3 Upgrading to RUEI

This chapter describes the procedure for upgrading an existing RUEI 11.1 or 12.1.0.x installation to release The post-installation configuration procedure is described in Chapter 6, "Configuring RUEI". Before upgrading RUEI, check that your system conforms to the prerequisites outlined in Section 2.1, "Prerequisites."

Additional Installation Dependency

As of version, a new dependency has been introduced. This requires the installation of the php-soap module (available in the Linux DVD) as part of the upgrade procedures described in Section 3.12, "Upgrading From RUEI 12.1.0.x to".

3.1 Changes to Data Representation in RUEI

As of version, the way data is represented in RUEI tables was changed, the following is a summary of those changes:

  • Parent level values are no longer prefixed to the current value.

    In previous versions of RUEI, it was the convention to prefix the parent values to a value so that, for instance, the page name would be prefixed with the application and page group values to become "MyApp " Admin " Login.asp". This is no longer the case, and in RUEI the page name is presented simply as "Login.asp".

    Note that it is now possible in RUEI to enable a Hierarchical view of data, which will visually prefix the parent level values to each child value during display in the UI. This is just a visual tool and it is not related to the way data is stored in the tables.

  • Using NULL to represent empty values.

    In the past, RUEI would rely on special values to represent values for which no information was found. For example, if a user could not be identified for a given session, the user would be set to "anonymous". Similarly, a page might be set to "none", or a missing cookie to "no-cookie".

    In this release, special values are no longer required as all empty values will now be set to NULL. All references to special values in your existing configuration, such as filters on KPIs, reports, and dashboards, will automatically be converted to use NULL by the upgrade procedure during installation. If you also choose to convert all historic data, then all special values in your data will also be updated.

  • The page-group dimension can now become NULL.

    In previous versions of RUEI, a page-group for which no value could be found was assigned the same value as the page name. This is no longer the case. A page-group with no value is now set to NULL. The upgrade procedure will convert such occurrences automatically.

3.1.1 Changes in BI Export

The changes described in Section 3.1, "Changes to Data Representation in RUEI" are applicable to all RUEI tables, and will also be visible in any BI exports. This means that once you have upgraded to RUEI, the data in the BI export tables will look different.

Oracle recommends you verify that the new data representation will not be incompatible with any applications that use the RUEI BI export functionality.

3.2 KPI Values

In previous versions before, KPI percentage values were sometimes incorrectly reported as a number between 0 and 1, rather than between 0 and 100. The upgrade script prompts you to confirm the correction of suspect KPI historical values and targets. This is described in Section 3.12.1, "Upgrading the Reporter System from RUEI 12.1.0.x".

Note that while best effort has been made to ensure that historical data and target values are correctly transformed as necessary, it is recommended that you review KPI reporting and target configuration to ensure they meet your requirements.

3.3 XPath Support

As of version 11.1, support for the use of XPath queries has been extended to provide full XPath 1.0 functionality for content scanning. This has important implications when upgrading an existing RUEI installation.

The upgrade script reports all namespaces found in the current configuration. These must be explicitly defined upon completion of the upgrade process. Otherwise, your configuration will no longer work correctly.

In addition, be aware that XPath expressions executed against content that is not well-formed XHTML code can return different results than in previous versions. Therefore, it is strongly recommenced that you carefully review all XPath expressions used in your RUEI installation. For further information on XPath support, see the Oracle Real User Experience Insight User's Guide.

3.4 Increased Database Space Requirements

As of version, due to the addition of hourly information within Data Browser groups, the amount of required database space has significantly increased. It is recommended that you regularly review database utilization and your data retention policies in order to ensure that they meet your reporting requirements.

3.5 Default Tablespace Modes

As of version, the default (USERS) and configuration (UXCONF) tablespaces within new installations are by default set to force logging mode. This mode is necessary for the creation of online database backups. Previously, the default mode was nologging. The procedure for changing this configuration is described in the Oracle Real User Experience Insight Advanced Administrator's Guide.

