17 Calendar Server Command-Line Utilities

This chapter provides information about the Oracle Communications Calendar Server command-line utilities.

Overview of the Command-Line Utilities

You use the davadmin command to administer Calendar Server. The davadmin command is installed in the CalendarServer_home/sbin directory with user or group bin/bin permissions.


The davadmin command-line command administers aspects of the server and does not affect any LDAP entries.

davadmin Security

The davadmin command requires you to authenticate with a user name and password to be able to communicate with the server or database. You can use the davadmin passfile operation to store the necessary passwords in an encrypted wallet for use by subsequent davadmin commands. If you do not store passwords in the wallet, then you must enter them by using a no-echo prompt on the command line. See "davadmin passfile" for more information on how to create a file to store passwords.

Environment Variables

Table 17-1 describes the environment variables that you can use with the various davadmin commands.

Table 17-1 davadmin Environment Variable

Environment Variable Description


Specifies the path to the bootstrap file. Can be used instead of the -F option.


Specifies the account information. Can be used instead of the -a account option.

davadmin Utility

Use the davadmin utility to administer Calendar Server.



General Syntax

davadmin [ operation [ action ]] [ option1 ] [ option2 ] ...


  • operation is the davadmin operation to run. See "davadmin Operations" for more information.

  • action is the action that the specified operation performs, such as create, delete, list, and modify. Specifying an action is optional for certain operations.

  • option is one or more command-line options that identify information that the operation needs and the specifics of what the operation does. For example, some options provide connection parameters, and the -o option specifies a configuration parameter that the config operation may list or modify. All options are optional if the clifile is used and accessed through the environment variable DAVADMIN_CLIFILE.

You can abbreviate an operation, an action, or both as long as they are unique in the command. For example, for the command davadmin config list, you can enter davadmin c l.

The default action for most commands is list. The default is used when you do not specify the action. For example, the following command lists the value of the base.ldapinfo.cachesize configuration parameter.

davadmin config -o base.ldapinfo.cachesize


All words used for operations, actions, and options, and the components of property=value, are case-sensitive, typically lower-case.

Ways to Provide Options

You can provide options to the davadmin command by:

  • Using the command line

  • Using the clifile

  • Including them in davadmin.properties file

Any user can create a clifile. Only the administrative user can use the davadmin.properties file. The davadmin.properties file is installed in the CalendarServer_home/config directory.

When you run the davadmin command, any option that you include on the command line takes precedence over any like option in the clifile or the davadmin.properties file. Use of the clifile or the davadmin.properties file is mutually exclusive. If you use the clifile, use it for any option that is not on the command line. If you run the davadmin command as the administrative user and do not supply a clifile, the davadmin.properties file is used for any option that is not on the command line.

The davadmin.properties file contains options for userid, hostname, port, secure, dbhost, dbport, and dbuserid.

Clifile Properties

Table 17-2 describes the possible properties in the bootstrap file (clifile).

Table 17-2 Clifile Properties

Property Description


The application server administrator user ID.


Use the password file. Unless this property is empty, 'n', 'no' or 'false', the password file is used.


Server host name.


The application server administration port (JMX port).


Path to the truststore file used for a secure connection (HTTPS).


MySQL Server or Oracle Database user ID.


Host name where the database server resides.


Host name where the database server resides.


Port on dbhost for access to the database.


Specifies the name of the DAV store to be saved or updated.


Specifies the document store (remote store specified as host:port or local store by fully qualified path to root of document store)


Administrative user to authenticate to Calendar Server 6 host.


Server and port information to connect to the Calendar Server 6 host from which data needs to be migrated. The format is host:port.

Common Options

Table 17-3 describes the options that are common to all davadmin operations.

Table 17-3 Common Options

Short Option Long Option Description Required or Optional

-u adminuserid


MySQL Server or Oracle Database user ID for db commands, the application server Administrator user ID for all other commands.

Required unless you provide it through a CLI file by using the -F option, or you are displaying usage by using the -h option.



Get passwords from the password file. You use the The davadmin passfile command to create the password file. You can add passwords for the application server administrative user, the migration server user, the database, and the document store.

Optional. If the password file does not exist or does not contain the needed password, you are prompted for the password.

-F file


File with bootstrap information that you use to specify command-line options so that they do not have to be entered at the command line. Each line in the bootstrap file is in the form property=value. All property names and values are case-sensitive, typically lower-case. Some commands also have a -f, --file option, which provides additional batch input specific to those commands. For possible properties see the "Clifile Properties" table.

Required unless all necessary information is provided on the command line or in the davadmin.properties file. See "Ways to Provide Options" for more information on priority order of options, the clifile and the davadmin.properties file. A path to the clifile file can also be specified by the DAVADMIN_CLIFILE environment variable.

-H host


Server host name.

Optional. Defaults to localhost.

-p port


The application server administration port (JMX connector port) and MySQL Server or Oracle Database port for db commands. The application server administration port can be found in the domain's domain.xml file or in the Administration Console (Configuration->Admin Service->system).

Optional. Defaults to 3306 for db commands and 8686 for other commands.

-s path


Path to the truststore file used for a secure connection (HTTPS).

Optional. Required if the application server is running in secure mode. Not applicable for db commands.



Verbose output. Mostly used if a command returns an error.




Quiet mode for scripts.




Help for that particular operation.




Lists version of davadmin utility. (Checks the local package version on disk, which could be different than what has been deployed to the application server, for example, in the case where a patch was added but the init-config command has not yet been run.)

Optional. Usable only by itself and not with other options.

Each operation also has its own specific options, as shown in the following sections.

davadmin Operations

Table 17-4 describes the davadmin operations.

Table 17-4 davadmin Class of Operations

Argument Description


Displays version of the server. The application server is queried for the version of Calendar Server deployed.


Performs operations that affect the entire user or resource account.


Adds information for an additional back-end calendar store.


Performs operations on various Calendar Server caches.


Performs calendar collection operations, such as create a collection, modify a collection, or delete a collection.


Performs resource operations, such as listing resources that meet a specified criteria, importing resources, or deleting resources.


Performs configuration operations, such as print a particular option, set a particular option, or list all options. Some configuration operations require that you restart Calendar Server. The davadmin config modify command informs you if the change requires you to restart Calendar Server to take effect. To stop and start Calendar Server, see "Stopping and Starting Calendar Server Services" for details.


Performs database related operations, like backing up and restoring the database.


Performs ldappool operations, including creating, listing, and modifying LDAP pools.


Performs migration of Calendar Server 6 data to Calendar Server Server 7 Update 1 and greater.


Creates, deletes, lists, or modifies passwords in the password file.


Performs virus scanning operations.

