click New to provide them.
  8. Click Add Now.

Creating a Discovery Profile

You can create a profile and use it to discover assets that comply with the profile.

  1. In the Navigation pane, click Plan Management.
  2. Under Profiles and Policies, click Discovery.
  3. In the Actions pane, click Create Profile.

    Figure 2-2 Create Discovery Profile

    Description of Figure 2-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-2 Create Discovery Profile"
  4. Enter a name for the discovery profile and a description.
  5. Expand the list of asset types and select one of the asset types. Click Next.
  6. (Optional.) Click the Add icon to add one or more tags to discovered assets, then click Next.
  7. (Optional.) You can specify the IP ranges used to probe for assets that conform to this discovery within this profile or you can direct the probe at the time when you use the profile. However, to direct the discovery operation to a specific host, you must specify the host name at the time you use the profile. To specify the IP ranges in the profile, click the Add icon. For each IP range:
    1. Enter a name for the range.
    2. Enter a description of the IP range.
    3. In the Networks field, identify the network associated with the IP range to direct discovery to the correct Proxy Controller. Choose one of the options from the drop-down list:
      • Select Automatic to direct the discovery operation to the default Proxy Controller. The IP address of a target must resolve to only one network.

      • Select the Manual to open the Select Networks window, which lists all the networks associated with all the available Proxy Controllers. Select the network you want the discovery operation to use and click Close.

      • Select Networks to open the Networks and Proxy Controllers wizard:
        1. Select the Proxy Controller.

        2. From the list of associated networks, adjust the list of networks to use for discovery.

  8. Click New to add new discovery credentials for each protocol or click Select to select an existing set of credentials.
    Description of GUID-9D9739B5-61C1-4CB3-96C0-B39DEA6978F0-default.png follows
    Description of the illustration GUID-9D9739B5-61C1-4CB3-96C0-B39DEA6978F0-default.png


    The Agent Controller requires SNMPv3 credentials for the Oracle Solaris agent to monitor any defect in the system. Click Select to select an existing SNMPv3 credentials, or click New to create new SNMPv3 credentials. SNMPv3 credentials are required for Oracle Solaris systems only. When you use SNMPv3 credentials to discover an ILOM processor, choose the correct SNMPv3 credential parameters since some ILOM service processors do not support AES encryption.

  9. If this discovery profile is for discovering an ILOM, select the Use system’s default credentials check box and set the following:
    • Enter the default SNMPV3 user name as opscenter.

    • Enter the default SNMPV3 authentication password used for authentication protocol as authV3pw.

    • Enter the default SNMPV3 privacy password used for privacy protocol as privV3pw.

  10. If this discovery profile is for discovering an operating system, you might have the option to manage the operating system without an Agent Controller. Select one of the following options:
    Description of GUID-50217AE6-B3E1-43AB-88B3-71F6F97EA23F-default.png follows
    Description of the illustration GUID-50217AE6-B3E1-43AB-88B3-71F6F97EA23F-default.png
    • Deploy Agent Controller to install the Agent Controller on the operating system. This is a requirement if the operating system runs on an virtual asset or you expect to update the operating system. To discover and manage operating systems in Oracle Solaris 10 Zones or in Oracle VM Server for SPARC guests, select these options.

    • Manage Without Agent Controller does not install an Agent Controller. Instead, the Proxy Controller that manages the operating system sends an SSH request to the asset periodically.

  11. If the service tag parameters have been modified for the target assets, enter the Service Tag parameters:
    • Service tag passphrase: Required when a service tag has been configured to be encrypted.

    • Service tag port: Required when a service tag has been configured to use a port other than the default of Port 6481.

    • Service tag timeout: Accept the default value of 20 seconds or specify a number of seconds.

  12. Click Next to complete the discovery credentials.
  13. Review the summary and click Finish to create the discovery profile.

Editing a Discovery Profile

Procedure for changing a discovery profile in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

To edit a discovery profile, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Navigation pane, click Plan Management.
  2. Under Profiles and Policies, click Discovery.
  3. Select the profile and click the Edit Profile icon.
  4. Edit any of the information in the discovery profile, then click Finish to save your changes.

Copying a Discovery Profile

Procedure for making a copy of an existing discovery profile in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center

To copy a discovery profile, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Navigation pane, click Plan Management.
  2. Under Profiles and Policies, click Discovery.
  3. Select the profile and click the Copy Profile icon.
  4. Edit any of the information in the discovery profile, then click Finish to save the new discovery profile.

Deleting a Discovery Profile

Procedure for removing a discovery profile from Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

To delete a discovery profile, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Navigation pane, click Plan Management.
  2. Under Profiles and Policies, click Discovery.
  3. Select the profile and click the Delete Profile icon. The discovery profile is deleted.

Service Tags

Overview of service tags in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center..

About Service Tags

Describes the use of service tags with the Find Assets Wizard in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Service tags are small XML files containing product information. Many Oracle systems come equipped with service tags. If you have hardware assets equipped with service tags, you can discover them using the Find Assets Wizard. This method lets you discover large numbers of assets quickly. The Find Assets Wizard searches known networks for service tags, then uses credentials that you specify to manage the discovered assets.

Starting with Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c Release 2 (, the Find Assets action is disabled by default.

Products without service tags cannot be discovered using this method. For example, ALOM systems do not have service tags.

Enabling Discovery by Service Tags

Procedure for using service tags to discover assets in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Starting with Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c Release 2 (, the Find Assets action is disabled because, in datacenters with many assets, discovery might expire before it can complete. If you prefer to discover assets using service tags, enable this feature:

  1. In the Navigation pane, click Administration, then click Enterprise Controller.
  2. In the center pane, select the Configuration tab.
  3. In the Configuration Management section, select Discovery from the Subsystem drop-down list.
  4. Set the value of the service-tags-discovery-enabled property to true.

Discovering Assets by Using Service Tags

Procedure for using service tags to discover assets in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

To find assets, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select All Assets.
  2. In the Actions pane, click Find Assets.
  3. Select Run Discovery Now.
  4. When the initial discovery is complete, select the assets in each category (hardware, operating systems, and engineered systems) that you want to manage and provide credentials for them, then click Finish.

Overview of Declaring Servers

Overview of discovering servers by declaring them in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

A bare metal server is one that has no operating system or no service processor configuration or neither.

About Declaring Servers for OS Provisioning

Describes methods for bare metal provisioning of operating system.

Use the Declare Server option to prepare one or more bare metal systems for OS provisioning, even if the systems have no service processor.

To declare one server, use the Add Assets Wizards to specify information about the server. To declare multiple servers, create a discovery file as shown in Example 2-2.

Declaring One Server

Procedure for discovering a server in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

  1. Select All Assets in the Navigation pane,
  2. Click Add Assets in the Actions pane.
  3. Select the Manually Declare a Server to be a Target of OS provisioning option in the wizard.
  4. Select the Declare a single server option.
  5. Enter the server information, as show in “Information for Declaring a Server.”

Information for Declaring a Server

Lists the attributes required for discovering a server by declaring it.

  • Server Name: name of the server appearing on the UI.

  • IP Address: specify an IP address to route the discovery to the correct Proxy Controller. You do not need to use a server's actual IP address. You can use an IP address that is on the same subnet as that of the server to be discovered.

  • Model Categories: select the category in which the asset model appears.

  • Model: the model of the asset.

  • MAC Address and Port combination: used to connect to the server once it is available on the network. Click the Add or Edit icons to add or edit a MAC Address/Port combination, then select the combination.