Existing customers should be aware that database backups created without the force logging mode may be unusable. The upgrade procedure does not change your database's current setting. However, be aware that changing the tablespace mode to force logging can considerably increase disk I/O.

3.6 Upgrading application.name and application.page-group Filters

If you are upgrading from a version prior to version, upgrading the application.name and application.page-group filters of KPIs, reports, dashboards, user flows, and logout events does not work correctly when the application name is a sub-application containing a suite name in parentheses or when the page-group value is actually a page-name, rather than a group containing several page-names.

To check for items that may not work after the upgrade, run the upgrade_check step from the upgrade script:

cd /root/RUEI/extra 
chmod +x ruei-upgrade- 
./ruei-upgrade- upgrade_check

3.7 Framework Exception Downloads

Framework exception download zip files from earlier release versions are incompatible with this release. When the upgrade is completed, download the zip files again to get a version compatible with this release.

3.8 Settings Within the ruei.conf File

As of version, the RUEI_HOME, RUEI_DATA, RUEI_USER and RUEI_GROUP settings described in Table 2-3 must be specified in terms of literal values. Therefore, the following is not permitted:

export RUEI_HOME=$RUEI_BASE/home

Furthermore, the TZ setting, described in Table 2-3, must be set to an appropriate time zone string, such as 'Europe/Amsterdam'. Run the tzselect program to select an appropriate time zone. You must also set the ORA_SDTZ (session default time zone) variable to be identical to $TZ. For example:

export TZ=Europe/Amsterdam
export ORA_SDTZ=$TZ  

The appropriate timezone setting must be valid for both Linux and PHP. For Linux, you can use the tzselect utility, and for PHP use the information from:


Also, the database tablespace names used by RUEI are configurable from version onwards, and must be set in the ruei.conf file. Before upgrading set them in ruei.conf to the current values as follows:


3.9 Setting Up Users for Report Data Export

Authentication for report exports uses RUEI user credentials and cannot be configured using Apache configuration files any longer. To continue using report data export urls:

  1. Review each of the users listed in the /opt/ruei/.credentials file.

  2. Create a RUEI user for each of the users noted from step 1. Each user must be given the Report Data Export role. Note that passwords are not retrievable, if you do not know the password for a user, give the user a new password.

  3. Delete the /opt/ruei/.credentials file.

  4. Delete the $RUEI_HOME/gui/.htaccess file.

3.10 Migrating Users with Enterprise Manager Access

Release does not allow user accounts (as distinct from system accounts) to have the Enterprise Manager access role. When upgrading, non-system accounts that have this privilege will have that privilege revoked and a message will be displayed. You need to create new system accounts with the Enterprise Manager access permission as described in the Managing Users and Permissions chapter of the RUEI User's Guide. The revocation of the privilege happens during "rpm_post_install" phase, for example:

2015-01-13 23:28:29 check_em_access_permissions ...
[User Permissions] EM access has been revoked, for the following user account(s):
[User Permissions] - em_user
[User Permissions] To restore, the user(s) must first be converted to a system account. This can be accomplished via the edit user wizard in the UI.
2015-01-13 23:28:30 check_em_access_permissions done

3.11 Patching the Operating System

RUEI installation is supported for both RedHat Enterprise/Oracle Linux 5.x and RedHat Enterprise/Oracle Linux 6.x, however for maximum reliability and security, upgrade the system to the latest patch version before upgrading to RUEI 13.1.

3.12 Upgrading From RUEI 12.1.0.x to

This section describes the procedure for upgrading from an existing RUEI 12.1.0.x installation to release


Before proceeding with the upgrade, make a backup of your configuration, the main database, and the databases on each processor separately. To perform a configuration backup, select System, then select Maintenance, and then click Backup and restore. The configuration backup is required in case of a rollback.

For instructions on how to back up your database, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

3.12.1 Upgrading the Reporter System from RUEI 12.1.0.x

The Reporter upgrade procedure described in this section applies to both single server installations as well as dedicated Reporter systems.