Each operation takes various command-line options. The common options used by all davadmin operations are described in Table 17-3.


Any option value that contains special characters or spaces must be enclosed in quotes ("") so that it is passed "as is" to the davadmin command. For example:
davadmin config modify -o base.ldapinfo.ugldap.binddn -v "cn=Directory Manager"


If a portion of an option that is enclosed in quotes also needs to be quoted, you must use single quotes around that portion. For example:
davadmin calendar modify -n calendar -y "displayname='A new calendar name',acl=@:r"

Tool-Only Options

Two options, -V and -h, can be used without any operation specified. The -V option prints the version of the command-line utility. The -h option prints the general usage.

Exit Code

The tool exits with exit code 0 on success and 1 on failure.

davadmin account

Use this command to perform operations that affect the entire user or resource account.


davadmin account [ create | delcomponents | delete | list | modify |
                   repair | subscribe | unsubscribe | upgrade ]
                 [-p port] [-s path] [-a account] [-g uniqueid (delete only)]
                 [-y property=value[,property=value...]] [-f file]
                 [-B ldapbaseuri] [-R ldapfilter] [-d days]
                 [-c collection_path | -C collections_file_path]
                 [-m] [-o] [-D] [-v (list only)] [-e] [-r] [-q] [-h]

account Operation

Table 17-5 describes the actions for the account operation.

Table 17-5 Actions for account Operation

Command Description


Creates an account for user who has been provisioned in the LDAP Directory Server. The user must have an email address.


Deletes components from all of the calendars belonging to an account or a set of accounts. Use the -d option to specify deletion of all components older than this number of days.


Deletes an account.


Lists properties of an account. The list command displays managed calendars for an account. These are all the calendars for which the account is the owner or has "all" rights. Also, list displays the users' subscribed calendars list. list is the default action, if it is not included on the command line, for most commands. You can use the davadmin account list command without the -a option to list all current users in the Calendar Server database. You can get either a simple list, which contains one user per line, or a detailed list, which contains complete information about the user's account. The options affected by this change are -a, -f, -B, and -v.


Modifies an account.


Repairs the user's email address in the database entries after an LDAP email change occurs. When used with the -o option, repair updates the owner lists of all accounts.


Subscribe to a calendar belonging to another user. That other user must grant the requesting user access before this can be done.


Remove a calendar from a user's subscription list.

Options for account Operation

Table 17-6 describes the options for the account operation.

Table 17-6 Options for account Operation

Short Option Long Option Description

-a account


Required. Principal account information provided as email address. You can also supply the account information with the DAVADMIN_ACCOUNT environment variable.

-y property


Comma-separated list of all property=value options for the specified calendar. Possible properties include:

acl - The scheduling privileges set on the account. See "Administering Calendar Server Access" for more information about ACLs.

set-ace - Sets one or more individual ACEs in the ACL. A semicolon separated list of ACEs.

remove-ace - Removes one or more individual ACEs from the ACL. A semicolon separated list of ACE principals. ACE principals are in the form: @, @domain,group@domain, or user@domain.

notifemail - Email notification enable flag. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled

notifrecipients - Recipients of email notifications. Multiple values are separated by a space.

delegate_notifaddr - Accounts that are delegates for this account. Multiple values are separated by a space.

owner - The new owner of the resource. This option is not available for user owned accounts. owner updates the owner lists of the old owner and the new owner with the right list of resource accounts they own.

attendanceflag - Flag controlling behavior on invitation. Possible values are:

0 - no autoaccept, no booking conflict check, no recurrence check on invitations.

1 - autoaccept invitations

2 - autodecline if invitation results in booking conflict.

3 - autoaccept invitation and autodecline on booking conflict.

4 - autodecline recurring meeting invitations.

5 - autoaccept invitations and autodecline recurring meeting invitations

6 - autodecline recurring invitations and invitations that cause a booking conflict.

7 - autoaccept invitations, autodecline recurring invitations and invitations that cause a booking conflict.



Local input file with one line for each account, for batch operation. Each line has the format user:properties, where properties is a comma-separated list of property settings as specified in the -y option.



Base URI in LDAP.



User search filter in LDAP. Default is (objectClass=icsCalendarUser)



Force the operation (do not prompt for confirmation).



Displays davadmin account usage help.



The full path of a collection to be added to a user's subscription list, with the last part of the URI being the internal name of the collection, for example: /home/user@example.com/1468525830289-0/. Be sure to include the / at the end of the path.



The full path to a file which holds full paths of collections to be added to a user's subscription list. Each line is a path. For example: /home/user2@example.com/1468525830289-0/

Table 17-7 describes the options for the delete operation.

Table 17-7 Options for delete Operation

Short Option Long Option Description

-a account


Required. Principal account information provided as email address. You can also supply the account information with the DAVADMIN_ACCOUNT environment variable.



Number of days. Delete the components older than these many number of days. Applies only to the davadmin account delcomponents command.

-g uniqueID


The principal account described by the database uniqueID, if -a fails. Normally you run davadmin account delete while the user is still defined in LDAP, so the higher level delete functionality can identify the user. In the incorrect case where the user is no longer in LDAP and the normal command fails due to User Not Found, you can delete the user's database data by specifying -g uniqueID, where uniqueID is the user's old LDAP uniqueID. Only use -g when users are no longer defined in LDAP.

Table 17-8 describes the options for the repair operation.

Table 17-8 Options for repair Operation

Short Option Long Option Description Default?



Repairs the user's email address after an email change. Valid only for the repair action. Specify users with either the -a or -f options.




Updates the owner lists of all accounts. Valid only for the repair action.

Yes (when used with the -D option)



New domain name if mail address change includes change in domain due to moving user from one domain to another. Valid only for the repair action.


Table 17-9 describes the options for the davadmin account list command.

Table 17-9 davadmin account list Options

Short Option Long Option Output Comments



The detailed account information for this user. If the user is not in the database, the system displays an "Unknown user:" message.

The DAVADMIN_ACCOUNT environment variable, if set, is not used in place of the -a option. If -a is not supplied on the command line, a list of all users in the database will be displayed.



A list of the users in the file. The system displays an "Unknown user:" tag before the names of users in the file that are not in the database.

No comments.



Base URI in LDAP. Searches LDAP for a set of users and then displays the users from that list that exist in the database.

No comments.



Detailed information is displayed about each of the users in the database.

