Status of a Cloud Resource

The status attribute of an account resource indicates:

  • Whether a job that creates a new account resource has completed or is still in progress.

  • Whether an account resource is in a usable state or in an unusable state.

The status attribute is displayed when viewing information or attributes of any of the following account resources:

  • vServers

  • vNets

  • Server templates

  • Volumes

  • Snapshots

  • Distribution groups

An account resource can have one of the following states:

  • Pending status: Resource creation or deletion.

    • SCHEDULED: Indicates that the job is in progress. Wait for the resource to transition from this state to a healthy status before attempting to use it.

    • FAILED: Indicates that the job cannot be completed. A failed job is also reported in the user interface (UI). When a delete operation fails, the resource transitions to one of the unhealthy states.

  • Healthly status: The following values indicate that a resource is usable.

    • OK: Indicates that the resource is healthy and ready to be used.

    • INFO: Indicates that the resource is healthy but an informational event needs attention in the UI.


    For vServer resources, the healthy status values are the same as the values for vServer itself. Instead of OK or INFO, a vServer reports one of the following healthy status values: RUNNING, PAUSED, SHUTDOWN, SUSPENDED, INSTALLING, SHUTDOWNDETACHED, MIGRATING_SRC, and MIGRATING_DST.

    For vNets, the status of NOT CONNECTED indicates that the vNet is healthy but not associated with a vDC server pool. The iaas-connect-vnet operation connects the vNet to a server pool and changes the status to OK.

  • Unhealthy status: A resource exists but might not be usable. This does not apply to the WARNING state.


    Some status values depend on the type of resource; for example, NEEDS_POWERON does not apply to a volume.










    For vServer resources, the unhealthy status values are the same as the values for vServer itself. A vServer reports unhealthy states of BLOCKED, DYING, CRASHED, NOSTATE, and FAILED.

Operations that delete resources might report a state transition until the resource is removed completely. For example, the process of terminating a vServer can exhibit a transition to the state SHUTDOWNDETACHED before the resource is removed.