    Enter a logical port name for each network interface. One of these logical port names must be GB_0. Available logical port names are GB_0 through GB_11. You can also use mgmt as a management port. These logical port names will be mapped to network interfaces after the asset has been provisioned, according to the MAC addresses that you specify. If the server has only one network interface, use GB_0.

    Enter the MAC addresses of the network interfaces in the server that you want to declare.

Declaring Multiple Servers

Procedure for discovering servers using a discovery file in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

To declare multiple servers for OS Provisioning, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a discovery file using the format in Example 2-2 and the following variables:

    The following variables can be used:

    • server name: the name that the server has in the UI

    • model: must be a model supported by Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center

    • guid: a unique identifier for the server

    • proxyHostname: the Proxy Controller to be used to connect to the server

    • ipAddress: the IP address for the server

    • netmask: (optional) the netmask for the server

    • gateway: (optional) the gateway for the server

    • unconfigured: (optional) specifies that the server is unconfigured when set to true

    • ethernetPort: used to connect to the server once it is available on the network. You can specify multiple Ethernet ports. Includes:

      • Ethernet port name: the name of the Ethernet port

      • Ethernet Port mac: the MAC address for the Ethernet port

  2. Select All Assets in the Navigation pane,
  3. Click Add Assets in the Actions pane.
  4. Select the Manually Declare a Server to be a Target of OS provisioning option in the wizard.
  5. Select Declare All Servers.
  6. Enter the location of the discovery file.
  7. Click Declare Asset

Example 2-2 Example Discovery Profile

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<server name="T5440" model="Sun SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server"
        ipAddress="" >
<ethernetPort name="GB_0" mac="01:23:45:67:89:AB"/>

About Declaring Servers for Service Processor Configuration

Describes the method for configuring a server’s service processor even if the server is not yet discovered.

Use the Declare Servers for Service Processor Configuration option to nominate one or more bare metal systems for service processor configuration.

The assets being declared do not need to be physically connected to the network at the time of the discovery, because the assets produced by an asset declaration are skeletal representations of the real assets. These assets can then be targeted with service processor configuration jobs. After the actual assets are connected to the network, provisioned and discovered, they are correlated with the declared version into complete assets.

Declaring Servers for Service Processor Configuration

Procedure for discovering a server with no service processor from Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

To declare unconfigured assets for service processor configuration, perform the following steps:

  1. Select All Assets in the Navigation pane,
  2. Click Add Assets in the Actions pane.
  3. Select Declare an Unconfigured Hardware Asset.

    Figure 2-3 Declare Unconfigured Hardware Assets

    Description of Figure 2-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-3 Declare Unconfigured Hardware Assets"
  4. Enter data for the servers to be declared:
    • Number of Servers: the total number of servers to be discovered

    • Model Categories: the model category of the servers

    • Model: the specific model of the servers

    • Server Names: the names of the servers, including:

      • Prefix: a prefix that appears before each server name. This field is required.

      • Starting Number: the number of the first server. The number is increased by one for each additional server. This field is required.

      • Suffix: a suffix that appears after each server name

    • Network: the network on which the server or servers is added

    • IP addresses: the IP addresses to be used for the servers

    • MAC Addresses: the MAC Addresses of the servers

  5. Click Declare Asset.

Management Credentials

Overview of management credentials.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center stores the credentials that manage each asset. You can update, edit, and delete these credentials.

Upgrading Management Credentials From a Prior Version

Procedure for assigning new credentials to assets in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Assets that were discovered and managed in prior versions of Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center might not have management credentials associated with them. You can associate new or existing sets of credentials with these assets.

If a discovered asset is blacklisted, the same can be removed by updating the management credentials.

To upgrade management credentials, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, select All Assets.
  2. In the Actions pane, click Upgrade Management Credentials.
  3. Select an asset category: operating systems; servers; or chassis, m-series, and switches.
  4. Select one or more assets of that category.
    • To assign an existing set of credentials, select Assign existing set and then select an existing set of credentials.

    • To assign a new set of credentials, select Create and assign new set and then enter a protocol, name, and credential information.

Updating Management Credentials

Procedure for changing the credentials used to get access to an asset in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

You can change the set of management credentials used by an asset or group of assets.

To update management credentials, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, select an asset or group.
  2. In the Actions pane, click Update Management Credentials.

    Figure 2-4 Wizard for Update Management Credentials

    Description of Figure 2-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-4 Wizard for Update Management Credentials"
  3. Select the credentials that you want to change. You can select more than one type of credentials.
  4. Click Modify the current credential values.
  5. Edit the username or password or both.


    If you are modifying the SNMPv3 credential values, then you can edit the username, authentication protocol, authentication password, privacy protocol, or privacy password.

  6. Click Finish to submit the change.

Creating Management Credentials

Procedure for creating credentials for accessing assets in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Create a set of management credentials to discover and manage new assets or to manage existing assets.

To create management credentials, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, under Administration, select Credentials.
  2. In the Actions pane, click Create Credentials.
  3. Click on the drop-down list to see the list of available protocols. Accept the default SSH protocol or select a different protocol. Depending on the type of protocol you select, the remaining fields change to collect the required information for the credentials. For specific examples, see Creating SSH Credentials or Creating SNMPV3 Credentials.
  4. Specify a name and description, such as the purpose of the credentials.
  5. Select or specify the required information for the type of credential, such as the username and password.
  6. Click Create to create the management credentials.
The new credentials are now available to be used in discovery profiles.

Creating SSH Credentials

Create a set of SSH credentials to discover and manage new assets or to manage existing assets.

The default protocol for managing assets is SSH. To create SSH credentials, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, under Administration, select Credentials.
  2. In the Actions pane, click Create Credentials.
  3. Specify a name and description, such as their purpose for the credentials.
  4. Specify the username and password.
  5. Accept the default authentication type or choose one of the alternatives. Each type has different requirements for authentication.
  6. You can allow the new account to use escalated privileges. The default method is to not allow a change in privileges. The alternatives are to specify a role for the account or to add sudo to the account.
    • If you choose the Role method, the Privileged Role field is displayed. Enter the name of an Ops Center role and specify a password. The new account has this level of access.

    • If you choose the Sudo method, the Privileged Role field is displayed. Enter the name of an Ops Center account and specify a password. This account must be included in the asset’s /etc/sudoers file. The privileges defined in the /etc/sudoers file will be used by the new account. See “Preparing to Use sudo” for instructions in creating this file. You can edit this file after you complete this procedure, but the Ops Center account must be in the file before the new credentials are effective.

  7. Accept the default port for SSH of 22, unless your site has a different requirement.
  8. Click Create to create the management credentials.

Creating SNMPV3 Credentials

Procedure for creating credentials for accessing assets in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Create a set of management credentials to discover and manage new assets or to manage existing assets.

To create credentials that use the SNMPv3 protocol, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, under Administration, select Credentials.
  2. In the Actions pane, click Create Credentials.
  3. Click on the drop-down list to see the list of available protocols. Click SNMPV3.
  4. Specify a name and description, such as their purpose for the credentials.
  5. Specify the user name with the prefix OC for the credential.


    The user name for SNMPV3 protocol must be prefixed with OC.


    The password must contain 8 characters. Do not use space character for user name and password.
  6. Accept the default authentication protocol, MD5, or choose SHA, which is a stronger authentication protocol.
  7. Enter a password for authentication.
  8. Accept the default privacy protocol, DES, or choose AES, which is a stronger encryption protocol.
  9. Enter a password for encryption.
  10. Click Create to create the management credentials.

Editing Management Credentials

You can change an existing set of management credentials that you use to discover assets.