Used with the -f and -B options.

davadmin account Examples

  • To list the account for a user:

    davadmin account list -a john.smith@example.com


    The davadmin account list command shows only the calendar internal name. The davadmin calendar list command shows both the calendar display name and internal name.
  • To create an account for user1@example.com:

    davadmin account create -a user1@example.com
  • To create an account for user1 under the LDAP base o=isp (the user has to be previously provisioned in LDAP):

    davadmin account create -B "o=isp" -R "uid=user1"
  • To create an account for all users whose uid starts with "user1" (the users have to be previously provisioned in LDAP) and have all of their notifemail properties set to disabled:

    davadmin account create -B "o=isp" -R "uid=user1*" -y "notifemail=0"
  • To create the calendar account with default calendar for a provisioned resource:

    davadmin account create -a resource1@example.com
  • To delete an account:

    davadmin account delete -a john.smith@example.com


    This deletes the account from the calendar database. To completely remove the account from LDAP, see "Removing Calendar Users".
  • To delete a user's calendar entries, with all events and todos prior to and including today:

    davadmin account delcomponents -a caluser31@example.com -d 0
  • To set the scheduling rights on John Smith's account to allow Jane Doe to schedule events and all other users to just do free busy checks:

    davadmin account modify -a john.smith@example.com -y acl="jane.doe@example.com:s;@:f"
  • To clear a resource's owner field:

    davadmin account modify -a resource1@example.com -y owner=""

    After running this command, the resource then has no owner.

  • To repair the owner list for a resource account:

    davadmin account repair -o -a calresource@example.com
  • To repair the user's account (caluser1) after user has been migrated from domain dept1.example.com to dept2.example.com:

    davadmin account repair -m -D dept2.example.com -a caluser1@dept1.example.com
  • To set the value of two individual ACEs in the ACL:

    davadmin account modify -a user30@example.com -y set-ace="user19@example.com:s;user20@example.com:f"
  • To remove an individual ACE from the ACL:

    davadmin account modify -a user30@example.com -y remove-ace=user19@example.com
  • To create two accounts and set their properties by using an input file:

    Input File:



    davadmin account create -f input_file.txt
  • To modify the previous two accounts and set their properties by using an input file:

    davadmin account modify -f input_file.txt

davadmin backend

Use this command to add information for an additional back-end calendar store.


davadmin backend [ create | list | purge ]
                 [-u id] [-W] [-F clifile] [-H hostname]
                 [-p port] [-s path] [-n name] [-j jndiname]
                 [-d dbdir | [-S ashost] [-P asport]
                 [-e] [-q] [-h]

backend Operation

Table 17-10 describes the actions for the backend operation.

Table 17-10 Actions for backend Operation

Command Description


Configures a new back-end calendar store configuration on the front end.


Lists the back-end calendar store(s). This is the default action if not included on the command line.


Immediately purges calendar data marked for expiration from Calendar Server back-end database(s).

Options for backend Operation

Table 17-11 describes the options for the backend operation.

Table 17-11 Options for backend Operation

Short Option Long Option Description Required or Optional



Name of the backend.

Required for create command.



The JNDI name of the JDBC resource of the back end.

Required for create command.



The path to the local document store directory.

Required for create command and if document store is local.



The host name of the remote document store.

Required for create command and if document store is remote.



The port number of the remote document store.

Required for create command and if document store is remote.

davadmin backend Examples

  • To list the back ends:

    davadmin backend list -u admin
  • To create a new back end with a local document store:

    davadmin backend create -u admin -n store1 -j jdbc/store1 -d /var/cs7/store1
  • To create a new back end with a remote document store:

    davadmin backend create -u admin -n store2 -j jdbc/store2 -S store-2.example.com -P 8008


    The davadmin backend create command alone is not enough to completely configure a new back-end store. See "Managing Calendar Server" for more information on configuring multiple Calendar Server back-end hosts.
  • To immediately purge calendar data that has been marked for expiration from the default back end:

    davadmin backend purge -u admin -n defaultbackend

davadmin cache

Use this command to perform operations on various Calendar Server caches.


davadmin cache [ clear ]
               [-u id] [-W] [-F clifile] [-H hostname]
               [-p port] [-s path] [-t cache]
               [-d dbdir | [-S ashost] [-P asport]
               [-e] [-q] [-h]

cache Operation

Table 17-12 describes the action for davadmin cache command.

Table 17-12 Action for cache Operation

Command Description


Clears the various Calendar Server caches.

Options for the cache Operation

Table 17-13 describes the option for the cache operation.

Table 17-13 Option for cache Operation

Short Option Long Option Description



Optional. Comma-separated list of caches, possible values are:

  • acl - ACL string cache corresponding to a URI and LDAP subject entry corresponding to each calendar collection. Otherwise cleared according to the configuration options of davcore.acl.aclcachesize and davcore.acl.aclcachettl.

  • domainmap - Cache of information on domains retrieved from LDAP. Otherwise cleared according to the configuration options of base.ldapinfo.cachesize and base.ldapinfo.cachettl.

  • ldapauth - Cache of logged-in principals' login ID and passwords (encrypted). Otherwise cleared according to the configuration options of base.ldapinfo.cachesize and base.ldapinfo.cachettl.

  • uri - Cache mapping LDAP subjects and URIs. Otherwise cleared according to the configuration options of davcore.uriinfo.ldapcachesize and davcore.uriinfo.ldapcachettl.

davadmin calendar

Use this command to perform calendar collection operations, such as creating a collection, modifying a collection, or deleting a collection.


davadmin calendar [ create | modify | delete | list ]
                  [-u id] [-W] [-F clifile] [-H hostname]
                  [-p port] [-s path] [-a account] [-n name] [-v]
                  [-y property=value[,property=value...]] [-f file]
                  [-r] [-e] [-q] [-h]

calendar Operation

Table 17-14 describes the actions for the calendar operation.

Table 17-14 Actions for calendar Operation

Command Description


Creates a calendar collection. Autocreates the account, if it does not exist.


Modifies a calendar collection.


Deletes a calendar collection.


Lists an account's calendars or details of a particular calendar (if the -n option is provided). This is the default action if not included on the command line.

Options for calendar Operation

Table 17-15 describes the options for the calendar operation.

Table 17-15 Options for calendar Operation

Short Option Long Option Description

-a account


Required. Principal account information provided as email address. You can also supply the account information with the DAVADMIN_ACCOUNT environment variable.

-n collection


The calendar collection display name.

In addition to the display, name, the system creates a unique internal name for the calendar. The display name is used for the -n option in all calendar commands. To view both the internal and display names for a calendar, use the davadmin calendar list command.

If you use both -n collection and -y displayname=value in the same command, they must be the same.