Do the following:

  1. Login to the Reporter as root. Within the /root directory, unzip the RUEI zip file, and go to the directory containing the application files. Use the following commands:

    cd /root
    unzip Vxxxx.zip
  2. Issue the following commands:

    cd /usr/java
    tar xzf /root/RUEI/Java/jre-8u66-linux-x64.tar.gz
  3. This installs the necessary Java software in the directory /usr/java/jre1.8.0_66. To make the install directory version independent, change the /usr/java/jre symlink to point to the new Java software version:

    rm /usr/java/jre
    ln -s /usr/java/jre1.8.0_66 /usr/java/jre
  4. Perform this step only if you are upgrading from a version prior to

    Install the php-soap module and restart the web server by issuing the following commands:

    rpm -Uhv php-soap-5.1.6-*.x86_64.rpm
    service httpd restart
  5. Install the bridge-utils module using the following command:

    rpm -Uhv bridge-utils-*.rpm
  6. Stop all processing on the Reporter and Collector system(s) using the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    chmod +x ruei-upgrade-
    ./ruei-upgrade- stop_ruei
  7. Insert the following lines in the /etc/ruei.conf file:


    If you have not already completed the task described in Section 3.8, "Settings Within the ruei.conf File," set the TZ setting, described in Table 2-3, to an appropriate time zone string, such as 'Europe/Amsterdam'. Run the tzselect program to select an appropriate time zone. You must also set the ORA_SDTZ (session default time zone) variable to be identical to $TZ. These modification need to be made to /etc/ruei.conf. For example:

    export TZ=Europe/Amsterdam
    export ORA_SDTZ=$TZ  

    The appropriate timezone setting must be valid for both Linux and PHP. For Linux, you can use the tzselect utility, and for PHP use the information from:

  8. Perform the necessary pre-upgrade actions by executing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    ./ruei-upgrade- rpm_pre_install

    Note that, depending on your deployment, the upgrade actions may take a couple of hours to complete if you are upgrading from a version prior to version

  9. This step should be performed if you are upgrading from a version prior to

    Make the ruei-prepare-db.sh script available to the Oracle user (for example, by extracting the RUEI distribution zip) on the system where the database resides. Update the RUEI database instance by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/131
    cp ruei-prepare-db.sh /home/oracle
    cp -r sql_scripts /home/oracle
    chmod +x /home/oracle/ruei-*.sh
    chmod +r /home/oracle/sql_scripts/*
    su - oracle
    export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1Foot 1 
    ./ruei-prepare-db.sh sql_packages
    ./ruei-prepare-db.sh user_grants
    ./ruei-prepare-db.sh set_incremental_stats
    ./ruei-prepare-db.sh create_triggers

    Upon completion, you should again become the root user.

  10. For each required Collector system, perform the steps indicated in Section 3.12.2, "Upgrading the Remote Collector System(s) from RUEI 12.1.0.x".

  11. For each required Processing Engine system, perform the steps described in Section 3.12.3, "Upgrading the Processing Engine System(s) from RUEI 12.1.0.x".

  12. Install the new versions of the RPMs using the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/131
    chmod +x ruei-install.sh
    ./ruei-install.sh reporter

    Existing installations (upgrades) need to copy the fonts after the RPMs have been installed using the following commands:

    . /etc/ruei.conf
    cp $RUEI_HOME/bi-publisher/fonts/* /usr/java/jre/lib/fonts/
  13. Skip this step if you are upgrading from version or later.

    As the root user, add the following lines to the .bash_profile file of the RUEI_USER (RUEI_DATA/.bash_profile):

    source /etc/ruei.conf
    source $RUEI_HOME/bin/env.sh
  14. Perform the necessary post-upgrade actions by executing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    ./ruei-upgrade- rpm_post_install

    As explained in Section 3.2, "KPI Values", the upgrade script may prompt you to confirm the conversion of suspect KPI historical values and targets.