To edit management credentials, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, under Administration, then select Credentials.
  2. In the center pane, select a set of credentials.
  3. Click the Edit Credentials icon.
  4. You can change the description of the credentials and any characteristic of the existing credentials.
  5. Click Update to save the changes.

Copying Management Credentials

Procedure for making a copy of existing management credentials in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

You can copy an existing set of management credentials to create a set.

To copy management credentials, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, under Administration, select Credentials.
  2. In the center pane, select a set of credentials and click the Copy Credentials icon.
  3. Edit the name, description, and the information required by the protocol, then click Copy to save the new set of credentials.

Deleting Management Credentials

Procedure for removing the credentials used to access an asset in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

You can delete an existing set of management credentials if they are not in use by an asset. You can delete credentials that are used in discovery profiles but the discovery profiles must be edited to use new credentials. Agentless assets that are managed using the credentials must be given a new set.

To delete management credentials, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, under Administration, select Credentials.
  2. In the center pane, select one or more sets of credentials and click the Delete Credentials icon.
    A window reports how the credentials are used.
  3. If the credentials are not in use, click Delete All . If the at least one set of credentials is in use by a discovery profile, you have the option to preserve those credentials by clicking Safe Delete. If you do want to delete the credentials used by a discovery profile, click Force Delete.

About Credentials for Access to the Serial Console or SSH Tunnel

Describes how Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center connects to a service processor and uses SSH.

To enable a connection to a service processor or virtual machine, define the user account that Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center uses to open an SSH tunnel on the Enterprise Controller or to create a serial connection.


If you do not specify this account, Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center creates an account each time it accesses a serial console and deletes the account when the connection is no longer needed. This activity might not conform to your site's security policy.

The following types of assets use SSH to connect to a serial console. Create an account for each type and define the same password for each account.

  • Proxy Controllers

  • Global zones that use agents and require access to the consoles of non-global zones

  • Control domains that use agents and require access to the consoles of logical domains

To create the account, define the ConsoleSSHCredname system property using the procedure in Defining the system property for console access and then define a user account for that property using either the procedure in Creating the account using Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center or the procedure in Creating the account using the useradd command.

Defining the System Property for Console Access

Procedure for configuring the serial console in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

  1. Select the Administration section in the Navigation pane.
  2. Select the Configuration tab in the center pane.
  3. In the Subsystem list, select Console Access Configuration. The ConsoleSSH.Credname system property is displayed.
  4. Click in the Values column.
  5. Enter the name of the new user account. For example, SERIALCONSOLE_CRED1.

    Figure 2-5 Configuring Console Access

    Description of Figure 2-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-5 Configuring Console Access "
  6. Click Save.

When the job is completed, define the account using the following procedure.

Creating the Account Using Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center

Procedure for creating a SSH account for the serial console in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

You must have the Security Admin role to perform this procedure.

After you define the user account, the account is created automatically in /etc/passwd the first time a job for console access is run. However, if your site's security policy requires that the operating system account must be created outside of Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center's control or if you prefer to create the account manually, use the procedure described in Creating the account using the useradd command.

  1. Select the Administration in the Navigation pane.
  2. Select Credentials in the Navigation pane.
  3. Click Create Credentials in the Actions pane.
  4. Select the SERIAL_CONSOLE_SSH protocol and enter the following details:
    • Name of the credential: Enter the value of the ConsoleSSH.Credname system property. In this example, SERIALCONSOLE_CRED1.

    • Login User: Enter a convenient or descriptive name for the user account, for example, ConsoleAccess.

    • Password for the user account and its confirmation. Password length is minimum of 8 and maximum of 32.

    Figure 2-6 User Account for Console Access

    Description of Figure 2-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-6 User Account for Console Access "
  5. Click Create to submit the job.

Creating the Account Using the useradd Command

Procedure for creating a SSH account for the serial console in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

  1. Create the home directory for the account. In the following example, the account is named consolex:
    mkdir /var/tmp/consolex
  2. Add the user account with its shell, /opt/sun/n1gc/bin/serial_console:
    useradd -s "/opt/sun/n1gc/bin/serial_console" -d /var/tmp/consolex -u uid -P "profile" -A "solaris.zone.manage" consolex

    where uid is an available user ID on the Enterprise Controller's system and profile is either LDoms Review for a control domain or Zone Management for a global zone. The -A option is a feature of Oracle Solaris 11's useradd(1m) command that includes an authorization defined in auth_attr(4).

  3. Change the ownership of the home directory:
    /bin/chown consolex /var/tmp/consolex
    /bin/chmod 700 /var/tmp/consolex
  4. Set and confirm the password for the account:
    passwd consolex

Using Custom SSH Keys for OS Discovery

Procedure for creating SSH credentials for discovering an operating system asset in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

You can use SSH keys as an option when performing the OS discovery.

You must create SSH keys on each Proxy Controller that might access the target asset and also add the SSH public key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys location on the remote OS or use the hardware's web interface to upload the public keys.

  1. On the Navigation pane, under Administration, click Credentials.
  2. In the Actions pane, click Create Credentials. The SSH protocol is the default.

    Figure 2-7 Create Credentials

    Description of Figure 2-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-7 Create Credentials"
  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the credential.
  4. In the Description field, enter a description for the credential.
  5. In the SSH section, select Custom SSH as Authentication Type.
  6. In the Login User field, enter the login credential.
  7. In the Private Key File on Proxy Controller(s) field, accept the default file or change it to refer to other keys.
  8. In the Passphrase field, enter the passphrase if one was specified when the key was created.
  9. In the Confirm Passphrase field, enter the passphrase again.
  10. In the SSH Port field, accept the default Port 22 or change it.
  11. Click Create.

For a nonprivileged user, enter the Privileged User role credentials in the Privileged Role and Role Password fields respectively.

Switching Between Agent Controllers or Agent and Agentless

Procedure for switching management mode from agentless to agent-managed asset and from agent-managed to agentless asset in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

To discover and manage operating systems, you have the option of using SNMPV3 credentials to manage the asset. For more information on switching the management modes, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Operations Reference

To switch management mode:


When switching from agentless to agent-managed asset, providing SSH and SNMPV3 credentials is mandatory.

  1. Click All Assets in the Assets section of the Navigation pane.
  2. Select the operating system.
    The current management status appears in the operating system’s dashboard.
  3. In the Actions pane, click Switch Management Access.
  4. Add or select the SNMPV3 credentials for the system.
    • To create a new set of credentials, click New and complete the Create Credentials Wizard, then click OK. See Creating SNMPV3 Credentials for steps to create new SNMPV3 credentials.

    • To select from a list of existing credentials, click Select, highlight the credentials from the list of available credentials and then click OK.

  5. Click Finish.

Overview of Installing Agent Controllers Using the Command Line Interface

Overview of installing an Agent Controller using the Command Line Interface in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Requirements for Installing an Agent Controller on Oracle Solaris 11

List of requirements for installing an agent on an asset running Oracle Solaris 11 in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

  • The Oracle Solaris 11 Package Repository must be configured and its initial synchronization completed.

  • The version of Oracle Solaris 11 installed on the target system must be available in the Oracle Solaris 11 Package Repository.

  • The Agent Controller packages must already be in the Oracle Solaris 11 Package Repository.

Before You Begin to Install an Agent Controller

Requirements for installing an Agent Controller on an asset in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

To use the agentadm command, you need the following information:

  • To configure your Agent Controller software using an administrative user account on the Enterprise Controller you need:

    • User name: the user account provides authentication that supports Agent Controller registration. Use the user name of this account as the argument for the -u option of the agentadm command.

    • Password: use this password to populate the /var/tmp/OC/mypasswd file. Then use this file name as the argument for the -p option of the agentadm command.