-y property


Comma-separated list of all property=value options for the specified calendar. Possible properties include:

set-ace - Specifies a semicolon separated list of ACEs to add or modify to the calendar permissions (ACL).

remove-ace - Specifies a semicolon separated list of ACE principals that are to be removed from the calendar permissions (ACL). The ACE principal is the user, group, domain, or all portion of the ACE not including the ":" and permission.

displayname - The calendar name. Defaults to the name given with the -n option.

calendar-description - Description string. No default.

supported-calendar-component-set - Space-separated list of supported components. The default is VEVENT VTODO VFREEBUSY. This option is only available for creation of secondary calendars. It cannot be used for creation of the default calendar.

wcaptzid - The time zone tzid set on the calendar, for example, America/Los_Angeles.

acl - The access control string set on the calendar. See "Administering Calendar Server Access" for more information about ACLs.

-f file


Local commands input file for batch operation. Each line has colon-separated entries for account information, calendar name, and property list. For example:

user1@example.com:testcal:calendar-description=user1's test cal



Displays davadmin calendar usage help.

davadmin calendar Examples

  • To create an additional calendar with the given name for the specified user account:

    davadmin calendar create -a john.smith@example.com -n mypersonalcalendar

    The name, which is a required parameter, builds the new calendar's URI and sets its display name. This is the name that would be used for the -n option for any further davadmin calendar commands. This cannot be changed. The display name can be modified later by using the davadmin calendar modify command with the -y displayname option.

  • To list a summary of the calendar specified by name:

    davadmin calendar list -a john.smith@example.com -n mypersonalcalendar


    The davadmin calendar list command shows both the calendar display name and internal name. The davadmin account list command shows only the calendar internal name.
  • To delete a calendar specified by name:

    davadmin calendar delete -a john.smith@example.com -n mypersonalcalendar
  • To set the access rights on John Smith's default calendar to give Jane Doe all rights and only read rights to everyone else:

    davadmin calendar modify -a john.smith@example.com -n calendar -y acl="jane.doe@example.com:a;@:r"

davadmin calcomponent

Use this command to perform resource operations, such as listing resources that meet a specified criteria, importing resources, or deleting resources.


davadmin calomponent [ list | delete | import | export ]
                     [-u id] [-W] [-F clifile] [-H hostname]
                     [-p port] [-s path] [-a account] [-n name]
                     [-y property=value[,property=value...]] [-i uri]
                     [-m path | -x path] [-l logpath] [-t yes | no]
                     [-e] [-r] [-q] [-h]

calcomponent Operation

Table 17-16 describes the actions for the calcomponent operation.

Table 17-16 Actions for calcomponent Operation

Command Description


Displays a summary of all of the resources in a calendar or the specifics of one resource. This is the default action if not included on the command line.


Deletes a resource or all of the resources in a calendar.


Imports resource data into a calendar.


Exports resource data from a calendar.

Options for calcomponent Operation

Table 17-17 describes the options for the calcomponent operation.

Table 17-17 Options for calcomponent Operation

Short Option Long Option Description

-a account


Required. Principal account information provided as email address. You can also supply the account information with the DAVADMIN_ACCOUNT environment variable.

-n collection


The calendar collection display name.

In addition to the display, name, the system creates a unique internal name for the calendar. The display name is used for the -n option in all calendar commands. To view both the internal and display names for a calendar, use the davadmin calendar list command.

-y property


Comma-separated list of all property=value options for specified calendar. Possible properties include:type - The component type or types. Possible values are VEVENT and/or VTODO. If you use both VEVENT and VTODO, enclose them in double quotes and separate them with a space.start - The start of a time range used in the search. The format of this value is yyyymmddThhmmssZ. This value is in Zulu time. (The T is a separator between the day and time.)end - The end of a time range used in the search. The format of this value is yyyymmddThhmmssZ. This value is in Zulu time. (The T is a separator between the day and time.)



Displays davadmin calcomponent usage help.



Internal name of the component as shown by the calcomponent list command.



Forces a delete operation so that you are not prompted for confirmation. This option is generally needed for scripts.



Path to the file on the server machine, containing data to be imported.



Path to the file where the exported data is to be stored.



Path to where the log directory is located. The davadmin calcomponent import command enables the import to continue even if an error occurs on an item being imported.

-t yes | no


For the export command, exports the attachment inline. The default is yes.

davadmin calcomponent Examples

  • To list the calendar resources in the user's default calendar:

    davadmin calcomponent list -a john.smith@example.com
  • To display the contents of a particular calendar resource:

    davadmin calcomponent list -a john.smith@example.com -i 23454-333-3-3333.ics
  • To list only a calendar's tasks:

    davadmin calcomponent list -a john.smith@example.com -y type=VTODO
  • To list all calendar resources from March 3, 2009 through March 4, 2009:

    davadmin calcomponent list -a john.smith@example.com -y start=20090303T070000Z,end=20090305T065959Z
  • To delete the event resources from March 3, 2009 through March 4, 2009, assuming that the local time zone is Pacific Time:

    davadmin calcomponent delete -a john.smith@example.com -y type=VEVENT,start=20090303T070000Z,end=20090305T065959Z
  • To delete a user's calendar entries, with some start/end date range:

    davadmin calcomponent delete -a caluser31@example.com -y start=20090701T000000Z,end=20090720T000000Z

davadmin config

Use this command to perform configuration operations, such as display a particular parameter, set a particular parameter, or list all parameters. Some configuration operations require that you restart Calendar Server. The davadmin config modify command informs you if the change requires you to restart Calendar Server to take effect.


davadmin config [ list | modify ]
                [-u id] [-W] [-F clifile] [-H hostname]
                [-p port] [-s path] [-o property] [-v value]
                [-d] [-f file] [-e] [-q] [-h] [-M]

config Operation

Table 17-18 describes the actions for the config operation.

Table 17-18 Actions for config Operation

Command Description


Lists all configuration settings. This is the default action if not included on the command line.


Modifies a configuration setting.

Options for config Operation

Table 17-19 describes a list of options for config operations that can be provided, unless you are displaying usage by using the -h option. See "Calendar Server Configuration Parameters" for the complete list of configuration parameters.

Table 17-19 Options for config Operation

Short Option Long Option Description

-o option


Configuration option name. Gets the optional value if specified without -v. Sets the option value if specified with a -v.

-v value


Configuration option value.

-f file


Local file with list of configuration option=value entries for setting. Pay attention to backslashes included in this input file. Backslashes are treated as an escape character for the next character in the line. For a single backslash to be properly interpreted in a string, you must precede each backslash with another backslash; that is, use an additional backslash. For example, to include the string "^/principals/\z", you would use "^/principals/z". This is due to the way that Java reads in properties files. For more information, see the load(Reader reader) method of the java.util.Properties class at: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/index.html



Lists the modified configuration properties (non-default values).



Sets the value to the default when used with the modify action. Lists the default value when used with the list action.



