Assigning Tablespaces

Using the Designer navigator in Oracle Studio, you can assign default tablespaces for the data warehouse tables, such as the W_%_D and W_%_F tables, their associated indexes, and the staging tables, such as the W_%_DS and W_%_FS tables. Indexes are not created by this utility but are created during the ETL process and will reflect the tablespace assigned in ODI.

To assign tablespaces to data warehouse tables:
  1. Launch ODI Studio, and display the Designer navigator.
  2. In the Models editor, expand Oracle BI Applications model.
  3. Edit the Oracle BI Applications model and assign the OBI Tablespace flexfields with the tablespace values to be used for these objects.

    All data warehouse tables and indexes will use the tablespaces defined here.

  4. (Optional) Individual tables can be overridden to use a different tablespace from those assigned at the model level.

    Edit the particular data store and assign the OBI Tablespace flexfield with the tablespace to be used for this table.

  5. (Optional) To assign the tablespace for individual indexes, edit the constraint and assign the OBI Tablespace flexfield value to match the tablespace name to be used.