  • The auto-reg-token registration token from the /var/opt/sun/xvm/persistence/scn-proxy/connection.properties file on the appropriate Proxy Controller – If you decide not to use user credentials to configure your Agent Controller software, use this token to populate the /var/tmp/OC/mytoken file. Then use this file name as the argument for the agentadm -t option.

  • IP address or host name of the Proxy Controller with which you will associate the Agent Controller – Use this IP address or host name as the argument for the agentadm -x option. Typically, you would associate the Agent Controller with the Proxy Controller that is connected to the same subnet as the target system.

  • The IP address of the network interface that the Agent Controller will use for registration – Use this IP address as the argument for the agentadm -a option.

Some example agentadm commands in this procedure use the alternative administrative user name droot. In these examples, the droot user exists on the Enterprise Controller.

When you install an Agent Controller on a global zone, the installation installs, or upgrades to, Oracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.6.0_91. If a later version of JRE is installed, the installation does not downgrade.

Installing and Configuring an Agent Controller Manually Using User Credentials

Procedure that uses credentials to install an Agent Controller in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

This procedure creates a file that holds the password of the administrative user for your Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center installation.

  1. On the Enterprise Controller, change to the /var/opt/sun/xvm/images/agent/ directory, and list the files that it contains. This directory contains the Agent Controller installation archives. For example:
    # cd /var/opt/sun/xvm/images/agent/
    # ls
  2. Identify the Agent Controller archive that is appropriate for the system where you intend to install the Agent Controller. See Table 2–4 for a description of the available packages.

    Table 2-3 Agent Controller Packages and their related Target Operating System and Architecture

    File prefix Operating System / Architecture


    Oracle Linux/x86


    Oracle Solaris 10/x86


    Oracle Solaris 10 / Oracle SPARC


    Oracle Solaris 11 / x86 and Oracle SPARC

  3. On the system where you want to install the Agent Controller (the target system), create a directory named /var/tmp/OC.
    # mkdir /var/tmp/OC
  4. Use scp or ftp to transfer the correct Agent Controller archive from the Enterprise Controller to the /var/tmp/OC directory on the target system. Respond to any authentication or confirmation prompts that are displayed. For example:
    # scp OpsCenterAgent.Solaris.sparc. root@
    OpsCenterAgent.S 100% |*********************************************************************| 187078 KB 00:32
  5. On the target system, change to the /var/tmp/OC directory.
    # cd /var/tmp/OC
  6. Use the unzip command to uncompress the Agent Controller archive. For example:
    # unzip OpsCenterAgent.Solaris.sparc.
    (output omitted)
  7. Run the install -a script in the OpsCenterAgent directory. For example:
    # OpsCenterAgent/install -a
    Installing Ops Center Agent Controller.
    No need to install 120900-04.
    No need to install 121133-02.
    No need to install 119254-63.
    No need to install 119042-09.
    No need to install 121901-02.
    No need to install 137321-01.
    Installed SUNWjdmk-runtime.
    Installed SUNWjdmk-runtime-jmx.
    (output omitted)
    6 patches skipped.
    19 packages installed.
    Installation complete.
    Detailed installation log is at /var/scn/install/log.
    Uninstall using /var/scn/install/uninstall.

    If you are installing the Agent Controller on Oracle Solaris 11, run the install command with the -p option and include the IP address; the local IPS pubs are configured for Oracle Solaris 11 Package Repository access using the IP address. For example:

    # OpsCenterAgent/install -p

    If you are installing an Oracle VM Server Virtualization Controller Agent use the -l (or --ldom) option.

  8. Create an empty file named /var/tmp/OC/mypasswd, and set its permission mode to 400. For example:
    # touch /var/tmp/OC/mypasswd
    # chmod 400 /var/tmp/OC/mypasswd
  9. Edit the /var/tmp/OC/mypasswd file so that it contains the password for the administrative user that exists on the Enterprise Controller to which the Proxy Controller is connected. The following echo command appends the password to the /var/tmp/OC/mypasswd file. Replace password with the correct password. For example:
    # echo 'password' > /var/tmp/OC/mypasswd
  10. Use the agentadm command to associate the Agent Controller with the Proxy Controller.
    • Oracle Solaris OS: use the /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/agentadm command

    • Linux OS: use the /opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/agentadm command. The example commands below use the following options:

    • configure: causes an Agent Controller configuration operation to take place.

    • -u: specifies the administrative user that exists on the Enterprise Controller to which the Proxy Controller is connected. Be certain that the password that you specified in the /var/tmp/OC/mypasswd file is correct for the user that you specify for this option.


      The example below uses droot as the administrative user.

    • -p: specifies the absolute path name of the file that contains the password for the user that you specified with the -u option.

    • -x: specifies the IP address or host name of the Proxy Controller to which this Agent Controller will connect.

    • -a: specifies the IP address to use during Agent Controller registration. This selects the network interface that the Agent Controller will use for registration. Accept the server's certificate when prompted. For example:

      # /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/agentadm configure -u droot -p /var/tmp/OC/mypasswd -x
      agentadm: Version 1.0.3 launched with args: configure -u droot -p /var/tmp/OC/mypasswd -x
      workaround configuration done.
      Serial Number: 947973225
      Version: 3
      Issuer: CN=flyfishing_scn-proxy_ca
      Subject: CN=flyfishing_scn-proxy_Agent Controller
      Not valid before: Thu Jun 19 15:36:59 MDT 1969
      Not valid after: Thu Apr 19 15:36:59 MDT 2029
      Serial Number: 1176469424
      Version: 3
      Issuer: CN=flyfishing_scn-proxy_ca
      Subject: CN=flyfishing_scn-proxy_ca
      Not valid before: Thu Jun 19 15:36:56 MDT 1969
      Not valid after: Thu Apr 19 15:36:56 MDT 2029
      Accept server's certificate? (y|n)
      Connection registered successfully.
      scn-Agent Controller configuration done.
      Checking if UCE Agent Controller process is still running, it may take a couple of minutes ...
      Process is no longer running
      UCE Agent Controller is stopped.
      UCE Agent Controller is in [online] state.
      Checking if UCE Agent Controller process is up and running ...
      The process is up and running.
      UCE Agent Controller is started.
      Added the zone configuration automation successfully.
      Added the service tags recreate script successfully.

      Error messages similar to Connection cannot be registered in the following example typically indicate problems with the user credentials that you specified in the agentadm command. In this example, the user droot was not authenticated on the Enterprise Controller. If you see this error, check that the user name that you supplied for the agentadm -u option, and the password in the file that you specified for the agentadm -p option, match an existing administrative user on the Enterprise Controller.

      Accept server's certificate? (y|n)
      Error with connection to CRS: com.sun.scn.connmgt.SCNRegClientException: droot, Code: 4, Code: 4
      ERROR : Connection cannot be registered.
      sc-console registration failed on [2].
      sc-console : User authentication error.
      Error executing step : sc_console

      If the system where you are installing the Agent Controller has multiple active network interfaces, you can use the -a option to specify the IP address of the interface that you want to use for Agent Controller registration. For example:

      # /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/agentadm configure -u droot -p /var/tmp/OC/mypasswd -x -a
      (output omitted)
  11. If you encountered a Connection cannot be registered error message from the agentadm command, use agentadm to unconfigure the Agent Controller. For example:
    # /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/agentadm unconfigure
    agentadm: Version 1.0.3 launched with args: unconfigure
    verified sc_console command is OK
    End of validation
    {output omitted}
    End of configuration.

    After the Agent Controller has been unconfigured, correct the problem that was indicated by the error message, and re-run the agentadm configure command.