Description of config option if specified with -o. Otherwise, usage of davadmin config.

davadmin config Examples

  • To show all configuration parameters:

    davadmin config list
  • To show all configuration parameters (prior to Calendar Server 7 Update 2):

    davadmin config -l
    davadmin config (since list is default)
  • To show the current setting for the error log:

    davadmin config -o log.dav.errors.loglevel
  • To set the error log to accept "finest" messages:

    davadmin config modify -o log.dav.errors.loglevel -v FINEST
  • To list the default setting:

    davadmin config list -o davcore.acl.defaultschedulingacl -d -u admin 
    Enter Admin password: 
    davcore.acl.defaultschedulingacl: @:s 
  • To modify to the default setting:

    davadmin config modify -o davcore.acl.defaultschedulingacl -d -u admin 
    Enter Admin password: 
    davadmin config list -o davcore.acl.defaultschedulingacl  -u admin 
    Enter Admin password: 
    davcore.acl.defaultschedulingacl: @:s 

davadmin db

Use this command to perform database related operations, such as backing up and restoring the database, and upgrading the database schema.

Unlike other davadmin commands that communicate with the application server, the davadmin db commands communicate directly with the back-end database, and thus require that you specify the database host name, port, and password.

Although the davadmin db commands are not related to the application server like the other davadmin commands, davadmin db commands do still use parameter values in the davadmin.properties file if applicable.

Because each database back end is associated with a database host name, port, document store, and so on, in a multiple back-end deployment, use a unique clifile (specified with the -F option) for each back end in the deployment.

In a non-default deployment or multiple back-end deployment, properly define options such as (-d database) and (-u dbuser), which might need to use specific and not default values.


davadmin db [ backup | init | list | restore | schema_version |
              schema_fullupgrade | schema_preupgrade ] 
             [-h] [-e] [-W] [-t dbtype] [-H dbhost] [-p dbport] [-F clifile]
             [-u dbuserid]  [-d database] [-s truststore] [-b blockfactor] 
             [-D domain] [-a account_mail] [-T token] [-O] [-i path]
             [-c] [-A docstore] [-z preupgradefunction] [-k backup_file]

db Operation

Table 17-20 describes the actions for the davadmin db operation.

Table 17-20 Actions for db Operation

Command Description


Backs up a database.


Completely initializes the database.

Caution: All data will be lost.


List contents of a backup file. This is the default action if not included on the command line.


Restores the contents of a database.


Displays version information for the database, connector, and product schema number.


Provides an optional way to perform a full upgrade of the database schema. For more information about upgrading database schema and upgrading Calendar Server, see "Upgrading Calendar Server" in Calendar Server Installation and Configuration Guide.


Provides an optional way to perform a pre-upgrade on the database schema. For more information about upgrading database schema and upgrading Calendar Server, see "Upgrading Calendar Server" in Calendar Server Installation and Configuration Guide.


Do not run either the schema_fullupgrade or schema_preupgrade without fully understanding the impact on your Calendar Server deployment.

The davadmin db backup, list, and restore commands require that you specify the associated document store by using the -A option, or the docstore option in the clifile.


If you are using a remote document store, you must set the document store password on the Calendar Server host by using the davadmin passfile command and that password must match the one set for the remote document store. This password is used whenever the backup or restore commands access the remote document store.

Options for db Operation

Table 17-21 describes the options for the db operation (in addition to the common options).

Table 17-21 Options for db Operation

Short Option Long Option Description Available for Following Actions



Specifies the name of the DAV store to be saved or updated. The default is caldav. For MySQL Server, this is the database name. For Oracle Database, this is the network service name (not SID nor pdb name).

backup, restore, list



Specifies the database host. The default is localhost.




Specifies the database port. The default is 3306.




Specifies the database user. For MySQL Server, this is the connecting user name. For Oracle DB, this is the user/schema name.




Specifies the path of the file where the database information is to be saved. Required.

backup, restore, list



Specifies blocking factor used during backup. The default is 20.

backup, restore, list



Specifies the incremental backup token or start time in milliseconds.




Domain name for per domain backup.




User account email value for per user backup.




Specifies the internal path for partial list or restore.

restore, list



Lists the resources and header.




Specifies the document store (remote store specified as host:port or local store by fully qualified path to root of document store).

backup, restore, list



Specifies the type of database, either mysql or oracle. The default is mysql.




Overwrites existing data.

backup, restore



Supplies the path to the trustStore file that contains the SSL certificate for secure communications with the remote document store.

backup, restore



Specifies to run the pre-upgrade function(s) on the database.

Caution: Do not run schema_preupgrade without fully understanding the impact on your Calendar Server deployment. For more information, see "Upgrading Calendar Server" in Calendar Server Installation and Configuration Guide.

The pre-upgrade functions are:

  • services-up - Executes all pre-upgrade functions that can be run with old services up. (Online DDL) Otherwise and most commonly, pre-upgrade functions must be run with services shut down.

  • services-down - Executes all pre-upgrade functions that cannot be run with services up.

  • all - Executes all available pre-upgrade functions. Services should be shut down.

For a list of available functions by release, see "Preupgrade Functions" in in Calendar Server Installation and Configuration Guide.

Unless otherwise specified, never run pre-upgrade functions with services up. In addition, always back up your database before upgrading.

Preupgrade functions are listed for each release. Some function names execute multiple preupgrade functions.


davadmin db Examples

  • To perform a full database backup:

    davadmin db backup -k backup_file
  • To perform a full backup for a particular user:

    davadmin db backup -k backup_file -a john.smith@example.com
  • To perform an incremental backup:

    davadmin db backup -k backup_file -T token obtained from last full backup
  • To perform a full backup for a particular domain:

    davadmin db backup -k backup_file -D sesta.com
  • To list the contents of the backup file:

    davadmin db list -c backup_file

    When the davadmin db list -c command retrieves backup file content, it goes through the checksums and is thus a way to verify the structure of the backup file itself.

  • To perform a restore from a backup file:

    davadmin db restore -k backup_file
  • To restore from a backup file and overwrite a calendar:

    davadmin db restore -O -e -W -k /export-filepath -i "hosted.domain/mail:given.surname@hosted.domain/" -H mysqlcalhost -A  matching_document_store_host:8007 > /log_output_file
  • To restore only the default 'calendar:'

    davadmin db restore -O -e -W -k /export-filepath -i "hosted.domain/mail:given.surname@hosted.domain/calendar/" -H mysqlcalhost -A  matching_document_store_host:8007 > /log_output_file
  • To restore only a calendar named Soccer:

    davadmin db restore -O -e -W -k /export-filepath -i "hosted.domain/mail:given.surname@hosted.domain/Soccer/" -H mysqlcalhost -A  matching_document_store_host:8007 > /log_output_file
  • To back up using SSL and the trustStore file:

    davadmin db backup -k /tmp/backup_file -O -A docstore_host.example.com:8008 -s /my_home/my_truststore -u mysql
  • To execute a database schema preupgrade:

    davadmin db schema_preupgrade -z preupgrade_function

    This command executes one preupgrade function. A preupgrade function is an upgrade change to the database, which can be run before the formal upgrade. This command does not change the database schema version.