  15. Only perform this step if you are upgrading from version

    In case you want to alter any of the choices you made in the previous step, you can re-run this procedure by executing the following command:

    ./ruei-upgrade- kpi_convert_percent

    Note that the above command must be executed before attempting the next step.

  16. Restart processing using the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    ./ruei-upgrade- reinitialize
    ./ruei-upgrade- start_ruei
  17. The upgrade has converted the RUEI configuration and current data to the new model. However, if you are upgrading from release or earlier, the old data has yet to be converted. For more information, see Section 3.12.4, "Upgrading Historical Data from RUEI 12.1.0.x".


During and after the upgrade procedure, if error or information messages appear in the event log (select System, then Status, and then Event log), you should mark them as read after completing the upgrade procedure, and monitor whether new messages are reported. In the event of re-occurring error messages, you should contact Customer Support.

3.12.2 Upgrading the Remote Collector System(s) from RUEI 12.1.0.x

For each required remote Collector system, login as root. Within the /root directory, unzip the RUEI zip file, go to the directory containing the application files, and install the new versions of the RPMs. Do the following:

  1. Unzip the RUEI distribution package using the following commands:

    cd /root
    unzip Vxxxx.zip
  2. Issue the following commands:

    cd /usr/java
    tar xzf /root/RUEI/Java/jre-8u66-linux-x64.tar.gz
  3. This installs the necessary Java software in the directory /usr/java/jre1.8.0_66. To make the install directory version independent, change the /usr/java/jre symlink to point to the new Java software version:

    rm /usr/java/jre
    ln -s /usr/java/jre1.8.0_66 /usr/java/jre
  4. Insert the following lines in the /etc/ruei.conf file:

  5. Upgrade the Collector RPMs using the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/131
    chmod +x ruei-install.sh
    ./ruei-install.sh collector
  6. Skip this step if you are upgrading from version or later.

    As the root user, add the following lines to the .bash_profile file of the RUEI_USER user (RUEI_DATA/.bash_profile):

    source /etc/ruei.conf
    source $RUEI_HOME/bin/env.sh

After completing the above procedure for each required Collector system, you should continue with the upgrade of the Reporter system (as described in Section 3.12.1, "Upgrading the Reporter System from RUEI 12.1.0.x").

3.12.3 Upgrading the Processing Engine System(s) from RUEI 12.1.0.x

The upgrade procedure described in this section should be performed for each Processing Engine system. Note that Processing Engine systems should be upgraded sequentially. That is, do not start upgrading the next system until upgrade of the previous system is complete. Do the following:

  1. Login to the Processing Engine as root. Within the /root directory, unzip the RUEI zip file, and go to the directory containing the application files. Use the following commands:

    cd /root
    unzip Vxxxx.zip
  2. Issue the following commands:

    cd /usr/java
    tar xzf /root/RUEI/Java/jre-8u66-linux-x64.tar.gz
  3. This installs the necessary Java software in the directory /usr/java/jre1.8.0_66. To make the install directory version independent, change the /usr/java/jre symlink to point to the new Java software version:

    rm /usr/java/jre
    ln -s /usr/java/jre1.8.0_66 /usr/java/jre
  4. Insert the following lines in the /etc/ruei.conf file:

  5. Perform the necessary pre-upgrade actions by executing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    ./ruei-upgrade- rpm_pre_install
  6. This step should only be performed if you are upgrading from a version prior to

    Make the ruei-prepare.sh script available to the Oracle user (for example, by extracting the RUEI distribution zip) on the system where the database resides. Update the Processing Engine database instance by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/131
    cp ruei-prepare-db.sh /home/oracle
    cp -r sql_scripts /home/oracle
    chmod +x /home/oracle/ruei-*.sh
    chmod +r /home/oracle/sql_scripts/*
    su - oracle
    export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1Foot 2 
    ./ruei-prepare-db.sh sql_packages
    ./ruei-prepare-db.sh user_grants

    Upon completion, you should again become the root user.