  12. Use the sc-console command to list the Agent Controller connection. For example:
    # sc-console list-connections
    scn-Agent Controller urn:scn:clregid:abcdef12-6899-4bcc-9ac7-a6ebaf71c1f5:20090420171121805

Installing and Configuring an Agent Controller Manually Using a Token

Procedure that uses a token to configure an Agent Controller in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

This procedure uses a token to configure your Agent Controller software.

  1. On the Enterprise Controller, change to the /var/opt/sun/xvm/images/agent/ directory, and list the files that it contains. This directory contains the Agent Controller installation archives. For example:
    # cd /var/opt/sun/xvm/images/agent/
    # ls
  2. Identify the Agent Controller archive that is appropriate for the system where you intend to install the Agent Controller. See Table 2–4 for a description of the available packages.
  3. On the system where you want to install the Agent Controller (the target system), create a directory named /var/tmp/OC.
    # mkdir /var/tmp/OC
  4. Use scp or ftp to transfer the correct Agent Controller archive from the Enterprise Controller to the /var/tmp/OC directory on the target system. Respond to any authentication or confirmation prompts that are displayed. For example:
    # scp OpsCenterAgent.SunOS.sparc.12.1.0.zip root@
    OpsCenterAgent.S 100% |*********************************************************************| 34695 KB 00:32
  5. On the target system, change to the /var/tmp/OC directory.
    # cd /var/tmp/OC
  6. Use the unzip command to uncompress the Agent Controller archive. For example:
    # unzip OpsCenterAgent.SunOS.sparc.12.1.0.zip
    (output omitted)
  7. Run the install -a script in the OpsCenterAgent directory. For example:
    # OpsCenterAgent/install -a
    Installing Ops Center Agent Controller.
    No need to install 120900-04.
    No need to install 121133-02.
    No need to install 119254-63.
    No need to install 119042-09.
    No need to install 121901-02.
    No need to install 137321-01.
    Installed SUNWjdmk-runtime.
    Installed SUNWjdmk-runtime-jmx.
    (output omitted)
    6 patches skipped.
    19 packages installed.
    Installation complete.
    Detailed installation log is at /var/scn/install/log.
    Uninstall using /var/scn/install/uninstall.

    If you are installing the Agent Controller on Oracle Solaris 11, run the install command with the -p option and include the IP address; the local IPS pubs are configured for Oracle Solaris 11 Package Repository access using the IP address. For example:

    # OpsCenterAgent/install -p
  8. On the Proxy Controller that will communicate with this Agent Controller instance, examine the /var/opt/sun/xvm/persistence/scn-proxy/connection.properties file. The last line in this file contains the auto-reg-token that is required for Agent Controller registration. For example:
    # cat /var/opt/sun/xvm/persistence/scn-proxy/connection.properties
    #Generated by a program. Do not edit. All manual changes subject to deletion.
    (output omitted)
  9. On the system where you have installed the Agent Controller software, create an empty file named /var/tmp/OC/mytoken, and set its permission mode to 400. For example:
    # touch /var/tmp/OC/mytoken
    # chmod 400 /var/tmp/OC/mytoken
  10. Edit the /var/tmp/OC/mytoken file so that it contains the auto-reg-token string from Proxy Controller with the following changes:
    • Remove the auto-reg-token=.

    • Remove any backslash characters from the token string. For example:

  11. Use the agentadm command to associate the Agent Controller with a Proxy Controller.
    • Oracle Solaris OS: use the /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/agentadm command

    • Linux OS: use the /opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/agentadm command. The example commands below use the following options:

    • configure: causes an Agent Controller configuration operation to take place.

    • -t: specifies the absolute path name of the file that contains the registration token.

    • -x: specifies the IP address or host name of the Proxy Controller to which this Agent Controller will connect.

    • -a: specifies the IP address to use during Agent Controller registration. This selects the network interface that the Agent Controller will use for registration. Accept the server's certificate when prompted. For example:

      # /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/agentadm configure -t /var/tmp/OC/mytoken -x
      agentadm: Version 1.0.3 launched with args: configure -t /var/tmp/OC/mytoken -x
      workaround configuration done.
      Serial Number: 947973225
      Version: 3
      Issuer: CN=flyfishing_scn-proxy_ca
      Subject: CN=flyfishing_scn-proxy_Agent Controller
      Not valid before: Thu Jun 19 15:36:59 MDT 1969
      Not valid after: Thu Apr 19 15:36:59 MDT 2029
      Serial Number: 1176469424
      Version: 3
      Issuer: CN=flyfishing_scn-proxy_ca
      Subject: CN=flyfishing_scn-proxy_ca
      Not valid before: Thu Jun 19 15:36:56 MDT 1969
      Not valid after: Thu Apr 19 15:36:56 MDT 2029
      Accept server's certificate? (y|n)
      Connection registered successfully.
      scn-Agent Controller configuration done.
      Checking if UCE Agent Controller process is still running, it may take a couple of minutes ...
      Process is no longer running
      UCE Agent Controller is stopped.
      UCE Agent Controller is in [online] state.
      Checking if UCE Agent Controller process is up and running ...
      The process is up and running.
      UCE Agent Controller is started.
      Added the zone configuration automation successfully.
      Added the service tags recreate script successfully.

      If the system where you are installing the Agent Controller has multiple active network interfaces, you can use the -a option to specify the IP address of the interface that you want to use for Agent Controller registration. For example:

      # /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/agentadm configure -t /var/tmp/OC/mytoken -x -a
      (output omitted)
  12. If you encountered a Connection cannot be registered error message from the agentadm command, use agentadm to unconfigure the Agent Controller. For example:
    # /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/agentadm unconfigure
    agentadm: Version 1.0.3 launched with args: unconfigure
    verified sc_console command is OK
    End of validation
    {output omitted}
    End of configuration.

    After the Agent Controller has been unconfigured, correct the problem that was indicated by the error message, and re-run the agentadm configure command.

  13. Use the sc-console command to list the Agent Controller connection. For example:
    # sc-console list-connections
    scn-Agent Controller urn:scn:clregid:abcdef12-6899-4bcc-9ac7-a6ebaf71c1f5:20090420171121805

Special Discovery and Management Procedures

Describes specific requirements for discovery of certain types of assets.

Most assets can be discovered and managed using standard procedures. However, some types of assets must be discovered or managed using special procedures:


  • Oracle Engineered Systems: Discovery requires a custom configuration file that is prepared by Oracle service. See Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Operations for Oracle SuperCluster Reference for more information.

  • Oracle Solaris 11: Discovery requires that the Enterprise Controller and Proxy Controller are installed on Oracle Solaris 11 and the Oracle Solaris 11 Update Library is configured.

  • Windows Systems: You must enable Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) on Microsoft Windows systems before discovering them.

  • M-Series Servers: You must ensure that user privileges and the status of each dynamic system domain are correct before discovering a Sun SPARC Enterprise M-Series server.

  • SPARC M5–32, M6–32, M7 Series Servers: These servers have ILOM server processors. You must get access the server using an account with Ops Center Admin and Ops Center Security Admin roles.


    SPARC M5–32, M6–32, M7 series servers are supported, but some features have limitations. For more information see the Target Servers section of the Certified Systems Matrix document.

  • Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance: You can discover both the storage appliance and its service processor using the appropriate discovery profile.

  • Oracle Solaris Cluster: You must discover and manage Oracle Solaris Clusters in a specific order so that Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center can manage the entire cluster.

Windows Systems

Describes requirements for discovery of Windows systems and WMI in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Microsoft Windows systems can be discovered and managed using normal discovery and management procedures. However, before the system can be discovered, the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) utility must be configured and have access through the Windows Firewall or Internet Connection Firewall.