  • To execute all available preupgrade functions:

    davadmin db schema_preupgrade -z all

    Prior to running this command, ensure that all services are shut down.

  • To execute all preupgrade functions that cannot be run with services down:

    davadmin db schema_preupgrade -z services-down

davadmin ldappool

Use this command to perform LDAP pool operations, including creating, listing, and modifying LDAP pools.


davadmin ldappool [ create | delete | list | modify ]
                  [-u id] [-W] [-F clifile] [-H hostname]
                  [-p port] [-s path] [-n poolname]
                  [-y property=value [,property=value...]] [-f file]
                  [-r] [-h]

ldappool Operations

Table 17-22 describes the actions for the ldappool operation.

Table 17-22 Actions for ldappool Operation

Command Description


Creates an LDAP pool and sets its configuration parameters.


Modifies the LDAP pool's configuration parameters.


Deletes an LDAP pool.


Lists an LDAP pool's configuration, or all LDAP pools' configuration. (This is the default action.)

Options for ldappool Operation

Table 17-23 describes the options for the ldappool operation.

Table 17-23 Options for ldappool Operation

Short Option Long Option Description

-n poolname


The name of the LDAP pool.

-y property


Comma-separated list of all property=value options for the specified LDAP pool. Properties are appended to base.ldappool.name to produce the configuration parameters for the LDAP pool. Possible properties include:

ldaphost - Space-delimited list of host names. Each host name can include a trailing colon and port number.

ldapport - Port number to which to connect. Ignored for any host name which includes a colon and port number.

ldapusessl - Use SSL to connect to the LDAP host. Value can be true or false.

binddn - Distinguished name to use when authenticating.

bindpassword - Password to use when authenticating.

ldappoolsize - Maximum number of connections for this pool.

ldaptimeout - Timeout, in seconds, for all LDAP operations.

ldappoolrefreshinterval - Length of elapsed time, in minutes, until the failover Directory Server reverts back to the primary Directory Server. If set to -1, no refresh occurs.

-f file


Local input file with one line for each account, for batch operation, containing lines in the form pool_name:property_list. The properties are the same ones available for the -y option. For delete operations, only pool_name is used.



Force the operation (do not prompt for confirmation).



Displays davadmin ldappool usage help.

davadmin ldappool Examples

  • To create an LDAP pool named myldap:

    davadmin ldappool create -n myldap -y "ldaphost=host1.example.com,ldapport=389,binddn='cn=Directory Manager',bindpassword=mypassword"
  • To update an LDAP pool by using properties from a file:

    davadmin ldappool modify -n myldap -f /tmp/update_pool.input
  • To delete an LDAP pool:

    davadmin ldappool delete -n myldap
  • To list all existing LDAP pools:

    davadmin ldappool list
  • To list the configuration parameters of a specific LDAP pool:

    davadmin ldappool list -n myldap

davadmin migration

Use this command to performs migration of Calendar Server 6 data to Oracle Communications Calendar Server.

For more information on migrating from Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 to Oracle Communications Calendar Server, see Calendar Server Installation and Configuration Guide.


davadmin migration [ migrate | status ]
                   [-u id] [-W] [-H hostname]
                   [-p port] [-s path] [-a account]
                   [-X migrationadminuser] [-F clifile] [-f file] 
                   [-L migrationserverport] [-S] [-B ldapbaseuri] [-R ldapfilter]
                   [-T starttime] [-l logpath] [-c] [-G tag] [-h]

migration Operation

Table 17-24 describes the actions for the migration operation.

Table 17-24 Actions for migration Operation

Action Description


Migrates the specified user(s).


Gets the current status of the migration operation.

The migration option supports all davadmin common options. The default action for migration is migrate.

Options for migration Operation

Table 17-25 describes the options for the migration operation.

Table 17-25 Options for migration Operation

Short Option Long Option Description Required



Principal account information of the user to be migrated, provided as email address.

Required unless batch mode is used and account information provided in files, or ldapfilter used.



Administrative user to authenticate to Calendar Server 6 host.

Required unless information is provided in clifile.



Server and port information to connect to the Calendar Server 6 host from which data needs to be migrated. The format is server:port.

Required unless information is provided in clifile.

-l log-directory


Logs information about the migration status.

Optional. Defaults to the Calendar Server log directory.



Local input file for batch operation. Each line contains the email address for an account.

Optional if using the -a option for single user migration, or an LDAP base URL is provided by using the -B option.



Use SSL when making client connections.




Base URL in LDAP. All users under the URL are migrated.

Required if -a or -f options are not specified.



User search filter in LDAP. Default is objectclass=icsCalendarUser.




Start date for events and tasks to be migrated. The format of this value is yyyymmddThhmmssZ. This value is in Zulu time. (The T is a separator between the day and time.)




Captures trace information and details regarding the migration.

Optional. Useful if migration fails but produces a large amount of output.



Log tag to use to check status. This is the path to the master log file that is output when the migration command is executed.

Required for status check.



Usage of davadmin migration.


For more information, see the topic on migration logging in Calendar Server Installation and Configuration Guide.

The clifile that is provided through the -F option can be used to provide entries for migrationadminuser, migrationadminpassword, and migrationserverport. The long option for -x is --migrationadminpasswordpath, a path to the password file, but the entry in the clifile is migrationadminpassword, because it is just a password.

davadmin migration Examples

  • To perform a migration of user1's calendar (prior to Calendar Server 7 Update 2):

    davadmin migration -X calmaster -x /admin/calmaster_pwd -L cs6host.example.com:8080 -a user1@example.com -u admin -W /admin/appserver_pwd -s /admin/truststore -t /admin/truststore_pwd
  • To perform a migration of a list of users using the clifile for most of the input values (prior to Calendar Server 7 Update 2):

    davadmin migration -f /admin/user_list -F /admin/mig_clifile

    Where user_list contains:


    and the mig_clifile contains:

  • To find the users to migrate based on an LDAP base URI and an LDAP filter (uid):

    davadmin migration migrate -B "o=isp" -R "uid=c*" -X calmaster -L cs6host.example.com:8080 -u admin
  • To find the users to migrate based on an LDAP base URI and an LDAP filter (object class):

    davadmin migration migrate -B "ou=people,o=example.com,o=isp" -R "objectclass=icscalendaruser" -X calmaster -L cs6host.example.com:8080 -u admin

davadmin passfile

Use this command to create, delete, list, or modify passwords in the password file.