  7. Install the new versions of the RPMs using the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/131
    chmod +x ruei-install.sh
    ./ruei-install.sh processor
  8. Skip this step if you are upgrading from or later.

    As the root user, add the following lines to the .bash_profile file of the RUEI_USER (RUEI_DATA/.bash_profile):

    source /etc/ruei.conf
    source $RUEI_HOME/bin/env.sh

After completing the above procedure for each required Processing Engine, you should continue with the upgrade of Reporter system (as described in Section 3.12.1, "Upgrading the Reporter System from RUEI 12.1.0.x").

3.12.4 Upgrading Historical Data from RUEI 12.1.0.x

Because RUEI uses a new data model for storing and querying data, you will need to upgrade your pre- data if you still want to be able to view it in the new RUEI version. Note that converting the data is not required for proper operation of your RUEI system. This step is only required if you wish to be able to view data processed and stored before the installation of

A description of what is new and what has changed in the way data is stored and presented in can be found in Section 3.1, "Changes to Data Representation in RUEI".

The data upgrade must be performed on each individual processing engine and the reporter. Moving Old Data to a Separate Tablespace

This is an optional step to free up space in the USERS tablespace for conversion of old data and collection of new data. It moves old data to a separate tablespace where it remains as a backup.

  1. Create a tablespace to hold the old data, for instance UXBACKUP. Its size will be about the same as the USERS tablespace, but make sure to add enough database files:

    sqlplus sys/<password>@$RUEI_DB_TNSNAME as sysdba
    SQL> create tablespace UXBACKUP datafile 'uxbackup01.dbf' size 5M reuse autoextend on default compress;
    SQL> alter user RUEI_DB_USER quota unlimited on UXBACKUP;
    SQL> alter tablespace UXBACKUP add datafile 'uxbackup02.dbf' size 5M reuse autoextend on;
  2. Run the following step from the upgrade script after logging in as root:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra     
    ./ruei-upgrade- backup_data_cubes UXBACKUP Converting Data

Note that data for applications that are no longer configured will not be converted. In order to retain this data, add it back in the Configuration > Applications/Services screen with the exact same name before running the conversion.

Run the following step from the upgrade script after logging in as root:

cd /root/RUEI/extra     
./ruei-upgrade- convert_data_cubes

Note that depending on the amount of data in the system, this might take a long time to complete. Deleting the Original Data

The original data cubes will be preserved as a backup in case a problem occurs during the upgrade. Once you are satisfied with the data upgrade, you can remove them permanently by logging in as root and executing the following:

cd /root/RUEI/extra     
./ruei-upgrade- delete_old_data

This will permanently delete all pre-RUEI data cubes.

To remove the data from the disk, enter the following commands as the RUEI_USER user:

sqlplus sys/<password>@$RUEI_DB_TNSNAME as sysdba        
SQL> drop tablespace UXTEMP INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES; Upgrading Historical Session Diagnostics Data

If you are upgrading RUEI from version or earlier, and you want to browse historical session diagnostic data, run the following script as the root user:

cd /root/RUEI/extra     
./ruei-upgrade- convert_psesdiag

Note that depending on the amount of data in the system, this might take a long time to complete. However, running the script is not required for any RUEI functionality (it only converts historical session diagnostic data).

3.13 Rolling Back to Version,, or

This section describes the procedure to rollback to version, or after upgrading to version Note that the Collector included in the Reporter installation is automatically rolled back during the described procedure. However, remote Collector systems must be individually rolled back. The procedure to do this is described later in this section.


Be aware that it may not be possible to restore your system to its exact state prior to upgrading. It is strongly recommended that you contact Customer Support before rolling back an upgrade. For instructions on how to restore your database, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

Note that in the following instructions, it is assumed that the old version (, or distribution set is extracted to /root/old, and the distribution set is extracted to /root.