Enabling WMI

Procedure for configuring Windows Management Interface (WMI) in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

This procedure allows the Enterprise Controller or a Proxy Controller to connect to the target Windows system.

  1. Log in to the WMI on the target host.
  2. Click Administrative Tools, then click Computer Management.
  3. Expand Services and Applications.
  4. On WMI Control, right click Properties.
  5. Click the Security tab.
  6. Click the Security button.
  7. Select the Administrators group.
  8. Select the option to allow Remote Enable.

Allowing WMI Through the Windows Firewall

Procedure for allowing WMI through firewall for Microsoft Windows systems..

This procedure allows WMI to send data through the target system's firewall.

  1. Go to the command prompt on the target system.
  2. Use the netsh command to allow WMI to send data through the firewall.
    • On Windows Server 2008 R2, use the following command:

      netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote administration" new enable=yes
    • On other Windows systems, use the following command:

      netsh firewall set service RemoteAdmin enable

M-Series Servers

Overview of requirements for discovering an M-Series servers in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

M-Series servers must be configured before they can be discovered and managed.

About Discovering a SPARC Enterprise M-Series Server

Describes discovery of the M3000, M4000, M5000, M8000, M9000, or Fujitsu M10 servers and their XSCF firmware.

To discover, manage, provision, and update a Sun SPARC Enterprise® M3000, M4000, M5000, M8000, M9000, or Fujitsu M10 server (SPARC Enterprise M-series servers), you monitor its XSCF service processor and its dynamic system domains.

The SPARC Enterprise M-series servers have a dedicated processor for system control that is independent of the system processor. A SPARC Enterprise M3000, M4000, and M5000 server has one service processor. The SPARC Enterprise M8000 and M9000 servers, each have two service processors; however, only one service processor is active at a time. The eXtended System Control Facility (XSCF) firmware runs on the dedicated service processor. The firmware manages hardware configuration, monitors cooling system (fan units), domain status, and error status, and can power on and power off peripheral devices.

The XSCF firmware can also create dynamic system domains. Each domain is a logical unit that can function as a system. An Oracle Solaris OS can operate in each domain.


Fujitsu M10 servers require XSCF Control Package (XCP) firmware version 2050 (XCP2050) to use the Automatic Service Requests (ASR) functions and to use service tags to enable server discovery with the Find Assets function.

Discovering a SPARC Enterprise M-Series Server

Procedure for discovering an M-Series Server in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

To discover a Sun SPARC Enterprise® M3000, M4000, M5000, M7000, M8000, M9000, or Fujitsu M10 server, run an Add Assets Using Discovery Profile job for the XSCF service processor. The discovery job discovers the XSCF service processor and its dynamic system domains.

Perform the following tasks to discover this type of asset:

  1. In the XSCF service processor, create a user account with platadm privilege if one does not exist.
  2. Ensure that user privileges and the status of each dynamic system domain are correct.
  3. Check the status of each dynamic system domain, using the showdomainstatus -a command. Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center can only discover domains that do not have a “-" status.
  4. Log in to the XSCF shell from an XSCF-LAN port or from the serial port.
  5. Discover the system using the Add Assets Using a Discovery Profile procedure.

A Discovery job is launched. Dynamic system domains and the XSCF service processor are discovered at the same time.

When the job is complete, the XSCF service processor and the dynamic system domains appear in the Managed Assets tab. Additionally, the service processor and the domains appear under the M-Series Servers group in the Assets tree.

See Related Resources for Asset Management for more information.

Discovering an Oracle SPARC M5, M6, or M7 Server

Procedure for discovering an M-Series Server in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Because these servers have ILOM service processors, use the Add Assets action with the ILOM service processor discovery profile to discover the ILOM service processor and its dynamic system domains. To discover an M7 server, you must use the current version of the product software.

  1. Create a Discovery Profile choosing an ILOM Service Processor for the Asset Type.
  2. Select existing or create new SSH and IPMI credentials.
  3. Run an Add and manage various types of assets via discovery probes job.
  4. Choose the Discovery Profile for the server and include the correct Hostnames or IP addresses.
  5. After the discovery job completes successfully find the server in the Navigation pane under the M-Series Server tree.


An M-Series system is significantly larger than a typical server so discovery and refreshes of data can exceed the default expiration of 30 minutes. If the discovery job fails, increase the number of seconds for operations on the ILOM service processor by editing the /var/opt/sun/xvm/hal.properties file for the following property:


See Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Discovering and Managing Oracle SPARC M5, M6, and M7 Servers Guide for a complete example.

About the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance

Description of the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance and methods for discovering it.

The Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance family of products provides rich and efficient data services for file and block storage formats. Each appliance has the Analytics feature for observing the condition and behavior of the appliance in real time and the ZFS Hybrid Storage Pool feature, which uses Flash-memory devices, high-capacity disks, and DRAM memory within a data hierarchy to provide solid-state response time with spinning disk capacity.


Starting in Release, Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center supports an active-active configuration. Previous releases support an active-passive configuration. In both cases, if a head fails, the other head takes control of all resources and provides the services associated with those resources.

The Oracle ZFS storage appliances are available in a cluster configuration, in which two storage controllers, or heads, use storage and network resources to provide services. In an active-active cluster, both heads are active. In an active-passive cluster, one head is active.

When working with an active-active configuration, Oracle recommends a single storage pool on each active head. Although multiple pools on one head is supported, the result is poor performance, suboptimal allocation of resources, artificial partitioning of storage, and additional administrative complexity. Configuring multiple pools on the same host is only recommended when drastically different redundancy or performance characteristics are desired, for example, a mirrored pool and a RAID-Z pool. See the documentation for the Oracle ZFS storage appliance for more information.

Before you discover the storage appliance, configure the iSCSI targets on the storage appliance. In an active-passive cluster, one iSCSI target group is sufficient, although multiple target groups are supported. In an active-active configuration, you must configure at least two iSCSI target groups: one target group for the storage served from the first head and one target group for the storage served by the second head.

To discover a storage appliance In an active-passive cluster, discover the active head and its iSCSI and/or NFS storage, and then discover the passive head, which has no storage associated with it because it will take over the existing storage. The procedure is described in Discover an Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance and Configure Storage Libraries.

To discover a storage appliance in an active-active cluster, discover one head with its iSCSI and/or NFS storage, and then run a second job to discover the second head with its corresponding iSCSI and/or NFS storage. This will create dynamic storage libraries backed by each storage pool.

Because the storage appliance contains a service processor, it is possible to discover the appliance but not the service processor or to discover both. It is sufficient to discover only the storage appliance by using the Add Assets action with a discovery profile for storage appliances as described in Discover an Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance and Configure Storage Libraries. You also have the following alternatives.

  • Use Add Assets and a discovery profile to discover the storage appliance first and then use a service processor discovery profile to discover its service processor. When you discover the storage appliance, Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center displays the device in the Storage section of the Assets tree. When you discover the service processor, its information is mapped to the discovered appliance.

  • Use Find Assets. Each storage appliance is discovered as two assets: a service processor and a storage appliance. Select both the appliance and its service processor and enter the user credentials. Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center displays the asset in the Storage section.


Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center can use either the Storage Connect driver or the RESTful/SSH Ops Center driver to communicate with the storage appliance. Starting from Release, the RESTful/SSH Ops Center driver is the recommended option to communicate with the storage appliance. The procedure to specify a driver provided in the product software is described in Discover an Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance and Configure Storage Libraries. To change drivers after discovery, use the Switch Driver action.