When running the davadmin command, instead of having to enter passwords at the no-echo prompt, you can supply passwords by using the password file. The password file is an encrypted "wallet," which holds all passwords that davadmin might use.


davadmin migration [ create | delete | list | modify ]
                   [-u id] [-W] [-F clifile] [-H hostname]
                   [-p port] [-s path] [-h] [-O]

passfile Operation

Table 17-26 describes the actions for the davadmin passfile operation.

Table 17-26 Actions for passfile Operation

Action Description


Creates the password file. If it already exists, modifies it.


Deletes passwords in the password file. For each password, you are asked if it should be removed.


Displays all passwords in the password file.


Modifies passwords in the password file.

The default action is list.

Options for passfile Operation

Table 17-27 describes the option for the passfile operation.

Table 17-27 Option for passfile Operation

Option Description


Run the passfile command in standalone mode when access to the Calendar Server is not needed. This is used when setting, deleting, and listing the document store password and SSL passwords on the remote document store host.

The passfile operation is available for the create, delete, list, and modify actions.

davadmin passfile Examples

  • To modify the migration administrative password and add the document store password:

    davadmin passfile modify 
    Enter the Password File password: 
    Do you want to set the app server admin user password (y/n)? [n] n 
    Do you want to set the database password (y/n)? [n] 
    Do you want to set the migration server user password (y/n)? [n] y 
    Enter the migration server user password: 
    Reenter the migration server user password: 
    Do you want to set the document store password (y/n)? [n] y 
    Enter the document store password: 
    Reenter the document store password: 
    Do you want to set the document store SSL passwords (y/n)? [n] 
    Set new value for store.document.password. A server restart is required for this change to take effect.  
  • To remove the database administrative password:

    davadmin passfile delete 
    Enter the Password File password: 
    Do you want to remove the app server admin user password (y/n)? [n] 
    Do you want to remove the database password (y/n)? [n] y 
    Do you want to remove the migration server user password (y/n)? [n] 
    Do you want to remove the document store password (y/n)? [n] 
    Do you want to remove the document store SSL keystore password (y/n)? [n] 
    Do you want to remove the document store SSL certificate password (y/n)? [n]
  • To change the password for the remote document store on the remote host. This command must be run on the remote host:

    davadmin passfile modify -O 
    Enter the Password File password: 
    Do you want to set the document store password (y/n)? [n] y 
    Enter the document store password: 
    Reenter the document store password: 
    Do you want to set the document store SSL passwords (y/n)? [n]
  • To list all of the passwords:

    davadmin passfile list 
    Enter the Password File password: 
    The app server admin user password: theadminpass 
    The migration server user password: 
    The database password: thesqlpass 
    The document store password: thedocstorepass 
    The document store SSL keystore password: 
    The document store SSL certificate password:
  • To set the document store passwords used for SSL communications:

    davadmin passfile modify -O 
    Enter the Password File password: 
    Do you want to set the document store password (y/n)? [n] 
    Do you want to set the document store SSL passwords (y/n)? [n] y 
    Enter the document store SSL keystore password: 
    Reenter the document store SSL keystore password: 
    Enter the document store SSL certificate password: 
    Reenter the document store SSL certificate password:

davadmin vscan

Use this command to performs virus scanning operations.


davadmin vscan [ scan ]
               [-u id] [-W] [-H hostname]
               [-p port] [-s path]
               [-F clifile]
               [-n backendID] [-a account] [-B uri] [-R filter]
               [-T time] [-r] [-h]

vscan Operation

Table 17-28 describes the action for the vscan operation.

Table 17-28 Action for vscan Operation

Action Description


Scans calendar data for viruses.

The scan action is the default.

Options for vscan Operation

Table 17-29 describes the options for vscan operations.

Table 17-29 Options for vscan Operation

Short Option Long Option Description

-u id


The application server administrator's user name. Required unless you provide it through a CLI file by using the -F option, or you are displaying usage by using the -h option.

-F file


File with bootstrap information that you use to specify command-line options so that they do not have to be entered at the command line. Each line in the bootstrap file is in the form property=value. For possible properties, see Table 17-2. Required unless all necessary information is provided on the command line or in the davadmin.properties file. See Options Precedence for more information on priority order of options, the clifile and the davadmin.properties file. A path to the clifile file can also be specified by the DAVADMIN_CLIFILE environment variable.

-H host


Host name of the server. Optional, defaults to localhost.

-p port


The application server administration port (JMX connector port). The application server administration port can be found in the domain's domain.xml file or in the Administration Console (Configuration->Admin Service->system. Optional. Defaults to 8686.

-s path


Path to the truststore file used for a secure connection (HTTPS). Optional. Required if the application server is running in secure mode.

-a account


The account information (email address) of the user to be scanned.

-n backendid


The name of the target backendID.

-B uri


Base URI in LDAP.

-R filter


User search filter in LDAP. Default is (objectClass=icsCalendarUser).

-T time


Scan data entered into the server after this time. Format: yyyymmddThhmmssZ"



Force delete any data found as a positive hit during the virus scan. This overrides the davcore.virusscan.clivirusaction variable. So with davcore.virusscan.clivirusaction set to empty string (no delete) viruses are listed in the scan log after a scan. Then you can add a -r to the scan to delete offending data after review, without needing to change the virus scan configuration parameters.



Help for that particular operation. Optional.

For more information about how to set up and manage virus scanning, see "Configuring and Managing Virus Scanning".

davadmin vscan Examples

The davadmin vscan command operates through the application server, and can thus operate on any of the back ends configured with the specific Calendar Server. (There may very well only be one.)

  • To list the back ends:

    davadmin backend list -u admin

    Normally you would want to scan the "defaultbackend" since that is where calendar user's events and attachements are stored.

  • To scan the entire default back end:

    davadmin vscan scan -u admin -n "defaultbackend"
  • To scan a single user's data given their calendar server registered email address:

    davadmin vscan scan -u admin -a joe.smith@example.com
  • To use LDAP base and filter to specify one or more users to scan:

    davadmin vscan scan -u admin -n defaultbackend -B "o=dav" -R "uid=caluser12" 
    davadmin vscan scan -u admin -n defaultbackend -B "o=dav" -R "(|(uid=caluser222)(uid=caluser111))" 

    In this example, using just a uid filter might not be specific enough for multiple domains. Perhaps use ldapsearch to test filters if needed.

  • To scan data at or beyond February 14th, 2011, 1am Zulu:

    davadmin vscan scan -u admin -n defaultbackend -T 20110214T010000Z

    Specifying a -T only scans data at the specified time and later, and is a big time saver for ignoring older data already scanned. In the scan log, the time just before the scan began is printed at the end of the run so it can be used with the -T option in the next scan if no new virus rules are relevant.