  1. Login to the Reporter system as root. Within the /root/old directory, unzip the RUEI or distribution zip file, and go to the directory containing the application files. Use the following commands:

    mkdir /root/old
    cd /root/old
    unzip <path to distribution set>/Vxxx.zip
  2. Stop all processing by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    ./ruei-upgrade- stop_ruei
  3. As the root user, remove the following lines from the .bash_profile file of the RUEI_USER user (RUEI_DATA/.bash_profile):

    source /etc/ruei.conf
    source $RUEI_HOME/bin/env.sh
  4. Remove the RPMs by issuing the following commands as root:

    L=$(rpm -qa | grep ^ux-)
    rpm -e $L
  5. Restore the previous RPMs by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/old/RUEI/131
    chmod +x ruei-install.sh
    ./ruei-install.sh reporter
  6. Stop all processing by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    ./ruei-upgrade- stop_ruei
  7. Restore the database backup you created during the upgrade

  8. Rollback all required remote Collectors (using the procedure described in Section 3.13.1, "Rolling Back Remote Collector Systems"). If your installation does not make use of a remote Collector, proceed directly to step 9.

  9. Rollback all required Processing Engine systems (using the procedure described in Section 3.13.2, "Rolling Back Processing Engine Systems"). If your installation does not make use of a Processing Engine, proceed directly to step 10.

  10. Ensure that the backup you created prior to upgrading (by selecting System, then Maintenance, then Backup and restore, and then select Backup system to file) is available to the Reporter system by coping it, for instance, to the /tmp directory. Then issue the following command as the root user to make the backup file readable to the RUEI_USER user:

    chmod 644 /tmp/backup_file_name.tar.gz
  11. Restore the backup file by issuing the following command as the RUEI_USER user:

    project -restore --collectors /tmp/backup_file_name.tar.gz

3.13.1 Rolling Back Remote Collector Systems

Do the following:

  1. Login to the remote Collector system as root. Within the /root/old directory, unzip the or distribution zip file, and go to the directory containing the application files. Issue the following commands:

    mkdir /root/old
    cd /root/old
    unzip <path to distribution file>/Vxxx.zip
  2. Restore the previous RPMs by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/old/RUEI/131
    chmod +x ruei-install.sh
    ./ruei-install.sh ux-collector-*.rpm

3.13.2 Rolling Back Processing Engine Systems

Do the following:

  1. Login to the remote Processing Engine system as root. Within the /root/old directory, unzip the or distribution zip file, and go to the directory containing the application files. Issue the following commands:

    mkdir /root/old
    cd /root/old
    unzip <path to distribution file>/Vxxx.zip
  2. Restore the processor database backup you created during the upgrade.

  3. Remove the RPMs by issuing the following commands as root:

    L=$(rpm -qa | grep ^ux-) 
    rpm -e $L

3.14 Changes to KPIs with Release

This section outlines changes to performance management with this release.

3.14.1 KPI Threshold Profiles

RUEI introduced a new feature, the ability to create and edit KPI treshold profiles and associate those profiles with KPIs. This is described in the Controlling the Reporting of Monitored Traffic chapter of the RUEI User's Guide. In previous releases KPI automatic (or auto-learnt) targets were evaluated over a period of 30 days, and a sampling window of 180 minutes. After upgrading, all KPIs are associated with a system default profile which is set to these values. You can edit this default profile or create a new profile and associate KPIs with different settings.

3.14.2 KPIs based on the User Flow Success Ratio metric

The User Flow Success Ratio (txn-success-ratio) KPI metric was deprecated with the release of RUEI, however it was available up to this release. With Release and later, this KPI metric is no longer available. If you are upgrading to and you use this metric, note the following:

  • Any KPIs based on this metric will be deleted.

  • Historic data for KPIs based on this metric is not removed and can still be viewed.

  • During the upgrade process a message similar to the following is displayed:

    warning - Found unsupported KPI "My Category > My User Flow Success Ratio" 
    with metric "txn-success-ratio" 
    warning - This KPI cannot be converted and will be deleted

Footnote Legend

Footnote 1: This line requires customization based on your database version and installation path.
Footnote 2: This line requires customization based on your database version and installation path.