About Oracle Solaris Cluster

Description of requirements for discovering Oracle Solaris Clusters.

Discovering and managing an Oracle Solaris Cluster has some specific requirements. The discovery and management must be performed in the correct order.


Do not configure a new zone cluster or add a new global node during the discovery and management process.

Discovering an Oracle Solaris Cluster

Procedure for discovering an M-Series Server in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

  1. Verify that all global nodes in the cluster are in cluster mode.
  2. Discover all of the cluster's global nodes using a discovery profile. You must provide both ssh credentials and create JMX credentials for each global node. The credentials authenticate the Oracle Solaris Cluster's agent.

    Figure 2-8 Discovery Profile for Oracle Solaris Cluster

    Description of Figure 2-8 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-8 Discovery Profile for Oracle Solaris Cluster"
  3. Discover the cluster using the discovery profile.

Launching Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.2

Procedure for starting Oracle Solaris Cluster in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Starting in this version, you can launch the Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Solaris Cluster and then select a cluster.
  2. In the Actions pane, click Launch Web Console.
  3. Log into the Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager.

Preparing to Discover ALOM Assets

Procedure to enable discovery of ALOM service processors in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Starting in Release 12.3.1, the discovery of assets with the ALOM service processor is disabled by default. If your site has an asset with this type of service processor, enable discovery using this procedure:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Administration.
  2. Select the Enterprise Controller.
  3. Click the Configuration tab.
  4. In the Subsystem drop-down list, click Discovery.
  5. Change the value of ssh.alom.timeout from 0 to the number of seconds to allow for discovery.

Managing Assets

Overview of actions for assets that have been discovered in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

After discovery, the assets are now managed assets. Through their life cycle, you might need to make changes to their configuration or position. When an asset is moved, migrated, or deleted, the Asset tree might still display the original position of the asset for several minutes. To refresh the display of the Asset hierarchy manually, press the Ctrl key while clicking the Refresh button


Editing Asset Attributes

Procedure for changing the attributes of a specific asset in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

All assets have a description that can be edited.

The description field can be used for descriptive information about a system.

To edit asset attributes, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, under Assets, select an asset.
  2. In the Actions pane, click Edit Asset.
  3. Edit the name, description, and tags, then click Save.

About the Number of Assets

Description of how assets are counted in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

The number of assets managed by the Enterprise Controller and by each of its Proxy Controllers is reported on the Asset Counter tab. The reported numbers are not a physical inventory of assets datacenter. These numbers represent the number of access points in the assets.

The Enterprise Controller can manage 3000 assets and each Proxy Controller can manage 500 assets. More assets can be managed but performance is affected. At 90% of capacity (2700 access points), a Warning alert is issued as an incident on the operating system of the Enterprise Controller. For a Proxy Controller, the warning incident is set at 450 access points. At 100% of capacity, a Critical alert is issued.

Viewing the Number of Assets

Procedure for displaying the number of each type of asset in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

  1. Select the Administration section in the Navigation pane.
  2. Select the Enterprise Controller.
  3. Click the Asset Counter tab in the center pane.
    The Asset Counter tab contains a table for the Enterprise Controller with the total number of each type of asset and a table that shows the number of assets managed by each Proxy Controller .

    Figure 2-9 Asset Counter Tab

    Description of Figure 2-9 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-9 Asset Counter Tab"
  4. (Optional) If you are interested in the number of asset of a specific Proxy Controller, select the Proxy Controller from the Administration section in the Navigation pane and then click the Asset Counter tab.
The number represents the number of access points reported by each Proxy Controller.

You can refresh the display by selecting Run Asset Counter Job in the Action pane.

Viewing and Removing Access Points

Procedure for displaying how an asset is included in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

An asset's access points show how Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center connects to the asset.

The following are possible access points:

  • The discovery credentials used to discover the asset.

  • The discovery credentials used to discover a related asset. For example, an access point for a service processor is the discovery credentials of its operating system.

  • Agent Controller installed on the asset.

  • A virtual asset's virtualization host.

To view access points, select an asset and click the Configuration tab.

To delete an access point, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, under Assets, select an asset and click the Configuration tab.
  2. Select one or more access points, then click Delete Access Point.

Deleting Assets

Procedure for removing assets from Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

The Delete Asset option uninstalls Agent Controller software if it is present, removing the asset from Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center. All data for the asset is removed. You delete assets to stop managing them with Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

The operating systems that support the Enterprise Controller and Proxy Controllers cannot be deleted or removed.


Deleting a global zone also deletes its non-global zones. However, if a global zone is managed with an Agent Controller, its non-global zones continue to be managed agentlessly even if their Agent Controllers are removed.

  1. Click All Assets in the Assets section of the Navigation pane.
  2. Select the asset or assets that you want to delete from the Managed Assets or Unprocessed Assets tabs.
  3. Click Delete Asset.
  4. If the assets do not have Agent Controllers, a confirmation window is displayed. Click Delete. A job is launched to delete the assets.
  5. If the assets have Agent Controllers, the Management Credentials page is displayed. Provide management credentials using one of the following methods:
    • Click New to create a set of credentials. Enter a name and the credential information, then click OK.

    • Click Select to select from a list of existing set of credentials. Click OK.

  6. Click Next.

    The Summary page is displayed.

  7. Review the summary, then click Finish.

Asset Groups

Overview of asset groups in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Assets are automatically placed into system groups based on asset type. You can also create your own groups and add assets to them, either by manually adding assets or by creating rules that add assets automatically based on asset characteristics.

About Types of Groups

Describes the default asset groups and custom asset groups in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Assets are members of two types of groups: System groups and User-defined groups. System groups are automatically generated for each category of asset. User-defined groups can contain any assets. You can configure rules to add any asset to the user-defined groups that meets the rule criteria.

Within system groups, a subgroup is created for each type of asset that Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center manages. You can use System Groups to locate and view assets of a specific type. You can also act on System Groups, such as changing monitoring thresholds and updating management credentials. You can view system groups by selecting them from the drop-down list at the top of the Assets section in the Navigation pane.

User-defined groups can contain any type of asset and can be organized by any criteria. You can configure rules for user-defined groups that automatically add assets with specific characteristics to the group.

You can take any action on a group that is applicable to the assets in the group. For example, you can update Automated Service Request (ASR) contacts for all assets in a group, or target a group containing operating systems with an OS update job.

System Groups

List of default asset groups in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center creates these system groups:

  • All Assets: contains all discovered and managed assets. This is the default view of the assets section.

  • Engineered Systems: contains all Oracle Engineered Systems.

  • Operating Systems: contains all operating systems with subgroups for each type of operating system such as Oracle Solaris OS, Oracle Linux, and SUSE Linux. The subgroups are further organized by version, such as Oracle Solaris 9 and Oracle Solaris 10 software.

  • Servers: contains all hardware that can receive OS provisioning.

  • Chassis: contains all hardware that can receive firmware updates but not OS provisioning.

  • Network Switches: contains all network switches.

  • Racks: contains all racks.

  • Server Pools: contains all server pools.

  • Storage: contains all storage systems.

  • Solaris Clusters: contains all Oracle Solaris Clusters.

User-Defined Groups

List of properties for a custom asset group in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

You can specify the following characteristics for a user-defined group:

  • Group Name

  • Description

  • Group Location

  • Group Rules: group rules add any assets to the group that match the attributes and rules.

  • Subgroups: groups can be organized hierarchically.

About Asset Tags

Description of using labels to identify or sort assets.

A tag is a set of information attached to an asset. Each tag consists of a tag name, which is drawn from a list of values appropriate for each asset, and a tag value, which can be any text string. For example, an asset could have a tag with a tag name of oracle.cloud.resource.creation.time and a value of 12 June.