The davadmin vscan command uses the same virus scan configuration as online virus scan, however it does not use the onlineenable variable. Thus, you can run command-line scans without needing to affect incoming data if desired.


The data and operations exposed by the MXBeans in the CalDAV server are accessible and modifiable by using JConsole. All Admin Beans can be found under com.sun.comms.davserver.adminutil.

AdminAccountMXBean Operation

Provides createAccounts, deleteAccounts, listAccounts, modifyAccounts, deleteCalComponents and fixAccountMail operations.

AdminBackendMXBean Operation

Provides createBackend and getBackends operations.

AdminCalComponentMXBean Operation

Provides getCalComponentInfo, getCalComponents, deleteCalComponents, importCalComponents and exportCalComponents operations.

AdminCalendarMXBean Operation

Provides createCalcollection, modifyCalCollection, deleteCalCollection and getCalCollections operations.

AdminConfigMBean Operation

You use the getConfigParam and setConfigParam operations to get and set configuration options. The AllConfigParams operation provides a list of the configuration parameters. The value in JConsole is displayed as a "java.lang.String[]" array and double-clicking this field shows the individual parameters. The getConfigParamDescription operation is used to get a detailed description of a parameter.

AdminMigrationMXBean Operation

Provides checkStatus and migrate operations.

AdminMiscMXBean Operation

The version attribute of this MBean provides the server version.


This is the super class for all Admin...MXBeans. It provides the checkConnection operation.

Starting the Application Server in Secure Mode

If the application server is running in a secure mode, JConsole needs to be started with the truststorepath (-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore) and optionally truststorepassword (-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword) passed in.

Summary of davadmin Changes by Release

Topics in this section:

Changes in Calendar Server 7 Update 1

  • The calresource operation has been renamed to calcomponent.

  • The migration operation has been added for migration of data from Calendar Server 6.3 to Calendar Server 7.

  • The account operation has been added to enable listing, deletion, and properties modification of user accounts.

  • The calendar operation has been enhanced to enable setting of more calendar properties.

Changes in Calendar Server 7 Update 2

  • The davadmin command has been made more secure in Calendar Server 7 Update 2 by the removal of the capability to "pass in" passwords by using a password file. All davadmin passwords must now be entered by typing in to a no-echo prompt.

  • The backend and vscan arguments have been added.

  • The dbhost property replaces the dbhostname property.

  • The create, delcomponents, and repair actions have been added to the account operation.

  • The config -l option has been removed. Use config list now.

  • The -t option has been added to the davadmin db command.

  • The list and modify actions have been added to the davadmin config command.

Changes in Calendar Server 7 Update 2 Patch 5

  • The davadmin command has also been updated to list calendars belonging to resource accounts owned by a user.

  • To clear a resource's owner field, run the davadmin account modify -a resource -y owner="" command.

  • The repair operation has been enhanced to include the -m option, to repair the user's email address after an email change, and the -o option, to update the owner lists of all accounts.

  • The list operation displays managed calendars for an account.

  • The davadmin calcomponent import command enables the import to continue even if an error occurs on an item being imported.

  • You can create a password file for use with the davadmin command to store administrator passwords for the GlassFish Server administrative user, the migration administrative user, and the database user.

Changes in Calendar Server 7 Update 3

  • The passfile option has been updated to accommodate setting a password on the local and remote document store.

  • A new command, davadmin ldappool, has been added to support LDAP pools (which are used in configuring external Directory Server authentication).

  • The davadmin account list command now displays a list of all users in the database and their details.

Changes in Calendar Server

  • The -v option to davadmin account list displays the details of each account at the same time.

  • The davadmin account command takes subscribe and unsubscribe actions, so that a Calendar Server administrator can subscribe or unsubscribe calendars for a user. The subscribe and unsubscribe actions take either a single collection path on the command line, specified by -c, or a set of collection paths in a file, specified by -C.

  • The davadmin config list -M command lists changed options only.

  • The davadmin config -d option sets the value to the default when used with the modify action. Additionally it lists the default value when used with the list action.

  • The davadmin account -y operation and davadmin -y calendar operation take the set-ace and remove-ace properties.

  • The davadmin db -s operation supplies the path to the trustStore file that contains the SSL certificate for secure communications with the remote document store.

  • You can now set account properties with the new account operation option by using an input file (-f option). Previously, the -f option used to only allow a user name per line. Now it allows a user name followed by properties for that user.

  • The davadmin account upgrade operation sets the next presence triggers for all existing events in the future. You must run davadmin account upgrade after upgrading from Calendar Server 7 Update 3 or prior releases for existing future events to have their presence triggers set.

  • The davadmin db backup, list, and restore commands now require that you specify the associated document store. You specify the document store by using the -A option, or the docstore option in the CLI file.

Changes in Calendar Server

  • The -v option to the davadmin calendar list -a user command displays a summary for all calendars belonging to the user.

Changes in Calendar Server

  • The davadmin db command now takes the schema_version, schema_fullupgrade, and schema_preupgrade operations.

Deprecated Options

Table 17-30 describes the deprecated davadmin common options and in what release the option was deprecated.

Table 17-30 Deprecated Common Option

Short Option Long Option Description Required or Optional

-W passfile

Removed in Calendar Server 7 Update 2. You are now prompted to enter the administrative password.


File containing MySQL password for db commands, the application server Administrator password for all other commands.

Required unless you provide the password by using the -F option or by displaying usage by using the -h option. If you don't provide this information, you are prompted for the password.

Table 17-31 describes the deprecated clifile properties and in what release the property was deprecated.

Table 17-31 Deprecated Clifile Properties

Property Description


The application server Administrator user ID.


Removed in Calendar Server 7 Update 2. You are now prompted to enter the administrative password.

The application server Administrator password.


Removed in Calendar Server 7 Update 2. You are now prompted to enter the administrative password.

MySQL database user password.


Removed in Calendar Server 7 Update 2. You are now prompted to enter the administrative password.

The Calendar Server 6 administrative password.

Table 17-32 describes the deprecated option for config operation option and in what release the option was deprecated.

Table 17-32 Deprecated Option for config Operation

Short Option Long Option Description


Removed in Calendar Server 7 Update 2. See the list action.


Lists all configuration options.

Table 17-33 describes the deprecated option for migration operation option and in what release the option was deprecated.

Table 17-33 Deprecated Option for migration Operation

Short Option Long Option Description Required


Removed in Calendar Server 7 Update 2. You are now prompted to enter the administrative password.


Path to file that contains the Calendar Server 6 administrative password.

Required unless information is provided in clifile.