You can use tags to categorize assets and to simplify later searches. You can use tags to associate information with assets, and to create groups of assets based on their tags or tag values. To add assets to a group using tags, either discover them using a profile that includes the tag or, after discovery, create a new group or edit an existing group to require membership based on a rule that uses the tag.

Adding Tags

Procedure for adding tags to an asset in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

You can create tags to assets during or after discovery. To add tags to one or more assets after discovery, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, select an asset or group.
  2. In the Actions pane, click Edit Tags.
  3. Click the Add icon and select a tag name from the drop-down list. Enter a tag value, then click Save.

Viewing Tags

Procedure displaying an asset’s tags in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Tags are displayed in the Dashboard tab for managed assets. Select an asset, then use the mouse to hover on the Tags icon in the center pane to display the tags.

Deleting Tags

Procedure for deleting asset tags in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

To delete tags, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, select an asset or group.
  2. In the Actions pane, click Edit Tags.
  3. Select a tag, then click the Delete icon.
  4. Click Save. The tag is deleted.

About Group Data

Procedure for displaying information about a group of assets in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Each group can list all the assets in the group and can display data about their assets. Chassis and hardware groups display power usage information, and operating system groups display CPU, network, memory, and system load information.

You can select a group to see a dashboard page with information about the group, including:

  • A group summary that shows the group's name, description, tags, location, and number of members.

  • A membership graph showing the group's assets, any child groups, and any parent groups.

  • A status summary showing the problems of the assets within the group.

  • An asset summary showing basic data about the assets within the group.

Creating a Group

Procedure for creating an asset group in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

You can organize your assets into groups to aid in management and inventory. For a rule-based group, membership is determined by whether an asset conforms to the rule. For example, if you select Name as an Attribute, Contains as a condition, and Pod3 as a value, any asset with Pod3 in its name is added to the group.

  1. In the Navigation pane, in the Assets section, select User Defined Groups from the drop-down list.

  2. Click Create Group in the Actions pane.

  3. In Group Name, specify the name to be displayed in the User-Defined Groups of the Navigation pane.

  4. In Description:, describe the purpose of the group. This description is displayed in the group's dashboard.

  5. In Group Location, specify whether the position of this group in the Asset tree. You can create a group at the top level (root), the default, or as a child of an existing user-defined group.

  6. The Configure group rules option creates a rules-based group, that is, the membership of the group is determined by how an asset conforms to the rule. When you select this option, you will create one or more rules for the group. This selection also enables the Preview group before creation option.

  7. The

    Configure subgroups option allows you to specify an existing user-defined group as a child of this group.

  8. Keep the Preview Group Before Creation option if you are configuring group rules or subgroups to test your rules or selections.

  9. You have the option to add tags to the new group. Click Next.

  10. If you are creating a rules-based group, the next step defines one or more rules. The first rule, Rule 1, is required and specifies whether an asset must match all of the rules or at least one of the rules to be included in the group.

  11. To specify the second rule, select the Asset Type from the drop-down list.

  12. Depending on the type of asset, the attributes that can control membership change. Select an attribute from the drop-down list. See About Asset Attributes for a list of the asset attributes that can be used in group rules.

  13. In the Condition dropdown list, select how the attribute is used in the rule. The options are:

    • Contains

    • Does not contain

    • Ends with

    • Equal

    • Matches

    • Not equal

    • Starts with

  14. In the remaining field, enter the value that completes rule. For example, if the attribute is Name, the value is a string.

  15. To add a third rule, click the Add icon and repeat the procedure. When you are finished adding rules, click Next.

  16. If you are adding subgroups, drag and drop one or more groups from the available groups list to the selected groups list. When you are finished, click Next.

  17. If you chose to preview the group, view the assets and subgroups that will be added to the group. If necessary, go back and change the group rules or the list of subgroups.

Creating a Group for Assets in Maintenance Mode

Procedure for creating a user-defined group containing assets in maintenance mode in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

You can organize assets in Maintenance Mode into one rule-based group.

  1. In the Navigation pane, in the Assets selection, select User Defined Groups from the drop-down list.

  2. In the Actions pane, click Create Group.

  3. For Group Name, enter a name for this custom group. This name is displayed in the User-Defined Groups of the Navigation pane

  4. In the Description field, describe the purpose of the group, in this case, Maintenance. This description is displayed on the group’s Dashboard.

  5. In the Location field, select Top Level (root).

  6. In Advanced Options, select Configure group rules, then click Next.

  7. Create the rule that constrains membership of the group to assets that are in Maintenance mode.

    1. For Rule 1, click All .

    2. For Asset Type, select Any.

    3. For the Attribute, Maintenance Mode.

    4. For the condition, select Equal.

    5. For the value, enter MAINTENANCE . Uppercase is required.

  8. Click Next to skip adding subgroups.

  9. In the preview, verify that the assets are listed as you intend.

  10. Click Finish to create the group.

Editing a Group

Procedure for editing the characteristics of an asset group in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

You can change the attributes of an existing group, including its name, description, rules, subgroups, and parent group. If you change or remove the rules of an existing group, assets added by those rules are removed if they do not match the new rules. However, assets that were added manually can only be removed manually.

To edit a group, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, select All User Defined Groups from the Assets drop-down list.

    Figure 2-11 All User Defined Groups

    Description of Figure 2-11 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-11 All User Defined Groups"
  2. In the Actions pane, click Edit Group.


    You can edit any of the group's characteristics. If you edit a group's rules, assets that were added by group rules will be removed if they do not meet the new rules, but assets that were manually added will not be affected.

See Expression Query Language for a list of the asset attributes that can be used in group rules.

Adding Assets to a Group

Procedure for adding assets to a user-defined group in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

You can place assets into user-defined groups to organize them. When an asset is added to a group, it continues to be displayed in the All Assets section. Assets can be added to any number of groups.

  1. In either the Managed Assets tab of the center pane or the Assets section of the Navigation pane, select the assets you want to add.
  2. Click Add Asset to Group.
  3. Select the destination group.
  4. Click Add Assets to Group.

Removing Assets from a Group

Procedure for removing an asset from a group in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

When you remove an asset from a user-defined group, the asset remains in any other group of which it is a member.

If an asset was added to a group by the group's rules, it cannot be removed.

  1. On the Navigation pane, under Assets, select All User Defined Groups.
  2. Select the group that contains the assets.
  3. Select one or more assets.
  4. Click Remove Asset from Group

Moving Assets to a Group

Procedure for moving an asset from one group to another group in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

When you move assets to a new user-defined group, the assets are removed from the current group and added to the new group.

If the current group has rules that match the asset you want to move, the asset remains in the original group and the new group.

To move assets to a new group, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, under Assets, select All User Defined Groups.
  2. Select the group that currently contains the assets.
  3. Select one or more assets and click Move Asset to Group.
  4. Select the destination group and click Move Assets to Group/Subgroup.

Moving a Group

Procedure for moving a group of assets in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

You can move a user-defined group within the hierarchy of groups, making it a child of a different user-defined group or placing it at the top level.

  1. On the Navigation pane, under Assets, select All User Defined Groups.
  2. Select the group you want to move.
  3. Click Move Group.
  4. Select the new parent group.
  5. Click Move Group.

Deleting a Group

Procedure for removing an asset group from Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Deleting a user-defined group removes the group and all of its subgroups from the user-defined group hierarchy without removing any of the assets.

To delete a group, select a group and click Delete Group in the Actions pane.

Related Resources for Asset Management

List of Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center documents with additional information.